
Passivereturn | Joined since 2020-08-27

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2021-12-15 07:01 | Report Abuse

I work in glove industry. The irony is glove share price keep coming down but their production expansion is increasing like no tomorrow. Maybe we should ask why are they increasing their production if the business is not lucrative.


2021-11-09 21:33 | Report Abuse

If can just get out of bursa and let them rot slowly...
Highly manipulated market and bloody slow market, klci hover around 1500 and 1800 for decades and going no where. Goverment also do nothing to boost the market. They let certain party to short, but ordinary trader cannot short as easily. If want allow short, allow everyone to short la...

Some more the brokerage charge is bloody expensive. I use IBKR trade US stock they charge only usd1 per transaction. If u trade usd10k, they only charge usd1. How much u paid for brokerage here if u buy rm40k of shares here?

Nowadays with just phone and apps u can trade globally, why want to stuck in this useless market.

US market and HKEX has much much more big companies with strong future growth. The company are mostly monopoly and global presence. Value investing is much more meaningful in US and HKeX.


2021-09-17 01:44 | Report Abuse

Hahaha shorting gang so desperate, mid night also need to work so hard posting glove bad news.


2021-09-14 23:47 | Report Abuse

Last time when the owner sbb, shorting gang pissed in their pants. They need to ask big brother to assist. Create CBP lar, human rights lah, windfall tax lar, even pay keyboard warrior to instill fear like in this forum, to smear the glove company. In front name like very grand, top company in the world, but everyone knew they are just scammers that resort to using whatever lowlife and cheapskate tactics, they can't short forever, sooner or later when the stock is too cheap, they will have to cover back their shares, if they don't, they will only be swallowed by their own greediness. The boss has been quiet for now, maybe they are gathering gangs or bullets, and wait for the right moment so they can send them once and for all into the oblivion.


2021-09-12 21:24 | Report Abuse

Tg expand, entire supply chain benefited... like steel, electrical, automation, robotic, chemical, packaging, forwarding, even syabas, tnb and gas malaysia benefited. Not rocket science to understand.


2021-09-12 21:21 | Report Abuse

Simply drive around topglove factories in meru klang you know la.... what irrelevant nonsense you talk about skin color?


2021-09-12 20:57 | Report Abuse

TG has started investing in IOT 4.0 few years back. I bet 99% of the lapdogs don't even know what it is.


2021-09-12 20:33 | Report Abuse

Top Glove contributed real value to the country and society
1) created many jobs for locals
2) created many businesses for her suppliers
3) contributed massive taxes for country building
4) created jobs for foreigner
5) produced gloves for life saving purpose.

Manipulative scammer IB and their lapdogs contributed zero value and all they did were
1) shorting a profitable company
2) when they are unable to short enough, they resorted to badmouthing the company.
3) then they sent some journalist out of no where to visit top glove on the pretext of human rights issue, then blow out of proportion of mistreatment of foreigner. How about human rights issue in the construction industry and other glove industry? Why just target certain company? Is the human rights issue apply to every person or selectively determined by the human right NGO?
4) after human rights issue, they still unable to short enough, then suddenly we have the US imposed a CBP all at the right timing.
5) then all of sudden you have a bunch of paid keyboard warrior or lapdogs coming out
to the forum to instill fear and hope everybody cutlost to they can cover their short.
6) worst is they still talked like they are very noble after they had made every unethical actions that you can think of.


2021-09-12 19:26 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri share buy back at 7,6 and 5, why would you cut lost at 4 and 3. There is a reason tan Sri is the tan Sri he is today. If tan Sri going right and mr nobody going left, even a blind donkey will follow tan Sri. No need use common sense.


2021-09-12 17:43 | Report Abuse

Tan Sri 1 person own 26% topglove, 2nd is first way united at 6.7%, 3rd is EPF at 6%. If the owner had 26% also no worry, we only 0.0001% what to worry?


2021-09-12 16:13 | Report Abuse

Top glove had created so many jobs for the people and contributed so much income to our country and the products they produced saved so many lives. Some people talk like they have the moral high ground and like they care about human rights but I bet they didn't even contribute a cent to the country let alone give a helping hands to the Bangla. What they know is only to short and manipulate and bring down the price by creating bad news so that they are the only one benefited from the misfortune of everybody else.


2021-09-09 17:35 | Report Abuse

Haha.... laugh die me... other people buy is call gambling.... you buy is not call gambling....


2021-09-09 12:51 | Report Abuse

yes....otherwise if everyone makes money and no one losses, where do you think the money comes from?


2021-09-09 12:06 | Report Abuse

haha... laugh die me..... when you go to supermarket and they have super sale and you can buy many things in a bargain..... do you say really horrible and terrible? clearly decades in the stock market and you learn nothing.


2021-09-09 11:24 | Report Abuse

Those fear mongers are paid keyboard warrior. They also need to work to get paid. Let them cause all the fear and syok sendiri.


2021-09-09 10:44 | Report Abuse

So now rm3.50, still nobody want to sell off their share. How shortseller going to cover? Those who want to cut lost already cut lost long time ago. Those who didn't cut lost will not cutlost since they have the holding power.


2021-09-09 09:53 | Report Abuse

Being longer in the equities market doesn't make u any smarter than other people. The longer you are in and nowhere to be as successful just means your are the reverse.


2021-09-09 09:31 | Report Abuse

Haha. Melvin capital wouldnt not share the same sentiment with you, would they?. U can laugh and die because it hasn't happen to you. Naive is if you think the market is a clean place to start with


2021-09-09 09:04 | Report Abuse

China robotic industry is more advanced than US now, China also has a lot of wealth. They don't need JPM. JPM can only survive by manipulation to scam people off their money. They don't contribute real worth to the world.


2021-09-08 22:59 | Report Abuse

Glove taikor shall all gang up and short squueze those MM who keep on shorting the gloves. Just like how the HK government kicked George Soros out from his currency manipulation in the 90s. No need give face.


2021-09-08 22:53 | Report Abuse

Stock up don't dare to buy, stock down also don't dare to buy. When do we buy then?


2021-09-05 01:51 | Report Abuse

Taking the current price of 1.76 with latest 4 quarters EPS (15.5+23.65+37.75+35) being the 35 as the guestimation for 31 Jul earnings, the PE will be 1.76 / (111.9/100) = 1.572.


2021-09-03 09:47 | Report Abuse

So what is your interest here if this is a declining prospect? You want to repeat another mistake?


2021-06-27 20:14 | Report Abuse

Short selling won't be banned. The villains had lobby the caretaker and teamed up with another caretaker to allow RSS for their own purpose and benefit. One day when there are no more retails in the local market, probably they will ban again. But by then, who needs to be in local anymore when international is only at your fingertips.


2021-06-24 21:21 | Report Abuse

Jpm short or not, it depends on who want to sell so low to jpm. We don't mind hold the share for 5 years or 10 years, our small money doesn't make much different. JPM billions can stuck here with us if he wants. EPF can continue to lend share to JPM for shorting. Bursa can continue allow them to short. Bursa is killing Malaysia market. Nowadays everyone can trade hkex or dji or nasdaq. Soon they will find they are no more fish for them to fish because the ponds had dried out.


2021-06-16 16:05 | Report Abuse

its not a level playing field when shorting is allowed in bursa....small player are not allowed to short, but the big players can. In US, anyone can long a stock and can short a stock, you can even sell options like the big player here selling you the warrants and scam the money out of you. Worse is here they only allow big player to short the stock, but normal retailer can only go long. Since everybody can only go long, all the big player can take the advantage to do the opposite, which is to short the stocks and make money out of the retailers. Like in a ring fight, a lighweight will have to take on the heavyweight. It is ok because it is the lightweight own's will to fight in the ring with the heavyweight, but if you give the extra advantage eg. a gun to the heavyweight, what else is there to fight.


2021-06-16 15:09 | Report Abuse

KLSE stocks are already crippled by the Bursa and the big boys. Losing company share down, profiting company share also down. Only left all the goreng stocks to trap small investors. Look at the manipulators, all they want is you to sell the stocks to them, why else would they be here talking bad about glove company. Know their motive. There is a motive behind every action. Once we all get rid of the stocks in bursa, the manipulator can play with themselves.. Don't burn you hard earned money here by their manipulation.

If you have look into Topglove ADR, you might as well continue to trade there on other US stocks, it is much much more exciting than trading in bursa. US stocks are moving faster and hence the volatility, look at their charts in Key in, FB, MSFT, GOOGL, AAPL, NVDA, ADBE, CAT, LMT, CME, ICE, JNJ to name a few.

Look at JP morgan stocks = JPM
April 2020 price USD80
April 2021 price USD160.
Then look at our bank stocks..

Parking money in bursa is worst than FD. By the time you get the profit, you will already have to use all the profit to pay for all the inflation.


2021-06-09 09:35 | Report Abuse

Notice so many bad news and bad sentiment now. Means its time to buy.... remember sell on good news, buy on bad news....


2021-06-03 22:28 | Report Abuse

Jpm and US government are very close one, if they want share up or down they can simply lobby US government to come out with ridiculous reason to ban here and there, sanction here and there. Is all manipulated one. They are the worst kind and they will resort to any means just to get what they want.


2021-04-27 10:31 | Report Abuse

The big whale says, collect 100million shares at RM5.8 today.


2021-04-27 10:06 | Report Abuse

Bank stock rotation to Healthcare stock.


2021-04-06 13:56 | Report Abuse

US politicised the XinJiang issue, so China was unable to continue with its Belt and Road initiatives, which will go through Xinjiang and right all the way into Russia and Turkey, and eventually to Europe.


2021-03-09 16:13 | Report Abuse

Wow very clever move to have ex dividend date on 23 march. IB will suffered losses this time.

I am not worry about the quarter report in the next 2 or 3 year. You can say gloves demand is not here or there, it doesn't really matter as i dont think TG will only be in glove business in the next few years. What i am betting on is on Tan Sri and their team far sighted plans and ambition. They planned to be in Fortune 500 company. If glove business cannot bring them into Fortune 500, i am sure they will think of other ways to achieve it.

From few gloves factories to the biggest gloves manufacturer in the world, entry into FBMKLCI, listed in Singapore and next to be listed in HKEX, that is enough to convince me that what they said has carry more weights that anybody else here.

For those shortsellers, short you shares, take the profit and get out from here. All your warrants are only here impeding the progress of the companies that are serious in growing their business.

News & Blogs

2021-03-04 18:12 | Report Abuse

Topglove Warrant to look out for:-

KIBB HB=Put Exercise 8.33 Ratio 5.00
KIBB C74=Call Exercise 2.66 Ratio 2.33

The lowest exercise price of warrants from 22Mar onwards up to 31st May is 9.26.
So at this time frame i think there is really no point for the any IBs to short Topglove anymore.

My guess is, looking at all coincidence, Topglove will release her quarter result after 22nd Mar, so the price will fly with less obstacles.


2021-02-22 12:29 | Report Abuse

RM5.80 blocked by Topglove, RM5.90 blocked by MIBB.


2021-02-22 11:51 | Report Abuse

MIBB needs Topglove prices to be below RM5.86 to profit from their short. Let see how Topglov deal with MIBB this Friday.


2021-02-02 15:18 | Report Abuse

if they dont block at 7.00 with 4 million, later Tan sri come buy sapu all until 7.20, or retailer will sell at 7.20 also. Then the shorties will need to buy at 7.20. Why paid higher?


2021-02-02 15:14 | Report Abuse

If you cannot short sell by borrowing share, then u need to buy and collect share to short it.


2021-02-02 15:13 | Report Abuse

1million queue is to collect. 4million queue is to prevent price from too expensive to collect.


2021-02-02 10:26 | Report Abuse

If the price cannot go above 7, most probably means IB is collecting shares and they want to collect it at low price. TG do not have to do anything just yet. But if TG wants the IB to buy higher maybe at around 8 or 9, they can inflate the shares to higher price and hold it. On top of that retail sentiment is also good now.


2021-02-02 10:14 | Report Abuse

26th Feb SW Exercise price
MIBB 6.26 Call = ITM
MACQ 12.66 Call = OTM
MACQ 13.33 Call = OTM
CIMB 10.00 Call = OTM
MACQ 8.66 Call = OTM
MIBB 4.66 Call = ITM
CIMB 8.66 Call = OTM
MIBB 4 Put = OTM

Since shorting is limited, these company might be collecting shares now so that they can short it 1 week before 26th Feb. If Top glove share price is 13.34 on 26th Feb, all these SW will be expired in the money. The IB/Shorties will have massive losses. Currently the boss has 2billion outstanding shares out of 8billion shares. That is not inclusive of his families, friends and retail's holding. Retails has about 600million outstanding shares. It will be a very interesting drama ahead this month.


2021-01-29 23:18 | Report Abuse

If GME was shorted because it is a fading industry, please enlighten us why and what is the reason for shorting Topglove, especially now when it is earning multiple of billions?


2021-01-29 22:59 | Report Abuse

Today story is to tell everybody, topglove and its director and tan sri always have your back. To be honest we retailers are nothing compared to them. Today there are 160million shares changing hands, that's about 1billion ringgit. And who else can block at the very last minute at 4.55pm using 1.5M shares at RM6.74 (that is worth a RM100Million block)to ensure MACQ warrant get exercise and expire in the money. 26 Feb, there are 8warrants expiring. Of course I hope Topglove can goreng till RM15.00/share and kill all the warrants. The warrants seller aren't innocent, they manipulate the share, fabricate all negative news to make the share price drop. Its a scam that squeeze all the money from retailers like us, and bursa didn't do anything to stop them.


2021-01-29 22:57 | Report Abuse

Let me get this straight with u, I am not anti short seller if it comes from retailers. I just don't like the fact that structure warrants are manipulative. It was MACQ that press down the price so their SW can expired worthless. Wait, do you really think Topglove is fighting with retailers like u and me? No. Its the battle of the giant, not us. We are only ants to them.


2021-01-29 22:43 | Report Abuse

Why not we focus on the main point of discussion, what I said is my opinion. Why not u share with us what you think about what is happening today? Ill be more delighted to hear your opinion so both of us can learn more. Ols tell me I'm all ears.


2021-01-29 22:41 | Report Abuse

Did I say I expect? The 160m shares changing hand is a fact. Is a hard data.


2021-01-29 22:36 | Report Abuse

Sorry is 160m shares changing hands worth 1billion RM.


2021-01-29 22:20 | Report Abuse

6billion worth of shares changing hands. I said shares. Topglove market cap about 50b or 60b. U want take over, u got 50billion?


2021-01-29 18:39 | Report Abuse

Bursa just closed one eye when IB shorted the stocks and let all retailers die. Why do they even introduce Structure warrants. It is completely manipulative and should be banned, no?