Stock beginner

CheeYeap | Joined since 2017-07-30 12:32:39

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2024-01-10 10:35 | Report Abuse

cost of sales so high, sales 100million pun boleh Loss Before Tax. WTF!?


2023-05-05 08:42 | Report Abuse

At least US banking have some sort of PIDM for small depositor. China is even risky

The reason of raising interest is to encourage consumer to spend less and force the demand become lesser. With lesser demand, business have to lower their price to get more sales.
If let market decide, business will raise price and worker will ask for higher salary and the cycle keep going until our RM become duit banana


2023-04-17 11:58 | Report Abuse

most likely will purchase with share swap. If they plan cash purchase, we wont get so big dividends this year


2023-04-08 00:09 | Report Abuse

I think that still subject to the contract.
Maybe there might be some additional clause like maximum 80% of current balance of account 2 instead of forecasting future contribution.
With your point, I am thinking of the old trick. What if that fellow apply to multiple bank at the same time


2023-04-08 00:00 | Report Abuse

i brought during IPO, am I wrong to be confident that time?
and i think you might be confuse my point. i was confident back then. I didn't said i still confident now.
I merely sharing the view why so investors might be like me who once have confident with the company but spoiled due to recent drama


2023-04-07 23:59 | Report Abuse

i brought during IPO, am I wrong to be confident that time?
and i think you might be confuse my point. i was confident back then. I didn't said i still confident now.
I merely sharing the view why so investors might be like me who once have confident with the company but spoiled due to recent drama


2023-04-07 11:23 | Report Abuse

@alanec: just to answer your question, I am confident with company prospect but angry with management recent actions.
Act of management is something common investors wont able to know until it is too late.
No one foreseen they will illegal take 20box of document
No one foreseen directors might get suspended
If I can foreseen things, i rather foreseen ToTo or 4D number and hantam everything i got


2023-04-07 11:13 | Report Abuse

@alenac: My understanding is that when someone failed to repay the loan, when they reach age of retirement. EPF will pay back the bank first before sending the remaining balance (if any) back to the account owner.

As for increase of interest rate, i think banker will anticipate and calculate based on the max profit that Islamic loan rate which is around 10% to determine how much they willing to loan out.

For an investor point of view, this is great business opportunity.
But for social standpoint, this is not a great move as it defeat the purpose of mandatory retirement fund. If age of 40 can use they fund as they like, then why age of 30, 20 cannot?


2023-04-04 19:30 | Report Abuse

nice move by EPF. left hand out, right hand in. money never leave their pocket


2023-04-04 19:29 | Report Abuse

question if really got accounts fraud, is auditors still accountable for their incompetency?

News & Blogs

2023-03-27 15:22 | Report Abuse

use one week price different to compare. very funny


2023-03-07 10:36 | Report Abuse

when the Agmo share will be credited to our CDS account?


2023-02-15 12:28 | Report Abuse

that what happen when court suspend EGM but didn't suspend them from trading. I am guessing both side will start collecting and consolidate they share to win in the next EGM after court order expired


2023-02-14 09:13 | Report Abuse

So court suspend the EGM but not major shareholders from trading?
If they were guilty they sure throw their shares like no tomorrow while company still pay them salary for the "good job" they have done.


2023-02-14 08:50 | Report Abuse

speechless, everything also can categoize as serbak 2.0


2023-02-09 23:40 | Report Abuse

buying and selling in the same day? what kind of operation is that?


2023-02-09 16:34 | Report Abuse

Every vote count. Maybe all resolution is just 2k vote to reach 50.1%? Small fish might be that 0.1% if many of us attend.
If you think 2Ng no good, vote them out. If you think Eddie no good, vote him out.
Remember, we approve or reject each resolution individually.
You can vote to keep both of them but reject property development. Just for an example, it is not a set meal that you have to accept them as a bundle.


2023-02-09 10:54 | Report Abuse

The more reason for all shareholders to cast their votes in EGM.
If none of us stand out to vote. it will remain plaything by existing management either 2Ng or Eddie or whatever conmen you think of.
Beside of voting, attend EGM give us the platform to question them directly and hold them accountable for their action/answer


2023-02-09 08:37 | Report Abuse

Therefore duo depress the share to force Eddie for margin call is unlikely to be true


2023-02-09 08:36 | Report Abuse

Income: i disagreed. If you don't trust both, vote both of the faction out. Doing nothing won't solve any problem
The reason why no faction is acquire more shares is because of below clause:
For the purpose of determining who shall be entitled to attend this meeting, the Company shall be requesting the Bursa
Malaysia Depository Sdn Bhd to make available to the Company, a Record of Depositors as at 27 January 2023. Only
a member whose name appears on this Record of Depositors shall be entitled to attend this meeting or appoint a proxy
to attend, vote and speak on his/her behalf.

News & Blogs

2023-02-08 17:02 | Report Abuse

Agreed with your view. I don't side any Ngs, but definitely no property development.
Why invest in Revenue when there is plenty of property company like Sunway, Ecoworld,Setia with such high PE.


2023-02-07 22:23 | Report Abuse

btw, please feel free to take those action as many suggested. We won't collect any fees for our advices :D


2023-02-07 22:18 | Report Abuse

1. my understanding is 2 Ng is suspended from executive duty, they still is significant shareholders and still part of BOD right? I suppose they still can raise the motion to suspend Eddie while investigation
2. As others suggested, why don't submit those material to MACC or Bursa to investigate
3. Regarding destroy evidence, those are black and white paper that needed for tax declaration, audit etc. I don't really see how he can destroy or hide those evidence.

If what you saying is true, i appreciate you guys stood up and share with us. However now I still not convinced yet

News & Blogs

2023-02-07 16:49 | Report Abuse

Why don't submit this material to MACC for action? Are we expect MACC to come to forum to collect evidence nowsaday?


2023-02-07 16:44 | Report Abuse

It will be a waste of this company just because of this kind of soap opera.


2023-02-07 16:43 | Report Abuse

based on recent insider blog, i got few questions that maybe everyone can chip in to discuss
1. Eddie was the one push for e-wallet despite majority objection in company.
Q: CEO can make decision that go against board of directors, if not why it wasn't on hold during that time
2. If case those claim was true, can't they suspect Eddie from duty? Taking 30boxes of documents without permission is the best option?
Q: Can all 3 Ngs become board of directors without holding any executive position in company? Let the pro run the show?


2023-01-31 18:16 | Report Abuse

For all Rev shareholders, please do attend or ask proxy to vote for you. Let's voice out with your vote.


2023-01-30 15:05 | Report Abuse

From news, 2Ng was "arrested" not "summoned for investigation". Is the media reported accurately?
If yes, then we might need to expect 400million write off or will it still recoverable?


2023-01-27 11:06 | Report Abuse

Time for investors to voice out in the upcoming EGM


2023-01-18 17:09 | Report Abuse

Phobe: That I agree with you. This company have serious issue with governance that need immediate attention and reform to gain trust of public. Thus far, it seem like 2 Ng is bring the whole company and all stakeholders down just because a case investigation is open against them.
Action that they made thus far seem retaliation board members and indirectly affect public investors. I wish Bursa will open a case against 2 Ng as well.

Perhaps we need to push for no dual role of board members cannot hold executive role to prevent such incident from happening again.

Btw, i not side on Eddie nor claim 2Ng guilty of the complaint against them. What i think they have done wrong is their overreaction against a standard procedure to investigate and verify the complaint against them.


2023-01-18 15:38 | Report Abuse

Car ownership matter little to me as it was not brought with company money and it won't have significant impact if the car transfer to company.
if I am the one in charge, i will relinquished company right over that car. Not worth to fight over a Toyota car.


2023-01-18 14:35 | Report Abuse

Phobe. get the fact right.
The car was lucky draw prize from CIMB bank campaign, not brought using company money.

From my view, I don't see a point to argue over a car. It just few penny compare to company business size.
As for thermal paper, let wait for the independent investigation result.

However based on their recent action:
1. disrespect the board decision
2. took documents that might obstruct investigation of their case
3. disrespect AGM outcome just because board of directors decided to investigate and suspend them from duty
4. purposefully press down company share price

That really make me question about their professionalism and are they still fits to leading the company going forward.
They have create a bad example where they can fire board of directors simply because their decision is not align with them and they can endlessly conduct EGM when the vote is not in their favor.


2023-01-12 14:50 | Report Abuse

red: it is hard to find someone to exchange idea nowadays.
yes i fully understand you were refer to cash value, i was trying to express that although the value of cash get diminish during transaction but merchant already include that as part of their costs. :)

As for company, aside of EDC. they are working on local transaction system that not required to route thru Visa/Master network. If that system is up and running i think the revenue it generate might surpass EDC segement.

However, that just my take on this company.
With recent drama going on. chances of turning green on share price is very slim. Especially 2 major shareholder keep unloading their share and another has to forced sell due to margin call.
With this trend going on, there might be the case 3Ng might no longer to major shareholder in the near future


2023-01-12 10:38 | Report Abuse

red: yes, cash always been better deal for merchant but not for consumer/customer
the reason is being merchant usually already include those transaction fee, regardless are you paying with cash,ewallet or credit card.
I will swipe credit card most of the time, i earn cashback and some perks from bank, revenue earn commission. As if only use cash, I get nothing in return


2023-01-06 16:14 | Report Abuse

I make big proportion of it? I asked to wait for announcement instead of speculation. LOL
Please be remind this is public listed company, even directors/major shareholders have to follow rules of the company.
As a separate law entity, company have the right to deny anyone from entry to protect all shareholders, not just major shareholders. Directors is no exception
--- end of conversation ---


2023-01-06 15:53 | Report Abuse

First of all, defamation is civil case, and only those who affected have the right to sue.
Second, as long as you are utilizing company resources (paid working hours, computers) company is owning those IPs. Most company clearly stated that in their EUA(end user agreement).

If you got read the annual report of any company, directors is not suppose to touch on daily operation, that the role of executives.
CTO do receive salary for his work thus all IPs, draft is belong to company.
Lastly if those were personal document, then why need six person to come in and cannot wait for company to verify those items? Please take note that they were just suspended during investigation, not fired.


2023-01-06 15:31 | Report Abuse

All asset is belong to company including intellectual properties, CTO or any staff in the company.
Please be reminded this is public listed company not Ng family company (at least not anymore after IPO).
Force entry and take any documents from the company is totally not acceptable.
Let wait for further announcement instead of blow water without fact as this might be act of defamation.


2023-01-05 16:32 | Report Abuse

I have a feeling share price will keep low as 2 dissatisfied might dump their share.


2022-10-17 21:35 | Report Abuse

1. with warrant B, warrant A holder is being diluted
2. private placement always will diluted existing shareholders, with or without warrant
3. the best reward is dividend with reinvestment plan


2022-10-17 12:33 | Report Abuse

James, that is something you have to decide on your own.
Profit or loss have nothing to do with us (unless someone collecting tuition fees or want to goreng)
Therefore trust nobody but yourself :)


2022-10-16 22:57 | Report Abuse

Assume current price is RM1 and your holding 1000 unit
after bonus 6 for 1:
1. your unit = 1000+ (1000/6 ) = 1000+ 16 = 1016
2. expected adjust share price = 1000/1016 * 1 = 0.98
3. your invested capital = 0.98 * 1016 = 995


2022-10-13 17:31 | Report Abuse

To the Moon, yes you got the point.
With overall negative market sentiments, there is still plenty of room for MyEG to drop.
I will continue to hold my horse for cheaper bargain. :)


2022-10-13 09:35 | Report Abuse

with US fed rate keep on raising, there is no way for technology stock to "going to the moon" as why take the risk when you can earn similar yield in FD?


2022-10-04 22:11 | Report Abuse

Maybank is less likely to went bankruptcy like Lehman. What i concern is the NPL will keep on increasing due to possible world wide economic recession or stagnation


2022-10-04 12:35 | Report Abuse

raising interest might increase bank profit and yet the risk of default is raising too. If many business is out of business, bank balance sheet might affected as well. Take Serba and Evergrand for example.
Merely stating the risk, not proposing buy or sell


2022-09-19 17:40 | Report Abuse

With cash recouped, I wonder how long will reach RM4.50


2022-09-13 19:42 | Report Abuse

anyone can share or explain current legal status with Inland Revenue?
Based on my understanding, high court already ruled that Tenaga is entitled to claim reinvestment scheme. However in one the announcement mentioned out of court settlement.


2022-08-02 19:01 | Report Abuse

"I have experiment putting some like rm5k or rm3k on some dying company end up really gone" if so good and so firm why only put 3k-5k?
if you want to trade shorter with TA it is your business, go find your tauke whatapps group haolian.
here mostly is long term investors who prefer diam diam make money and offer much insight info instead of baseless Target price


2022-07-19 17:31 | Report Abuse

agreed. the only issue TNB have at the moment is they have to pay in advance either by cash or apply new loan while waiting gov to process and reimburse them.
therefore there is a cash flow risk and lower profit margin due to additional loan interest(if any)


2022-07-19 09:29 | Report Abuse

If, gov decided TNB to absorb the loss. What do you think foreign investor will treat all Malaysia stock?
gov subsidy is based on cost of fuel, maintain consistent P&L is R&R for management.
If you not good, just diam diam watch and learn.