Blog Posts
2016-05-20 12:33 | Report Abuse
Only now so kachiong, even can predict end of May reach 2.50
Icon888, if you are so sure of AirAsia, why didnt you choose it as part of your portfolio? Why make so much noise now?
So far only Paperplane done so
Posted by KLCI King > May 20, 2016 12:26 PM | Report Abuse
I thought this stock is paperplane baby? Oh, it is baby for both Icon888 & paperplane, what a beautiful miracle.
2016-05-17 11:17 | Report Abuse
Today Iooon8000 dominate AirAsia.
Posted by Kasseylim > May 9, 2016 09:01 PM | Report Abuse X
Threaten to quit yesterday but today alone make dozen post about AirAsia, AirAsia, AirAsia. These attention seeker Icon8787 is lying
2016-03-15 17:56 | Report Abuse
Please report to SC. Market manipulation in progress here
2016-05-10 11:17 | Report Abuse
Another post talking her way out
Posted by Icon8888 > May 8, 2016 05:02 PM | Report Abuse
I calculate my portfolio return on yearly basis
Did very well in 2015 with profit more than 10 years of my last drawn salary before I retired
On 1 January 2016, I reset my book to start with zero again. It happened that in first few months of 2016, my portfolio was down by about 5%, and Gamda WE propelled me back to the black
I hope you guys can have a better picture now
2016-05-10 11:16 | Report Abuse
So how?
Posted by Icon8888 > May 9, 2016 09:42 PM | Report Abuse
Since you are so angry, give you a chance to revenge - fish out the relevant rules and regulation and paste it here, I will surrender myself to SC and ask them penalize me
2016-05-10 11:12 | Report Abuse
This cheating Icn8989 previous bully Cheo Keong that it's not illegal and there's no law barring you to recommend buy or sell. And when she is exposed for been wrong, she is spinning herself. Another KYY in the making
2016-05-09 23:47 | Report Abuse
Stock market manipulations
176. (1) Subject to section 180, no person shall effect, take part in, engage in, be concerned in, or carry out, either directly or indirectly, any number of transactions in securities
of a corporation, being transactions that have, or are likely to have, the effect of–
(a) raising;
(b) lowering; or
(c) pegging, fixing, maintaining or stabilising,
the price of securities of the corporation on a stock market in Malaysia, for the purpose which may include the purpose of inducing other persons, whether or not another person is induced,
to acquire or dispose of the securities of the corporation or of a related corporation.
(2) A reference in this section to a transaction, in relation to securities of a corporation,
(a) a reference to the making of an offer to sell or purchase such securities of
the corporation; and
(b) a reference to the making of an invitation, however expressed, that expressly or impliedly invites a person to offer to sell or purchase such securities of the corporation.
False or misleading statements, etc.
177. A person shall not make a statement, or disseminate information, that is false or misleading in a material particular and is likely to induce the sale or purchase of securities by
other persons or is likely to have the effect of raising, lowering, maintaining or stabilising the market price of securities if, when he makes the statement or disseminates the information–
(a) he does not care whether the statement or information is true or false; or
(b) he knows or ought reasonably to have known that the statement or information
is false or misleading in a material particular.
Fraudulently inducing persons to deal in securities
178. (1) A person shall not–
(a) by making or publishing any statement, promise or forecast that he knows to be misleading, false or deceptive;
(b) by any dishonest concealment of material facts;
(c) by the reckless making or publishing, dishonestly or otherwise, of any statement, promise or forecast that is misleading, false or deceptive; or
(d) by recording or storing in, or by means of, any mechanical, electronic or other device, information that he knows to be false or misleading in a material particular,
induce or attempt to induce another person to deal in securities.
(2) In a prosecution for an offence under paragraph (1)(d), in relation to the recording or storing of information, it shall be a defence if the defendant establishes that when the
information was recorded or stored, he had no reasonable grounds for expecting that the information would be available to any person.
2016-05-09 23:35 | Report Abuse
Can someone help to report Icn8888 to SC? He deserve 10 years behind bar
2016-05-09 21:03 | Report Abuse
Shameless, taking credit from Pplane hard work
2016-05-09 21:01 | Report Abuse
Threaten to quit yesterday but today alone make dozen post about AirAsia, AirAsia, AirAsia. These attention seeker Icon8787 is lying
2016-05-08 20:27 | Report Abuse
Watch tomorrow onward how Icn8080 so kanchiong in AirAsia. Every time go up 1 cent, she will come out and kanchiong. No other share to comment but only AirAsia, AirAsia, AirAsia.
Posted by PurplePain > May 8, 2016 03:22 PM | Report Abuse
No wonder he so kan chiong in AirAsia.
2016-05-08 17:53 | Report Abuse
Do not trust Icon8808. Read this to know what a snake he is. He never did buy AirAsia. Taken from his own post.
Posted by Icon8888 > Apr 7, 2016 01:06 PM | Report Abuse
Same here
I was in the red these few months, until OTB asked to buy Gamuda WE.
I hesitated, but went in later. Punt big time, now I am in the black already
Thank you OTB. The RM980 is well spent. You are really my sifu and guardian angel
2016-05-08 15:21 | Report Abuse
Do not trust Icon8808. Read this to know what a snake he is. He never did buy AirAsia. Taken from his own post.
Posted by Icon8888 > Apr 7, 2016 01:06 PM | Report Abuse
Same here
I was in the red these few months, until OTB asked to buy Gamuda WE.
I hesitated, but went in later. Punt big time, now I am in the black already
Thank you OTB. The RM980 is well spent. You are really my sifu and guardian angel
2016-05-08 15:19 | Report Abuse
Do not trust Icon8808. Read this to know what a snake he is.
Posted by Icon8888 > Apr 7, 2016 01:06 PM | Report Abuse
Same here
I was in the red these few months, until OTB asked to buy Gamuda WE.
I hesitated, but went in later. Punt big time, now I am in the black already
Thank you OTB. The RM980 is well spent. You are really my sifu and guardian angel
Posted by murali > Apr 7, 2016 10:55 AM | Report Abuse
Impossible n improbable?
I knew a few guys did it and I am one of them. Thanks to Gamuda-WE. I bought at the same time with OTB (or maybe earlier than him), when WR was ard Rm0.26.
2016-05-08 15:13 | Report Abuse
Frankie, you are right. Ico8888 is a pump and dump king. If he is in the red, it means this useless syndicate never bought AirAsia.
2016-05-06 22:18 | Report Abuse
Give talk that he is FA investor but all we know his picks all losing. Now hijack Pplane pick and become attention seeker. What a joke
2016-05-06 21:40 | Report Abuse
Another Icon808 plp. Tkp2 is a attention seeker just like his icon. Both useless. We no need them here.
Posted by klee > May 6, 2016 09:37 PM | Report Abuse
Why the horse PLP icon8888?Cos horse has no trading ideas himself wakakaka.
2016-05-06 21:33 | Report Abuse
As far as we can see, Icon880 did not buy AirAsia. He was busy with Comcorp, Eg-wa, Tguan-wa, and Mudajaya.
2016-05-06 21:31 | Report Abuse
Icon pick for year 2016
Comcorp -17.67%
Eg-wa -32.59%
Mudajaya 1.45%
Tguan-wa -16.09%
Does this look like stock sifu to you?
2016-05-06 21:27 | Report Abuse
Tell that to Icon88, since you are pl
Posted by tkp2 > May 6, 2016 09:15 PM | Report Abuse
picking a right stock is easy, but trade it until you can maximize the profit is different story,
2016-05-06 18:34 | Report Abuse
Frankie. Nowadays, Ico8888 only talk about AirAsia, AirAsia, AirAsia. He has no idea what stock to suggest. Many sifu like Tomchong and Pplane invite like me to buy early. Only this useless fellow come lately and so kachiong.
2016-05-06 18:00 | Report Abuse
Dun trust Icon8888, I stuck bjcrop becoz of him...ccb
2016-05-06 17:54 | Report Abuse
Mutton. I followed Pplane and bought 1.31. But if you follow Icon88, you only will buy 2.00
2016-05-06 17:33 | Report Abuse
Frankie. Loud mouth Icon888 want to divert attention. His portfolio is negative 10.57%. He saw Pplane AirAsia and try to steal the glory. So useless this fellow. All know he so kachiong if go up few cents.
2016-05-06 17:10 | Report Abuse
Only now so kachiong, even can predict end of May reach 2.50
Icon888, if you are so sure of AirAsia, why didnt you choose it as part of your portfolio? Why make so much noise now?
So far only Paperplane done so
2016-04-19 10:43 | Report Abuse
Wow, Pplane is no.1 Investlah champion and top financial adviser. No wonder he is so good. We are very very grateful to him.
2016-04-19 10:32 | Report Abuse
Only you grateful. Where was Icon when Aa was 1.28? Pplane was very help us buy then. Only when Aa gone up 2.00, Icon88 very kachiong writing articles. Icon888 write and promote 30 shares but only Aa go up, thanks to Pplane
Posted by jomaropol > Apr 19, 2016 10:23 AM | Report Abuse
sometimes I wonder who all these people are, so ungrateful to Icon. Icon is the one who has been writing all these articles promoting AA. You all should thank him instead of hentaming him. Don't know what's wrong with you all
2016-04-19 10:07 | Report Abuse
Only now so kachiong, even can predict end of May reach 2.50
Icon888, if you are so sure of AirAsia, why didnt you choose it as part of your portfolio? Why make so much noise now?
So far only Paperplane done so
2016-04-15 13:38 | Report Abuse
Jn88, if you are so sure of AirAsia, why didnt you choose it as part of your portfolio? Why make so much noise now?
So far only Paperplane done so
2016-04-13 16:33 | Report Abuse
Sifu Paperplane said going rm 3 end of month..i believe him
2016-04-13 16:29 | Report Abuse
Thx lot, Paperplane for expanding my eye sight
2016-04-12 20:32 | Report Abuse
Icon8888. If you are so sure of AirAsia, why didnt you choose it as part of your portfolio? Why make so much noise now?
So far only Paperplane done so
2016-04-12 17:06 | Report Abuse
So desperate to attract attention until want to create so many ID to impress himself
If you are so sure of AirAsia, why didnt you choose it as part of your portfolio? Why make so much noise now?
So far only Paperplane done so
2016-04-12 16:50 | Report Abuse
Paperplane is the true hero..if not for him, I would not have the chance to buy..thank you Paperplane..that Icon8888 only want to take credit..ignore that loser
Icon8888. If you are so sure of AirAsia, why didnt you choose it as part of your portfolio? Why make so much noise now?
So far only Paperplane done so
2016-04-05 10:17 | Report Abuse
I agree with Frankiechiew. Paperplane was right about Icon8888
Icon8888. If you are so sure of AirAsia, why didnt you choose it as part of your portfolio? Why make so much noise now?
So far only Paperplane done so
2016-04-04 19:39 | Report Abuse
Icon8888. If you are so sure of AirAsia, why didnt you choose it as part of your portfolio? Why make so much noise now?
So far only Paperplane done so
2016-04-04 15:59 | Report Abuse
This sifu very geng...I trust...but no trust Icon8888, I stuck bjcrop becoz of him...ccb
Posted by tomchong > Apr 4, 2016 03:15 PM | Report Abuse
Trust week already 2.78...go up very fast...just buy now
2016-07-08 12:13 | Report Abuse
Paperplane is my sifu. Frankie, dun listen to loser Icon8888.