
Peace99 | Joined since 2020-04-29

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2020-10-25 23:08 | Report Abuse

No Emergency, only 6new covid cases, so no reason why not up tomorrow?


2020-10-23 21:41 | Report Abuse

Happy to have converted the warrants.


2020-10-23 21:38 | Report Abuse

Izzuddin &vvliang, thanks for updates! Ptrans good job!!


2020-10-22 16:06 | Report Abuse

@asyraf96, why expecting up?


2020-10-19 12:13 | Report Abuse

Normal short term fluctuations? Long term is upward? Haha, I optimistic with taking bus in Perak


2020-10-19 10:00 | Report Abuse

good day! ....may be a bit boring, but still same comment, think it's nice to buy low as ex-date just 3 days holding for the dividend and Ptrans turning into Ptransformer, haha


2020-10-19 09:36 | Report Abuse

Best, still holding onto the other half of my shares from the RI! No let go one!!


2020-10-15 15:24 | Report Abuse

Jadi naik^3 is just a matter of time, aku hold lama sikit...hahaha


2020-10-15 15:16 | Report Abuse

Singapore's F&B is almost back to normal, big crowd at eating places, so if Malaysia can press down the covid curve, see no reason why Uncle Don will not be almost back to normal! Me optimistic....want to buy more, once i receive my refund for the unsuccessful excess right share application :)


2020-10-13 23:33 | Report Abuse

Read NETX's press statement of acquisition of Emicro, sound like a win-win investment to me.


2020-10-09 12:12 | Report Abuse

@positive campers Goood123, stockraiders, and many others, Thank you for your positive outlook!
Just a quick update, I already made 1k this morning, bought mother @0.15 sold 0.16 just now.....
Yes, expect this investment will go well! Invested a 5 figure sum by subscribing to the RI as mentioned yesterday. Hope everyone huat kaw kaw, when the GEMSPOT becomes fully developed and marketed due to our investment....the programmers, data scientists etc need to be paid well to do their job well!


2020-10-08 20:28 | Report Abuse

Looks like moving up finally :)
By the way, any one knows when will be or has received the refund for the unsuccessful excess right share application?


2020-10-08 17:05 | Report Abuse

@Good123 I'm joining in the fun with a 5 figure sum of mani, cheers!


2020-10-08 17:03 | Report Abuse

@3iii, haha, thank you....i have not spent so much time with NETX....but I was involved with research developments and know how tedious the process of development, field trials, redevelopment, retrials. And computer guys data scientists are not cheap, a 2-3 year experienced guys can fetch more than 100k USD in San Francisco....ok, fair, much less in Malaysia, but not cheap..... Anyway, I join you guys late, but as the saying goes, better late than never, hahaha,
I'm just in time and will be rewarded too? May be i shiok sendiri...but will know on 3 NOV!!


2020-10-08 15:12 | Report Abuse

@Good123 and sifu-sifu, Monday 111mil, Tue 210mil, Wed 8mil = 329mil, or about 52% of the OR traded, basically at 0.5sen. I suppose most of those who bought will subscribe, so already have a sizeable volume even without counting those who are not selling their OR. So, based on these numbers, this RI funding will almost surely a successful one, reasonable guess?


2020-10-08 11:12 | Report Abuse

@Integrity I did read before but we all have limited time, and I don't think I claimed anything more than I knew (kindly let me know if otherwise, as I do want to maintain my integrity.) Showed what i calculated and commented based on it and gotten some feedback. Last night was one last read before deciding how large my investment should be. Have a nice day!


2020-10-08 09:34 | Report Abuse

Good sign! Last night read the RI prospectus in more detail, and concluded that RI makes sense.
GemSpot is in phase 4 of development, and more IT professionals and data scientists will be hired under this phase, and also professionals to help with marketing which is so necessary. So, I think the fund raised will be put to good use. The first three phases are supported by private placements, and the associated share price ranged from 25sen to 37sen. In fact Phase 2&3 were just several months ago, and the investors must have been convinced. Also I read some positive reviews about GEMSPOT. Jadi, dah minta broker buat subscription, tak mau lambat :)


2020-10-07 20:45 | Report Abuse

Tksw-sifu, just sapu when price know how to sell high wan!


2020-10-07 20:42 | Report Abuse

@sianglong, i got it, cheers!


2020-10-07 20:27 | Report Abuse

Just to clarify: When I said primary school math, don't mean easy...just mean the operations involve +,-, x, and divide only.


2020-10-07 20:19 | Report Abuse

Scenery, surely different, but surely have similarities.....ok, let's see how it will turn one knows 100%, only time will tell lor


2020-10-07 17:54 | Report Abuse

The subscription fee for VSolar was 3sen, so selling at 3.5sen means a large gain % wise!!


2020-10-07 17:47 | Report Abuse

@Scenery It seems there is some confusion. OR is free, as long as you own the mother before the ex-date. But to turn the OR to mother, need to pay the subscription fee. For Dolphin, subscription fee was 6 sen. Also get 3 free warrants for subscribing 5 RI. That is, for 30sen (excluding cost of the original mother you own before ex-date), you get 5 new shares and 3 free warrants. Now can apply the primary school math.... I hope this clarifies and helpful to you.


2020-10-07 17:21 | Report Abuse doing the same math but of course using the historical data from VSolar, TFP and Dolphin.
(Btw, Dolphin's RI subscription is 6sen and is now selling 7sen, and the free warrant is fetching 2.5sen, big increase!!)


2020-10-07 17:17 | Report Abuse

@Scenery and new kawan here, it's surprising....but using just the primary school mathematics as I showed explicitly in my post, and some explanation from sifu about RI, i have participated in three RI, namely VSolar, TFP, and Dolphin (we met there!), and all are profitable. I'm anticipating the same for NETX.
The nice thing is I still am keeping some shares from these counters as long term investment.
(One can check my claim of profitability by doing the same primary school mathematics!!)


2020-10-07 17:06 | Report Abuse

Reminder: Last day to get the OR is this Friday.


2020-10-07 17:04 | Report Abuse

Just the mathematics....sorry, correction to my comment above: Even if OR=1.5sen, still worth it to buy OR and subscribe because you will get the free warrants.....(If you buy mother direct@14.5sen, no free warrant!). I forgot about the warrants just now!!


2020-10-07 16:51 | Report Abuse

Just a thought... for some one who decide to invest, it seems to make more sense to buy the OR now and subscribe. My basic reasoning: cost = 0.5+13=13.5sen, cheaper than price now. Even if OR is 1 sen, cost=14sen still worth it, but if OR becomes 1.5 sen, then may be better to buy directly the mother. Happy trading and investing!


2020-10-07 15:21 | Report Abuse

Wow, very active forum! Looks like kind of 2 camps here, one from b4 and one from after consolidation of shares! And each camp seems to say very different things!

But for new ppl, the drop in share price due to the share dilution caused by RI may be the main concern? Then i think the theoretical ex-price is a reasonable estimate, so don't mind I repeat here: Number of RI (630mil) is 3 times of OS (210mil), and now OS@15sen, so (1*15+3*13)/4=13.5 sen. If OS@17sen, then (1*17+3*13)/4=14 sen. So roughly the price drops to 13.5 or 14 sen after the RI, so if my OR is 0.5 or 1 sen, I can already recover my cost by selling my new shares (or may opt to hold), and the free warrants are just bonus!

Just based on this calculation (not just words but numbers are important!) and the fact that the employees bought company shares at much higher price (they know their product development best! Product development takes time!!), personally I think already reasonable to invest spare cash into NETX!!!

I know someone who works with start-up in Silicon Valley, and it is already more than 6 years, and still not done and it continues to seek funding.......It might fail, but if it succeeds, the reward gets multiplied many times!!

Conclusion: After weighing the risk, I am investing some spare cash to support this company.

Remark: Sometimes ppl calculate the theo. ex. price by (630mil*15+210mil*13)/(630mil+210mil),
but the result is the same.


2020-10-07 10:00 | Report Abuse

@Good123, thanks for keeping us optimistic about this fund raising exercise too.


2020-10-07 09:57 | Report Abuse

@Janetan, Agreed....I bought both today too, got the right @0.5sen......consider myself lucky can get at 0.5sen


2020-10-07 01:27 | Report Abuse

Allow me to repeat here my rough estimate of share dilution: No. of RI (630mil) is 3 times of OS (210mil), and assume OS@15sen, so (1*15+3*13)/4=13.5 sen. If OS@17sen, then (1*17+3*13)/4=14 sen. And there is still the free warrants. Feel free to comment and if you can improve on the estimate, please share your method.


2020-10-07 01:19 | Report Abuse

@Victor Yong: I think your&others' info, and my rough estimate of the share dilution (which is ok for me if share price after RI will be more than about 14-15 sen). I am all for NETX's business goal, and within the few hours I have to research about NETX, I think it is worth the risk to invest so I will buy and subscribe to the rights first thing tomorrow!!


2020-10-07 01:09 | Report Abuse

@Victor Yong Thank you for posting many useful information!


2020-10-07 01:06 | Report Abuse

Google Finexia, admittedly i haven't studied it but good organised website.

Finexia's role in the team up with NETX is to get the license to operate in Australia

Personally, like many ppl, i need to use forex, and I think this is great growth potential!!
I think NETX made correct decision to get a licensed Australian company to get the australian license.


2020-10-07 00:18 | Report Abuse

Boarded @280, tomolo likely go simple-minded reasoning: Perak 8 new cases, should be manageable. Think if ppl take precautions seriously, don't follow bad examples, safe to take bus....and from the news, Ptrans is serious! Any one take Perak Transit? Tolong update sikit.


2020-10-06 16:04 | Report Abuse

haha Mikecyc, i to include those factors? And what is your estimate of the price range after the RI? Just want to consider to see how much to invest, haha


2020-10-06 15:35 | Report Abuse

(haha Peace99 can please do an estimate on the shares price dilution when RI is listing .. say full subscribed .. OS 200 million + RI 600 million .. tq in advance)

@Mikecyc, good point...should have thought of it...Pls check: No. of RI is 3 times of OS, and assume OS@15sen, so (1*15+3*13)/4=13.5 sen. If OS@17sen, then (1*17+3*13)/4=14 sen.
Is my estimation correct? Thank you for checking.


2020-10-06 13:41 | Report Abuse

@Mikecyc, After RI, you think cannot sell at at least 14 or 14.5 sen to recover the cost? If can, then the free warrants will be profit lor


2020-10-06 13:22 | Report Abuse

Just to add to my simple estimate just now:..... Suppose sell mother @ 14 sen, and warrants@1sen, then I get 14*6+1*3=87sen. Then gain is (87-84)/84=3/84=3.6%, which is pretty good, as listing is in less than a think still worth it.


2020-10-06 12:47 | Report Abuse

Did a simple estimate: If I buy the right@1sen now and subscribe 6 rights, then capital is (13+1)*6=84sen, and will receive 6 shares and 3 free warrants. Suppose sell mother @ 15 sen, and warrants@1sen, then I get 15*6+1*3=93sen. Then gain is (93-84)/84=10.7%, which is pretty good....think will invest!


2020-10-06 10:22 | Report Abuse

Bagus, can aim to 295 today


2020-10-05 12:52 | Report Abuse

I'm keeping the other half of my i believe Ian Wong and Don will continue to work hard on what they are passionate about and grow the business!


2020-10-05 12:49 | Report Abuse

@absalom Personally I think Dolphin did the correct thing to invest in Uncle Don. From Googling,
can see many new shops open. From Bursa Announcement 29 SEPT: Ian Ong Ming Hock will remain as a director of AP F&B.


2020-10-04 22:58 | Report Abuse

@Sammy short answer: Yes, Done.
@Fidah Would be helpful if you give a concise description of the relationship between Asia Poly, Dolphin and Uncle Don? Thank you.


2020-10-02 17:34 | Report Abuse

@absalom Did you read the prospectus for the RI? Do you think Dolphin did the right investment?


2020-10-02 17:30 | Report Abuse

Fidah, thank you for jaga this counter. It takes time and effort. I think if ppl suspect you, they should back up their suspicion with reason. Don't worry if otherwise.


2020-10-02 16:46 | Report Abuse

May be co needs fund from warrant conversion only later, and they think share price should be more than .34c later!