
1288KSH | Joined since 2014-04-02

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2015-04-20 10:22 | Report Abuse

Tak pasti gadoh gadoh sudah tamat,..........Bila buy-back started,.....The goreng pun started,....


2015-04-13 15:21 | Report Abuse

Guess opportunity is coming. Believe, CN & HK market sentiment will help this counter. Myself target is at least 12 sen,....Just my opinion,.......


2015-04-13 15:14 | Report Abuse

Hope it will persist the brighter future,......Hope to see a wolf that can fight regardless its color,.....(white or black)


2015-04-10 13:46 | Report Abuse

WA came to a dead,.......WB will rise couple with mother momentum?


2015-04-06 16:03 | Report Abuse

Thanking if can get 0.07sen. However, 0.075 is also not bad,.......Hope is still there. Contra kaki may see/feel this counter is SHIT,.......


2015-04-06 11:00 | Report Abuse

Scare,....becos JADI will be Pn17? Then, the fear is reasonale and justifiable!

Otherwise, many many poeple sell at low price with bonus share/s obtained,......What's the implication?

Manay many poeple sell at "high" price that's most scary,..........Mr Goh could be selling at
0.075 sen,....chance is there but if he goreng from 0.075 sen. Less costly lah fren,.......


2015-04-06 10:48 | Report Abuse

threw to 0.075,...Almost finish,.......new Q of 0.075sen came again,....Those throw, other side collect. Mr Goh still holding ~8%, if "beliau" buy back, he will earn the difference. Becos he started threw at 12 sen. Hope wrongly mentioned,....Hehehhehehehehe

That's why CGY sembilan puluh satu huray! Dia orang Mr Goh?


2015-04-06 09:17 | Report Abuse

Don't run,......After, the storm,.........Good day will come. Those caught in fear/worry will sell today or 2 to 3 days to come,....


2015-04-03 10:46 | Report Abuse

D&O (Dominant & Omega) pun boleh 23sen,.....Mengapa JADI tak boleh! JADI lebih gagah kalau dibanding dengan D&O. Mungkin ada gadoh-gadoh dalaman.

Tapi, JADI akan jadi dalam masa singkat,.......SATU BULAN! SATU JADI!


2015-04-03 10:36 | Report Abuse

Mr Goh still keep 8.7% od JADI shares. Why not he disposed all? He was bot expensive JADI previously,......Kalau tak rugi, pun mesti tak untung. Mengapa?

Why he disposed,.....Tak ada syok sama JADI management. Tapi setahu saya, Mr Goh punya orang sudah masuk JADI punya management,......Stay tuned for more news,....


2015-04-01 10:59 | Report Abuse

I changed my mind after 9.00am this morning,.....Now, I think 7.5 sen is an attaractive price to enter.

Suggest to hold for for 3 - 4 weeks,...MEGA may buy back,......Hope they have reached an agreement with the JADI management,........


2015-04-01 08:59 | Report Abuse

Why hoping JADI to jadi? Not really understand,........


2015-03-30 15:34 | Report Abuse

JADI atau tak JADI pun susah lo,........Masih ada chance? Barangkali to HOLLAND?


2015-03-27 12:48 | Report Abuse

Something wrong as mentioned,.....Very vague,............


2015-03-24 11:14 | Report Abuse

Something wrong with this counter,......Suggest to leave.

Gajah perang sama Gajah,.......Semut yang kena malapetaka,.........Something sudah tak betul,.....LARI!


2015-03-05 09:03 | Report Abuse

Testing ours patience!


2015-03-05 08:58 | Report Abuse

Who sold to who? Du no,........

2 outcome,.....Share price will be goreng soon OR share price will be on the down side!

50/50 chance,.......Susah mahu beli macam ini,.......


2015-03-03 13:58 | Report Abuse

The cheapest ICT and newly added home appliance business company,.......

Think to buy, but still scare to go in,..........quarterly result tak molek,.........


2015-02-27 17:02 | Report Abuse

Yes,.....From 9 sen to 11 sen,.......3 cts increased. Now, 11cts to 13cts = 2 cts difference.

Just wait one by one to tackle and achieve your dream,.....Hope ours dream is not far away!


2015-02-21 07:40 | Report Abuse

Please continue to dream,.....From dream and become reality will be in near soon,......


2015-02-17 14:31 | Report Abuse

When more and more positive voices raised.Meaning that, the wolf is blessed,.....Power will be added to it,.......Hope to see it recketing in near soon,....HARAP DEMI HARAP SUPAYA IA MENJADI BAGUS!


2015-02-17 13:01 | Report Abuse

Kita cari duit, syndicate juga cari duit. Kita cari peluang, syndicate juga cari peluang,....

Saya mungkin silap,....Tetapi, ini kali lah! Betul betul punya,.......Tak ada "cobaan" lagi


2015-02-17 10:39 | Report Abuse

Nampak, mereka macam mahu buat "project" ini,........


2015-02-17 10:38 | Report Abuse

Kalau syndicate goreng dari 9sen,........Wa Lau,......banyak untung lo mereka,.......


2015-02-17 10:07 | Report Abuse

Yes,....ada chance,......


2015-02-17 10:02 | Report Abuse

PN17 is coming?????????????


2015-02-05 13:51 | Report Abuse

Macam ada momentum,.......Tetapi salalu tak jadi. Takut, takut sat lagi kena perangkap.


2015-02-04 12:10 | Report Abuse

Just wonder, why Kgroup has no effect due from GST counter move? It is an ICT co and selling software and computer/network equipment,......

Hairan lah Kgroup/DVM ini,......Can buy? Any idea????


2015-02-04 11:44 | Report Abuse

Happy "Li Choon" for those celebrating CNY,...

Let's put our hand together, pray and hope XDL to be "boom boom boom" and up, up and away this year. I have very high confidence & gut feel,.....It will be fly high this year.

Believe, all put forward the "valuable" comments above do have own XDL,.......Ini serigala mesti baik punya on this year,......Let's see big big big to come.


2015-02-02 11:55 | Report Abuse

Report real not real? I have no comment. But, believe and wild guess, ther are easily > double digit of company reports are not real over the globe markets. In fact, where got real one in this world,..........Cheating demi cheating,....If real,.....you and me will make $$$$$$$$$$ (in tonne) liow,......

For XDL,......Regardless it is a "Black wolf" or "White wolf",......can make money one is a "Good wolf"


2015-01-31 18:36 | Report Abuse

XDL is on the ascending pricing order. When WA says bye bye in Apr'15, momentum will be added,..........Not to against anybody above, but strongly believe it going to happen,......I have faith on it.


2015-01-26 08:52 | Report Abuse

Regret,....had sold earlier. 161/2 cts, still can buy back? Any says?


2015-01-21 11:58 | Report Abuse

Warren B used to say, people fear n dump, I go n collect.

Human being nature, everybody wants to buy,.....Limit up lah. But, at the moment people dun want,........Guess, people will change their mind set this afternoon,.....Hopefully,.......


2015-01-14 10:26 | Report Abuse

Believe, it got wings, but which wing going to use?

All condemn them kaw kaw,.......They understand. They just want (magic) to make people stay side line. When people awake,......CHASE lah,.......


2015-01-14 09:21 | Report Abuse

Yes, ada harap,.....


2015-01-12 10:20 | Report Abuse

Couldn't reached at 15cts last week,....

Believe, this week probably can be,.......... IFCA is still the Nova's mentor.


2015-01-09 09:05 | Report Abuse

Hope to see it reaches at 15ct,.....Yes, hope to see you (Nova) there.


2015-01-07 14:14 | Report Abuse

Everybody doesn't want to buy,...... Then, the boss/cyndicate how to make money?

If they want to con money, they will make somebody to buy. If nobody want to buy still,....They will make anybody to buy,...........At the end of the day, they still con money from Malaysian.

They are waiting the opportunity,.........


2015-01-07 09:01 | Report Abuse

May it 1/2 logic correct. If they want to CON more money. They must play "roller coaster".

91/2cts is very very low and attractive price,.......Of course, 5 cts even better, but will it be there.

CSL sudah mahu mampus(almost died dulu),...pun ada 8 cts,....

"Roller coaster style" is not far away for XDL.


2014-12-31 09:03 | Report Abuse

Hope 2015,......XDL will impress us.

2014 was a damn bad year for XDL,......."SUAI" sudah lalu, "ONG" mesti datang,..........


2014-12-24 10:58 | Report Abuse

Would say, if the price drop till 5cts,....People still will sell but subject to 2 conditions,....(1) Force to sell. (2) Scare & running out of confidence.

Personal opinion,.....XDL worth to take a look and then buy,.......Hehehehehehehe,.....


2014-12-24 10:20 | Report Abuse

I am do not know the answer. If possible bottom will be at 5cts,......I am agree with you. If not, sell for what scenario?

Just merely for this counter, if foreign invester retreat,......They have done it earlier,.....Please see the price drop.

If for Blue chips, the answer is yes,.......But, it could be a halt,.....Why, since RM has plummeted more 15%,.......Now retreat, would benefit their dollar value.


2014-12-22 15:28 | Report Abuse

All said so far is just merely an "assumption" and "postulation". For those who had bot just have concern/s over this counter.

Please hope for good as you had bot it. It gonna to be alright from this price level,........You hope for worse? If yes,........Please don't do that,.......


2014-12-19 11:35 | Report Abuse

Please don't chase.

I saw myself when it "avalanche" from 42cts level couple month ago. A lot "General" die becos it tended gave "fake" rebound signal. At least ten times,............All died till "tulang" pun hilang.

It was a tragedy,..........That's the reason why majority people has phobia on this counter,.....


2014-12-19 11:23 | Report Abuse

Also believe, one day people will chasing China counter stock in KLSE like a mad dog,.........Hope not offending,........


2014-12-19 11:12 | Report Abuse

People believes this stock has already oversold badly,.......Hope not over say.

Let share price movement tells the story.

As a share holder to XDL,.....I am definitely has strong believe in XDL at the moment and at this price level,...Hehehhehehe


2014-12-19 08:59 | Report Abuse

Take the share at 40cts in Feb'14. Now is 9 cts,......It has been already > 75% shed in term of pricing. The discount is very very attractive.

I bot at eleven cts and average down. The question now, how much room for share pricing can be diminished? Look at the PE ration and chances to give bonus n etc(in case). It worth to buy in.

DJI,....good as of this morning? Thanks Yellen. EU is printing money as well as Jpn,.....

Malaysia bit "Chia Lat",......However, oil is gaining back the ground,.....


2014-12-18 15:14 | Report Abuse

After WA "con-out",........in April'15.

Mother should stay at 15 cts(RM),...........Strong confident,.......Akan bersandiwara tak lama lagi,......


2014-12-18 15:00 | Report Abuse

Guess, XDL will come back in "radar" anytime from now as the price level is very very attractive. Below 10 cts,....What's the PE ratio indicating?

If you counting the 2 set of report cards, it also sound very very attractive. Reason, at this pricing level,.......It is the cyndicate's "BEST-OF-LOVE",.......

Just my opinion!