The Board of Directors of CCB wishes to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Panoramic Industrial Development Sdn. Bhd. (“PID” or “the Seller”), has on 27 January 2025 entered into a conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement with Microsoft Payments (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. [Registration No. 201101042611 (970731-K)] (“MPSB” or “the Buyer”) (“the SPA”), for the disposal of all that piece of freehold land measuring approximately 22.548 acres or 91,249.1 square metres or 982,229.28 square feet (“Land”) which forms part of that piece of master land held under H.S.(D) 628925 (formerly held under H.S.(D) 585173), PTD 209485, Mukim of Pulai, District of Johor Bahru, State of Johor measuring approximately 9.748 hectares (approximately 24.10 acres or 1,049,265.9874 square feet) (“Master Land”), for a cash consideration of RM119,831,968 (“Disposal Consideration”) or RM1,313.24 per square metre or RM122.00 per square foot (“sq ft”) (hereinafter referred to as “the Disposal”).
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The Board of Directors of CCB wishes to announce that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Panoramic Industrial Development Sdn. Bhd. (“PID” or “the Seller”), has on 27 January 2025 entered into a conditional Sale and Purchase Agreement with Microsoft Payments (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. [Registration No. 201101042611 (970731-K)] (“MPSB” or “the Buyer”) (“the SPA”), for the disposal of all that piece of freehold land measuring approximately 22.548 acres or 91,249.1 square metres or 982,229.28 square feet (“Land”) which forms part of that piece of master land held under H.S.(D) 628925 (formerly held under H.S.(D) 585173), PTD 209485, Mukim of Pulai, District of Johor Bahru, State of Johor measuring approximately 9.748 hectares (approximately 24.10 acres or 1,049,265.9874 square feet) (“Master Land”), for a cash consideration of RM119,831,968 (“Disposal Consideration”) or RM1,313.24 per square metre or RM122.00 per square foot (“sq ft”) (hereinafter referred to as “the Disposal”).
Further details are set out in the attachment.
This announcement is dated 27 January 2025