
BetterTomorrow | Joined since 2015-12-31 18:33:42

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2022-03-02 17:50 | Report Abuse

I think better sell all and cut losses, shareholder con men


2022-02-25 15:38 | Report Abuse

Sell everything


2022-02-25 15:37 | Report Abuse

Hahaha agreed.


2022-02-20 11:32 | Report Abuse

Arlaxeat agreed, Genetec is corner stock, AP is liquid stock.


2022-02-18 12:55 | Report Abuse

Actually if whoever does not like the stock, just sell if you have any or else no point to keep talking here.


2022-02-17 18:45 | Report Abuse

Agreed valuesearcher, smart move to sell all


2022-02-17 18:45 | Report Abuse

Dave sifu if he is so good, don't need to give talk. Sorry not offend


2021-11-09 14:56 | Report Abuse

Don't touch, owner is old crook. Yeap E Foo. Ex gold storage owner


2021-11-05 21:19 | Report Abuse

If wnat 5o blame, we have to blame dis honest major shareholders whom still argue they are always right


2021-09-11 10:19 | Report Abuse

Their purpose is to create many fake news or signed many mou to trapped investor. Simple. Smart method but use too often. I do respect these group of people. But I will say the authrities are full of corruption especially the department oversea these market capital.


2021-09-09 09:35 | Report Abuse

Lol genting now is no longer trust company. Used it for goreng and news manipulating.


2021-09-09 08:04 | Report Abuse

Haha GP is no direction, can't even focus what they want to do. They involve in everything but so far no single one success. But tol system maybe can help them to succeed.


2021-09-07 17:03 | Report Abuse

I think buying warrant A is buying a premium as conversion is 0.42. No logic. I guess maybe hostile


2021-09-04 06:53 | Report Abuse

Trust me don't touch, make less is better than loss.


2021-09-04 06:53 | Report Abuse

Operator has too mnay stocks to play. Opeartor don't care as his biz is sure gain biz.


2021-09-04 06:36 | Report Abuse

What happen AP, no news and no biz? Yeo must be busy in creating news for his Tawin. Hahahha


2021-09-04 06:35 | Report Abuse

Hey guy, no offend here, just opinion. I am saying the board of directors and management are too greedy. They can't be good for everything. Their cyprium heat resistant wire biz just about to bring in profit, then now they start other biz. Why cant they focus it one by one?

I am wondering, will they buy copper mining or any EV related biz? Apple and Tesla don't do that, why should tawin do that?

Purposely create news for stock play? No manner how good the business proposals are. I believe no body in this world can produce every thing alone. For the past 18 months, they has entered into vaccine, pharmacy, EV wire, now blockchain and AI EV chargor!!


2021-09-03 06:26 | Report Abuse

Will be trapped. Don't touch


2021-09-03 06:26 | Report Abuse

Thomas Pang, I agreed with you, owner too gready, doing too many things at one time. Crazy move


2021-09-03 06:23 | Report Abuse

Kekekeke, good statement


2021-09-02 22:10 | Report Abuse

Not hope la, common director in G3, guess related to Ccpuan


2021-09-01 14:36 | Report Abuse

Yes is true but wait la the actual result out


2021-09-01 14:36 | Report Abuse

Forget about tencent la, tencent has more own problem to solve in China Hahaha and I doubt they have deal with tencent but they are just one of the customers of tencent, con job


2021-09-01 14:35 | Report Abuse

Created a news is not difficult, all Malaysia plc created news via mou which not legal bidding, then call off.


2021-09-01 14:34 | Report Abuse

News out to trap investor to buy the shares.


2021-09-01 14:33 | Report Abuse

Of coz will rebound, to trap more retailer then drop again this is how they trap us. Greed is the way to trap us


2021-09-01 14:32 | Report Abuse

Authority shall investigate paper and owner of greenpacket and G3, this is like promote a story to trap investor what is the different like money game or ponzi scheme.


2021-09-01 14:31 | Report Abuse

Not standard and malaysia biz paper.


2021-09-01 14:30 | Report Abuse

I doubt G3 is capable to kick start it story IA and data centre as sales men they can talk whatever, as is no logic to sell the share while promote the story about IA. We can't really trust news paper, they just want the advertising money from greenpacket, in exchange they publish any rubbish story for green packet or G3.


2021-08-30 10:12 | Report Abuse

Sell now, this is a trapped


2021-08-30 10:11 | Report Abuse

Better sell


2021-08-27 22:39 | Report Abuse

With that type of grow, he should have kept the shares


2021-08-27 22:15 | Report Abuse

Awantec is umno related, far different. Well yes you can buy at much. As this open market. This is just my opinion not personal attack


2021-08-27 22:05 | Report Abuse

Con job, they should have sold G3 earlier when it traded high but using option to sell to Ccpuan. Guess they buy time so allow private proxy to sell first and let GP take the loss


2021-08-27 22:02 | Report Abuse

Out already lousy la. But hey Aaron_Tan initially I have same thought like u, after WB listing, it seem like ppl are buying. It seem like they are blocking mother to go up. Or another con job!?


2021-08-27 21:57 | Report Abuse

I told your esrlier this counter sure collapsed. How can possible a tiny NTA plc can valued it so high? Every day annouce small project. Reason very simple to sell share and take money.

They should do proper biz not goreng stock. All the same chin Hin boss, Rubberex Eddie Ong,. Dont touch their counter. Everyday goreng


2021-08-27 21:54 | Report Abuse

He is not boss, staff but title like boss, sell la take money first. He know better company performance sinxe listing never profit. By right after listing shall make more due to better cash flow. If the other way round meaning account got problem. He is financial controller. He know better lo


2021-08-26 09:59 | Report Abuse

Yong Kim Fui


2021-08-26 09:58 | Report Abuse

Con job agaon


2021-08-26 09:58 | Report Abuse

Don't touch, another ccpuan and Edward law company, related director in there


2021-08-26 09:50 | Report Abuse

I think u are here to promote ask ppl to hollan. Hahaha I like the name u gave to me. Thanks

I just give my comment not personal attack


2021-08-26 09:49 | Report Abuse

Hahaha godofgamler why so angry, u are ccpuan proxy?


2021-08-26 01:11 | Report Abuse

Forget about blockchain, a simple IT biz also can't doing well.


2021-08-26 01:10 | Report Abuse

To be fair to plc, there should be a put and call option with ccpuan, or else he will buy at 15cenr when price above 15cent and ignore when it drop.


2021-08-26 01:08 | Report Abuse

After reading the edge's comments on greenpacket, I truly believe ccpuan won't buy G3 shares from greenpacket. This is just a strategic or a trapped plan for investors to buy G3 share when it drop below 15cents, ccpuan is creating a false information for investor to buy the shares once it drop below 15cent and this will indirectly helping him to support the share price, so Greenpacket can selling the shares into market. This is very simple, if he want to buy, he should cross it immediately after EGM, further more why G3 dispose into market or to ccpuan since this is controlling block? Don't u think selling to him for 15cent is so cheap as controlling block?

Not a big deal for investment bank license, everyone also can obtain the license and is selling like pasar malam.


2021-08-04 23:15 | Report Abuse

All these group of ppl shall be seriously investigated by sc. Annouce so many project and signed so many mou. Never materialised


2021-08-04 23:14 | Report Abuse

Hey braddy shareholder Eddie chai what kind of nonsense you are trying to cheat small investors r like us, within a year. You manufacturing glove, then vaccine then etc. Are u supermen?