
DreamEmperor | Joined since 2015-01-06

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2015-04-03 17:12 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-04-03 16:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by SUMATECRM1 > Apr 3, 2015 04:50 PM | Report Abuse

Well in case you idiots don't know how to read, this page is clearly stated
Its just common sense to talk about SUMATEC over here.
Go talk about your stocks on their page. Nobody cares here.

I'll second that. Good one, dude.


2015-04-03 16:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Apr 3, 2015 04:47 PM | Report Abuse

"azfar8 Why talk about other counter here? Simply loss kaww2 or still stuck in here... pity them, hahaha

03/04/2015 16:37 "

Tu lah, cepat sangat buat simpulan. Kalau orang kata, otak sempit macam udang, marah pulak.

Oh. You're talking about yourself. I know.


2015-04-03 16:52 | Report Abuse

Kait buah tinggi lor, itu jam. Buah rendah sudah habis lor itu jam. Sakit tengkuk & sakit belakang la nanti, itu jam.


2015-04-03 16:46 | Report Abuse

Lagi bulum kait ah. Ini macam sudah lewat lor. Monday sudah 22 lor.


2015-04-03 16:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Apr 3, 2015 04:13 PM | Report Abuse

Strategist, yes IFCA is a runaway trade and highly profitable at the moment. I missed that. It's okay, market is cyclical!

You always miss something good the first round. Always hv to wait fot second round. That's becos your brain is too kontuik dikkhead slow. Only know how to talk smart & big all the time. But not really that smart. Not at all.


2015-04-03 16:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Apr 3, 2015 04:35 PM | Report Abuse

SUMATECRM1 why talk about other stocks here?
QUE 3.482 BILLION units @ 0.205 LA

Grow up! this is open and free forum. There are no rules saying other stocks cannot be discussed here. Look at the brighter side, you may benefit too..think about it before going on a verbal diarrhea like DreamEmperor/Conqueror/Warrior.

The verbal diarhoea is meant especially for you, becos you need it. To cleanse yourself of all that shitty crap that you keep spewing out, every now & again.


2015-04-03 16:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by strategisst > Apr 3, 2015 03:15 PM | Report Abuse

Well...it is just like ifca...is it cheap?... No, but I am still loading it because I see value to be created by it... :)

What, you're only seeing value in it now? Funny, but I saw that a year ago, when its WA warrant was only 20, and I bought it that time.

Maybe it was still too blurry for you that time then, I guess.


2015-04-03 15:10 | Report Abuse

Like right now, for instance, Suma Mother is almost about the same cost as Nova-MSC Mother.

As for their future value, whether in short, medium or long term, is not something that easy to evaluate. Or predict.


2015-04-03 15:07 | Report Abuse

And how does one evaluate value?

One compares the cost of something against the cost of something else similar, like in approximately the same product class & marque class.

For example, comparing Merc to BM.

Like it or not, it always comes down to cost.


2015-04-03 13:42 | Report Abuse

Masuk Toto atau Magnum, wud be like donating to a rich towkay. With very, very, very little chance of getting one's own manoney back.

Now, why wud I wanna do something like that.

Toto or Magnum only gives you a nice dream. But it's only a pipe dream.

Whereas a good stock offers you a very possible, very realisaable dream.

I hv already experienced a fore-taste of this kind of very possible, very realisable dream in mid-August, 2014. When my Suma WB hit 56 sen.


2015-04-03 13:34 | Report Abuse

I got nothing against chameleon investors, but usually this type do not become very kaya.

Becos his mind is not focused, always split in many directions.


2015-04-03 13:30 | Report Abuse

Gua itu hari pun sudah monitor Nova-MSC, KAQ, tapi tah cam na, tangan tu pi gatai, pi terambik AsiaBio WA jugak itu time.


2015-04-03 13:25 | Report Abuse

If one is gonna get stuck, at what level wud one prefer that to happen?

At low avreage cost, or at high average cost?


2015-04-03 13:23 | Report Abuse

Buy cheap first, then wait.

Or wait first, then buy high.

Which way is the more logical?


2015-04-03 13:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by i6969 > Apr 3, 2015 01:04 PM | Report Abuse


no one is going to be convinced to buy in unless they see some rapid movement like a sudden jump to 23 or 24 at least ha ha

This is the mistake many newbies tend to make. If has has the holding power to go long term, there is no need to wait for movement, cos by that time one has already lost a few sen in profit.


2015-04-03 13:19 | Report Abuse

Buy at cheap. Sell at high.

But so many dudes, especially relative newbies, still find this one simple priciple something so tough to ingest & digest.


2015-04-03 13:17 | Report Abuse

6969, for a veteran long term investor, 'cheap' is the word he loves the most. When he is shopping around for a purchase.

And 'high' is the other word he also loves. When he is looking to realise his profit.


2015-04-03 13:12 | Report Abuse

Gua rasa AsiaBio tu cam lambat lagi, klu nak jalan pun, KAQ. So gua trade in ngan Nova-MSC dulu.

Lain hari boleh la ambik AsiaBio lg satu round, klu masih minat lg, klu nampak cam ada potential lg.


2015-04-03 13:08 | Report Abuse

Galah tu tak patah, KAQ. Dia bengkok kejap aja. Lain hari dia lurus la balik.


2015-04-03 13:07 | Report Abuse

KAQ, galah AsiaBio ka ... LOL


2015-04-03 13:06 | Report Abuse

Well, dudes. It ain't every week that you get presented with a chance like IFCA-MSC, or IFCA-MSC WA.

Now, NovaMSC is being offered to you. At 19 - 19.5 sen. Don't wait for it to reach 25 before deciding it's good enough for you.

Like the man said, 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.'

Take it home with you. For you to get many years of riding pleasure on it.


2015-04-03 12:50 | Report Abuse

What TP for this one?


2015-04-03 12:46 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-04-03 12:42 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-04-03 11:58 | Report Abuse

So, moral of story is, klu stock tu tengok cam ada potential baik punya, klu dia nampak cam slow, jangan duk keriau duk complain banyak sangat.

Anggap saja itu suatu peluang keemasan, dan cari modal utk labur. Pas tu kena sabar la, tunggu nak kaut hasil. Bukannya boleh kaut dalam satu hari.


2015-04-03 11:55 | Report Abuse

Okay, skrg kasi gua kasi cerita gua punya pengalaman pulak. Gua itu hari ada beli & pegang IFCA-MSC WA tau. Sekarang brapa harga dia. RM1.20 kan.

Nak tau tak gua beli brapa itu jam? Itu time waktu gua balik kampung utk Hari Raya Puasa tahun lepas.

Itu jam, gua beli harga 20. Yup. 20 sen. Tapi tak pegang lama. Itu la kesilapannya. Sebabnya, nak kejar stock lain yg sedang hot itu jam.

Ku lah gua dump semua gua punya modal yg gua ada itu jam, dekat IFCA-MSC WA itu jam, gua ini hari sudah JUTAWAN tau.

Tu la, sbb nya, bukan senang nak jadi nujum ni, kan.


2015-04-03 11:48 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ha. Sini pun ada pak lawak juga ka.


2015-04-03 11:25 | Report Abuse

Woi, kontuik flag-player, gonna hit 50 pretty soon. Now you flag this one.


2015-04-03 11:22 | Report Abuse

Ferrari is not an asset. It is a liability. Prudent investors look at luxury condos, to make even more wealth, not luxury racing cars.

When one oredy has 20 mil in one's asset portfolio, then only one can consider Ferrari. And then just for play play one only also.


2015-04-03 11:20 | Report Abuse

MSC stock ma, this one. Tengok dia punya nama aja lor. Jangan main-main wor.


2015-04-03 11:13 | Report Abuse

Sekarang 19.5 cakap mahal ... Nanti sudah leap-frog sampai 30, itu jam baru la nak kecoh, kelam kabut, terkejar-kejar lintang pukang ...


2015-04-03 11:12 | Report Abuse

Nanti sudah fly macam IFCA-MSC, nanti itu jam baru la keriau banyak busat.

Menyesal tak confident la, menyesal tak beli la, apa taik kontuik la ...


2015-04-03 11:08 | Report Abuse

So fast one ah.


2015-04-03 11:08 | Report Abuse

Aik! Sudah turun balik one ah, so fart one ah.


2015-04-03 09:47 | Report Abuse

How many lots they got one ah. Maybe 10 small lots ah.


2015-04-03 09:45 | Report Abuse

How far can go this one ah. What is TP.


2015-04-03 09:39 | Report Abuse

When 16 also say cannot move up, when 18 also say cannot move up, when 20 also say cannot. So better dont play la, if like dat one.


2015-04-03 09:36 | Report Abuse

If scared scared better dont play at all. Play also like pondan only.


2015-03-31 20:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Mar 31, 2015 06:15 PM | Report Abuse

I came in as a punter and made my money..
Just showed that you were a stupid, kontuik, idiot dikkhead punter too. Cos you took like a good SIX months of stupid, kontuik, idiot dikkhead arguing & whining versus Suma old timers to realise & exploit the punt-worthiness of Suma.


2015-03-31 19:48 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-31 19:16 | Report Abuse

Never touched any warrants before in his short, brief kiddy dikkhead investing life ... made 5k once and thought, talked & acted like he'd discovered a new planet ...

Just says it all about ... the total, complete, kontuik, idiot, kiddy dikkhead naivety ... about stocks & stuff ... of DickyMe-MeDicky ...


2015-03-31 18:55 | Report Abuse

I knew it.

Now, that just shows it all, DickyMe-Me-Dicky. Your still total, complete, kontuik, kiddy dikkhead naivety ... about stocks & stuff ...


2015-03-31 18:37 | Report Abuse

DickyMe-MeDicky, I sold @18 Friday before last, bought back @14.5 last Monday, sold again @16 last Friday, and bought back again @14.5 yesterday.

Now, who's the better player, you or I?


2015-03-31 18:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Mar 31, 2015 06:15 PM | Report Abuse

I came in as a punter and made my money..Now waiting to reenter to punt again.
And you figure that you are the ONLY smart one around, I guess. Just one more piece of undoubtable, undeniable evidence of your kontuik, idiot dikkhead idiocy.


2015-03-31 18:27 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-31 18:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by 6868 > Mar 31, 2015 06:03 PM | Report Abuse

Ok so i will tell you my rationale why wb is a safe investment at this level. First the downside is limited. Secondly say tou bought at 15c you have capped the cost of mothershare at 15+175 regardless whether the share has appreciated to 60 or 1.00 say in 2018 when oil would have rebounded. This scenario is applicable if you are prepared to hold long term and ot has long finite life of 10 yrs remaining. Also not all warrants are created equal. Suma wb might be worth the risk given the future potential of company. You also minimize your holding cost instead of holding the share.
Dude. You are like the preacher preaching to the converted. LOL


2015-03-31 18:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Mar 31, 2015 06:07 PM | Report Abuse

Good boy. Keep opening that pic, and keep kissin the posterior (read: arse) part of it. Again & again & again & again. I know you like it.