
Chitty2 | Joined since 2021-06-20

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2024-03-15 14:51 | Report Abuse

Gov cracking down on questionable activities by public listed companies. Should ask them to look into mTouch. So much money yet NAV is so low. Last time NAV higher but very little money.


2023-12-08 19:21 | Report Abuse

Only an acountant can really understand mTouche's report


2023-04-17 16:50 | Report Abuse

Must be more patient than the 'big' shareholders. Delisting does not benefit us. Those big shareholders who sold some at higher prices are waiting patiently to buy back at low prices. What else can they do but to out wait us at low prices. The more impatient u are they happier they get. May see lower prices after this comment..heehee.. waiting for lower prices to buy...


2023-04-17 13:06 | Report Abuse

Waiting at 0.040
17 april 2023


2023-03-01 17:37 | Report Abuse

I will not be surprised if after my comment there will be more selling :) :)


2023-03-01 17:35 | Report Abuse

I look at receivables etc cash n bank balances, current liabilities, where the $ is used ( eg buying properties) n how many shares and warrants the major shareholders hold, ignore other noise that is unavoidable like overheads etc general negative market sentiments and trust the major shareholders who put in lots of money into the company and then wait for the share to go up. Current price is attractive. Holding tight onto my shares


2023-02-10 14:37 | Report Abuse

I will buy some with my bonus money :) :)


2023-02-10 14:35 | Report Abuse

I wonder?? Those who sold at high prices ...,patiently waiting to collect back at low prices...hmmmm???? This is what smart traders do to earn a living...


2023-02-07 18:21 | Report Abuse

I warrant + RM0.10 = 1 share. You think major shareholders will sit happily by if top management bankrupts mTouche with millions of RM in the bank.. so must make profit. RM0.060 per share now someone's gift to those who can see a sale on offer..heehee


2023-02-07 13:43 | Report Abuse

If one believes that mTouche would do well in the near future, it would be insane not to buy at these prices. Wonder if someone is patiently collecting.


2023-01-31 15:08 | Report Abuse

Major shareholders are very tolerant of current management team :) :)


2023-01-09 19:20 | Report Abuse

Patiently collecting cheap shares fr frustrated impatient shareholders :)


2023-01-09 18:41 | Report Abuse

If must pray, pray for replacement of current management team with capable ones while there is money in the bank :) :)


2023-01-09 18:01 | Report Abuse

Do not cut your nose to spite your face


2022-12-21 11:57 | Report Abuse

Be patient. With tens of million of Ringgit, mTouche cannot stay at sub RM0.10 Management has to perform. Imagine that you hv put your money' s worth in a fixed deposit. RM0.050 is still an attractive price to buy


2022-12-17 15:19 | Report Abuse

Before the Rights issue, when was the last time mTouche has so much cash? I wonder how long the major shareholders / those holding vast amount will continue to tolerate the current management ..heehee. I can be as patient as them because i hold very little compared to them.. High interest rate environment now...major shareholders etc losing money when mTouche share is at this level..heehee


2022-12-17 14:56 | Report Abuse

Oops...RM 0.055...heehee


2022-12-17 14:55 | Report Abuse

Holding tens of million of Ringgit, one should wonder why mTouche should be trading ( or not :) :) ) at RM0.55 level. Pity that i hv no more kitty bank to break open to buy :(


2022-12-17 14:14 | Report Abuse

It is a nothing matter n does not deserve any mention


2022-09-23 23:44 | Report Abuse

At 0.001, i will break my piggy bank to buy.


2022-09-08 16:30 | Report Abuse

When one is angry with mTouche, one should look at other companies with lots and lots of $$$ , much much more tham mTouche, and having their share price badly beaten down, you know you will just hve to wait.


2022-09-08 16:13 | Report Abuse

Negative market sentiment. Lots of money in the company. Need to be patient. Everyone wants to buy cheap.


2022-08-15 12:24 | Report Abuse

I think supermax and top glove is more of a nightmare than (must not)TOUCH


2022-02-24 16:20 | Report Abuse

freddiehero, enjoy reading ur posting..always cheerful


2022-02-24 16:07 | Report Abuse

Time to sit back and eat pop corn :)


2022-02-24 15:58 | Report Abuse

I bgt today :) To me This is a safe price to pay for Mtouche.


2022-02-24 15:46 | Report Abuse

Heehee...took out piggy bank money n bgt 70,000 shares at Rm 0.080 at 12:26:26 noon today. Piggy bank gets only zero interest, lower than bank :)


2022-02-24 12:58 | Report Abuse

Yes, also agree. US n Russia etc too also problematic. Small amount of shares can push down. Rich people who invested won't like or like, we won't know... big headache


2022-02-24 12:03 | Report Abuse

I agree with EVO118.
There r expectations :). Not happy, sell. Refer to pg 12 n 18, read carefully, understand what real loss is, unavoidable loss etc, then go back to read the rest of the report. Last Q, receivables ( neither pasr due nor impaired) RM 13.3 mil, this Q RM 2.6 mil. $$ not gushing in but trickling. From ordering, receiving to delivering, it can take up to 6-9 months before they can be reported as deliverables ($ due mtouche) in the quarterly financial report. Please, always fact check me. Btw, this counter has a live of its own. It will go up or down when u least expect it.


2022-02-17 21:45 | Report Abuse

Anyone who thinks that MTouche share can reach RM 1/- , should give more thought to the current price of the warrants :-)


2022-02-17 18:02 | Report Abuse

No need to hold warrants for 2+yrs if price is right. Any projections for the price of warrants when the share price goes up.


2022-02-14 11:13 | Report Abuse

MTouche reported revenue fr sale of COVID-19 rapid antigen test kits (RM 13.5 Mil). I wonder if they will be reporting revenue fr their RT-PCR detection n diagnostic kit in this upcoming report.


2022-02-12 12:12 | Report Abuse

I wonder if there is a nibbling of shares. Also, sometimes, small # of shares bgt at a notch higher price may be due to the need to complete an order.


2022-02-05 14:25 | Report Abuse

Take a moment to ponder: why would well known investors park their personal $$$ in a company that does not offer dividend? What did their financial advisors see that is not obvious to people who can't understand how business is run?


2022-02-03 17:29 | Report Abuse

The announcement on 31 jan 2021 is the Annual report for financial year ended 30 sept 2021. We will soon know what will be the incoming amount of $$$ fr the covid related sales, fr that last reporting income period , in the next report. ( end February 2022 ????). RM 13 plus million is just the beginning. Do ur market research on the cost of covid test kits n probable large returns fr just trading. Buy fr supplier n sell to buyer. Good traders always make money even without having a lot of money. Only need to be credit worthy.


2022-02-03 17:00 | Report Abuse

Read the report carefully. Everything explained in detail. Read part 2 n 3 carefully. Just a small section of Part 3, Revenue fr sales of Covid-19 rapid antigen test kits RM 13.5 Mil. Part 1: pg 9. Covid supplies agreement. Also Group already secured own required permits n relevant approvals.. $$$ is starting to fill mTouche's bank a/c. Need to be patient. Interest fr bank is very low. Anytime can get more return fr investing in mTouche.


2021-12-02 10:47 | Report Abuse

I would like to share an interesting observation. Pls refer to section B16 ( Trade receivables)for the 3 last reports ie Sept, June n March. You will see that in Sept :
Neither past due n past due but both not impaired n up to 365 days the total amt is RM 33 million. Afer deducting a carry over from the last few months's Past due n impaired, the balance is RM 14.148 million. However, once u compare the numbers with June n March, u will see the receivables in Sept before deduction is jaw dropping. Section B1 will indicate that COVID test kits trading is already in plc. Cant wait to see coming trade receivables when there are no more past impairments to deduct.


2021-11-30 20:07 | Report Abuse

A quick look. Depreciation n amortisation etc loss RM 10.55 millions. All should look up the meaning. No way any company can avoid this. NAV better than before rights etc, lots of $ still in the bank.after rights etc. Best to refer to B16, trade receivables. RM14.148 millions. Best value ever. I hope i m not wrong.


2021-09-07 10:16 | Report Abuse

Sharing: Quote n unquote: Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Btw, i hv just seen yesterday's announcement. To me, it is not an announcement i hv to worry about :-) . I hv no intention of selling. Also fr their recent financial report, they hv planned for another RM10 mil for venture into diagnostic kit. This is in addition to the previouse RM 7 mil for the related diagnostic venture expenses. It would be good if the CEO invest more in trading diagnostic kits during this window of opportunity.


2021-09-07 08:57 | Report Abuse

Well, i guess i will hv to wait and see if the CEO of mTouche is indeed capable or not when trading in COVID diagnostic kits at a time when there is a huge demand for it and when there is so much $$$ in mTouche' bank account to make a success of it. If he fails, then , low bank interest may indeed be more attractive :-) :-)


2021-09-07 08:39 | Report Abuse

Typo.. renewed confidence. Btw, i said current price is attractive. I m immune to curses...they dont work. Also, it is unhealthy to curse :-)


2021-09-07 08:27 | Report Abuse

Good morning lulgee. I am an investor, not a speculator. I am prepared to wait to see improvements in mTouche's quarterly financial results from now onwards. The share will move when there is renewed confience in its new venture. Depending on contracts, it is quite common for customers/ laboratories to hv at least 3 months to make payment after receiving goods. I hv never given a timeline as to when mTouche's share will go up. Currently, the bank interest rate is not attractive ie i prefer to invest in mTouche's venture in trading in diagnostic kits. I am patient.


2021-08-27 19:10 | Report Abuse

Just sharing my thoughts n actions. I hv worked in a diagnostic laboratory before n know they do make handsome profits. Also know those who sell kits to our laboratory makes $$$. Also, based on assumptions made like, if share is RM 0.20 then what can warrant price be? Eg..Share goes fr RM0.10 to RM 0.20 ie 1 X profit warrant RM0.03 ( or RM 0.035) goes to ???? many fold u think then ....if u think of share at 1.0 then what can warrant price be.. fr 0.030/ 0.035 to etc


2021-08-27 17:40 | Report Abuse

Something to think abt. I hv free warrants, bgt some at RM 0.030 and again some at RM 0.025. When the share price goes up , fr profit annoncement, how much more can the warrant price ( percentage wise) go up relative to the share price. Buying warrants does not mean u hv to subscribe if u dont want to. U can sell when it goes up .... go calculate...


2021-08-13 09:52 | Report Abuse

Bgt more at RM 0.075 :-)


2021-08-11 08:42 | Report Abuse

Good morning. If u believe that mTouche can benefit fr trading in diagnotic kits, then these low prices are a god send. It can't stay low for long because once they report a profit it will take off.


2021-08-09 21:26 | Report Abuse

Btw, desperate short term speculators, sentiment manipulators and price manipulators are also guilty in pushing the price down...all deperate in wrestling shares from people at low prices when mTouche is on the verge of doing well....all that $$$ in the bank and a demand for diagnostic can it go wrong


2021-08-09 20:44 | Report Abuse

If u go back to their announcement, u will see how much they are paying for the kits. U google the cost ( there is a range depending on where u go for the test)of having to pay for a test. U then roughly factor the cost of overheads, middleman cost and the laboratories' cost ( all cost fr middleman and laborarories will include the profits they want) n u will see that mTouche can make lots of money. Without the $$ fr the rights issue, mTouche will struggle..


2021-08-09 20:31 | Report Abuse

The share price dropped but the company's bank account ended up with over RM 100 Mil. This $ provides it with an opportunity to turn the company around with tremendous profit in the near future. It is not difficult to make $$$ selling kits that are in demand. I can see it going back up to AT LEAST RM0.50. All depends on how aggressively they invest n seek out end users ( diagnostic / clinical laboratories). If u dont think they can make money, say why...dont just say con counter..doesn't explain anything. OK?