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2021-02-25 06:55 | Report Abuse

Don't put too much hope on Mpay to get benefit from MyDigital, KFC had terminated their Internet Payment Gateway service due to high failure rate, certainly it tell MPay providing lousy solution. More merchants will switch to GHL & Revenue soon, ggpay.


2020-08-14 18:00 | Report Abuse

O_O #QualityGarbage, thanks all details stories. What a Fyling Dutch counter, bringing everyone to holland 4 sure!!!


2020-08-13 12:29 | Report Abuse

Why is everyone still revolving around this "Digital Banking Licence".

The chances for MPay to award this license is really close to 0%, simply because MPay is clasiffy as high-risk entity. Read the application guidelines , here is a few highlight instant rule out MPay from the application:

Condition 1 : Only Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital shall be recognised as eligible regulatory capital.
-- MPay is not Tier 1 --

Condition 2 : include a projected path to profitability that demonstrates a sustainable business model. Where the applicant does not expect the proposed licensed digital bank to break even within the first five years, the applicant shall indicate in the pro-forma financial statements the expected year that the proposed licensed digital bank will break even;
-- MPay never make profit over the past 5 years --

Condition 3 : indicate talent requirement (in numbers and type of skills needed) over the
five-year period, and how the required numbers and skills will be met in areas related to technology and risk management, and where applicable, requisite Shariah expertise;
-- MPay is not bank, the don't have the basic foundation & experties to even know how to operate a bank --


2020-08-11 11:51 | Report Abuse

Now you look at Managepay Performance. Look at the graph you see the sudden spike with no solid factor during warrant period, after expired this share will sure collapse below 0.05.

On side here is the risk factor Managepay facing now:

1. Earnings have declined by 5% per year over past 5 years
2. Has less than 1 year of cash runway
3. Highly volatile share price over past 3 months
4. Does not have meaningful revenue (MYR17M)


2020-08-11 11:45 | Report Abuse

Price will go down after warrant excercise, those have experience on warrant before should know what i am talking. Good luck for "Forever Stuck", giving you case study on "Asia Media" you should see similar pattern, this Asia Media on 2012 was at peak 2.70 after warrant exercise it collapse and making lowest in history everyday.


2020-08-11 08:00 | Report Abuse

If a company cash rich & having good Recieveable income, why still need to Excercise Warrant diluting share & Placement for capital?


2020-07-30 14:58 | Report Abuse

Dato.Chew is gradually reducing his share unit.

Their CEO Bryan is busy doing his side business, haha his PA viral this to everyone in the market.


2020-07-29 16:10 | Report Abuse

George why not you recommend yourself to be their CEO, i want to see how you turn MPay to be a profitable monster.


2020-07-29 13:55 | Report Abuse

How funny someone seems to know everything by glance at the website. Go read their Financial Report, they are given 5 Years to show result, but nothing achieve yet, making lost every year & having such a lousy product comparing with other competitors.


2020-07-29 10:46 | Report Abuse

Please hold and don't sell, if you believe in MPay


2020-07-10 09:05 | Report Abuse

Where did you see 6 Million cash flow? As Audited on March is only 1Million cash flow, guess how much is left now as dated on July?

Fix Deposited should not consider as cash, you need to down to earth to understand MPay business. Those are money they place into Trustees to operate their E-Money License & E-Payment business, simply it is untouchable money.

Account Receivable still have to deduct the cost, MPay earning is on micro margin may just as low as a few percentages to basis point.

For Bank & FI business you need to look at PNL, they need to have the capabilities to generate fresh money. Simply MPay business Model does not work, their reputation in the market is not good either, MPay is just considered as Tier 3 Players because their system can't cater for large volume Transaction, for Tier 2 Players (GHL, Revenue, Ipay88 etc).

MPay is just a Left Pocket in, Right Pocket out company control by the families.


2020-06-29 16:53 | Report Abuse

A single quarter rugi 5.2m and the CEO still keeping his job.


2020-06-24 11:21 | Report Abuse

cash flow 0.35 mil
debt -
current liabilities 6.7 mil

^ WOW wtf??? Sign of Bankrupt, no wonder need to Right Issues / Warrant.


2020-06-02 17:52 | Report Abuse

Shame to MPay, especially Dato Chew, what are you trying to hide from 2020 Q1 report?


2020-05-19 16:42 | Report Abuse

"Prepare for launching" lol, i get you!!! MPay is Epic at re-launch the same old product every year.


2020-05-14 16:25 | Report Abuse

MPay are into cuts in capital receipts spending, moratoria and retrenchments now, their business performance is terribly bad.

E-commerce does not benefit them, they had missed the eCommerce opportunity many years ago & decided to remain their focus on conventional payment. Foreseen a 10 Millions lost by end of 2020 if continue to have a 8 Million annual payroll.


2020-04-29 15:40 | Report Abuse

Where is the 2020 Q1 report?


2020-04-16 09:18 | Report Abuse

"many solutions are internet based. Demand higher. Financial results improving."

^ You must be kidding, MPay main business is providing solution for conventional payment terminal. Tell me how many consumer are spending in shop now?

Online demand does not benifit MPay, yet mention KFC online sales they don't earn a single cents.


2020-04-14 13:08 | Report Abuse

MPay won't be able to sustain till this year-end, thanks to Chew Family. This COVID19 seriously crippled their financial, 99% of MPay revenue contribution is from Offline sales which dropped more than 70%.

Only way for MPay to save the company is axe 70% of the company headcounts.


2020-04-02 15:46 | Report Abuse

Here is open sharing forum, diaz_flag can speak on his own order. Why would you get angry when diaz_flag flaming Dato Chew, does it anything to do with you? A dog barks when his master is attacked, if not just keep quiet and enjoy the drama "认真你就输了"


2020-03-17 10:21 | Report Abuse

Agreed, Chew family should all be investigated by SC and MACC and put in jail, their family from nothing to own multiple shop lots, a new multi-million bungalow, more than 10 cars in the garage, abusing company money to financially support their kids study aboard.


2020-03-09 15:50 | Report Abuse

The share price WTF!!!


2020-02-28 22:39 | Report Abuse

Buy time, MCA is back in game. More government project will come.


2020-02-25 07:18 | Report Abuse



2020-02-19 15:21 | Report Abuse

Can you guys help, I am trying to sell 0.11 no one is buying.


2020-02-12 17:30 | Report Abuse

Hi Big Boy, where is the 1 million users lol. I think not even fullfill 1% of the KPI, their CEO must resign.


2020-02-06 16:09 | Report Abuse

Fast fast kick their MD out from the Company, he just another corrupted seed like Tony "Everyone can bribe"


2020-01-20 18:04 | Report Abuse

Stupid stock, listed for sell a week no one buy.


2020-01-13 15:12 | Report Abuse

Bad news, KFC going to terminate MPay


2020-01-09 14:50 | Report Abuse

Mpay is no longer in the business, they have so much complaints pending to fix. Whole KFC payment downed for a week, many more unresolved issues. They going to lose more big customers, their top Management is uther useless, boss is incredibly weak with 5 years proven records in profit lost.

Spend your money somewhere else.


2020-01-05 23:11 | Report Abuse

Mr.king good question, should as their chairman on coming AGM.

From 2015 - 2020, Every year Mpay spent 20% of cashflow
* But number of subsidiary company also increase by 20% annually
* Opex also increase 20% annually
* Director remuneration also increase 20% annually

Left hand IN > middle head APPROVE > right hand OUT.


2020-01-04 21:22 | Report Abuse

Holly F, what happening to Quickash? The default note is extreamly high. This is abnormal, seems like someone controlling the platform & simply approve the borrower with intended DEFAULT purpose.


2019-12-30 08:57 | Report Abuse

100Million private placement, but RM0 went to marketing fund.

Where is all this money spent? Sad fact is "Dato Chew Money" always sidewinder investor question. Even more sad his Dato salutation is from "Pahang" and still thinks his salutation holds the water.

Before Private placement, OPEX remains healthy at 1M a year. After Private placement spent 15M averagely and see no result, one thing sure is all positive energy transferred to own pocket.

This is one of the biggest unethical act, spent money like MO1 and cheat our investors' money. Security Commission should step in to investigate this matter.

Good luck 2020, you now have new topic to lure more innocents casualty


2019-12-23 16:28 | Report Abuse

where is your positive energy boiiiii * 2


2019-12-18 15:26 | Report Abuse

M呸, still dreaming to get government project? I wonder which party you are with, sound sarcastic for an MCA related company begging for living.


2019-12-06 18:01 | Report Abuse

Do you think PH would be stupid enough to award this to a company that own by MCA cronies? Do some study yourself who is this person


2019-11-19 09:17 | Report Abuse

Managepay is sinking, they had lost their business in all angle.

1.) E-Payment : Total defeated by competitors like (Revenue & GHL)
2.) E-Commerce (BuyMalaysia) : BuyMalaysia had kaoTao to Shoopee, don't get frustrated as an investor when you found out they doing stupid thing by listing their Shops at competitor platform
3.) E-Money/Wallet : MPay had lost their golden chance as one of the pioneer 2 years ahead boost, thanks to their personal interest above investor interest. Question to Managepay is where is all the RM100M cash from private placement drained to, when you did not spend a single sen on marketing campaign?
4.) Quickkash : Quckash are not performing well in the market due to the low adoption rate shows only 3% of the active investor will invest into P2P Financing. Majority of the investors are age 18~33, 1 factor that is stopping the growth in market share is how to protect investors on the default loan. Figure tell older investor will not touch this high-risk investment, this is a game where investor "win some or lose all", MPay really need an experienced asset manager who understand market needs/concern to lead these financial products.

Others not worth to mention:
5.) Mdex : -Out of market- / ***Please remove from corporate site***
6.) ParcelPay : -Out of market- / ***Please remove from corporate site***
7.) Mtrader: -Out of market- / ***Please remove from corporate site***
8.) Loyalty Program : -Out of market- / ***Please remove from corporate site***


2019-11-05 18:07 | Report Abuse

Organization Chart printed in Annual Report is for show only, MPay group COO who is also the wife of "Managing Director" is much more powerful that "Group CEO".


2019-11-05 17:49 | Report Abuse

Sure MPay running by a top class management team. Don't be surprised that their "Group CEO" have no decision making power, after all a "Group CEO" is just a puppet & scapegoat to "Group Managing Director".


2019-11-05 17:40 | Report Abuse

All in guys, what Alex means is 三个月时间 TP0.02


2019-10-22 09:09 | Report Abuse

This company revenue will increase in the coming years with great support of Financial Budget, more foregin hot money will flow into Malaysia specially from Eastern Region. TP 0.3 by end of 2019


2019-10-18 08:39 | Report Abuse

Here is another question to MPay, why would the Board break the bank & appointed someone without a college degress as Group CEO.

1.) What result had Mr.Tan produced since 2016? All we investors see is Revenue lost over the past 3 years & widens on 2019 Q2 to RM4.69M after appointed him in position?
2.) Another joke is does "Microsoft Office Applications Diploma" even consider as education qualification?

Shame on this appointment, MPay are wasting 300k++ annually for someone unnecessary. With the incapable management team & global recession speculation share price will further drop ~ TP 0.05


2019-10-17 09:59 | Report Abuse Another failed project to burn investors money to fatten cronies, worst marketing strategy & overcommitted stock will further killing this company base on few factors.

1.) No one will be interest participate in this referral programs, when the programs only earn peanuts of RM10 per referral fees & having such stupid rules "Referral will get paid once they have accumulated RM 150 in your account". Stop shocking sendiri, go outside to understand how people earn for living.

2.) What is MPay plan to liquidize those TV-Box stock, when MPay committed few hundred k of units & monthly sales KPI is pathetic.

3.) What is MPay unique selling point when public could get a TV-Box from e-commerce & DIY themself for only RM50, then MPay is charging for installation alone is RM100. Just ask yourself, would you get one from MPay or Alternative source?