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2014-09-22 16:42 | Report Abuse

Don't la sooooo serious : p. The volume dry up so much....meaning no seller...demand always there, unless you want to wait RM1.


2014-09-22 13:43 | Report Abuse

Will shoot up, in few hour. : )


2014-09-19 09:51 | Report Abuse

So whatever it is tender or no tender, I fully confidence and god willing Dsonic will get.

1.So far there are no better ID authentication program then Mykad.
2.All Malaysian has one and none for foreigner.
3.The systems stable and widely use for all financial transaction and with govt agencies.
4.Reduce the cost of producing another card and logistic nightmare.
5.Foolproof at Point of sales i.e at pump station. Can't you trust with foreigner worker at pump station?
6. Consistence with Govt. objective to make Mykad as MPC. i.e multi purpose card. which for last 12 yrs Iris fail to do it.


2014-09-19 09:39 | Report Abuse

If we develop the program, we have the source code. We will never give out the source code, that our trade secret, our bread and butters. Like how you can't mess with Microsoft, Apple software. etc.


2014-09-19 09:33 | Report Abuse

Iris hold for over 10yrs. The deal is not favourable to govt. Govt took initiative to change to new mykad. Dsonic give better option futher Iris time is over since Tun step down. They are more on modern agri etc & Papua.

Previously, govt gave it to Maybank to do it and Iris supply to Maybank. Pos, i tgink not a shareholder but biz partner. Their distribution network is advantage but not crucial in my opinion.

Abt CA, don't worry because Ambank has hedge for their exposure.

In my opinion there are no better time then now for govt to do it. Govt is strong now, even more impact GST, they able to pull thru. Where opposition? Futher the objective is right i.e togive subd to targeted group and not a blanket subd. Why not? we have the technology. What technology bank use for ID? everytime you want to withdraw money? Who has source code now?

Dsonic boleh!

Long live Dsonic!


2014-09-19 07:55 | Report Abuse

The second bullish card was drawn from the economic deck the following day on Friday, September 5th, when the August non-farm payroll number came in at just 142,000 new jobs, grossly under the estimate of some 220,000 new jobs.This means the battle against unemployment is still raging, which will again hold the Fed back from raising interest rates as early as many were expecting.

Remember that “maximum employment” is one of the Fed’s two mandates, and it won’t raise rates until it is satisfied that job creation is sustainable. Analysts are now pushing back their expectation for the first rate hike from mid-2015 to early-2016.

Incidentally, an interesting historical statistic supports a strong equity bull run to the end of 2016 – namely the four-year presidential cycle. The years 2015 and 2016 will be the third and four years of the current cycle, which are the strongest of the four.According to the Stock Trader’s Almanac, since 1833 the Dow Jones Industrial Average has averaged +10.4% in the third year and +5.8% in the fourth, as compared to +4.2% in the second and +2.0% in the first.

This means 2015 will be exceptionally strong on account of both this historical statistic and the Fed’s continuing low interest rate accommodative policy.Does this mean, then, that equities are in and bonds are out? Almost, but not quite. There are still two more cards to be drawn – these ones from the geopolitical deck.

Two More Cards May Bring Turbulence.
In normal times a protracted bull run would mean staying out of bonds. But again, these are not normal times. Two more cards about to be drawn from the geopolitical deck may introduce a lot of volatility over the next several quarters, making bonds as valuable as ever in weathering the storms.

Those two cards are the continuing geo-political struggles in eastern Europe against Russia, and in the middle east against the insurgent terrorist army ISIL.In Europe, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is forcing NATO to increase its presence in eastern Europe, with an emergency meeting in Switzerland earlier this week cementing the organization’s resolve. This conflict has only just begun and will grow increasingly more heated as the autumn turns into winter.Given Europe’s dependence on Russia gas and oil for heating, it is expected that Russia will soon begin turning off its taps, further slowing Europe’s already crawling economic recovery.
This is expected to increase fuel prices on international markets, as Europe will be drawing down the market’s stockpiles. In turn, rising oil and gas prices will tax western economies including America’s.As for the Middle East, U.S. President Obama yesterday announced plans to send observers and advisers to help the new Iraqi government mount an offensive against the rapidly advancing forces of ISIL, which have been confiscating territory from western Syria to eastern Iraq. Although the President stressed this would not mean actual military involvement of U.S. troops, some indirect support through air strikes and weapons procurement are not only inevitable but have already been taking place for several weeks now.

With such continuing uncertainties – from increasing ECB stimulus which results in a stronger USD, to reduced supplies of oil and gas resulting in higher fuel prices, to increasing military activities for NATO and the U.S. in Europe and Iraq – we can expect a bumpy ride from here to 2016.

The overall trajectory will be up, but with much more turbulence than we have been accustomed to over the past five years since the recovery began.A Blend of Equities and BondsBank of Montreal Chief Investment Strategist Brian Belski is one who expects more volatility in equities going forward. “Despite the market’s strength, we still remain comfortable with our now more cautious stance,” Belski noted in a recent letter to clients. “We would begin to change our minds if stock prices can prove they can remain strong against improving economic conditions and the associated higher interest rates that are likely to follow, while avoiding a major geopolitical shock.”This seems to be the new way that Wall Street is playing its hand – a bullish walk with cautious step.


2014-09-19 07:47 | Report Abuse

Here. ... if you have time : )

Sentiments on Wall Street seem to be changing. Analysts and fund managers grew decidedly more bearish as summer dragged on, with cash pouring into the more defensive vehicles like U.S. Treasuries on the expectation of a 10 percent-plus correction in equities.But all of that bearish talk turned bullish once again, and all it took to trigger that change of heart were a sour economic report and a central bank decision.

These two cards drawn from the economic deck late last week have changed Wall Street’s hand, forcing traders to play the game differently.But the draw isn’t over yet. There are two more geopolitical cards to be drawn that could introduce a lot more volatility before this bull run is over. Is your portfolio ready for a continuing bull run on a slippery road?How Sentiments ChangeTo understand why Wall Street has recently turned bullish we need to look at why it had turned bearish in the first place.

Here are just a few reasons why everyone entered the summer with bleak hopes:
• Three full years without a meaningful correction, dating back to the fall of 2011 when the S&P 500 fell from 1,350 to 1,100 for a loss of 18.5%,
• A string of new all-time monthly highs numbering 18 out of the past 20 months since the start of 2013,
• A string of fabulous job reports which saw new jobs being added at a rate of over 200,000 per month from February to July averaging 239,000 per month,
• The winding down of the Federal Reserve’s QE3 monthly bond buying program, which leaves the door open for interest rate hikes soon after,
• Inflation had been running at the Federal Reserve’s 2% target for four months from April to July.

The expectation was that things had been humming along too well for too long without a cloud in the sky. But with inflation stepping in and the Fed stepping out as it ends its bond purchases, it was believed interest rates would start rising sooner than previously thought, perhaps as early as Q2 of 2015, limiting the upside to equities.

This growing pessimism drew more money into the safety of bonds, as the benchmark 10-Year U.S. Treasury yield fell from 3.05% in January to 2.35% at the end of last month – a plunge from a three-year high to a one-year low.Equities were also showing signs of fatigue. After a 4.2% pull-back in early August, the S&P reclaimed its lost ground to finally close above 2,000 for a fresh all-time high. Yet as the index struggled to stay above that milestone, it looked like a head-and-shoulders pattern had been forming, a sign that the market was getting ready to roll over and dive.

Suddenly at the end of last week everything changed, with analysts raising their forecasts and upping the ante:“The 15 top strategists tracked by research firm Birinyi Associates are now penciling in average year-end forecast of 2,010 versus an average 2014 prognostication of 1,934 in December 2013,” reports Market Watch.Deutsche Bank strategist David Bianco increased his S&P 500 year-end target from 1,850 to 2,050, with a call for 2,300 by 2016, while Gina Adams of Wells Fargo replaced her year-end target of 1,850 with a 12-month target of 2,100.

What were these two cards recently dealt to us which changed everyone’s game plan? The announcement by the European Central Bank for a fresh round of stimulus in Europe, and a poor employment report in the U.S.Two Bullish Cards

The first surprise card drawn from the economic deck came Thursday, September 4th, when the ECB announced a new round of stimulus in the amount of 700 billion euros (over $900 billion), as well as a plan to purchase asset-backed securities to help the banks recapitalize, somewhat similar to the U.S. central bank’s monthly bond buying program.This resulted in a plunge in the Euro, as flooding the market with money does to any currency. In turn, that resulted in a strengthening of the U.S. dollar, lifting the DXY dollar index from 82.8 to as much as 84.5 over the following days. And this sharp rise came on top of an already strengthening dollar which has been rising since the beginning of July.But isn’t a stronger dollar bad for the economy?

Why would this cause analysts to swing from bearish to bullish?In normal times, yes, a stronger dollar would be a headwind for the economy, as it makes money more expensive and increases the cost of doing business in America. But these aren’t normal times. A strengthening dollar is similar to an increase in interest rates. Thus, if the U.S. dollar is already strengthening due to other currencies weakening, then the U.S. Federal Reserve cannot raise interest rates as soon as 2015, which most had been expecting. In essence, the ECB has preempted the U.S. Fed’s tightening move.


2014-09-19 01:09 | Report Abuse

Like this la.

Even you don't believe in ghost.......when your friend start telling you ghost story......if you stay and listen to it...........soon you will feel your kepala becoming big slowly......

That how simple we are.

Wa ka ka.
Will buy some more tmr.


2014-09-19 00:40 | Report Abuse

Just want to share..... 2yrs ago I waited for 9mths.....hovering at ipo price of RM2......everytime I look, I will curse at the stock : ) Somehow..... I was lucky(not smart)...... because I was busy with my work........after sometime.....I forgot about it........until one day my remiser call me and ask me to sell for rm2.30. I sold some.....What a big mistake.....lucky I bought back........still It cost me a lot of money.

I did know i3 that time, If I did. .......I will surely sell all my stock.....ha ha can't take the pressure.

Bottomline... It a good stock, growing. Current Mykad contract will keep them deliver above RM100M for next 2yrs. And because the nature of their biz...targeting big e-govt project....if they hit with just one......that will change your financial landscape.... Buy and forget about it.....don't come here can't take pressure or temptation.

p.s. Now I understand, the 9mths is for the company to start deliver the result....500% yoy.


2014-09-19 00:17 | Report Abuse

9. They are no serious competitor, only Iris. Datasonic hold Mykad system Architecture, no way other company can do a good job.

10. Fuel Hse more powerful than Dsonic or Iris.

11. Govt. bleeding on petrol sub. Govt. is very serious on this issues and has spend close to RM200M on this project.

Last time they back off, because implementation near to GE. Now is the right time for govt. to implement.

12. In my opinion/guess.... best time for them to do. ..between Oct-Nov.

My mentor said......bukan senang mahu jadi kaya! wo!

:) then you know what to expect.


2014-09-19 00:12 | Report Abuse

This is what I think;

1. Too much focus on fuel sub.

2. Co will deliver more than RM100M profit, even stronger in Q3 and 4.

3. There are many other projects, which co. are working on..jpj,moh, high speed broadband over powerline, military project, intergrated traffic monitoring, mykad on other country, hospital mgt system local and oversea, airport identification systems, etc.

4. Stock has been consolidated at current level for good I consider it good support....investor with holding power.

5. Investor has gone thru worse crisis...with TA episode.... Investor should be wiser now.

6. Bank has reduced the ceiling for margin for sometime...not much risk of force selling for this counter

7. The stock has gone thru correction. .....20-30% from peak.......reduced the risk of overheating/ pressure of correction.

8. Current P.E 29/30 compare with Myeg 35


2014-09-18 21:24 | Report Abuse

and i bought some.


2014-09-18 21:23 | Report Abuse

Maybank force selling some.


2014-09-05 14:16 | Report Abuse

Europe Central Bank lowered their interest rate yesterday and plan to start their own QE program similar to US Fed, in order to prop up their economy and market.

I think this will delay US Fed from increase their interest rate and good for stock market.


2014-09-05 12:22 | Report Abuse

Ha ha. Winter, I mean everything including politic etc. Don't buy media stock : )


2014-09-05 11:23 | Report Abuse

One thing for sure, you can't make money from reading newspaper, another 27M people also reading the same things.

That right Nokia. In biz, if we involved directly and meeting people, we always know if we going to get the biz or not. The award is just formality, same thing happen in the past, they already know they going to get.


2014-09-05 11:06 | Report Abuse

I don't know about you guys. I have give up on local newspaper, since I had Ipad and Iphone.

Everything they turn and twist, you do know what is right anymore......better not to read : ))


2014-09-04 12:43 | Report Abuse

nokia is right. Their aim at least 3 or 4 big national project excluding petrol sub.
Hit just one will do.

Idont, sometime best to get away for a while. ...get busy : ) . You know the price is stable at this level, forget 5-10% up and down. We looking beyond 30% right?
24 x 7 looking at price......... you will feel slow. : ) )

Of cause it depend on individual objective and strategy.


2014-09-04 10:31 | Report Abuse

Sorry not 2 but 1.5M, So that why I think they will exceed RM100M to give better P.E.


2014-09-04 09:42 | Report Abuse

I think there outstanding 2M card to be deliver (b/f) from 2q plus another 5M card. The remaining 5M card for next yr(2nd yr) Fy2015/2016.


2014-09-03 13:05 | Report Abuse

Expect drama. Like Korean Drama. There are nobody else. : ) ,


2014-09-03 11:10 | Report Abuse

If you sincere to yourself, then easy.

Are you Selangor state, Dbkl, Insurance, Epf, Unit trust Investment Manager?
Are you satisfy with 8-15% p.a.return? If not then act like one.

I have friend who Investment Manager, everytime talk about, figure, mandate, board approval,policies etc.

If your investment base of NTA etc, you would not buy Dsonic 1, 2 year ago. .....and miss all the excitement and fun.

If friend invite you to invest in his new biz venture, would you emphasise on NTA etc? No right? Potential yes?

In bear market whatever NTA you throw, is no good... people simply won't buy.

In bull market, other people willing to take more risk than you.... you need to adapt! embrace!

I 'm no expert, I invest for my family


2014-09-03 01:41 | Report Abuse

With Wallstreet gets better and better, at 1.81 ,I think it bargain.


2014-09-03 01:39 | Report Abuse

What now?

What happen last Thursday, few people already know the q2 profit, (if I know, other people also know) and they bet, the price will be up on Friday. So they bought it for contra trading.
I guess market already expected;
a) Dsonic will deliver better q2 result, so it come to no surprise (unless Dsonic deliver RM60m
b) Wall street and the overall market is not good on Friday. So they dump the share, but RM1.80 is strong support.

The stock has powerful 20% correction from peak; meaning it stable at this level. Million of shares transacted at RM3.60-3.80 (before bonus) since April. Despite the correction, etc., if you purchase early this year, it gives almost 100% return.

RHB valuation without Fuelsub is RM2.04 and RM2.50 after they sign up with Fuelhse. With Mykad and Passport contract in hand, I will not worry for next 2 years and expect bonuses from various other projects.

I think fuelsub will contribute another 30-50% of Dsonic bottom line.

I think most likely they will not call for tender, this is private initiative; It has been govt practice, If you submit your idea to any govt dept or Ukas, they will just evaluate your proposal, negotiate and award it.

I think they will get a Letter of Intend (LOI) first this month.

With Shafee as their lawyer; I don't think they will dare to cause any trouble. I also mention about the drama that going to happen; and we should watch and learn.

Meridian is for Dsonic Hospital IT project . There are many other projects they are working on including broadband over high speed power line (BPL)

There's a vacuum in E-govt sector/supplier and, I think Dsonic is right in their focus.


2014-09-03 01:34 | Report Abuse

So far I have said their Q2 is strong and they will be awarded with the Fuelsub project in a couple of wk and not 6mths. In fact, it's done deal; consider they work exclusively with epu since last year.

On, second week of hariraya (PM on leave,) TPM chair the cabinet meeting; petrolsub was already on the agenda. I think since he is not in the picture from the start, he would not want to make any decision(with media hu ha). Fuelhse, a bit late in their counter measure (though they have a media/politician on their side ).
If the PM was around, I believe he will approve it.

So my info was reliable.


2014-09-03 01:32 | Report Abuse

Still on leave, back for few days. But managed to buy Dsonic today.
In the past, I said;

1) Dsonic is celebrity stock - often attract attention from the community; surely there are enough media/paparazzi around.Why? Because their stock performance and nature of their biz (big govt contract etc.) So as an Investor you must have firm believe and avoid 'noise' .

2) I also mention about corporate enemy- this enemy like to use media, blogger and a poison letter to run down Dsonic. This time, I think they make a wrong move; they are not only dealing with Dsonic but people in power.

3) Dsonic is solid, fundamental co.- Latest Q2 show the co deliver above expectation result. I'm confident they will deliver above RM100M profit for 2014, Recent Q2, they did not deliver 4M card, due to invoicing / production with their recent takeover plant. If they did, they will deliver at least RM60M (acc) profit. I expect they will pick up in Q3 and Q4.


2014-08-12 10:48 | Report Abuse

Just before I go for a while.

I think, to speed up govt will issues Letter of Intend instead of Letter of Award as LOI is faster then LOA. LOI is as good as LOA, especially to the market.

Once LOI is given, sometime, Dsonic have less then 6hrs to report it to Bursa.

You do not want to get caught without Dsonic share. It always like this. ..when market least anticipate.

Remember, the races is not Dsonic with Iris and other. It between Fuel Hse with other. Personally I think, if Dsonic goes alone, I don't think they stand a chance as this is too political. If Dsonic don't have a chance, what more Iris. Iris era during Tun time is over.

Few year ago. Govt already wanted to implement petrol sub, they already spend on hardware etc but they postpone it ; because they are not strong then as it now after GE.

That why I said they already know how to do it and they are well prepared to implement this in short notice.

p.s. Sorry for spelling etc, at airport now. I think Wall street look good....actually no reason for crash etc.... just investor feeling of high price etc.... but 75% corporate America produce better then expected profit. and interest rate still low.... imho.


2014-08-11 00:49 | Report Abuse

Doom - sayer..........If you call for rain every single day, you will be right every time it rains, but you will not be right every time you call.

When looking at previous market crash patterns, there is one pattern in particular that most doomers neglect to note… crashes do not happen when the government has the stimulus tap turned on. Only when the tap of cheap, easily-accessible money is in the off position do crashes happen.

As noted in the graph below comparing U.S. interest rates (black) to the Dow Jones index (blue), the last two major crashes occurred when interest rates were high (red), while low interest rates only fuelled the market higher (green). Source:

While smaller magnitude corrections do take place even when monetary policy is highly accommodative, such as the 18% correction of 2011 dotted above (blue), such corrections are never severe, nor do they turn into bear markets when money is cheap.

Thus, while the markets are always susceptible to pull-backs, we must factor-in all underlying conditions, including the Federal Reserve’s commitment to low interest rates. Previous patterns have shown that whenever the market runs into trouble, the government always steps-in with bags of stimulus money to prop it back up

Prepared On these two patterns we can be sure: corrections can happen at any time, but crashes happen only when the Fed is out of the picture.

If we had obeyed the doom-sayers every time they called the end of the bull market, we would have missed out on years of profits.

I wont reply for a while.


2014-08-11 00:44 | Report Abuse

G.morning. I am in long holiday untill early Sept. I have not give any comments or read other comments.

1. I have nothing to add to my previous comments; and have no futher update. I have an opportunity to meet some directors recently. They still upbeat with company performance in Q2 and 2014. They have many big project they think, they can get including Petrol sub.

2. I know Fuel Hse dirs. had mtg with PM during raya gathering, they also complaint some parties copy their proposal paper. Recently govt had some distractions, but Sept/Oct still the target.

3. As for myself, sometime I think best to "go away" for a while (i.e. no need to monitor share price / forum daily) especially when there are not much activities/update. I still hold my position well and look forward Q2 reporting.

4. I am not worry on Dsonic but more concern on wall street and been following the development.

5. Market/ Dsonic are bigger then any individual; don't worry if you not heard anything from me for a while. You should trust Mr. Chew : ).....he been collecting actively.

6. I want to share, some article I read just before recent 5% correction.(hope it stop at 5%).


2014-07-23 07:45 | Report Abuse

Who To Listen To?

We’ve heard what the economists are telling us. But what are the markets telling us?Simply stated, equities and bonds are still betting on interest rates remaining lower for longer.While the general consensus among economists is for the Fed’s benchmark interest rate to finish 2015 near 1.13% and to end 2016 near 2.5%, Bloomberg reports that the “implied yields on federal funds futures contracts traded on the CME Group Inc. exchange” foretell “the funds rate will be 0.78 percent by the end of next year and 1.81 percent by December 2016.”Although interest rate futures are indeed signaling higher rates, the market is not projecting them to be as high nor as soon as many expect.Why? What could be blocking the Fed’s path toward rate normalization? Aren’t there enough green lights signaling the Fed to move ahead with rate increases?

While there are some green lights, such as strong job creation averaging 200,000 new jobs each month for almost three full years and slightly higher consumer prices in food, gas, and housing, the biggest signal light of all is still stuck on red: wages.“It’s actually the wage number that is critical,” Gross clarified. “The jobs [number] takes second seat.”Remember that all we are getting in the way of new jobs are jobs that were recently lost. So the economy isn’t really breaking new ground; it is merely reclaiming old ground that was once held before.

As for higher prices, these aren’t really signaling that the Fed has finished its job either. The slightly higher prices are being fuelled by slightly more people working. But they are not being fuelled by higher wages.Wages are still stagnant, and until they start to rise, higher consumer prices still stop climbing. After all, if people can’t afford higher prices, prices will stabilize.This is what the Federal Reserve seems to be anticipating. The Fed knows the recent rise in consumer prices has come from more people working and more paychecks being spent. But the amount of the paychecks has not increased all that much — not enough to keep consumer prices steadily rising.

The Fed expects inflation to stabilize on its own and therefore does not see the need to use interest rates to keep inflation down. Stagnant wages will take care of inflation.This means ultra-low interest rates are here for as long as the Fed said they would be.

Remember when the Fed started talking about stimulus tapering back in May of 2013, and how they prepared us for tapering to start by the end of 2013 and end by the end of 2014? Remember all the debating that ensued, with some claiming tapering would start and end sooner, while others were adamant it would be later?In the end, what happened? Precisely what the Fed told us would happen. Why should it be any different now? Have we not learned that second-guessing the Fed is futile?

We know who to listen to. Don’t fight the Fed. Rates are staying lower for longer. Stay long equities, and don’t be afraid of bonds.


2014-07-23 07:40 | Report Abuse

Sharing some article

The Markets Aren’t Swayed

Despite such a strong employment report raising expectations of faster Fed action, equities pushed higher all day Thursday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average setting another milestone as it closed above 17,000 points for the first time in its history, while the broader market S&P 500 index also closed at a new all-time high of 1,985.Normally, you might expect some profit taking heading into a long weekend to lock in some impressive gains of 8.5% on the S&P just from the first six months of the year alone.

So far there has been no “sell in May and go away,” no “buy the rumor and sell the news,” and no “let’s take what we can get and run.” Investors seem to be sticking around for more.

And not just equity investors. Bondholders seem to be just as doggedly put as well. After the 10-year Treasury retreated on the release of last week’s jobs data, lifting its yield to 2.70% (its highest level in two months), investors found the yield irresistible and ploughed back in, pushing the yield back down to 2.65% at the top of its recent range.

There was penetration of the upper band of resistance, but there was no follow-through.In fact, as noted in the graph of the 10-year Treasury yield below, the first half of this year has seen the benchmark bond’s yield steadily falling lower and lower.Its first range from 2.60% to 2.80% (blue) gave way in late April to an even lower range from 2.50% to 2.67% (green). And as of last week, we still can’t break out of it — not even on the back of such strong employment data.


2014-07-22 10:34 | Report Abuse

Maybe Simctgal can!

Cut and paste girl, Copy word by word from sean88 on her TP RM40 TAHPS forum.

Ppl, pls run out from this share... lets see how simctgal can handle it... he sounds overconfident and over estimated on his calculation... Dont get fool by him, Investor!
21/07/2014 13:49

sorry guys, no work at office : )


2014-07-22 05:55 | Report Abuse

Jun 5, 2014 09:47 AM | Report Abuse  

nope... I sold earlier with profit... Sold at 4.6.... hahah... Now pls buy TAHPS... TP RM40.00 Dsonic ady too high.... 

TAHPS closing price on Jun 5 - RM10.90 
TAHPS closing price on July 21 - RM9.10 

DATASONIC closing price on Jun 5 - RM3.68 = RM1.84
DATASONIC closing price on July 21 - RM1.86


2014-07-21 19:56 | Report Abuse

Jun 5, 2014 09:47 AM | Report Abuse 

nope... I sold earlier with profit... Sold at 4.6.... hahah... Now pls buy TAHPS... TP RM40.00 Dsonic ady too high....

TAHPS closing price on Jun 5 - RM10.90
TAHPS closing price on July 21 - RM9.10

DATASONIC closing price on Jun 5 - RM3.68 = RM1.84
DATASONIC closing price on July 21 - RM1.86


2014-07-21 16:22 | Report Abuse

They are biz cycles in stock market;

1. Rumours
2. News/official
3. Performances

Each stages will push the price higher. It does not mean once the news is out, the games is over.

For example, Dsonic about to reap the benefits from Mykad contract renewal now! i.e 6mths from the day they got Letter of Award.

How? You can see their Q2 performance and from there you can project their FY2014, with 30% improvement. .......rightfully their share price will increase.


2014-07-21 16:00 | Report Abuse

2013 co deliver 92M profit with just 4-5M card.

For 2014 and 2015 their book order14M, which 4M must deliver before end of July and another 5M card in next 6-12mth.

Minimum they will deliver 6.5M for FY2014.
If they can deliver 9M in FY2014 (4+5) their profit will be bom!

I'm not worry abt co performance for next 2yrs.
You can see their performance in Q2 ; which is abt 5wks from today. I think will be 30% up

Other project, etc is a bonus.


2014-07-21 08:17 | Report Abuse

Ya like TAHPS with upside of RM31. hik hik lol : )))


2014-07-20 10:46 | Report Abuse

July 19.

Roubini Bullish on South Korea, Malaysia, Phillipines, HK, Singapore

There are plenty of emerging market economies that have good market fundamentals and international policies.In Asia, we particularly like South Korea, but even countries like Malaysia, the Philippines, Hong Kong or Singapore are solid.


2014-07-18 11:19 | Report Abuse

Just want to share, some part of Investment article that I read yesterday regarding US economy, Greenspan, Yellen and interest rate etc...

Get Ready for the Blow-Off

Right now, the U.S. economy simply doesn't have “it's different this time” potential.

There are no revolutionary innovations changing the economy (though there is some pretty cool technology with robots and 3D printing, and one of those biotechs Yellen panned may well have a cure for cancer).

We're just trying to get some debts paid off, increase jobs, and fuel some consumer demand.

And Yellen isn't going to mess with that — at least, not while there's a chance low rates are helping. So she's resorting to the age-old Fed tactic of jawboning.

Jawboning is just talk. Yellen would like to talk down some overvalued assets. But it won't work because investors know well that she is talking instead of acting. So we can look forward to higher prices for stocks.

We have entered the exuberance phase of the bull market. It could last a year or more. If you haven't made enough money in stocks over the last few years, get ready.

Stocks are going higher.


2014-07-18 09:38 | Report Abuse

All these events are not related and isolated cases. Will come to senses soon.


2014-07-18 09:19 | Report Abuse

Don't panic, coincidental events. Gaza, MH17 and profit taking from recent wall street gains. Russian are strong, nobody dare to face them, there will be no war etc.

They will escape just like last time they shot down Korean Airlines.

Pray for family, relatives and friend of MH17 passenger and crew. I know the Good Captain, was on his flight from Europe.


2014-07-18 00:11 | Report Abuse

Pray for MH17,

MAS share going to suffer again.


2014-07-17 17:53 | Report Abuse

Let it be, leave him alone, he sick, pity him.


2014-07-17 16:38 | Report Abuse

Normally @ govt..... during festive........ people are more relax, .... hari raya mood........boss has more time for you....... look at ur proposal, discuss or even give you the approval... ..: )


2014-07-17 09:29 | Report Abuse

Also the purchase is to shut up the ill talking/rumours regarding the card security, made in china etc..... Saying million and billion of China citizen could come to Malaysia with Malaysia IC made in China. That pure stupid and you would know the ill intention.

Come on, most of country especially US and European; their ID is just driving licence and passport......i.e just plain paper security. Has million China and other immigrant successfully penetrate to their country with fake documents?

In Malaysia, I blame border security control and personnel not the systems.


2014-07-17 08:52 | Report Abuse

Hi hi I said they going to take all big innovative e-govt project for next 3yrs.

Wonder why Bukhary get all govt contract and assets?


2014-07-17 06:57 | Report Abuse

With the purchase of Card factory, it seal off any chance for Iris to take back the contract in 2016. It will also make Dsonic the largest Bank card producer.


2014-07-16 17:12 | Report Abuse

I give q order to buy at 1.80 this morning,

my remiser laugh like mad.....he say cannot masuk order.... seah man........ drop my water face.........and macho... : ))))