Bon Jerry Borne

Bonarda | Joined since 2015-09-05

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2016-10-19 16:05 | Report Abuse

Unic, i bought bpuri at 0.43 few months back and hold it until now to sell it. still have some on hand though.

if you dont have sharp skill, then u better have holding power (use ur saving not loan and don't trade) and good EQ.


2016-10-19 15:56 | Report Abuse

hi all, i am back from long holiday. wish everyone is doing great. good to see connie, rchi, 2bits and duit are all still around!!


2016-03-10 14:41 | Report Abuse

Wake me up before you go go, don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo~ of my favourite song introduced to me when i was still in primary by an english teacher.

good day all!


2016-03-09 16:02 | Report Abuse

connie...not for now..duwan the thread "overheated" by HSI comments..


2016-03-09 15:56 | Report Abuse

Connie, my count is no where close urs..will recount again.

Posted by connie > Mar 9, 2016 02:31 PM | Report Abuse

sorry hawk .. correction on the labeling :-
1) 1st count 19830 tp is 5 of 1 of 5
2) 2nd count 19830 tp is 3 of 1 of 5
2a) current rally is 4 of 1 of 5 with tp 20017
2b) then tp for 5 of 1 of 5 is 19722
after the above, i will monitor for 2 of 5 rally .. shall count this target later for the C toy :)


2016-03-08 10:48 | Report Abuse

good morning all


2016-03-06 14:07 | Report Abuse

Connie, thanks. will take a look at that, i do have a copy.


2016-03-06 14:00 | Report Abuse

Hi all, wish everyone is having a good weekend.

Gemini, i just share my thought and view but nvr take my input as a call. i am still learning and in fact i did several mistakes.


2016-03-04 16:15 | Report Abuse

ya. it moves in tandem with HSI. unlike HQ, it moves not only with HSI but also emotion..


2016-03-04 16:02 | Report Abuse

gemini hold HQ too? switch to HZ..since it's around 50cent now.


2016-03-04 15:53 | Report Abuse

hawk.....i really admire ur confidence. sincerely..over here almost 75% talk about bull trend..but u still remained so confident.


2016-03-04 15:50 | Report Abuse

hmm..ok, thx 2 bits. will read more during weekend and ask if not sure.


2016-03-04 15:41 | Report Abuse

one quick question.

whenever there is wave5, we will refer to length of wave1?


2016-03-04 15:39 | Report Abuse

connie, ur count is so great. still way to go for me. i counted wrong terminus points few times and make losses. lesson learned with fee paid!


2016-03-04 12:01 | Report Abuse

HSI everyday push different sectors. banking -> Mining -> property..seems like the push not finish yet.

interest rate hike may hit banking
slower/faster general economy or industrial growth will lift/hit mining
any sector get hit will hit property

my view other than learning to count wave


2016-03-04 10:46 | Report Abuse

yeah..i always refer to the blog actually but sometimes i scroll too fast..hahaha..

btw, good morning all!!! have a nice day!! forget to greet..haha


2016-03-04 10:40 | Report Abuse

ok connie. the weekend assignment is to find out and construct a table for "common F for waves"


2016-03-04 09:51 | Report Abuse

by the way, i learned a good lesson,that is to look at waves within the subwave ! :)


2016-03-04 09:49 | Report Abuse

thanks connie.

my count was looking for the major subwave of 335 only but not the waves within the subwaves.

ok, regarding the question i wanted to ask you last night, when you plot the line/make the count, do you always look for terminus point that will make the length meet the F ratio?


2016-03-03 17:09 | Report Abuse


the expanded flat rule says that terminus point of B must be lower than start of A..tat's y i bring the start of wave 4 to 18537 (21-Jan) and shorten wave 3 length.

Posted by connie > Mar 3, 2016 04:56 PM | Report Abuse

bonarda - below is your count and above mine :-
C upleg is a zigzag pattern and i count the subwaves as :-
A of C = 18286 to 19546
B of C = 19546 to 18854
C of C - i want to count 5 waves structure here
a) i = 18854 to 19488
b) ii = 19488 to 19041 (~ 0.618 of i)
c) iii = 19041 to 20090 (~ 1.618 of i)
d) iv = 20090 to ???
e) v = ??? to 20198ish
** will attempt TP for iv and v .. or u cud be right that v has terminated at 20090 !

BONARDA's count
C 18286 20090 1804 1.46 of A
i 18286 19310 1024
ii 19310 18904 406 0.40 of i
iii 18904 19546 642 0.63 of i
iv 19546 18854 692 1.08 of iii
v 18854 20090 1236 1.93 of iii


2016-03-03 16:50 | Report Abuse's always so good to have u back abang. u always cheer us..hmm...i hope thing will get better soon for u and family...


2016-03-03 16:41 | Report Abuse

connie, i wanna ask a question...but mayb let u done ur count 1st.


2016-03-03 16:40 | Report Abuse

duit abang, good to see you back! hope everything is fine at ur end!


2016-03-03 16:34 | Report Abuse

connie, 60M chart and 5hr chart reading is tally. i double check daily chart again..the peak for 1-Feb is 19770 on daily but hour chart shows only 19717..hahahahaha



2016-03-03 16:24 | Report Abuse

Connie, from hour chart...

A 18537 19717 1180
i 18537 19467 930
ii 19467 18792 675 0.73 of 1
iii 18792 19717 925 0.99 of 1

B 19717 18286 1431 1.16 of A
a 19717 18754 963
b 18754 19403 649 0.67 of a
c 19403 18286 1117 1.16 of a

C 18286 20090 1804 1.46 of A
i 18286 19310 1024
ii 19310 18904 406 0.40 of i
iii 18904 19546 642 0.63 of i
iv 19546 18854 692 1.08 of iii
v 18854 20090 1236 1.93 of iii


2016-03-03 16:08 | Report Abuse

ok connie. the one i just did was usign daily chart...less noise..


2016-03-03 14:52 | Report Abuse

connie, the layout run, pls copy and paste to the comment box and u may see better layout.


2016-03-03 14:50 | Report Abuse

connie connie, pls see my count for wave 4.

Wave 3: 22217.45 - 18534.30 = 3683.15
Wave 4: 18534.30 - 20090 = 1556 (0.42)

A 18534 19770 1236
i 18534 19490 956
ii 19490 18811 679 0.71 of 1
iii 18811 19770 959 1.00 of 1

B 19770 18278 1492 1.21 of A
a 19770 18764 1006
b 18764 19397 633 0.63 of a
c 19397 18278 1119 1.11 of a

C 18278 20090 1812 1.47 of A
i 18278 19260 982
ii 19260 18909 351 0.36 of i
iii 18909 19519 610 0.62 of i
iv 19519 18867 652 1.07 of iii
v 18867 20090 1223 2.00 of iii


2016-03-03 10:15 | Report Abuse

good morning guys!

connie, ignore my question. i read the text again and find my own mistake :)


2016-03-02 21:33 | Report Abuse

If we take 11-February low @18268 as start of (a), I couldn't find lower low which is, according to the expanding flat rule, it has to have a lower low as the terminus point of (b).


2016-03-02 21:24 | Report Abuse

Connie, are you counting the 3-3-5? If so, pls share. I can't get it....
I got 15 noob... Heeee


2016-03-02 16:21 | Report Abuse

Connie..thx for the read. struggle to learn this 335


2016-03-01 16:09 | Report Abuse

Connie wave a & C of wave 2 should be equal length which is quite equal based on my count. however if it extend to 5 waves, should the last one be equal too? thanks!


2016-03-01 11:16 | Report Abuse

the KLCI index will fall back to 1656 to form the M to pay tribute to Dr M.

(the above comment is just bullxxxxing)


2016-03-01 10:51 | Report Abuse

good morning duit, so good to see you back. i hope u and ur family are doing well and everything will get better soon.

on the EW, i am still learning too, so i need looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooongeeeeeeeeeeeer time to read if u r right or better don't wait for me. however if u decide to wait, i suggest u follow NY rules (from chinese singer 那英), wait me for half year will do (半年为其,逾期就狠狠忘记).


2016-03-01 10:14 | Report Abuse

connie, you dont take that for counting? i did see similar short-life peak in china50 chart. 2 bits counted it will moved up to 11,xxx and it did on 1st Dec. however, within the same session, it dropped aggressively and never looked back.


2016-03-01 09:50 | Report Abuse

each subwave of subwave completed so fast if i follow connie's reading, shud be start of 3.


2016-02-29 16:43 | Report Abuse

HI Xin Jan,

welcome, i trade with Hawk Fast & Furious + CCGG.

Xin Jan
7 posts
Posted by Xin Jan > Feb 29, 2016 04:42 PM | Report Abuse

Hey bonarda ...
I Have trade Suggest With Equity Profit . .


2016-02-29 16:36 | Report Abuse

eagle, dont refer to mine. i am still learning. hee


2016-02-29 16:32 | Report Abuse

connie, i cannot disagree yours even though i want to because i just enter HQ again based on my count. haha..

how about my assumption, pls point to me if any assumption that is wrong.

i'll accept with open leg...sorry, heart!


2016-02-29 16:05 | Report Abuse

Connie, are you still looking at HSI?
observed the up from 2:30 to 3:30, could this be that (a) was actually done @19041, and (b) is done @19166. it's just entered the (c) with even lower target!


2016-02-29 14:24 | Report Abuse

wslywei, not yet done i think because wave 3 should always be is still 3 of 3.

for me, at least have to go below 18887.


2016-02-29 14:01 | Report Abuse

nikkei from wasabi to red, choi sum very red...dow future also's really amazing how forecasting with EW so chun


2016-02-29 12:15 | Report Abuse

G20 gave very little hope to stimulus. i guess the next big wave changer will be again the OPEC and Non-opec talk.

mean time, because no bullish sign from G20, i think the market will retreat. i THINK only.

same to all other opinion and view here, we share what we think but it's not a call ya :)


2016-02-29 11:13 | Report Abuse

Good Morning All! Wish everyone a good week ahead!
Connie, this morning i read no road the HSI chart..until it bounced! now only i have little more confident of my reading.

subwave 1
a: 19488- 19139 = 349
b: 19139- 19271(38f)
c: 19271- at least 18922(wave 3 always the longest) = 349


2016-02-26 16:30 | Report Abuse

haha..connie, i rather call u teacher connie. later when i am free i want practice the chart, then when u see u help me validate ok?


2016-02-26 15:54 | Report Abuse

i like yesterday connie's message to his son who i call abang (wait..does it make me to call connie ah mak too....haha). we use EW to forecast. it's indeed very helpful but need experience to execute it.


2016-02-26 15:47 | Report Abuse

hmm......if...HSI stay at 19400's still within the trend hawk it's pointing to wave3...


2016-02-26 15:21 | Report Abuse

i made very small gain from C with my wrong count ( i took the wrong high thus wronly assume the high at only 19506)..but bigger loss T.T

lesson learn!


2016-02-26 15:17 | Report Abuse

as i am reading ur feedback....LOOK AT HSI!!!!