Daniel Goh

571518846 | Joined since 2013-07-24

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2017-12-12 09:00 | Report Abuse

Damn that’s sounds very close... wonder it affects delivery tak


2017-08-10 15:38 | Report Abuse

ha...haha....hahaha...hahahahahahahah.... :( adoi... apa la cannot sustain oh well... #tunggulagila


2017-08-08 15:12 | Report Abuse

eh....what's happening la today... i mean I'm happy that its moving up...but...with everyone else dropping.....hmmm...hati like tak sedap... oh well.... JIA YOU..... LOL


2017-07-06 09:46 | Report Abuse

haih..... :( so sensitive to oil price drop.....


2017-07-05 17:10 | Report Abuse

unchanged.... not bad la....not bad at all


2017-07-04 14:09 | Report Abuse

sad to see that Hibiscus can't rally/spike/rebound well like other stocks like IFCAMSC today, or sustain like DNEX...... sads


2017-07-03 16:11 | Report Abuse

GM68 brent price break 49 USD.. every 1 USD increase is a 1 milion ringgit additional profite for Hibiscus per QR, only from Anasuria field.. this is a fact..

hard to say that's a 100% fact but that was what the Hibiscus MD said during the last AGM during the Q&A session, which I'm guessing you've attended as well. Was it on profit or revenue?... well I can't remember myself since it was December 2016.... *sudah tua*

I'm not implying that you're wrong, just perhaps not 100% correct

But we see how the next quarter is gonna be.... fingers crossed


2017-05-18 17:13 | Report Abuse

satha444...your lost is 1k at the moment, if you can hold...hold... but i can tell you it's gonna be a loooooonnnngggggggggg as journey with this stock if you decide to hold. like me... I'm in since 2014... massive entry at .13....been averaging down to .85 as of today....2017...still waiting...

hoooolllldddiiiinnggg pooowah.... either that or i bodoh.. lol... anyways... your call... but 1k lost is manageable.


2017-05-11 16:50 | Report Abuse

buy only at .045 cents for now... that's the lowest-ish point so far... then wait for it to rise to 6-8cents....



2017-05-09 15:39 | Report Abuse

goInvest... keep la till 2018 like that.... lol... that's my plan at least =P


2017-04-28 16:49 | Report Abuse

Kien Fu..... share price very hard to say... fundamental super kuat also doesnt mean its a sure shot it's gonna rocket for the sky. Look at Myeg... 99% increase in net profit... after split..... share go up and down 1.49-1.60 for like 2-3 months... then slowly and quietly jump to RM 1.90....and now RM 2..... Takes time and the perception towards the share... there's no absolute formula...

Trade safely and responsibly, don't chase the share too much....if cannot, there will always be another share another time.... better than rush in and kena burn.


2017-04-28 08:53 | Report Abuse


CEO mentioned at the AGM last Dec... that 1 Dollar change in the oil price translate to about RM 1M change in revenue.


2017-04-13 17:21 | Report Abuse

GM68... I'm holding since Nov 15....lol... sold and topped up recently.... still in a unfavourable position but oh well... wanna invest mid-long term... cannot see price everyday loo....

but Oil has been back to the 55USD pb range, which is good...

let's see there's the same stunt as last Friday where it spiked XD


2017-04-13 16:22 | Report Abuse

GM68's definition of running and high....
is like he's on weed


2017-04-13 09:23 | Report Abuse

dnex riding high like how hibi did in jan.... It's their show now, it'll be awhile before the turn circles back to hibi... even if it's flat-ish throughout the year, lets hope for dividend this year end...for those mid to long term holders.


2017-04-12 15:11 | Report Abuse

JN88... back from the future ka?.... impossible for brent to reach USD 60 by this Friday.... Unless there's a war or some big oilrig goes down.

but but.... of course we all hope for that...as in USD 60 oil... not the war though XD


2017-04-11 10:12 | Report Abuse

but why is DNEX bulling so well compared to Hibiscus although Hibiscus' fundamentals is in tact?.... market main?

Oil has been dancing with 56USD pb since Jan-Feb and max also Hibiscus touch was 56c if i'm not mistaken, that also was a daily struggle looking at it.oh well... tunggu lorrrrrrrr


2017-01-03 11:50 | Report Abuse

CB AyamTua.... go back to Glotec la.... lol.... tuju tuju tuju....hahahaha


2016-11-25 13:47 | Report Abuse

AGM - nothing you can't read from the download powerpoint from NGY.... mostly divestment talks....pretty much it,


2016-11-18 13:54 | Report Abuse

Stocksid...3years....damnnnn..... I started back in mid 2014...are you a regular attendee of the AGM?


2016-11-15 10:05 | Report Abuse

I'm going.... just remember to go early for parking... unlike one shareholder last year demanding Glotec to pay the summon if he kena summon coz Glotec don't provide parking, not enough parking outside... it's his right... bla bla bla bla bla.....what a douche.... He then later brought his entire family in for the lunch which is provided.... Civil af. =.=


2016-03-11 14:50 | Report Abuse

steady la.. .you're not the only one.... I stopped collecting d.... Managed to average down significantly though..... holding power ahhhhhh


2016-03-08 21:42 | Report Abuse

the hydro electric damn project


2016-03-08 19:43 | Report Abuse

Leobaby... i heard that one sudah jual.... from d last AGM.... they're also looking to sell a plot of land they have in Sabah (plantation) but dunno that sudah jadi tak... no announcemnet on bursa on that


2016-03-08 00:15 | Report Abuse

Nu Energy is subsi la.... =.= Glotec is parent


2016-02-19 10:25 | Report Abuse

.045..... wait long long la


2016-02-16 14:06 | Report Abuse

the quarterly report is out soon kan? like late Feb/early March?


2016-02-16 13:23 | Report Abuse

not necessarily.... They usually peg the price for a year or two. That's why you see why some airlines in the airlines industry are suffering


2016-02-04 10:31 | Report Abuse

damn hardcore Glotec... no movement


2015-12-15 10:28 | Report Abuse

Mr Pang....senile kicking in? Lol...


2015-11-27 14:51 | Report Abuse

why is everyone biting Jenny's ass la?


2015-11-25 10:35 | Report Abuse

27th Nov AGM... where did he even get the date?... even NGY's AGM is today. Looks like 2020 je boleh kaya raya with this share..... Long term that is


2015-11-24 13:51 | Report Abuse

25000... siu siu la


2015-11-18 18:13 | Report Abuse

wahai fellow cyber kutuk Glotec warriors...cucuk sini tak best....am I seeing all of you guys at the AGM?


2015-11-11 16:29 | Report Abuse

AGM bila AGM bila?... I need to call Maybank for the proxy form.... CB i had to sneak in last year coz I noob.. .LOL


2015-10-09 15:35 | Report Abuse

Stocksid... I did not say that there's no gas. Kindly read properly.

"NuEnergy has entered into a Share
Purchase Agreement with Dart Energy International Limited in May 2015 for the acquisition of the entire equity
interest in DEIH. The proposed acquisition is currently pending the approval of the relevant authorities in
Indonesia." - taken from the ASX announcement of NuEnergyGas on the Tanjung Enim Well.
Please tell me you learn SWOT before.

I dont know bout how much you know about acquisition but not sure if you saw Sona's QA which is Salamander being potong jalan by a bigger Company from the UK or something. *Ever heard of Murphy's Law?

AyamTua.... LOL

I'm a heavy shareholder too, you dont think I want this stock to fly high as much as you all do?... =.= It's all about patience and holding power and hope for now.


2015-10-09 10:43 | Report Abuse

Globaltec Formation Berhad*


2015-10-09 10:43 | Report Abuse

found gas and already extracting gas is two totally different things. As much as I would like to be happy with you.. but calm your tits... LOL


2015-08-20 10:38 | Report Abuse

pray UMA like TMS.. LOL... i sudah queue selling incase of a random spike


2015-05-29 13:09 | Report Abuse

lol anyone read Focus Malaysia today? Glotec MD is there.... generously paid director despite poor performance


2014-11-13 13:46 | Report Abuse

Ayam Tua Y U NO answer me when is AGM?


2014-10-27 16:48 | Report Abuse

when is the AGM/EGM?


2014-08-25 09:35 | Report Abuse

rIch.... wow.... just wow.... =.= let's give him a standing O