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2022-05-22 21:04 | Report Abuse

for those who don`t want to hold serbadk,..........can jump to sapngr,.......make some money there,.......joint the game again if pak karim in the mood to play serbadk,........


2022-05-22 20:07 | Report Abuse

if EPF, KWAP , PNB joint in to buy sapngr,........the share price may go up higher than 15cent,.......just wait to see what will happen on monday,.......


2022-05-22 19:07 | Report Abuse

monday,..........sapngr share price not lower than 8cent,..........high side, more than 10cent,........don`t miss the opportunities,.........


2022-05-22 14:41 | Report Abuse

PNB, EPF, KWAP, should come out `goreng` sapngr,.......let people make money,.....government can earn capital gain tax as well,.......indirectly it will keep the economy active & dynamic


2022-05-22 14:31 | Report Abuse

sapngr is heavy weight counter,.....more than 16bil. shares,......hard to goreng this counter,....unless PNB, EPF, KWSP funds also buying,.......if it can achieve 10cent consider very good already,........10cent per share cost rm800mil for 50% of sapngr ,.......


2022-05-22 12:35 | Report Abuse

sapngr total bank borrowing about rm10bil,..........it need at least rm4bil. capital injection,.........total number of share today is 16bil.,........i think MOF will ask for share consolidation 10 to 1,......... subscribe 4bil. new shares at price rm1,..........total number of shares after restructuring is 5.6bil.,........sapngr current share price of 7cent may go up to 10cent,.........congratulate to those bought below 7cent,........


2022-05-19 09:26 | Report Abuse

due to good commodity price recently,........all farmers in US &brazil are jumping into massive planting of grains,.......with the help of good weather,..........very soon all these crops will flooding the market,.........you will see everything falling


2022-05-18 21:04 | Report Abuse

to refinance serbadk debt,.......pak karim have to sign personal guarantee with his assets in oversea &locally,.......like pak karim shareholding in data knight, scib, kpower etc.........


2022-05-18 20:46 | Report Abuse

good123,.......why keep promoting,.........it is cheap, nobody interested,........pasukhas soon will do share consolidation 20 to 1,..........Good123,.......ask your fintech BOSS to do business properly,......don`t keep cheating people,.......make money from business & not to keep squeezing investor money,.......enough is enough


2022-05-18 16:24 | Report Abuse

look at CHHB,......might be golden opportunities tomorrow,........good time to buy


2022-05-18 16:13 | Report Abuse

assuming pak karim bought serbadk shares at average 10cent per share,......today price at 16cent,.......if they exit today,......how many share can they sell,.......how much profit can they make,......VERY LITTLE, INDEED,......not worth playing it,.......Pak karim have to take serbadk to minimum 50cent level to make profit,.....bigger gap to sell down,........


2022-05-18 14:03 | Report Abuse

betting on serbadk is like casino gambling ,........if you have extra cash, you can bet,......if you want long term investment,......better go for others stock,.......serbadk`s games is like shooting games,......very risky,............if you are not lucky,......you can get yourself kill,.......if you `PANDAI`,......you can make killing profit,........kena pandai-pandailah


2022-05-17 17:01 | Report Abuse

more than 1bil. shares traded today,.......real big games,........pak karim wish you to bet more tomorrow,.........sama -sama tolak serbadk ke langit,........sama -sama untung,......


2022-05-17 15:29 | Report Abuse

pak karim give you money,.......anytime he can take it back again,........this is the games,.......tp at 60cent for serbadk,........who can hold will win,.........


2022-05-17 14:38 | Report Abuse

shortist boleh kena burn KAW-KAW hari ini,........mana pergi bob,......i3luker


2022-05-17 14:31 | Report Abuse

look at today up trend,........i predict serbadk will rise to 60cent,.......a very rough ride,......pandai pandai lah,.......


2022-05-17 13:48 | Report Abuse

cash is king,......pak karim has the cash,.........when he spend the money,......all the followers will bow to him,........he will be treated like king,.......the nation will rise again,.......


2022-05-17 12:55 | Report Abuse

shortist will be slaughter this afternoon,.........pak haji karim sembelih,.......masak briyani,.........boleh makan bersama-sama atas talam besar,.........remember cuci tangan dahulu,.......


2022-05-17 11:44 | Report Abuse

serbadk,......rise,.......rise to sky


2022-05-17 10:40 | Report Abuse

rupa-rupanya thaik pak karim boleh tumbuh pokok durian,.....daunnya kelip-kelip keemasan,.......tak lama lagi,.......buahnya harum merbak se malaysia,.......ini adalah jasa pak karim,........pak karim hutang budi para pelabur,..........bolehlah sama-sama menikmati buah serbadk ini.


2022-05-17 10:21 | Report Abuse

the next tp for serbadk is 35cent,.......barisan nasional`s win- win stock,.......karim is freed,.......barisan got money to win,.......investors win back their money,........malaysia serba boleh,........


2022-05-16 15:33 | Report Abuse

pak karim kuat,........serbadk tak perlu bailout dari government,........petronas bagi big project ,.........selagi bank tak tarik balik pinjaman ,........itu sudah cukup,........hidup serbadk, hidup pak karim


2022-05-16 15:25 | Report Abuse

look at government bailout tabung haji recently,........government pay in full amount that tabung haji spent on the assets,........today government have to absorb more than rm5bil. loses,.......all politician keep quiet on the matter,.......


2022-05-16 11:26 | Report Abuse

100mil. shares available for you to short,......book it all if you have enough money,........3.7bil. shares for you to buy,........really big games start tomorrow,........see who win,.....


2022-05-16 11:16 | Report Abuse

playing serbadk is cash game,.....cash upfront before you can bet,.....no money , stay away,.......pak karim is the bookie,......rm200mil. is on table for you to grab,.......bet on short or long,.......if you lose, don`t blame pak karim crook,.......if you win,.......pak karim wish you bet more,.........the rest, pandai-pandai lah,.......


2022-05-15 15:30 | Report Abuse

pak karim put rm200mil. on table to gamble with you,.......if you win, you can have the money,.......


2022-05-15 15:14 | Report Abuse

next week,.......pak karim will drive serbadk higher ,........everyday up,.......so easy to make money,.....make you fell left out,......can you resist the temptation,.......


2022-05-14 22:32 | Report Abuse

if karim have 99% control of serbadk,.......all the money in serbadk is saved,.......all creditors, banks, bond holder will be paid in full,......if not paying now,......may be latter date,.......karim will make his personal guarantee to serbadk debt,.......serbadk will rise again,.....


2022-05-14 15:37 | Report Abuse

shorting serbadk , you will get your finger burn at this time,.....pak karim is in 99% control,......if you buy it,........they will sell it to you at high price,......both side karim win,.....


2022-05-14 14:25 | Report Abuse

pak karim,.......pak karim should use his talents to excel in business,.....create more wealth for the people like bill gate, steve job,........not manipulating the stock market for his personal gain,........sinful money


2022-05-14 14:23 | Report Abuse

pak karim,.......pak karim should use his talents to excel in business,.....create more wealth for the people like bill gate, steve job,........not manipulating the stock market for his personal gain,........sinful money


2022-05-14 13:39 | Report Abuse

3.7bil. serbadk shares,......rm3.7bil. bank loan & bond,........every dollar return to settle bank loan will increase the value of serbadk share,........indirectly, pak karim is returning money into his own pocket again,.......very good deal,........pak karim have full control in serbadk.


2022-05-14 10:42 | Report Abuse

pak karim banyak kaya,.......rm3.7bil serbadk capital + rm3.7bil. bank borrowing&bond is in his hand now,......


2022-05-14 10:25 | Report Abuse

pak karim have cornered all serbadk shares already,......i predict next week serbadk will rise again to 35cent or even more,.......tempting you in,......pandai-pandailah ,........


2022-05-13 20:14 | Report Abuse

average buying price for 5 days around 10 cent,.......awang sold his share at 10cent,.......mean shares consolidation could be 10 to 1,......10cent per share is the value left in serbadk after write-down,........


2022-05-13 19:59 | Report Abuse

last 2 days,......... short seller lost about rm200k,.........very quiet now,......


2022-05-13 17:02 | Report Abuse

closed 49% traded so far,.......1% left only,......what pak karim will do next monday?


2022-05-13 16:40 | Report Abuse

pak karim punya mood banyak bagus petang ini,....... serbadk bagi naik lagi


2022-05-13 16:34 | Report Abuse

so far 48% share traded,.......only 2% to go,......good job pak karim ,.......buy higher ,....


2022-05-13 15:40 | Report Abuse

pak karim mula mula suap dengan durian,.....semua orang happy-happy,.........kemudian,.....sumbat dengan taik baru tahu


2022-05-13 15:36 | Report Abuse

shortseller habis,.......kena barbecue,......hebat betul


2022-05-13 15:10 | Report Abuse

THAIK pak karim yang busuk itu rupa-rupanya durian,....... errrr,........betulkah,.......banyak orang gembira sekarang,......


2022-05-13 14:52 | Report Abuse

pak karim is freed,......hati banyak senang,.......banyak selera makan,.......serbadk share price up again,........shortist surrendered.


2022-05-13 13:48 | Report Abuse

alenac,.......pak karim to pay back the bank borrowing & bond?,..........i doubt about it,........if they want to do that,........6 months ago, the default issue have been settled,.......today ,they are planning for restructuring serbadk debt,.......mean money gone,......they may write- off a lot of things ,.......shareholders have to pay for the loses,........your investment gone


2022-05-13 11:28 | Report Abuse

Taik pak karim 8cent sebakul,......kalau nak banyak ada discount,.......online ada jual juga,........boleh hantar sampai rumah,.......no delivery charge,......


2022-05-13 11:11 | Report Abuse

jual-beli lorong gelap pak karim masih top 10 hari ini,.......taik pak karim laku sangat ker?........saya pun tak faham,.......apalah nak jadi !


2022-05-13 10:53 | Report Abuse

pak karim untung kaw-kaw,.......berbilion-bilion dalam poket,..........apa kamu dapat?........dapat 8cent satu serbadk,........ini macam punya investment boleh masuk longkang,........


2022-05-13 10:14 | Report Abuse

malaysia currency are weak,......a lot of money flow out ,.......investors are scare of bursa market,......they are worry about more companies in bursa become like serbadk,......


2022-05-13 09:25 | Report Abuse

rm3.7bil. bank borrowing & bond,.......revenue only rm600mil. per year,......not profitable business,...........how to service the interest,........how to settle the loan.


2022-05-12 17:16 | Report Abuse

lorong gelap pak karim banyak pelawat hari ini,........kena pandai-pandai melangkah,......jangan lepak lama-lama,......silap-silap boleh pijak taik pak karim