
Avenger8 | Joined since 2020-02-27

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2020-03-10 09:25 | Report Abuse

Is musyiddin the one? I'm starting to believe... Given the choice of his cabinet.


2020-03-09 09:32 | Report Abuse

Malaysia hancur!!!! The stock market crashing tells it all. Mushyddin gov made things worst but still doing it, it's the wrong government period. When these people gonna wake up. Omg, God pls help Malaysia.


2020-03-04 14:27 | Report Abuse

Zahid so busy running around like salesman. I guess that's the only way to escape jail time for himself by stirring up chaos in the country as he already knows very well he is guilty as charge, no lawyers can save him.


2020-03-03 22:00 | Report Abuse

>> Dr M denies that his resignation sparked political crisis

TUN M, we don't dispute your contributions to development of Malaysia. Any day I would choose you over anybody else as PM. I argue this with taxi driver before insisting you should remain as PM.

Having said that, If a politic leader of your stature doesn't aware that your action (resigning) can cause a crisis. Maybe I should take back some of my respect for you.

And you always cari gaduh with other countries, that doesn't do Malaysia any good and doesn't make us safe either.


2020-03-02 20:03 | Report Abuse

>> Tok Mat praises Malaysians for their maturity in accepting new leadership

No, Malaysian fought so hard for the past 15years and voted PH into government, but mahathir thrown their votes into the sea in 1 day.
Malaysian just feel hopeless and too tired care now.

If PH would have to call a new snap poll asking Malaysian to give them a new mandate. Malaysian would probably give you their middle fingers.


2020-03-02 13:43 | Report Abuse

>>House of cards: Dr M's assistant press sec tells all on 'Sheraton Move'

Whether it was mahathir's plans or not, his fault or not. We must look forward now.

Like it or not, believe it or not, at this juncture, only mahathir can save PH gov now, only mahathir can lead PH to victory again. Because there's a significant portion of rakyat feels that corruption alone cannot sway them to give full support to PH. They need security, they need to know that their interest on culture/religion/status/benifits which they enjoy under BN gov, will be maintain. Only mahathir can assure that.


2020-03-02 12:35 | Report Abuse

Secret plan underway to knockdown this shameless back door gov with single ko punch.


2020-03-02 12:33 | Report Abuse

Zahid wants to get back into cabinet to wipe out evidence. Musyiddin gov won't last a month.


2020-03-02 09:23 | Report Abuse

How did Malaysia f it up so bad?
1 week of mistake after mistake after mistake until the whole house came down. F-ing jokers.


2020-03-02 02:00 | Report Abuse

Just reported new Covid - 19 outbreak in Malaysia. This is really a double whammy and a perfect storm.

I wouldn't be surprise if klse drop below 1200.


2020-03-02 01:50 | Report Abuse

On the other hand, I think pkr and dap feels they need to take over because mahathir and bersatu keeps cari gaduh with other nations putting Malaysia at disadvantage economy wise, also on issue with undesired government policy implementation like the jawi issue etc.


2020-03-02 01:43 | Report Abuse

Also the sensible reason, why mahathir has to resigned and let the game of throne plays out because he feels that him and bersatu wouldn't be able to convince pkr and dap to let him and bersatu lead till GE 15, coz pkr and dap will never allow this to happen.


2020-03-02 01:31 | Report Abuse

The most sensible reason why mahathir did what he did, is because he does not trust a government run or dominate by pkr and dap leaders.

I believe he only wants the government to lead by him or bersatu only for whatever reasons it may be whether its national or personal interest.

When he did his final u-turn after ph 114 supported him to be PM. Maybe mushyddin and agong feel it is better for them to take over the ship instead, as people on their side do not feel safe, as mahathir cannot guarantee the government will be lead by him or bersatu anymore.


2020-03-02 01:10 | Report Abuse

Something very strange about mahathir.
"When musyiddin took Bersatu out of Pakatan, that is when the crisis really happened," said Dr Mahathir.

No, the crisis starts when you resigned as PM and Bersatu chairman. When you did that basically you killed the PH government, and letting the game of throne plays out.

The most sensible things to do as a leader who has the experience of leading a country for more than a couple of decades, it is too call for a PH meeting to sort things out internally before situation turn for the worst. Instead your action send the country into a tailspin.

As I thinking about it now. Are we still under your spell? Are we still in the ongoing plot that's setup by you? Did you instructed a series of events and actions taken by mushyddin, azmin and agong? If yes, may God pls help Malaysia.


2020-03-01 21:49 | Report Abuse

Today may not be the darkest day of Malaysia, it is the saddest day indeed. The moaning can be heard thousands of miles away. Foreign media don't know how to report such a sad day, shaking their heads. A little less than 2 years ago, the world cheered for Malaysia for finally showing the world that democracy works, the people of Malaysia capable of toppling a corrupt government.

Can we do it again? Malaysia still boleh? We certainly hope so.


2020-03-01 21:34 | Report Abuse

Looking back, how many millions of Malaysian votes voted PH into government. In a matter of 1 week, how many millions of votes have been dump into the sea?

How many people died on their way back to the country and home town to vote because they want to fight for the country and bring back justice to the nation?

How many people put their lives in danger now becoming witness to charge najib and cronies in court?

And many more important questions that should be ask. Instead, once PH successfully became government...

More people asking...
Bila dapat contract?
Bila dapat position?
Bila dapat PM?
Bila ajar Jawi dlm bahasa melayu, lol?
Bila negeri kita dapat lebih Wang?
Bila dapat apa, siapa dapat apa?
Keep giving.chances for BN to make headlines like Tar college grant, rm 30 mil, small money bagilah, since already promised by guan eng, why give chance for mca to make headlines, and make people angry?

The sad truth is, pakatan leaders are idiots. Their strategists are idiots. You only able to win the last GE with the help of tun m Even now, najib almost 1 foot in jail, you still can't fully convinced every single Malaysian to support PH.

Pakatan is a total unforgivable failure. It's like a footballer keep failing to score open goal.

Ask yourself, If there's a snap poll coming, would you, who are in oversea, make time to come home and vote again to put pakatan in government? For what really?


2020-03-01 15:07 | Report Abuse

Bagi Wang, Bagi contract, Bagi Wang, Bagi contract, tak ada Wang, tak ada contract, tak ada support, ada Wang ada contract apa pun jadi lah

Beza tandas, sama tahi, ini politic Malaysia tak kisah mana mana parti

Zero quality members and leaders

Going forward, politic party should limit membership to degree holders only, don't let the gangsters gangsters and poorly educated people in.

Choose candidate that debate well in malay, English, bukan sekadar boleh cakap sahaja

Tak kisah cina/india/melayu, whoever terrible at melayu/English, kick them out, jangan Bagi muka. Buat malu party saje. Kalau tak boleh debate well in English and malay, jangan Bagi mereka jadi leader.


2020-03-01 12:48 | Report Abuse

@tripplez lol, very true.


2020-03-01 12:18 | Report Abuse

More politic turmoil to follow? Or people already tired, terrified for those witnesses against najib now.

Anyway, like to point out that it was pkr and dap internal party management problem the trigger the movement bringing the whole house down.

No quality leaders, favorism, nepotism, jealousy was rife.

There's one very strange phenomena in political parties in Malaysia, the party is like gongsi gelap, these members of party get benefits if party won in election

This is something we don't see in western political parties, western political party leaders, they debates, giving speeches to win votes of public, not to win votes for support of party members

Like senators in U. S. , they don't hold important position in country, the president hired experts to run or give advise what to do.

But in Malaysia, MPs are hungry for position, so can give contracts to party members who give support.

Which will lead to corruption ultimately. If party members do not get the benifits they saught after, they will shake up the party, and leave ultimately destroying it.

Malaysia political system is a fail system from the start?


2020-02-29 22:13 | Report Abuse

Someone pls tell Anwar to drop the November transition plan. He cannot hold the ship together without tun, pls wait until GE15. Sumbat najib and cronies masuk penjara dulu!!!!!!!! Otherwise so many innocent people will die going against najib in court. Don't just think about yourself, many people risk their lives fighting for Malaysia to defeat corrupt officials!!!!!


2020-02-29 22:07 | Report Abuse


TUN M PM ke-8 Official!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2020-02-29 22:05 | Report Abuse

Still have hope ph 114, pakatan harapan menang!!!!!


2020-02-29 18:51 | Report Abuse

Gg, good bye malaysia, wish you best of luck


2020-02-29 14:42 | Report Abuse

Mushyddin is an idiot, forming perikatan party with umno and pas is like delivering a sheep to a lions dent. If he ever become PM, he won't last half a term. Look at his health, not even fit to lead. Many reasons evil umno and pa's can deny him PM post after 6 months. Believe it.


2020-02-29 12:52 | Report Abuse

Wow, Bersatu president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said Bersatu has accepted the Feb 24 tun m resignation.

So mushyddin, azmin were the real syaitan!!! They think they can get away with this? The entire world is watching!!!!


2020-02-29 12:17 | Report Abuse

Nothing but respect to bersatu mps who refused to work with the corrupts, thank you to the rest of harapan component parties who brave themselves to reconcile with bersatu. Congrats! Feels like winning GE once again lol.


2020-02-29 12:13 | Report Abuse

Finally!!!!!!! That wasn't so hard after all. I knew tun m will come back for the rescue in the end. Congrats to tun m, you made the right decision, kudos to syed saddiq you are a hero for stand up for justice. Proud to be Malaysian.

I guess this is merdeka 2.0!!! Lol


2020-02-29 09:59 | Report Abuse

This is umno 2.0 unfolding in front of our eyes, I literally turned pale when I saw the news headline this morning, this can't be happening, this is just too painful for me, just too painful. It's like a nightmare that lasted for a week, just couldn't wake up.


2020-02-28 15:45 | Report Abuse

Harapan, go reach out mahathir now again, he may have changed of heart, don't let 94 year man, reach out to you instead. Pujuk 1 really old, tun level Atuk or snap poll? Which 1 is easier? Think really hard about it....be wise.


2020-02-28 15:40 | Report Abuse

If bersatu, warisan returned to harapan, I think partnership will last forever. There will be no challenge they can't overcome together going forward as a team. Just like umno, mca, mic, they fought through merdeka. They have been together ever since whether they thrive or fail, corrupt or not (lol). Let this strange ordeal, temporary set back be the "merdeka" moment of bersatu, pkr, dap, amanah, and warisan.


2020-02-28 15:12 | Report Abuse

There's a famous Chinese saying, and I want to dedicate it to azmin, mahathir and Anwar Ibrahim.

"On any matter, regardless whose right or wrong, never goes full throttle, otherwise, the fate of being together will end sooner than destined to be."

Hope I translate it well. Meaning tolerate and forgiveness is the key of staying together. Learn to forgive but not forget, that's how friendship or partnership will last till the end.

Don't let emotions gets the better of you, especially when the entire nation's fate rest in your hands. You guys can do better than that, remember, bad decisions made when emotions are high. You can always turn back, 1 word "sorry", tomorrow will be a brighter day for the nation. Only small people, feel hard to utter the word "sorry", be brave. Just think back 2 years ago, how we hard we fought to win...

Do it for Malaysia.


2020-02-28 10:20 | Report Abuse

Mahathir, manusia paling keji, and dibenci 2020. TIME Magazine


2020-02-28 07:48 | Report Abuse

Binatang mahathir still playing chess game, he wouldn't mind sending Malaysia into a tail spin. Now I think he not just playing chess against ph, he also playing chess against the king. Wasn't the king said he will have to meet all the malay rulers today. How come he made announcements undercutting the King. Binatang mahathir have zero respect for anyone. He thinks he should be the one at the highest throne, not even Agong let alone anybody else. This the true color of binatang mahathir. Believe it or not, more 80% malaysian, do not understand what I'm telling here. I phone home to tell my parent what binatang mahathir did, they don't understand what I'm saying. If binatang mahathir won, i will leave Malaysia for good, start a new life in Canada however difficult it may be. Stop the pain, stop the struggle, oh wait, I'm so painful for Malaysia? Really? Is Malaysia a country deserve saving? I should have gone away the day I was born. I don't want to repeat the mistakes my parents made.


2020-02-27 18:53 | Report Abuse

Rasa hati ditikam bertalu-talu oleh binatang mahathir


2020-02-27 18:29 | Report Abuse

A friend of mine, purposely came back last GE to vote for PH. He died in car accident during his trip back to his home town. I cried when there's a chance he will announced snap poll next march 2nd. Meaning my friend died for nothing.


2020-02-27 18:24 | Report Abuse

Mahathir berhati busuk!


2020-02-27 15:45 | Report Abuse

It's sad to see Dr M like this. Having to end his career in a dark and shameful note. I remember last time media quoted him saying thanos was his favorite avengers, later he denies it. I guess it is true then, what he did to pH and rakyat Malaysia evident he is like thanos. But didn't he watch the ending? Thanos lost it all. Tun, pls. Malaysia is in very deep pain, it is never too late to turn back now. We will forgive you.