
Ckptipu | Joined since 2017-05-14

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2017-08-22 18:14 | Report Abuse

Something wrong with these people. What crap Bursa has turn into allowing crap to publish crap. Crap.


2017-08-22 18:13 | Report Abuse

When it comes to crook and moron, count chong ket pen as main culprit. The careless turn reckless moron cheated investors and stolen protasco, gave jobs to other moron like lawyers and criminals wearing fake mask, including Mak Lin Kum. Just watch how he commit terrorism commit suicide to make a statement. Chong Ket Pen goes to jail the world will be cleaner place.


2017-07-07 09:48 | Report Abuse

Already is ckp, no one else so free. Looks like going to fight and delay. Shareholders suffer. The old MD donald yap got something to hide why not help his staff? Maybe he busy finding investor take over the company. Give him some faith.


2017-07-05 20:36 | Report Abuse

Ckp what you write ah? Nobody understand. Mak lin kum writing very smart right? He forgot to look into the mirror.

Ckp, copy for you ha. What a delightful party you guys have been having here sniping childish remarks and making sore loser comments. You are a lab rat. You can only run where you are permitted to run, which is deeper into the maze. You cannot find your way out. There is no way out. You are running on adrenalin, despair and hopelessness permeates your thoughts, cold sweat oozes from your pores enveloping you in paralyzing fear, there are phantoms running wild in your head and the last semblances of your distant memories of conscience drums a deafening sound, from every direction. Your whimpering cries for justice will be answered and your world weaved on threads of lies, your house built on bricks of deceit and cemented by the glue of duplicity, will crumble and disintegrate, revealing your insecure self at wits end, once high on the fumes of ill gotten gains, now trembling in a pool of filth and the all pervading smell of your own wrongdoings pierces sharply into your nose, reminding you daily of your rotting world. You aspire to be merchant of venice, bent on extracting a pound of flesh from people you have already taken from, but in the end, you can't extract a pound of flesh without spilling a drop of blood. Very soon, you will have time for meditation, for reflection, for intropsection. The end has already begun.

It is too late for regret. Omar Khayyam once wrote,“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it. What you write? Nobody knows. Lololol


2017-07-04 23:57 | Report Abuse

Ckp got cursed everyday. I believe he keep doing bad thing and still pretend can sleep with bribery and sinful money under table taken from people of Malaysia. No wonder mind damaged.


2017-07-04 23:48 | Report Abuse

Very good criminal. Hide behind protasco. No wonder share price keep coming down. Ckp taken a lot money from borrowed money to pay himself dividend?


2017-07-04 23:29 | Report Abuse

Chong ket pen x staff also reported him billion ringgit police report. They dont abuse bursa name him. So he bribe billion ke? Maybe few hundred million ringgit only. Childish crook.


2017-07-04 23:27 | Report Abuse

Sounds like chong ket pen paying all these news creation. Everyone also know. What is so special? Chong ket pen billion ringgit money siphoning and bribery. One big round coming.


2017-07-04 23:25 | Report Abuse

When comes to moron and character assasination, all have the culprit in mind iszit? Yes, call my x boss ckp. Chong Ket Pen the crook whole stolen Protasco and famous billion Ringgit money siphoning master. Don't doubt, its him.


2017-07-02 09:45 | Report Abuse

What happened? Some spelling arguement in last egm and now waste money another egm on july 12? CKP is the main criminal. Greed and bribe taken so much from country. Why not put him in jail do society a favour. Clean up by termination fees the tiger in zoo. Do this to wild dog, same way do this to CKP. The side effect won't escalate everywhere.


2017-06-08 08:35 | Report Abuse

Roda i presume you are from stealing company side refuse to leave the seat over egm result iszit? Criminal lawyers will be punished and made shark fin soup. Same like ckp old dog. Haha


2017-05-15 15:36 | Report Abuse

You mean Chin Wei Choong who release Teh Eng Huat causing company suffer loses?


2017-05-14 15:16 | Report Abuse

Just 2 greedy crazy ex directors trying to grab on power. First time see Bursa web site being used as personal attack tool. Pitty.

Nobody cares about shares as the s holes have no shares Just s holes. Want to be hero go join army and fight in Lahat Datu. Serve your country.