GreatSTOCKS r V, VALUE > price, p now i.e. 50-75% higher!

GreatSTOCK | Joined since 2016-01-02 10:48:58

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2019-12-22 03:19 | Report Abuse

BEST winning stocks ever produced in KLSE, msia w vol n value #,

# 1 QL, edi lifted off to new blue sky
# 2 SCIENTX, on taxi to run way now
# 3 TOPGLOV n then HARTA, both might take another 1 - 2 yrs more to outperform

what say u investors ???

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2019-12-21 16:34 | Report Abuse

Shouted this to this tread :

Posted by GreatSTOCKS r V, VALUE > price, p now i.e. 50-75% higher! > Dec 20, 2019 1:21 PM | Report Abuse X

Made 3 attempts on serbadk before X date of super duper good issues.
n had to cut super fast !

Why is it so difficult to perform even when everything's aligned ?
i. Overly owned by the giant fun_ u know who.
They micro trade like crazzzy every week.
ii. The last straw came after the analysts factory or oversea sites visit.
They wrote good reports yet the stock price was coming down n remains weak till today.

For those who invested, it's hope against HOPE everyday.
Do something to rebalance, u might be better off elsewhere.

Investing in stock is about doing life with that stock.
n it's about giving a portion of your life that u will never get back.


2019-12-20 12:44 | Report Abuse

Yesterday famous broker # 32 n 35 were selling like crazzy in the afternoon session. Hope they will buy back soon n MORE.

ALLIANZ, finally dares to join the HIGH.FLIER.CLUB:
stocks like FRONTKN, MASTER, DAYANG n REVENUE recently.

Look at these growing Q profits, so HUGE they were.
ALLIANZ has been growing every Q YoY since 2 yrs ago :


2019-12-20 05:39 | Report Abuse

Great Winning Stocks for 2020 Japan Olympics r
iii. what else is great ?


2016-02-04 11:42 | Report Abuse

cellco edi being 'robbed' big 9 billions +. = few yrs profit.
Glove is next on their target.

News & Blogs

2016-01-21 05:31 | Report Abuse

20.01.2015 [12:53:35 PM]
Try catching the bottom in DOW. there must be last bottom.
it could be today.
TRY doing this catching the BIG bottom biz for a few more times,
u'll become expert in timing the mkt.
imagine doing the same job all over again n again = easy to do after that.
it's the NOISEs from the big name like ceo of blackrock that is disturbing.

crisis in mandarin = danger + Opportunity
Good LUCK = Opportunity + Action.Taken

Everybody has the same Good LUCK but not every1 takes it.

this way of money making in 3 X velocity ETF is easier than hunting
the right stocks to buy every cycle.

GEORGE SOROS just said this today: 'It's always darkest before dawn'

F A N G stocks recover fast.

Mkt is in bear zone, i bet for last rebound up. then we can try short.

TQQQ is best for long,
FAZ is for short if financial crisis happens once again.

BIB is up now. likely dow will try to.


2016-01-15 10:44 | Report Abuse

Hi matrix6050,
Glad u r here enjoying the rise n lift off of KESM.
I can talk often n freely this season.

News & Blogs

2016-01-15 09:44 | Report Abuse

The 1st easiest valuation method is to compare mkt cap with their biggest asset, the installed refinery capacity.

PETRON 88,000 bpd mkt cap rm 1.795 bill
SHELL 125,000 bpd
SHELL mkt cap 125/88 X $1.795 = $2.55 bill
over 300 min shares = RM$ 8.50 / share.
In an efficient mkt, SHELL is Rightfully priced at $8.50 now.
SHELL shall have to fly soon, maybe in a mth.


2016-01-14 16:07 | Report Abuse

Being overly gungho usually leads to over staying on the primary growth phase.
This warrant issue at ex price of 165 could be a mistake to mother stock.
Time will tell whether the CF or IB advice on the 1 time xtra large bonus issue after split is good to the s/holders in the medium term and beyond.

Don't you agree that great stocks must always be priced above rm2.80 and much higher at all times of its life ?
Few co like QL, TOPGLOV did it well.

Shall monitor price performance for case study.
Soli, no mend to offend. I love VS, my favourite stock.
This's for purpose of discussion.
Our CF or IB are far being pro in this advisory biz at all !


2016-01-14 14:24 | Report Abuse

THX RosmahMansur for the KESM AGM update.


2016-01-14 11:15 | Report Abuse

SAM has a similar timing cycle with KESM.
Except that KESM moves fast and furious from the top, the new highs whereas SAM will struggle from the bottom up.
That shows new high is best strategy and lesser risk.
It's an ironic issue for many to debate on.
A cycle period of 2 mths + 21 days will more often than not, witness a reversal pt to up trending again to a brand new prosperous primary growth phase.
SAM's turn to move can't be too far away from KESM, perhaps a week or 2 more.

News & Blogs

2016-01-14 10:46 | Report Abuse

Ya, kena niceely at 620 then 607. in small abt 20k shares.
Stubbornly feel This 1 is 50% profit potential candidate.
For now, it's no good sign.

If it recovers above 585 n stays on top, will sailang kuat-kuat.
So ctupeed to buy so high then, right ?

We as consumers are pumping at easily usd60/barrel refinery level.
The gov is slow to action to lower price adjustment, maybe max 5 times a yr.
The spot prices is edi staying low n will be for an extended time. At anytime the daily spot price fluatuation of usd30 to even 45/barrel, SHELL should stand to gain really BIG. (usd60 - 30 or 45= ???/barrel )
Can some1 in the know tell us the working model with gov taxes n subsidies if any at these prices.

At 2nd or 3rd day drop, it is where the lowest price is established.
SHELL Ada Harapan.


2016-01-14 10:36 | Report Abuse

THX RosmahMansur,
Confirmed, the giant fund PNB in 1 gulp walloped 7.4% stake in MAGNI from VT who is hard up for cash.
PNB bought MAGNI at around yesterday's price.
MAGNI's Future must be bright n wide open ...


2016-01-13 16:45 | Report Abuse

ooops, KESM is more furious than LATITUD.
I have problem with small entry in SHELL.
Need help and support. Look at it, pls.


2016-01-13 16:40 | Report Abuse

VT hates our MAGNI. Luckily his stake has been placed out to funds.
If he sells them in the open market, MAGNI will turn to a mini.
Is VT 's last block to be sold out soon ?

News & Blogs

2016-01-13 15:34 | Report Abuse

JT Yeo,
You are my loss son. Come back.
We can celebrate and prosper forever ever laughter in the stock market.
Btw, I learned what lol is from you !
Laugh lah a bit, dear.


2016-01-13 09:24 | Report Abuse

cimb came to save the operator and u, the die hard lover.
Hevea's valuation is over stretched with the warrant issue.
At the look of it, it had peaked edi at 179 at its biggest primary growth phase.
All it needs is few mths of down sideways consolidation.
Forget abt the rumour, it had fully run the high price course.
Doubt it can pierce thru 166 again and stay above it. Hope it can.
or Could be better off to decide a price and out on strength or price spike.
After the split n bonus, Hevea is quite a giant script co. now.
Next push will need tonnes of money and time.

News & Blogs

2016-01-12 15:56 | Report Abuse

OMG, not ter good. Kena edi.
Too hot today to catch !

News & Blogs

2016-01-12 15:22 | Report Abuse

Thanks to Bursamaster Bullseye ,

in some 6.20, though being a bit late comer today.

News & Blogs

2016-01-12 12:44 | Report Abuse

YES, the best of the best pattern formation for entry pts.
Excel and Be a good specialist in this 1 and only 1, will make U super rich in timing the stocks.
Focus on stocks > rm2.80 n play afool with the funds for better success rate.
Charts are only good for good stocks with FA.


2016-01-11 12:02 | Report Abuse

WHY must U stay so stubborn to see your loving stock, hevea implode all the way down FROM RECORD 179?
MANagement quarrel is the worst thing that can happen to a PLC.
Pretty much like in 'fighting' in a rich family. A new term I learned,
Not sure it can catch a rat again !
So much of warning is every where to tell U to take profit 1st. EVERYTHING ELSE IS 2ND.
U certainly can't tell between good n bad FAST.


2016-01-11 11:36 | Report Abuse

Hi TUAN-TUAN DAN PUAN-PUAN in this exciting tread.
At times, I might drop in to 'disturb'. Forgive me if I'm wrong.

I specialize on great stocks flying to new blue sky at the right timing.
FA fanatics said there is no way to time the market. They are 'coward'.

My research found it can be done right, at the right timing esp great stocks above rm2.80. Better accuracy at higher prices of rm5.

Stocks trend down or side way 80% of the time, 20% on uptrend. So right timing is the KEY to super investing.


2016-01-11 11:22 | Report Abuse

Just come out from shower to know
LATITUD decided to jump q and lift-off earlier than KESM at right timing.


2016-01-11 10:29 | Report Abuse

the right timing launch could be now today.
Shall easily target > 650 and much more for this growth phase.

LATITUD shall be next on the line up.


2016-01-11 06:07 | Report Abuse

All fanatic FA fellows said that there is zero organic value to split n bonus issue in the long term. To a certain extend, I agree with them but not on the speed of price increase in immediate term.

i. A very good case study to do is that done and operated very well by the AIG before the deadly sub-prime crisis.
Hank Greenberg, a clever Jew engineered an explosive rise of AIG in its hay days.
Imagine this, AIG was rated 3 big A, AAA. Msia as a country garnered a mere Bcc, I guess.
I learned that AIG's scripts count only doubled in 5 yrs as the earnings increased in tandem.
AIG had a superb CF advice who had market knowledge learned from study done by Harvard biz school, i.e. 3 small bonus issue in 5 yrs.
Each time AIG stock price went above USD$100-150, a bonus issue was announced. After ex the lower price will gradually moved up n up to above 100 to 150 range. When this was achieved, a small faction of bonus issue was again announced. I remembered reading AIG's announcements on the 3 bonus issues. The letters written were almost the same word by word and line by line. The only difference was the # or ratio of bonus issue. Seems to be run mechanically.
This simple and sure way to wealth creation is set in motion.
Simply incredible, IF LATITUD wants to follow this amazing duplication plan.

ii. We want funds to hold LATITUD forever.
Many funds in Msia are not allowed to buy stocks below Rm2.
So stocks with prices below rm2 after over size generous split n bonus issues, beware.
The funds might begin to get out when the going gets tough or is questionable.
New funds are very unlikely to come in. So there goes the demand for their scripts and stocks out-performance going forward.
Free Warrant issue provides immediate 'steroid' effect to fast reward but the earnings dilution is forever. Unless the earning growth is super fast enough, the valuation has to come down.

News & Blogs

2016-01-10 02:28 | Report Abuse

WB's model is best for you to take cos private and hold forever. His idea will certainly help you excel as private equity managers. But you also need to have ivy league biz knowledge.
R you also qualify from those school ?
IF no, forget about IT.

These real great pple provide great ideas in what is to happen ahead in investing. Really appropriate for pple in the stock market.
' The greatest money manager of all-time says he's successful because of this one thing '


2016-01-08 12:55 | Report Abuse

Hevea's Hour chart shows a nice classical head and shoulder pattern with 160 as the all dangerous line.
Every buyer here is patiently awaiting 1 smart money to 'belanja' all to the buyers at 160. The implosion Could happen in your face in the next hr or so.
IF that happens, expect a long down sideways consolidation, just like Liihen now. U r most probably edi seeing hevea's record high price set 2 days ago.
LATITUDE has gone thru that 2-3 mths of grinding phase. It's now all ever-ready for a brand new happening again .. Same applies to KESM.
Would you buy IT ?


2016-01-07 10:43 |

Post removed.Why?


2016-01-05 17:11 | Report Abuse

VS 's valuation is grossly over-stretched by the recent WA issue.
Might be timely to switch out to LATITUD. This way could have a Higher chance to achieve over performance. Stock rotation is healthy for the mkt.


2016-01-05 17:07 | Report Abuse

HEVEA 's valuation is grossly over-stretched by the recent WA issue.
Might be timely to switch out to LATITUD. This way could have a Higher chance to achieve over performance. Stock rotation is healthy for the mkt.


2016-01-05 16:15 | Report Abuse

KESM at 532,
This attempt to move up looks real. Good chance of an explosive lift off tomorrow !

News & Blogs

2016-01-03 03:23 | Report Abuse

To ckliew88 n all concern,
1 more step to do to complete the portfolio.
u need to put in your capital of $100,000.

Click add transaction n click cash, then enter amount of 100,000 as your cash capital.
Commission is 0.1% n min. at $8.