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2014-10-14 00:22 | Report Abuse

ha ha cun cun bought at 1.44 bottom and sell at highest. Mental some!


2014-10-14 00:15 | Report Abuse

Don't fool yourself and everybody on this forum.

Are you better then the directors or CBB?

Because they also bought some shares higher then RM1.80.

Full stop. See I told you, you are. ....

& Childish too.....come here to brag and fool people that you never met.


2014-10-13 23:44 | Report Abuse

Any idiot can give that kind of comments hi hi


2014-10-13 23:26 | Report Abuse

They have set everything ready since July and they actively had mtg with 5216. 100% they will get. God willing.


2014-10-13 23:24 | Report Abuse

No you got it wrong wrong. We are not subsidise govt, Govt subsidise the fuel cost. What govt did recently is to reduce the Subd by 20sen.

Targeted group which affected the most will be given extra subd i.e they can buy Ron95, 20sen cheaper.

The price are dynamic from time to time so they need mechanism.


2014-10-13 22:54 | Report Abuse

Federal Reserve policy makers said a slowdown in the world economy could undermine the U.S. expansion and prompt them to delay raising interest rates.


2014-10-13 17:32 | Report Abuse

Look at Myeg with not so lucrative GST contract. Superb.


2014-10-13 16:19 | Report Abuse

Speculation good ma : )


2014-10-13 16:07 | Report Abuse

My opinion, CA rises will not be in tandem with mother share any more because of expiry factor. But I have no experience on this.


2014-10-13 15:56 | Report Abuse

Will hit 10M and top 10 again.


2014-10-13 15:53 | Report Abuse

My contact on the floor said, somebody buying.

Bad market....people are so brave ...must be something strong coming.


2014-10-13 15:43 | Report Abuse

I also said this stock can climb to 7-8% a day.


2014-10-13 15:41 | Report Abuse

Resistance not strong, I told last wk, only 30M share, guess we has reach the volume.

What winterwolf said is true.


2014-10-13 15:31 | Report Abuse

Think will close high base on volume.

Somebody got the leak.

No wall street to kacau tonight. : )


2014-10-12 08:28 | Report Abuse

Market fear of 1) increase of interest rate, 2) over valuation of stock over and 3) economy slowdown....that imho will not trigger bear market / crash.

We are at the stage of confuse for now......... as good news consider bad news and bad news consider good news...i.e. strong economy is good news but will push the interest rate up...faster, weak economy/data. .....will slow down the interest rate/ keep interest rate low.......then next day they shift focus and look at the earning. ......and say different things.

I think will continue till the pattern are more clear...... i.e. US economy actualy stronger than market think and US can absorb hike in interest rate... no problems, in my opinion.


2014-10-12 08:01 | Report Abuse

Within next few days or week you will hear this

150L, RM3k, RM5k,,,,

Then you know, I know more then what I have been posting here. : )


2014-10-12 07:57 | Report Abuse

2011 market also has a correction but it rebounce and hit stronger, 2013 it give 30% return.

I bought few mth before last that time also extreme fear.....nobody expect BN will retain the govt.

My logic at that time are; 1) It national project - they will not cancel it, too much investment required to redo this sensitive and crucial project. Whoever run the govt will have more headache to handle more important issue then "kacau" this project. 2) The co will deliver the result base on existing long term contract. 3) Whoever own it will find their new political master and those in power will also need support of them.

So next G.E never afraid to buy stock. And never afraid to buy now.....Did you see...people panic? fear yes, panic no!

The stock is already 50% drop from the peak and wipe out 2014 gains (like most of other stock) .

70% co. share hold by 2 major shareholder did not sell down their share so far. Not even 1share.


2014-10-12 07:36 | Report Abuse

Why don't you read last night.

Is it time to exit stocks?

October 11 NEW YORK. Buy low, sell high -- that's a well-known stock market mantra.It's great advice, except for one problem: it's incredibly hard to tell the peak or the nadir.Billionaire Carl Icahn has made a lot of money off his investments. Even he says, "No one is smart enough to know when to buy at the bottom.

"After the worst stock market drop of the year, plenty of people wonder if it's time to sell. The argument goes something like this: The S&P 500 is up nearly 200% since it bottomed out in early 2009. There hasn't been a correction since 2011, let alone a true "bear market" where things really drop.

Surely it's time to exit...But here's the truth: Most of us are better off doing nothing.Yes, you read that right.

Think about these points:
1) Put the recent market dip in perspective. The market is down, but only a tad off its all-time highs from September."This is not earth shattering," says Jurrien Timmer, director of Global Macro for Fidelity. "Volatility happens. A couple of percent is not a big deal. The market will correct by 10% almost any time. Over the course of history, it shows up as really nothing more than noise.

2) Never sell in a panic. Selling when you're anxious often means you sell at the low point and end up buying back in at a higher one -- the exact opposite of what you hope to do."The worst time to decide to get out of the stock market is when it's falling or right after a big drop," says Kate Warne, an investment strategist at Edward Jones. "If you look at the days with the best market performance, a lot of them follow days with the worst market performance."Even if you do manage to get out a the right time, it can still hurt you in the end."If you decide to get out, you have to make two decisions correctly: both when to get out and when to get back in," Warne says.Think of it like rolling two dice and having to guess BOTH numbers correctly.

3) Let history be your guide: Many of the biggest stock market upswings happen within days of a downturn. You could be off celebrating that you exited the market perfectly only to look like a fool for not catching the surge.Consider this: Fidelity looked at the returns of the S&P 500 from 1980 through June 30, 2014. They found that an investor who missed only the best five days in the market would end up with a portfolio worth about 35% less than the one that had been fully invested the whole time.

I ran a similar analysis just for 2014 for the S&P 500.

Your return if you stayed in the market and did nothing: +3%

Your return if you managed to miss the 10 biggest down days: +21%

Your return if you managed to miss the 10 biggest positive days: -9%

This is totally hypothetical. No one is that good or bad at market timing.But it illustrates the key point: Everyone wants to be the superman or superwoman with the 21% return and miss all the worst days. But what you really want to avoid is being the person who missed out on the gains.

Will you have enough to retire? Check the calculator4) Get a long-term plan and stick to it. If you are worried about the stock market right now, the best use of your time is to make sure you have the right plan.

Do you have the right mix of stocks and bonds and other assets?"The typical long-term investor who has most of his or her investments in a retirement account of some sort needs to a) have a plan and b) stick with the plan," says Timmer.From time to time, investors should look at their portfolios and ask if they need to rebalance.

Given the phenomenal rise of equities since March of 2009, it's possible that you need to trim your stock allocation a bit.

But be wary of throwing out the entire game plan. Stocks still give the best return by far over the long run.

As humans, we worry a lot about those down days. But we forget that the bigger risk is missing the upswings.

By Heather Long October 11, 2014 08:42AM EDIT


2014-10-11 19:18 | Report Abuse

Humbled, start jan. You figure out when the contract going to be award.

This will give few small run leading to announcement.

Consider the implementation/preparation time. We already mid Oct.

Dsonic office for Petrol project at Ikea Damansara area are in operation for few months already.

In Malaysia, semua rumours sure ......can't keep their mouth : )

Just like we know Myeg and Iris got GST since last year.


2014-10-11 08:50 | Report Abuse

115 Pts down is normal. .. consider stable.

No delay, will come soon.... read what deputy minister said......(highlighted by idontlike..).as what I said earlier...everything on the plate already.

I think the confident with the stock is back, dividend coming, no selling pressure......probably we have seen bottom. People willing to wait as the timing are almost certain.

The speculation game will start again......and that good for stock. imho.


2014-10-10 22:18 | Report Abuse

Broadband still on, good because they will getting job to develop.

The most, is another month. Govt in pressure now to introduce the program asap, otherwise they (opps) will start demo to protest the hike and gst.

EV, I don't know much now right now, I ask next time.


2014-10-10 18:44 | Report Abuse

Don't get disappointed, the announcement is great news.

You don't expect he going to mention Dsonic name in budget presentation.....everybody will tembak him.

Last time they cancel it because there are no political willingness....they are too afraid of voter. Now he has 4yrs before next GE,....he will do it.

Just wait few more days.....reporter will dig and ask questions.....he will reveal.

Great........will continue with few minor rally. ..lead to the final announcement.....arean't you going to buy on rumour and sell on news, ,,,hi hi.

Long lives Dsonic!


2014-10-10 18:18 | Report Abuse

Actually PM plan to make the announcement in last July but change it.

My info. ..they will start program in Jan.


2014-10-10 18:14 | Report Abuse

This is important announcement.
First time PM acknowledge the project and willingness of govt to go ahead with it.

I mention before, PM must talk on this first before other govt agencies can moved

He said govt will formulate the mechanism....actually they already did. He don't want to answer it now...timing not suitable...give face for input from other etc.....anyway this is budget presentation.

We closing in, it very soon.
Now they could give LOI to company or they could call for quick tender.

We in the industry already know the winner......


2014-10-10 16:18 | Report Abuse

After 5, this will end at 7pm.


2014-10-10 16:14 | Report Abuse

Beside Letter of Award, the fastest way is Letter of Intend to be given.


2014-10-10 15:19 | Report Abuse

Last 2hrs will give the volume.


2014-10-10 14:52 | Report Abuse

Back to top 10 gainer : ).

Maybe another 4M volume, will break 1.70


2014-10-10 12:10 | Report Abuse

Imagine if Dow up tonite, it will fly even higher.


2014-10-10 12:06 | Report Abuse

Myeg not in the race. It only Iris vs Fuel Hse. Who do you think?


2014-10-10 11:39 | Report Abuse

I was told in the morning, got people collecting silently. Now today going to be green despite bad market.


2014-10-10 09:45 | Report Abuse

Drop the least so far..........during this bad market conditions.

Myeg, prestaring

Public Bank also drop....what do you expect?

It roller coster @wall street, will bounce back after 325pts drop.


2014-10-10 09:30 | Report Abuse

Despite Dow drop, there are strong buyer. Hidden buyer.

I still think market under going correction, and not total melt down.
Anticipated 10-15% wall street correction since few mths ago.

It too low and too late to sell. Better brace it, it national project plus passport project.


2014-10-09 16:27 | Report Abuse

Is It Friday Yet?


2014-10-09 07:53 | Report Abuse

Indeed, there are some valiant souls riding into battle to rescue investors from the inferno that has been burning down our marketplaces these past three weeks. But when you see who they are, you’ll likely be just a little unimpressed. Who are they? The U.S. Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, for starters.

I know, you can’t quite picture Janet Yellen and Mario Draghi mounted on warhorses charging into battle with drawn swords in hand. But that’s what they’re doing, in a way.
Here’s how the salvation of our stock markets will likely unfold over the course of the next few months. We are about to be visited by four signs encouraging us to start buying:

• ECB asset purchases will divert investments from Europe to the U.S.

Deutsche Bank strategist George Saravelos on Monday predicted that “the European Central Bank embarking on an aggressive round of asset purchases… will push down real yields [in European bonds] and create a domestic asset shortage,” reported the Wall Street Journal. “That will prompt European investors to go abroad in the hunt for yield.”
The first part of that sign has already taken place, with the Italian 10-Year bond yielding 2.34%, the Spanish 10-Year yielding 2.15%, and the German 10-Year yielding a measly 0.85% - all lower than the U.S. 10-Year’s 2.36%. As the ECB buys ever more bonds over the next few years in imitation of the U.S. Federal Reserve’s bond buying stimulus program, European bond prices will remain high and yields low, forcing European investors to invest elsewhere.

But here’s the clincher… Saravelos and his team at Deutsche Bank see record surpluses of savings in Europe with no attractive opportunities in which to invest. The “combination of high eurozone unemployment combined with a record current account surplus… reflect the same problem,” Saravelos identified: “too much savings relative to investment opportunities”.

Record unemployment means low business activity and poor investment opportunities. So where can Europe’s record current account surplus – worth some $400 billion a year – be invested? Foreign assets. ...Malaysia to be ki.


2014-10-09 07:25 | Report Abuse

Dow up 275pts.

Market won't die, not now while interest rate at lowest and europe slump and china weakening.

They are no new economic for U.S......unlike in 2000, where they have Internet biz/ economy to propel for they have nothing....waiting for iphone6 to smash Fed will hang on to easy money for a while.

But those smart alec outside there, won't listen to Fed, instead making their own analysis this and that.

PM will become savior, he will turn negative news to positive....been his strategies all along. Will introduce Petrol Subd progr. to targeted group.......He will said. ...we listening to you....and want to kurangkan your beban. ...hik hik.

And on Monday onward MoF will scramble....

Going for my hair cut today......@favourite mamak barber...relax.


2014-10-08 18:25 | Report Abuse

Bad day today. I was at cinema for 1pm show : ) . Need to relax. Will rebound. Myeg also drop by 6%.


2014-10-08 17:21 | Report Abuse

You don't have to wait long to know exact period. Next week will become public domain.


2014-10-08 13:01 | Report Abuse

When down, everything seem bad, when up everything cun, the timing, the news, msrket conditions etc. normal. and you will forget today.


2014-10-08 12:05 | Report Abuse

Dow drop 270pts overnight, but few day drop already. US will rebounce.

Here pressure from last wk contra position, fuel with not good market sentiment.

T4, position normally majority they will throw in the morning, unless you get good contact can wait till 4pm.

If you refer to interest vs market crash historical chart, they are no crash while interest rate is so low...record low. Plus when people extremely fear, I think will be no crash. When people extremely bullish they will be crash.


2014-10-08 10:06 | Report Abuse

Wall street down overnight, because of european data, but nothing new. just choppy trading imho.

We know europe in the slump for many year, that why they will start their q.e (following U.S. q.e) soon.


2014-10-08 09:55 | Report Abuse

This stock can climb to 7-8% a day.