
Pavillion | Joined since 2013-12-02

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2016-01-14 12:30 | Report Abuse

My TP at least 300%. Very certain it will hit. There are many big project; which mgt has not disclose yet. (Unlike other co. bullshit a lot). If just hit one... will triple your investment. I never doubt their ability to secured big contract........ at least one very soon.

After 75% drop in oil 2sen opinion...downside are limited...every product has their own cost this is engineer by anytime they can change the game. Maybe one fine morning the Sheikh will said.........we cut production : )

Since everybody expecting oil will slide will come to no surprise...therefore....reactions by market will be less sensitive ....I'm guessing. Does not need to rebound...just stabilise...and market will go up.

Dsonic income almost guarantee....with critical ...must have services by govt.


2016-01-14 09:22 | Report Abuse

Auntynewbie I don't trade Warrant. Maybe other can give good comments but what I know
there are no value after maturity date except what being promise by issuer.

Good news..... I heard from few Fund Manager they being actively talking about Datasonic last few day.


2016-01-14 08:45 | Report Abuse

I been observing stock tick for last few accumulation . Keep replanish buying order in 50 lots and at same time buy up in small quantity throughout the day in subtle patterns.


2016-01-14 07:59 | Report Abuse

3rd party warrant issuers make money by managing risk and not by speculating in stock market. They already make their money on day one . Similar to insurance, they already hedge their risk up front.

Rigging market are illegal and I'm very sure as licence institutional they don't have mandate to speculate/taking risk. Not the roles of Investment Hse/Stock broker, taking risk are for the punter.

Historical data show there are are no correlation between maturity date and price of underlying share/mother share.


2016-01-11 10:40 | Report Abuse

Weak in math lol :))


2016-01-11 10:23 | Report Abuse

Expect will move higher. As no seller. : ) ).


2016-01-08 09:41 | Report Abuse

Don't worry china; .........they can do/copy anything except your mother!


2016-01-06 12:59 | Report Abuse

Another my 2sen opinion.
1. I'm not worry abt China.....China is rich and powerful......they can do anything and goreng anything to control / manipulate their economic ...etc... just to maintaain their power/position. Just like we can control and ' kau tiam ' 1MDB...they can do much more.
2. Interest rate ...I am not worry until they increase their interest rate 6-7 times.
3. Oil....I am not worry I see the downside are low......each product has their own cost....It can't be like P.Ramlee movie....competing to sell lower than their cost i.e. One selling Cap Monkey and One selling cap the movie
4. Junk bond.....etc....list go on....

If we need to worry everything..then we can't invest!

Common sense.


2016-01-06 10:41 | Report Abuse

Market are not rational. It does not reflect the true value or potential of the co. Volatility are the characteristic of tech stock including Dsonic. You must have firm believe in the stock, then you will make money.

This is solid co and no ordinary co ......has proved to us many time their ability to seal big govt. contracts....infact replacing/ snatching from other prominent player.

What more... with consistent guidance from mgt i.e. continue buying in during difficult period. A year ago I said CBB has hundreds of million of war chest. I have several other stock in my portfolio but none show a good support to investor as Dsonic.

For 2016, I'm very sure at least they will have more than 6 big announcements / contracts. Those who think ....the game are over.....have no ideas at all....infact they are chasing next big things elsewhere.........heard abt.... greener pastures elsewhere.......the big things are here and now!

2016 will deliver better result than 2015 and imho as long as it continue to deliver positive...better than year ago profitability then it is a buy.

I just came back from my holiday...perfect timing.... and being buying a lot since monday.... ( hi hi hi.... thank to china rout). After almost 2wks slide and at RSI 12 , I'm willing to throw all my money for Dsonic. The sell off are from 26M and 7M transactions which did not flush out at T4, T7 but at T10 (perhaps from Hwangs) and coincident with China rout. This stock oversold big times....i think due to timing of announcement.......near to Yellen , holiday, etc.

Does not make sense people abandon performing, progressive and dynamic co......and chasing speculative stock. It will go up as public does not know what they being working on... for last 2yrs.

P.s. Pisangkuat don't get suck to this sucker end to it.....reply to an idiot ( tak ada kerja) in cyberspace! For all you know he 18yrs old with unlimited free times! No substance in their comments.....nobody take them seriously....... especially rich and big investor...they are too smart. We make money quietly.


2015-12-24 20:59 | Report Abuse

I bought this fear.


2015-12-23 07:31 | Report Abuse

Directors took my advice ..........just ki ki


2015-12-22 12:42 | Report Abuse

And expecting sell out position will clear tmr.


2015-12-22 12:33 | Report Abuse

If you have cash. Closed your eyes and buy.
Very oversold position @ strong support level and oil up a bit tonight...winter season demand.

Won't go wrong. Recent sell out due....people take opportunity to sell on news and investor want to see the reaction from Fed lift off announcement. So far Dsonic delivered.


2015-12-21 16:49 | Report Abuse

Still here but don't want to give comments too often. Must keep the plot secret from now on.......


2015-12-21 16:28 | Report Abuse

Give few days. I think will up again.
Actually impressive.
Where 26M go? Hi hi hi not that 2.6 tu lah.
Market absorbing well.


2015-12-17 19:22 | Report Abuse

You must ask yourself if you can find another sucker who willing to buy @PE 120??...... in this market conditions???

Even at current P.E. 90.... you already ....sitting it now.... purely speculation......Public spin it and I'm very sure there are operator pushing it higher.

No project can justify it........Mara with 500/5000 student?......etc. Myeg perform better and cheaper!

Soon market will know the competitor for SKIN. Most likely if it not 100%.... this project will be tender out......political......Hei Tech Padu with PNB on their side certainly will fight tooth and nail to protect their other regular player (with track record) in the industry. Govt. can't afford another blunder/scandal.

My opinion only lah !


2015-12-17 18:02 | Report Abuse

I think somebody buy big today. Hit 50days people will buy back.


2015-12-17 07:14 | Report Abuse

913791 give time. I think people buy cause already hit 50days most probably up again. Starwars.


2015-12-15 22:45 | Report Abuse

Tewnama Dsonic Namba Wan !


2015-12-15 22:44 | Report Abuse

Chip deliver after March 2016....Fin year 2017. That what it mean.


2015-12-15 22:42 | Report Abuse

Terminator88. I took max bank loan, OD, Margin and my children education fund. I bought max before last GE. Nobody want to touch...still selling at IPO price ki ki. 90% expect Pakatan will win and chaotic ! Same kind of fear as it today when interest rate about to liffoff. Same fear as QE liftoff, oil etc. Constant fear!


2015-12-15 18:18 | Report Abuse

Sorry not game but rather stages.

So next time I said they will get...they will get....a side from government bureaucracy.


2015-12-15 18:01 | Report Abuse

I won't be giving comments regularly. Maybe good for the stock.

Game are not over, I expect another big contract coming very soon. In my earlier comment I said maybe we have double bonuses before year end.

Anyway I think Dsonic will win big in 2016. I know at least 4 very very big project. Never underestimate Dsonic firepower. You will undestand if you in the industry.


2015-12-15 15:57 | Report Abuse

Normal must allowed contra player to move in and out including those who short earlier, they will buy back to cover their position. Important Dsonic delivered ! It need a power house to wrestle from Iris. It will move up again as another contract is 99% comfirm.


2015-12-15 14:56 | Report Abuse

Another one coming very soon ..... significant contract. As I said before Dsonic will get all govt. security biz. :))).


2015-12-15 14:33 | Report Abuse

Oopp! Sorry sudah berhenti give comment here.


2015-12-04 18:53 | Report Abuse

Kukuman & Slater. This not about me. If you can't make money from ...the stock don't blame me.....I figure out any long terms investors easily make a lot of money (one of the best in bursa same as Presbhd) . And foolish to think..... I, one person can command market.

Don't be quick call names. Why don't you pick up Theedge , 30Nov-6Dec...."An Announcement Too Many......" .
I just be more direct then Theedge.
I don't care...... any co. can win.....I can always buy any stock.....but this is not right, I have knowledge .....misleading...... imho.


2015-12-04 14:51 | Report Abuse

That only part of ubiquitous city project. (Smart city)


2015-12-04 14:41 | Report Abuse

:)) keep it . It's coming !


2015-12-01 23:20 | Report Abuse

Ok Pisang betul juga.

But let me explain.
1. My tips/info is not...... Military not insider tips......not suitable for trader but useful for medium and long term investment. Maybe some already give up...with this wk....I no better then most of the people here. Ki ki ki......
2. No sensitive information ......all hàs been discuss it here or at other forum or media.
3. Don't worry about competitor.....they know more.....they have kaki at every level...politician....dept...etc.
4. Probably info is new to you but it has been discuss openly amongst govt contractor in the industry .
5. Stock operator......don't worry about them.....they are far sophisticated......anyway I don't think I command at all.....anyway how big is i3?

I be quiet for a while......actually.....tired.....because any price movement .....does not benefits me immediately long term investor.

1. They are many ways to do valuation.....I never agree with RHB from beginning .....the mgt has different opinion...RM2.00-2.20
2. Nobody know exactly the size of contract......confidential.....tender.
3. There are many area to touch...for simplicity , just look at revenue forecast.....the revenue are flat........???? Infact lower. New biz .....lower.....unless Malaysian population growth are shrinking.
4. But they mention different price valuation on different scenario.
5. Don't worry it never on the spot....and two analyst will give two different valuation.
6. Perhaps can wait for Midf.

Agree with Pav2. too much speculation no good. Ki ki ki least no bullshit here! Don't worry this forum too small to move market.


2015-12-01 17:35 | Report Abuse

Everytime like this.

But if Dsonic can wrestle from Iris then you will know...the power of Dsonic.

Iris is strong co. and has more experience. It is difficult to replace their systems, equipments etc but Dsonic managed to do it. They got otak one!


2015-12-01 16:02 | Report Abuse

Dsonic has potential to win SKIN Sistem Kawalan Imigresen Nasional. Worth few billion. Prestaring jump the gun....with signing of agreement.... (even at proposal stage) to push their stock. Datasonic maintain low profile though they started some time already.

Now the race is on whether Datasonic or Prestariang. I mention Public Bank was wrong( not all Analyst get it right). Race between Security specialist (Datasonic) and Education(Presbhd).... trying to do Security at Datasonic backyard.


2015-12-01 12:36 | Report Abuse

Until it announce by co. .... i.e. black and white.


2015-12-01 11:48 | Report Abuse

From my posting @Prestariang. ( Presbhd.)

FairTalk. The news are not right.....should I said they jump the gun. It actually ...Img agreed to listen to their proposal. .... it normal procedures but most of the co. didn't do ...signing ceremony etc. Some did to put pressure to certain parties or convince their bank, investor etc. They are many competitor and amongst stronger one are Datasonic. ....Just like when they about to award to Datasonic on Petrol Subd project last year......all cos.complaint....result in open tender. This will go for open tender ......and at the moment nobody has evaluate any proposal yet. Public Bank was wrong.


2015-12-01 11:44 | Report Abuse

FairTalk. The news are not right.....should I said they jump the gun. It actually ...Img agreed to listen to their proposal. .... it normal procedures but most of the co. didn't do ...signing ceremony etc. Some did to put pressure to certain parties or convince their bank, investor etc. They are many competitor and amongst stronger one are Datasonic. ....Just like when they about to award to Datasonic on Petrol Subd project last year......all cos.complaint....result in open tender. This will go for open tender ......and at the moment nobody has evaluate any proposal yet. Public Bank was wrong.


2015-12-01 11:24 | Report Abuse

913791 orang tak percaya until they appear :))


2015-12-01 10:14 | Report Abuse

Spanish. I'm not with the co. What I know it already out from KDN. There are bursa regulation dealing with this kind of information. I believe ASAP unless there are some technical issue i.e the letter did not spell it right etc. Anyway this won't take more than 3days.


2015-12-01 09:58 | Report Abuse

That why I said by friday 100% or I quit.


2015-12-01 09:56 | Report Abuse

K.P. Ketua Pengarah.


2015-12-01 09:23 | Report Abuse

Steelheart that is not true.
They estimate additional revenue of RM80-RM100M a year?

And The LOA is already issue yesterday by K.P.


2015-11-30 17:20 | Report Abuse

Zoomboom be careful.

Currently from what I know. They have nothing. They are many competitor for this project and all is open tender. That exercise (signing agreement) are plan to convince bank for funding only.

But I like the co for stock price performance.


2015-11-30 17:10 | Report Abuse

Mana boleh bro. I'm from Anonymous group. Ki ki ki.
You have your lobster with your family this weekend !


2015-11-30 16:25 | Report Abuse

I don't know about you jenson, but I'm going for lobster tonight.


2015-11-30 16:12 | Report Abuse

Look la. Nearly 700 counter in red. It stay strong for past few days.


2015-11-30 15:47 | Report Abuse

Hi hi hi ini kali lah botoi botoi !


2015-11-30 15:13 | Report Abuse

Daydream ini kali la ! :)))


2015-11-30 12:56 | Report Abuse

Ki ki ki. I sambung from Sat and Sunday cuti.


2015-11-30 12:32 | Report Abuse

I mana boleh cuti lama. So you can guess already. Tonight going to Victoria Station for celebration advance?