
DreamEmperor | Joined since 2015-01-06

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2015-03-24 08:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by KAQ4468 > Mar 23, 2015 07:58 PM | Report Abuse

Ayooyoooo.....maut punya gelek ....gua bayangkan gua kat bawah , itu khushboo gelek kat atas ....ammaa appaaaa juling biji mata woooo!!!!

Klu stakat juling biji mata aja, masih kira okay lg tu. Kut ada juling biji lain pulak kut. Ha, tu yg nak kena jaga. LOL


2015-03-23 18:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-23 17:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by vinoth > Mar 23, 2015 05:51 PM | Report Abuse

So Chan Yok Peng is the one who is selling heavily. Why is he doing this?

For Investor Relations related queries, please contact the following:

Name: Roshidah Abdullah(Chief Financial Officer)
Email: investor-r@sumatec.com
Tel: +603 2283 1368
Fax: +603 2282 6368


2015-03-23 17:51 | Report Abuse

SapuMalaysia ... Woi, SapuMalaysia ... wooooo hooooo ... Where hv you gone hiding now, SapuMalaysia ...

Ha. Baru la dia tau. Sudah takut juga dia itu. Sudah lari pigi sembunyi tak mau mana tempat juga ...

Ha ha ha ... naive, kiddy, idiot dikkhead everyday pretending so hard everywhere to sound so clever ...


2015-03-23 17:44 | Report Abuse

Ha .. Apa sudah jadi, naive kiddy idiot dikkhead SapuMalaysia ... Sudah kena SAPU ka lu? Ha ha ha ...

Namanya bukan main lagi tu ... SapuMalaysia konon ...

Suddenly you go all quiet ... all deathly quiet ... So, so suddenly ... Completely lost for words now, are you? ...


2015-03-23 17:37 | Report Abuse

Kau apa tau, naive kiddy idiot dikkhead SapuMalaysia. Belagak pandai saja sana sini, cakap lebih saja sini, all over I3.

While I'm already poised, right now, to make 30 - 40k, just this week. Ha. Lagi apa mau cakap?


2015-03-23 17:33 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-23 17:30 | Report Abuse

Karut cakap saja ... All BS only ...


2015-03-23 17:15 | Report Abuse

My reply about big O&G tycoons was directed at Vinoth, not at you, Ring. He seems to think that tycoons spend hundreds of millions just to play the fool with people.


2015-03-23 17:11 | Report Abuse

Let folks believe whatever shhit they wanna believe, Ring. You just play according to what you know & believe. When you make money, it's your money, you don't need to share any of it with them.


2015-03-23 17:04 | Report Abuse

Wah. Got peole seriously believing that big oil O&G tycoons cracking their heads like heck, doing multi-billion business just for fun ah. Grow up, dude.


2015-03-23 16:50 | Report Abuse

Why not possible.


2015-03-23 15:09 | Report Abuse

Betul ka. Gua tengah monitor juga ni.


2015-03-23 14:35 | Report Abuse

very cute, your name ...


2015-03-23 14:35 | Report Abuse

Iru-mi-san ... Hero-me-san ... Wowwww ...


2015-03-23 14:32 | Report Abuse

Really? You must be the new heroic kid on the block. Wow.

And just becos you don't agree with someone, dude, doesn't gv you the right to call that someone a bully ...

I suggest you do a bit more observation & study before jumping to your trigger-happy, rapid-fire conclusion. These kiddy dikkheads hv been having a running battle with me for months.

You don't know me enough, you don't know them enough. So, save your heroic thoughts to yourself. Dude.


2015-03-23 13:58 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-23 12:24 | Report Abuse

No, it was Saudi/OPEC who triggered the first downslide. It was them who talked their arses off about increasing production, about winning new customers, about not caring a shhit even if oil drops to US$30, blah blah, blah ...


2015-03-23 12:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by SapuMalaysia > Mar 23, 2015 10:28 AM | Report Abuse

P/S: Curse warrant B drop to 0 !!

Oh yeah. God will gv credence to your kiddy idiot dikkhead curse. Becos he LOVES kiddy idiot dikkheads like ya.

Of course.


2015-03-23 12:10 | Report Abuse

Saudi/OPEC = a bunch of dikkhead idiots running around all over the place, talking BS, wearing expensive suits, & driving big Mercs &BMs, earning obscene wages, without much of a clue about what's really going on.


2015-03-23 12:07 | Report Abuse

And wasn't it only several weeks ago, that OPEC SecGen Abdulla al Badri was going on about a possible upward price spike to US$200 if new investment in supply capacity runs low.

Dudes. I wud forget about Saudi & OPEC if I were you. They'll tell you one thing one day, then another thing another day.


2015-03-23 11:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by imoogi99 > Mar 18, 2015 10:59 PM | Report Abuse

Raise cash???? right issue???? Why need cash as they already got cash when they ipo. They're spacs. First they need to find assets to find and qualify it and then only raise cash. They hv not qualify any assets yet.

Apparently you haven't heard of the one in Kazakhstan. I hear it pretty sizeable. Worth more than their IPO proceeds, at least. Cud be why they now need more cash.


2015-03-23 09:50 | Report Abuse


SapuMalaysia = kontuik kiddy dikkhead idiot investor


2015-03-23 09:45 | Report Abuse

Correction to abobe post:

Posted by SapuMalaysia > Mar 23, 2015 08:19 AM | Report Abuse

vinoth If for every 5 share they issue 6, means the total number of shares will increase by twofold while earnings remain the same. Does it mean that the share price will be diluted by half (to 10 sen) after the RI?
In 2013 RI, 10 existing shares qualified for 41 Rights shares. Did that mean the total number of shares post-RI increased by 5-fold, and share price post-RI dropped by 5-fold also? No, that did not happen.

You like to call people out, purportedly, and accuse them of all kinds of bad things. But the reality is, you must be a very naive, experience-challenged investor.


2015-03-23 09:43 | Report Abuse

vinoth If for every 5 share they issue 6, means the total number of shares will increase by twofold while earnings remain the same. Does it mean that the share price will be diluted by half (to 10 sen) after the RI?

In 2013 RI, 10 existing shares qualified for 41 Rights shares. Did that mean the total number of shares post-RI increased by 5-fold, and share price post-RI dropped by 5-fold also? No, that did not happen.

You like to call people out, purportedly, and accuse them of all kinds of bad things. But the reality is, you must be a very naive, experience-challenged investor.


2015-03-21 15:32 | Report Abuse

The smile of sage wisdom.


2015-03-21 14:59 | Report Abuse

Well, I am currently invested in one, actually. And the warrant at that, too. Sumatec WB. So I am pretty familiar with penny stocks, I reckon, and how they behave.


2015-03-21 14:56 | Report Abuse

Dats what can easily happens with a penny stock. Gotta do lots of study & homework before deciding to plonk your money into one.

They're great for multiplying your money fast, if you get into luck & hit a good one. But they're also high risk, compared to mid-caps or index-linked counters.


2015-03-21 14:52 | Report Abuse

Uma Thurman. Dat German actress who played Helen in Troy the Movie.


2015-03-15 19:18 | Report Abuse

Waaahh, 6868 like experienced loverboy la ... LOL


2015-03-15 18:39 | Report Abuse

Waaah, lu lagi under-rate gua la, 6868, LOL. Gua sudah master ini macam punya ilmu semua la. LOL

Tapi gua tak pandai menari itu gelek. Gua pandai tengok itu gelek punya awek juga. LOL

Sometimes mau boasting juga sikit lor, if the fella downgrade you one. Biasa lor, ini macam, kita org laki.


2015-03-15 18:34 | Report Abuse

Misti boleh punya la, DS. Klu tak boleh ah, itu experienced tycoon HS lagi mau buang banyak masa sama wang dekat Suma ka.

Haiyyyaa, simple logic only ma.


2015-03-15 18:30 | Report Abuse

Wouldn't it be cool ... to be sitting down again, drinking nescafe & smoking, surfing forum, watching gelek vids at nite ... maybe go visit that gelek dance club in that place ... and counting profits ... like in mid-August 2014 ...


2015-03-15 18:24 | Report Abuse

I know if serious or not serious, can guess la, but also not 100% la. I pretend to be innocent only. Then can counter-bullshit that fella la.

But if someone sarcstic, if he sarcastic to make me angry, I just prefer to ignore. Becoz it's rather unproductive. So he don't get any satisfaction with me. And the fella can also easily deny that he is being sarcastic at you.

But if he sarcastic for joking only, I can also counter with my own sarcasm. Way to go. Way to play.


2015-03-15 18:11 | Report Abuse

Tanya itu Sifu 6868 ...


2015-03-15 18:09 | Report Abuse

6868, s*x also no mood ah. LOL. Itu hal tak boleh kacau, misti maintain punya. Nanti bini sudah marah ah, sudah tak boleh fokus when main saham.

You must learn the way of the Cool Warrior. Can stay cool in even the stormiest of tempests.


2015-03-15 18:05 | Report Abuse

Itu hope sudah always ada, 6868. Lu saja tak mau dengar kita orang punya cakap. Lu mau dengar lu punya cakap juga.


2015-03-15 18:03 | Report Abuse

80 break bolt la, Ring. LOL


2015-03-15 17:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-15 17:46 | Report Abuse

Minyak apa macam? Itu Saudi/OPEC la, bikin kacau juga.


2015-03-15 17:39 | Report Abuse

Ya lor. They tembak you with their shock & awe weapons.


2015-03-15 17:37 | Report Abuse

So you tak dapat beli @20 ah, YK.


2015-03-15 17:33 | Report Abuse

You know la, YK. When Baby Godzilla wakes up, sharks & whales all run for dear life. LOL


2015-03-15 17:32 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-15 17:30 | Report Abuse

Nope. It has not cracked mine yet. Cos I hv not sold any at loss. Getting closer & closer to my average cost price now.


2015-03-15 17:25 | Report Abuse

LOL, Stone. 62 is really gonna bust your nuts.


2015-03-15 17:24 | Report Abuse

Well, let's put it this way. Let's just say, you sold tomorrow at, say 26 la. Then, if price keeps climbing, then at 28 still looking strong & robust, are you going to remain outside, or are you going to buy your way back in?

It's something that has happened to me a few times with Suma.


2015-03-15 17:18 | Report Abuse

Big players like Strategisst & Noraini kasi umpan-umpan sikit la besok hari. Buy at seller's price a few lots, push the trend upward.


2015-03-15 17:11 | Report Abuse

I like it when everybody is feeling bull. The good mood & the good vibes just keep spreading around.


2015-03-15 17:09 |

Post removed.Why?