Fam Jenny

Jennyfam | Joined since 2013-11-19

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2016-01-05 21:53 | Report Abuse

For the 8th plague Jehovah gave thunders and hails and fire to run down to the earth and Jehovah kept making it rain down hail upon the land of Egypt and was very heavy.It struck everything that was in the field,from men to beast,and all sorts of vegetation of the land and shattered all sorts of trees of the field.Only in the land of Goshen where the sons of Isreal were there was no hail.Again Pharoah sent for Moses and Aaron to entreat Jehovah and confessed he had sinned against the righteous God when the thunders and hail stopped,Pharoah's heart became obstinate and refused let them go.
Then the 9th plague Jehovah caused the locusts to occured and ate all the vegetations and everything that the hail had left over.Again Moses on the pleading of Pharoah make entreaty to Jehovah who used west wind to carry the locusts away and drove them to the Red Sea.
To be continued and stay tuned


2016-01-05 17:40 | Report Abuse

Hopefully it can surge further.

News & Blogs

2016-01-05 17:27 | Report Abuse

What are the factors that cause the daily drastic movements in leading markets such as dowjones,china markets and others where many lose their money within one night,stripping investors' life saving,some incurring huge debts.
These could be due to over exaggeration of some economic reports in the papers for the purpose of causing huge swing in the indexes for mere speculation by some people involving in index markets.
I believe a ban on playing index markets can stabilise the world markets so as the daily swing will be minimised to a more acceptable level instead of spending billions of dollars to prop the falling markets and letting the manipulators rob the investors' wealth.

News & Blogs

2016-01-05 13:18 | Report Abuse

The China market is totally unpredictable,yesterday it had to be halted by the auto circuit when the index dropped 7%,stopped trading totally.
Today Shanghai index can move up and Shenzhen index only drops slightly
even there is no changes in economic data.Are the indexes being highly speculated like gambling.If it is,it is high time to ban the index market totally bcos it is easily manipulated with no accountability.


2016-01-05 12:48 | Report Abuse

There are six big groups that own 91%,could it be one group but in 6 names.They are going to grab the 9% cheap by flattening the price.

News & Blogs

2016-01-04 23:08 | Report Abuse

Correction:...Pharoah got to know that relief had taken,....
....Moses to get Aaron to use the rod to strike the earth..

News & Blogs

2016-01-04 22:50 | Report Abuse

So when the frogs began to die off and when they went piling upon heaps upon heaps,the land began to stink.But Pharoah got to to that relief had taken,his heart hardened again and refused to free the Isrealites.
Then Jehovah asked Moses to get Aaron to the rod to strike the earth and gnats came onto man and beasts in all the land.The magicians who tried their secrets but couldn't produce any gnats and said to Pharoah,'This is the finger of God'.
But Pharoah still refused to give in and Jehovah sent the gadfly to all the Egyptian households only,which was the 5th plague.This time Pharoah again broke his promise.
For the 6th plague Jehovah caused all the Egyptian livistocks to die but spare the livistocks of the Isreslites.
The next pestilence and under the instruction of Jehovah,Moses and Aaron took the soots from the kiln and in front of Pharoah tossed it towards the heavens.Then boils and blisters broke out upon Egyptian men and animals.But Jehovah let Pharoah's heart be obstinate and did not listen to them as Jehovah had stated.
To be continued,stay tuned gor the last 3 plagues.


2016-01-04 18:18 | Report Abuse

Chinese people are the biggest panic investors or gamblers for nothing its market drops 7% then trigger the halt circuit,get trading suspended.The drastic share movement is worst than Hong Kong,real crazy market.
Don't know is the works of big timers or brokers firms.

News & Blogs

2016-01-04 17:36 | Report Abuse

Whenever I try to look through the front screen of my car at the scorching sun,my eyes are blurred by its brightness and get very irritated.
Since Jehovah God created the suns and stars we could virtualise how tremenduos great is his power.Hence it is true and reasonable we are too fragile and will die if we see Him personally.


2016-01-04 15:43 | Report Abuse

All clean power companies up 15 to 30% in Usa mafkets but this beggar co comes down.

News & Blogs

2016-01-04 12:11 | Report Abuse

Jehovah's glory is so great that you may die when you see him face to
face.Exodus 33:20,'You are not able to see my face,because no man may see me and yet live.'

News & Blogs

2016-01-04 12:02 | Report Abuse

Jehovah's glory was too powerful and had put him in a hole covered by his palm when his glory passed by.Exodus 33:21-23.

News & Blogs

2016-01-04 11:19 | Report Abuse

Correction:.....spirit and truth without images.

News & Blogs

2016-01-04 11:13 | Report Abuse

DreamMaster,that is true.
Human has an inborne inclination for spiritual needs for mental satisfaction.So many worhip their gods without bothering whether they are true or not.A lot of them worship their gods bcos they are handed down by their parents or are incorporated in their festivals which consist of idol worship.
Jehovah God having a spirit body with tremenduous power doesn't approve such kind of worship and doesn't want to have any link in this worship bcos their gods are made up of clay,stone,metals or wood.So their worship is in vain/valueless/useless.
Once Moses wanted to see God but God told him he couldn't but saw only his back far away when his glory passed by.
So Jehovah God wants people worship Him in spirit and truth eithout any images.

News & Blogs

2016-01-04 00:16 | Report Abuse

By relating more of Moses's encounters with Pharoah you can assess God power,stay tune for more tommorrow.

News & Blogs

2016-01-03 15:17 | Report Abuse

Golddigger,billions of people worship God all in their own ways so are they crazy? Or are you crazy being the one against the norm.
The issue here is whether they worship the true God or not.

News & Blogs

2016-01-03 13:50 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua, the bible is accurate about the conditions of the dead even though humans try to twist it round by saying otherwise.
Obedience to Almighty God is joyful and not burdensome bcos our God bases his instructions revolve around the principle of love for us and not for his own glory or advantage as He needs nothing from us.Besides us he has all the angels to serve and glorify Him.
I prefer his guidance bcos I will make the least mistakes in life and not encountering much problems and have meaningful life.I am not contented with 80 years but love everlasting life and won't want to forego it as the prospects of qualification are marked by Jehovah and not by ourselves like an examination is endorsed by teachers and not ourselves.
You are a free moral agent and can choose your own pathway of your life style but risk your prospect of goal of everlasting life.
John17:3 says only those that take in the knowledge of True God will have everlasting life and scriptures ask us to obey Him and give him all the devotion due to Him.Give to caesar what is caesar's an give to God what is God's.
In conclusion,I will obey God rather than man who doesn't know how to direct his own ways.

News & Blogs

2016-01-03 09:29 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,those are dead are not conscious of anything during the period when they are dead.When Lazarus was resurrected he came to live and was alive he gained his memory was conscious and not when he was dead.
Saul consulted a medium who represented a evil spirit and not Samuel who was dead and was unconscious.He committed a great sin in false worship and his kingship was taken away and replaced by David.
I believe a soceity can only be orderly only if the laws are adhered and obeyed and if each goes his own ways,it will fall apart like today's soceities,very disunited at wars with each other and worst immoral like homosexuality and lesbianism which are condemned by Jehovah as against the natural use.
Jehovah God being the creator deserves our complete devotion and respect and only He can direct our path correctly.
Ayamtua if there is no God I won't be bothered with any laws and ruling bcos they are formulated by humans who are only equal to me and I won't allow them to dictate my life for their benefits only as humans are borne selfish.

News & Blogs

2016-01-03 08:10 | Report Abuse

Correction:...evil and lustful thoughts.
....very humanly.....

News & Blogs

2016-01-03 08:04 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,come straight to the point,I believe in the creator and owner of the Universe,his name is Jehovah which appears More than 7000 times in the original bible written in Hebrew and Greek by 40 writers in different eras over a period of 2000 years.From the 1st book,Genesis to the last book,Revelation it supports Jehovah's rulership,his plans of reformation for imperfect mankind to have a chance to live forever on a paradise earth through the ransom sacrifice of his son,Jesus christ.
Since He is the True Living God,it is only logical that He must have his own worldwide organisation to disseminate his thoughts and plans to his righteous subjects thoughout the earth.
Mankind has existed 6000 years according to bible calculation and so far none is resurrected to everlasting yet except his Jesus Christ who was from heaven originally,who take up a perfect body to die for the sin of Adam.
According to the bible prediction,first there will be destruction of the wicked i.e God's judgement day.
Then followed by 1000 years for these righteous,obedient survivors to reform in God's virtues and reach perfection without evil and lust thoughts.During this 1000 years period there will be a ressurection of the both the rightous and unrighteous ones.The bible says the righteous ones are the worshippers of God and will be resurrected first and the unrighteous ones who do not know God at all will only be resurrected towards the end of 1000years.
Ayamtua,that's why not one dead has come back to tell you what happens when they die because the bible says the dead are unconscious and knows of nothing.Jesus Christ was the only one who was dead for 3 days and came to live and he taught us that death was in sleeping condition,not alert of anything.
I beleive the contents of the bible because it has coherence, accuracy,reasonings,very human and logic without distortion but consistency,and not like other books which are legends only because they lack the aforementioned qualities.
I took more than 40 years to understand fully its contents and you cannot understand within one or two months because some contents are very deep and prophetic and need some coaching to grasp its full meaning.

News & Blogs

2016-01-02 13:44 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,revelation 7:4,144,000 are sealed which means they will be joint heirs with Jesus Christ to rule over mankind.The paradise earth will be occupied by millions,millions of meek ones who will have everlasting life on earth .The 144,000 ones will be in heaven as rulers with Jesus Christ for 1000 years.After that the rulership will be returned to Jehovah God.
Many meek ones will stay on earth and it is numberless,maybe you are the one,who knows?

News & Blogs

2016-01-02 12:46 | Report Abuse

Today I am busy cooking abc soup with toufu and tempet(fried) without any meat for a cancer patient.So no time to relate the performance of plagues yet.

News & Blogs

2016-01-02 07:03 | Report Abuse

Correction:....I won't be wasting my time here,

News & Blogs

2016-01-02 06:59 | Report Abuse

Nothing is impossible with the true God if not I won't wasting my time here.Jehovah is the creator and greatest scientist but with prefect attributes and virtues and we are created in his image.

News & Blogs

2016-01-01 23:04 | Report Abuse

Now Moses and his brother,Aaron went to meet Pharoah again to perform the 1st sign by turning his rod into a big snake but Pharoah's magicians could also turned their rods to big snakes but Moses's rod swallowed all their rods,yet Pharoah didn't listen to them.
Jehovah knew Pharoah's heart was obstitate and told Moses to use the rod to strike water in the River Nile and turned it into blood,subsequently all the waters in the pools,canals,etc were turned into blood.But the magicians could also perform the same but couldn't change back into water.All their fishes died and Nile River began to stink.The Egyptians went round Nile River for water and it lasted for seven days.
Then the third plague Jehovah sent was frogs all over land of Egypt and the magicians also could create but cannot remove them.
So Pharoah asked Moses to entreat Jehovah that He might remove the frogs from them.Moses told Pharoah that by the next day the frogs would be only in Nile River and he would know there was no one like Jehovah their God.
To be continued

News & Blogs

2016-01-01 19:05 | Report Abuse

After hearing the stories of Moses I am assure you all will be happy to know that God does care for the afflicted and oppressed ones.So stay tune for the next episode.


2016-01-01 18:26 | Report Abuse

This type of clean gas will be most welcome in paradise earth and will not pollute the atmosphere.Then the climate will be cool,cosy and comfortable and enjoyable.

News & Blogs

2016-01-01 09:25 | Report Abuse

Correction:..bcos you dont own the website...

News & Blogs

2016-01-01 09:23 | Report Abuse

Chen Di and Coldrisks,you can jooly ignore my postings but no rights to order me what to do bcos you don't website and many need to know about salvation before the end of wicked system.

News & Blogs

2016-01-01 07:22 | Report Abuse

Sorry,yesterday I couldn't locate the page to continue with the records of Moses.
When Moses met Pharoah the first time and pleaded with him to release the Isrealites for three days to celebrate a festival for their God,Jehovah in the wilderness.Pharoah of Egypt replied,'Who is Jehovah,so that I should obey his voice to send Isreal away'.Then Moses warned Pharoah that Jehovah would send pestilences if he refused to obey Him.
Later Pharoah ordered that they should find their own straws to make bricks and made their works more difficult and their lives more unbearable and tough as slaves.
They complained to Moses who was desperate upon hearing their sufferings and turned to Jehovah and said"Jehovah,why have you caused evil to this people?Why is it that you have sent me......he had done evil to this people and you have by no means deliver your people".
Jehovah said to Moses,"I used to appear to Abraham,Isaac.....as Almighty God but as respects my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them........I also established a covenant with to give them the land of Canaan.....(Exodus5:1-3,6:2-5).
Jehovah later demonstrated ten signs to Pharoah to get him release Isrealites from Egypt.
To be continued and stay tune for more later,bye!


2015-12-31 22:16 | Report Abuse

A lot of untimely deaths even in our country,this afternoon a tree trunk just fell on the front of the moving lorry which just passed by.This nick of time precisely got the tree hit both the attendant and lorry driver and killed both of them instantly.
Hence our life is really unpredictable and uncertain but if we are in God's memory we can be sure of resurrection if we continue to obey God's instructions.
Then another actress passed away at the young age of 30 years,how sad it is.
But to those believers whose beloved ones passed away are consoled and comforted by their God in Isaiah 41:13'For I,Jehovah your God,am grasping your right hand,and the One saying to you,'Do not be afraid I myself will help you'.


2015-12-31 10:10 | Report Abuse

China is in full gear to use cbm gas with their new founded technology in tapping the clean gas which is expected to remove pollution of 8million cars from their polluted cities.

News & Blogs

2015-12-31 09:55 | Report Abuse

By strong faith in Jehovah God,meek Moses would carry out God's mission to liberate the Isrealites from slavery in Egypt to their promised land.


2015-12-30 23:05 | Report Abuse

But at least it didn't go back to 4.5c and it is 5.5c now.

News & Blogs

2015-12-30 23:02 | Report Abuse

Correction:.....Jehovah God answered their prayers by asking Moses....

News & Blogs

2015-12-30 22:58 | Report Abuse

Nowadays there are so many refugees wanting to enter any European lands to escape bad political and dying economical systems in their homeland.Before this they had a stable government but the majority chose demonstration,fighting and boycotting, economic destruction and,etc now when strong ones ignored laws and order like them earlier,now they are the victims,crying bewailing and moaning running from their torn homes and become homeless.This reminded me of Moses' time where the Isrealites were made slaves and oppressed by the Egyptians but they pray to God for help and finally Jehovah God answered their by asking Moses to lead yhem out to the promised land.
This is really inspiring and awesom as we follow the events recorded in Exodus.
To be continued tommorrow,pls stay tune for more exciting stories....

News & Blogs

2015-12-30 22:53 | Report Abuse

Nowadays there are so many refugees wanting to enter any European lands to escape bad political and dying economical systems in their homeland.Before this they had a stable government but the majority chose demonstration,fighting and boycotting, economic destruction and,etc now when strong ones ignored laws and order like them earlier,now they are the victims,crying bewailing and moaning running from their torn homes and become homeless.This reminded me of Moses' time where the Isrealites were made slaves and oppressed by the Egyptians but they pray to God for help and finally Jehovah God answered their by asking Moses to lead yhem out to the promised land.
This is really inspiring and awesom as we follow the events recorded in Exodus.
To be continued tommorrow,pls stay tune for more exciting stories....


2015-12-30 21:12 | Report Abuse

If it has more and more values as we continue to hold longterm bcos high production then the price will move upwards.So it won't be pump and dump or hit and run.


2015-12-30 20:31 | Report Abuse

Buy glotec bcos we believe it has potential and its cleanliness is good for the enviroment and earth.


2015-12-30 20:26 | Report Abuse

Correction:......pump and dump.


2015-12-30 20:23 | Report Abuse

God is more concerned with your spirituality than your riches or winning in shares.HE is the creator and owner of Universe and so why is he bothered with share market bcos the gain of one rich group
is the loss of the other group who are the ignorant and naive if the shares is hit and run or pump and dumb.
If such situation can arise pls don't drag God's name into your investment as it is not fair to our beloved God.The bible warns us not to use God's name in vain.


2015-12-30 17:16 | Report Abuse

It is useless to pray for shares to move up bcos God will not involve in share market.
You all better beg the big shareholders to cut supply by buying more with greater speed,then it will surely move up,leh.

News & Blogs

2015-12-30 12:55 | Report Abuse

Jester,you can go to the website:Jw.Library or jw.org look for video then relief activities and watch the videos about Haiyan typhoon in Philipines and other flooding in other parts of the world.It showed the typhoon had lifted up foundation of the building and it was moved 15m.These are all true stories related by our Jw.Org .

News & Blogs

2015-12-30 09:27 | Report Abuse

Many will oppose the truth bcos God's standard is high,righteous and just.Adam and Eve just disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruits but going against God's will was still a sin and they were prefect.
So the bible says if you are unfaithful in small thing you are also will be unfaithful in big thing.Hence proper understanding of God's laws are important to remain faithful to God.
The bible mentioned a couple sold his land with the intention to help the congregation which was giving donation to the poor.They told everyone that they gave all the proceeds from the sale to the congregation but actually they gave a portion only the balance they kept for themselves.So Peter asked them three times whether it was true that they gave all,they answered,'Yes'.After the third answer they expired/died instantly,Peter said they sinned against God because they lied and said they didn't need to sell their land if they were not willing to give and didn't need to die.
The lesson here is obedience to God's law is more important than sacrifice.So don't lie about good works just to magnify yourself bcos God knows your inner self and cannot escape his detection of the real self.

News & Blogs

2015-12-29 20:06 | Report Abuse

Continue:...So let us let God make the decision as he is the one who knows the interior heart conditions of everyone.Even I constantly check on myself to obey God's instruction.

News & Blogs

2015-12-29 19:54 | Report Abuse

Who are the ones that are qualified to stay in paradise is up to wise Almighty God to decide as he set the standards for righteousness.So let us let

News & Blogs

2015-12-29 19:17 | Report Abuse

The bible was written very honest people without ulterior motives n anyone changed its contents would commit an unforgivable sin.


2015-12-29 17:15 | Report Abuse

God will not be bothered with Glotec bcos He will not be involved in share markets.You better ask the major shareholders to buy back more by cutting the supply.Recently someone is queing up to sell more at 5.5c.

News & Blogs

2015-12-29 16:55 | Report Abuse

Correction: If it is God's will....
.....it makes no difference to Him to die in the disasters
now or at his judgement day.

News & Blogs

2015-12-29 16:50 | Report Abuse

Jesus could control the storm as recorded in the bible.
Nowadays there are many untimely deaths be it in accidents or natural disasters,so our very lives are very fragile.
If it God's will that they are qualified to stay in the paradise earth surely God will resurrect them even they are dead.But for those that are not in God's memory it makes no difference to Him to in the disasters now or at his judgement day.
During the last tsunami in Penang there was a baby who was sleeping on a mattress miraculously survived even he was swept away by the 1st wave but the 2nd wave him bought him back to his home.
Also in Philippines when the super typhoon,Haiyan struck,all 44 Christians brothers and sisters who took refuge in the kingdom hall survived despite its windows,roofs were destroyed,foundation being lifted up and building being pushed 15 metres away.So were many other brothers and sisters in other parts of Philippines survived too.
So miracles do happen in critical times during disasters but it all depends on whether God wants to perform it or not during that time.
All books written by the authors are inspired by God and are recorded for us to understand God's purpose for mankind and to do his will so that we are reformed to stay in the paradise earth.