Considering the fact that the bank owing are so sky high, after paying off some of the repayments pressured by the banks and coupled with potential dividends payout due to “certain specific reasons” as speculated, how much would be left to be re-invested back to the business? On a larger context, from its annual report, noted that this hotel is one of the very few profitable businesses the group has, what could immediately fill up this profitability gap after its disposal if it does take place?
2019-05-29 07:48 | Report Abuse
Considering the fact that the bank owing are so sky high, after paying off some of the repayments pressured by the banks and coupled with potential dividends payout due to “certain specific reasons” as speculated, how much would be left to be re-invested back to the business? On a larger context, from its annual report, noted that this hotel is one of the very few profitable businesses the group has, what could immediately fill up this profitability gap after its disposal if it does take place?