
Outlaw | Joined since 2016-01-17

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2016-04-26 09:44 | Report Abuse

"In the name of protecting company"? What a joke. Protecting his self interest and betrayal, labeled crook forever until he goes in. His toilet cleaner also knows.


2016-04-08 13:51 | Report Abuse

Chong ket pen is bribery criminal who cover up himself by creating all the illegal sabotage. Will eat his own medicine maybe heart attack how to cover up billions of Ringgit bribery and he also took some. More he cooks more he shows protasco hole and his own trouble.


2016-03-25 23:58 | Report Abuse

Typical chong MO. Useless lah whole world knows already.

So convenient hor chong ket pen. It was abc who buys and abc who introduces a deal bla bla bla. Never himself hor. He conveniently forgotten "only him" has the power as ED. 3 year old meh old fart. "Chong Ket Pen" is the "only ED in protasco" which has the right to bring the oil deal to protasco board. That is exactly what he did. Why? Because he "wanted to save himself and cheated investors to take over protasco shares in exchange to bring an oil deal to his board", and the coward afraid people knows his new bosses, he cowardly "cheated them to let him do ALL the intro and execution work". Left right center. Run lor chicken.

It was bursa and SC pilling up all hard evidence on him, he thinks can cry and lie clean clean by divert attention. Use all lies trying to buy ways to cover up wor. Real coward. Fat dream.

Why bursa and SC guaranteed send him to face his crime? Because chong signed an agreement benefiting himself (buy him a power position back into Protasco), and lied to his board without disclosing his personal interest (hadenan, true or not? Or you prefers admit KNOWING and co-operating with chong to cover up? What you confess you remember?), and by introducing the deal to protasco (which chong has personal interest in getting investors to put back his power in protasco. Remember?), and worst later he lied to SD in a false report he cooked up. Wrong getting worst. Dead end.

Why why chong leh eventually? Because if the board says "yes, some ghost introduce, not chong", then the entire board is breach of fiduciary and statutory duty for not doing their job to "let some stranger introduce some magic hat in a plc board wor". This is what Bursa and SC catch chong lying (or Hadenan, you lied? Choose either one when time comes ok). Cheat 3 year old ctupid Bursa and SC, if you says so, entire board on hot pan! Board function cannot lie and chong being a kiasi coward did the whole process himself! Check Bursa can see he is the "only ED" wor. Super hero wor. Dead end lah no where to run.

So kenny chong your trick dies lah. Use better one. Not chong introduce, you think Hadenan and coy all willing to be prosecuted to protect selfish chong ket pen? They all confess already. Time comes you will know. Hide in your rabbit hole lor. Authority pilling up your mcmc files also thank you for cooking up chong ket pen criminal records.

Conveniently still goes back to source of all problem, chong ket pen. How to run? Hide? Get ready rabbit hole when the billion dollar falling from sky.


2016-03-25 23:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo just says the source of billions of dollars of bribery chong took little. Makes him feels better lor. Merit his balls hide until cooked also, he only knows made up stories to cover up his big ones. Peanut brain, balls filled up with sands. Lol


2016-03-25 23:11 | Report Abuse

Current issue is chong ket pen though sending flying letters and talk 100 times others could hide away his billion dollar bribery scam. Entire Bursa small cap added up assume owns by his boss tpy and ooi, also "tiny small flies" compared to billions of dollars of bribery went through his hands of blood. Brain of a peanut like kenny chong speechless. His father took all meh or he sweat he did not take part of the bribery money? Cry cry to daddy lor psycho. Daddy says "cannot tell". Cheh cowards.


2016-03-25 23:06 | Report Abuse

Why sp ctupid kennu chong. All started and ends burried with protasco. Caught on camera kenny chong tried to change topic. You have not answer authority question did you took some of the billion dollar bribery money?

Just in case kenny chong goes crazy, chong ket pen bribe record he did not tell kenny. Kenny chong cannot answers. So can only follows ckp wash and wash and wash. Still big bribery records. Lol lol lol


2016-01-20 13:37 | Report Abuse

Hear that chong cannot answer why he signs agreement and did not disclose his personal interest to protasco board. He also lied sd skip this biggest question. Despite he creates 100 excuse to paint his partner tey and ooi bad person. He did inform his board is it? Or else?


2016-01-17 14:06 | Report Abuse

Chong lied cheats and covers up. So what?

Chong not stupid or he thinks people are stupid. Tell people he was cheated. End of day also look bad to himself.

He won even if he stolen the company or used Tey. That is the fact. Tey has to accept it. Winner wins all.

Get elder person to call chong and tey settle it fairly.

Chong won the billion dollar company. Be grateful. Tey lose. He has to accept it. Oil already write of a bad commercial decision because oil price drop. Talk to potential buyer sell at market price. A dollar is a dollar leaves the brokers fairly. They have their own cost and lost probably more than the fees they made by now. Its a commercial lost. Chong lost many time in the past in foreign countries also. Nobody blames him. Wont look bad and nobody intention.

Then chong should clear all authorities prob on himself. He did nothing wrong so as Tey. Market turn bad oil drop blame who. As long both side dont burn further, protasco has hope else burn so much money to cover chong all suffer. Then let minority shareholders in peace. All lost money holding so long.