
Peace99 | Joined since 2020-04-29

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2020-08-18 19:56 | Report Abuse

Hey, I converted some and now kumpul $ to convert more! I like Boss Cheong's action, got class!
My minibus is 2- 2.5 sen, so my total cost is 26sen, so Boss is fair lah.
To convert is quite easy if your broker will do the paper work, just tranfer in the money,
but give him or her a few days' advance notice. I am happy to contribute the fund and let the professional team do the business because I would not be able to do the business! I have high hope that the team will try their best to reward investors. Let's huat together!!


2020-08-17 01:02 | Report Abuse

@Pamie just to add to Stephen... Note that there's a deadline September 19 to the warrant, after which it will be a piece of waste paper!


2020-08-12 16:23 | Report Abuse

Innature it's time to take off! What are you waiting for??


2020-08-12 14:17 | Report Abuse

This morning got upward movement, but soon this stage, due to demand for logistic should it not be upwards?


2020-08-12 12:16 | Report Abuse

If driver got empathy, after tksw gets his 260 ticket, pls try to stay above 280 to compensate for mini-bus charge+235+ effort to convert hor....don't let your faithful admirers down mah


2020-08-12 10:38 | Report Abuse

PTrans has proven its top ability in integrated bus terminal business, after getting all the certifications for Kampar, next will be Bidor and Tronoh. Why gostan leh??
Must be ppl thinking of the warrant effect?? If so this gostan is just temporary one, Ptrans future prospects will attract ppl, not frighten ppl, jangan takut-takut.

Happy, aku akan up my conversion and try to match yours!


2020-08-12 10:16 | Report Abuse

Has Notion not proved its capability? Just few months, already got FDA registration as mask producer! Hopeful that it will soon get JAKIM's approval, and FDA's approval for its N95, so
still holding!!


2020-08-11 22:33 | Report Abuse

RRP7623, what's the good news? Are you referring to below or more?

Don't mind I cut and paste: Target Price 34sen:

FRom Public Bank: Perak Transit (PTB) announced that it has finally received the 2nd phase of Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) approval for its Terminal Kampar. We expect Terminal Kampar to be fully operational by early-2021, as renovation and fitting works are expected to take around 3 to 6 months, with an estimated 70% occupancy rate. Rental from advertising and promotional spaces (A&P) is expected to be received from September 2020 onwards. We make no changes to our earnings forecast, having already accounted for this development. With the soon-to-be expiring warrants currently in-the-money, we expect to see full conversion which will consequently lower our DCF-based target price to RM0.34 (previously RM0.38). Given the strong share price performance in recent weeks and limited price upside, we also lower our recommendation on Perak Transit to Trading Buy (from Outperform). We continue to like the Group’s growth prospects, with the next income push anticipated to come from the integrated public transportation terminals in Bidor and Tronoh.

From The Edge: On another note, the group said it intends to declare dividends on a quarterly basis so as to reward shareholders on a more consistent manner.


2020-08-11 22:03 | Report Abuse

tksw sifu, if he no dispose of warrant, i can't buy to convert. Just bought, must wait 3 days to convert...


2020-08-11 14:40 | Report Abuse

Btw, bank draft and money order macam zaman batu :)


2020-08-11 14:09 | Report Abuse

tksw, once you wanted to wait at 250? Via mini bus, can get 260 or 265....Now BUS resting, expecting ppl will convert....


2020-08-11 14:04 | Report Abuse

Happy, Peace started with Nominee account with a bank, and they will do the paperwork to convert. Problem is need to call broker to order mini-bus. Now also has cash account with MPlus. But Mplus tak buat conversion, so aku beli di MPlus more mini-bus and then transfer it to the's crazy, but i sementara ni tak dapat beli bank draft/money order :(


2020-08-10 20:45 | Report Abuse

tksw, now drunk driving get severe driver not mabuk and will not gostan?


2020-08-10 20:43 | Report Abuse

Happy, aku pun mahu convert, harap dapat support dari semua sifu sifu.
Yang paling penting, Boss CKF &Co, tolong jangan jual murah....nanti ikan bilis rugi :(


2020-08-10 10:29 | Report Abuse

tksw, he needs to borrow mani to convert meh? If he wants to convert, he surely has some mean
to do it....he is the boss!


2020-08-10 10:26 | Report Abuse

Accumulated value already nearly 12 mil, combined block of 320 and 325 is ~2mil, should be
able to go back to 330 and beyond


2020-08-10 00:06 | Report Abuse

Holding HLT, and topped up when it fell on Friday. Reason? Mainly was just that HLT is not only a glove counter but also designs, upgrades&services the production lines. Now, every glove co's production lines are running full speed, so rate of breaking down should go up, and so who will they call? Are they many co like HLT that repair/service production lines? Furthermore, they have entered into an agreement with a patent holder of a new produciton line design.....


2020-08-09 12:38 | Report Abuse

Smartly, Thanks so much for sharing. Boss CKF holds about 1/4 billion shares and 100mil warrants. (According to Co Prospectus, shares: 248mil direct &292mil indirect, Warrants: 90mil direct, 133mil indirect..... what is the difference between direct and indirect....i don't know)

In the bursa announcements, he announced transfers. Is transfer the first step before buying/selling?

I hope he will sell some warrants so we ikan bilis don't have to pay high, then convert and untung :)

My thinking is that the Management will not do something to hurt us, so even if he sell his shares, should be in small quantities. But it should be hoping warrant holders to convert.

Hopefully, co gets the fund it needs to do what it needs to do....and we also profit more and more :)


2020-08-09 09:18 | Report Abuse

Smartly, would really like to hear your reasoning why he intends to sell rather than buy.


2020-08-07 15:07 | Report Abuse

cost to convert 1 warrant in my case needs 2+23.5=25.5sen, so 50k warrants need 50k*0.255=rm 12,750, and I hope the price when I get the mother will be 30sen or more, so I can sell for rm 15k, with a profit of more than rm 2,250, 17%. Tksw and sifu-sifu, please don't let the bus gostan balik, tolong sama wa, ok?


2020-08-07 11:59 | Report Abuse

Already asked broker to convert 500 lots of mini to big!
But still have some mini with another broker who don't provide conversion must do by myself or else transfer to public bank and ask them to do the conversion :(


2020-08-07 07:40 | Report Abuse

Actually for mini bus to reach 3 sen, mother may be more than 30 sen, so your profit>rm45.


2020-08-07 07:39 | Report Abuse

Hew George, yes 50%, but absolute amount is less. eg. 1000warrants, so sell at 3 sen with 2 sen cost, profit=1sen*1000=rm 10. If convert: Say mother is 30 sen, profit=(30-(2+23.5))*1000=(30-25.5)*1000=4.5*1000=4500sen=rm 45. So, you get rm35 more and co gets rm 235 from you as capital. So win-win situation leh!


2020-08-07 07:30 | Report Abuse

lwlgood, thanks, i have many questions about conversion is it possible to do conversion online? Can give the link to the form? or post a copy of the form here? How to pay the subscription monies....can do bank transfer or must be check?

Co gets 120mil should be a good thing as we can see Ptrans is using the money wisely for expansion....our pocket will also expand as money come in, haha


2020-08-06 23:21 | Report Abuse

So it seems can do the conversion without going through the broker?
JUst need to fill the form and pay? This is the first time I convert daughter to mother, haha.

Besides chance of getting more profit, the conversion also contribute to Perak Transit's capital, and
so helping it to expand, and in turn good for us share holders! So conversion is likely a win-win situation!!


2020-08-06 23:13 | Report Abuse

tksw, insider, and all, Tks tksw sifu for top advice on conversion of warrant. Called my Public bank broker, said 2-4weeks, and said will call me back but no call....she may be overloaded with
work as the volume at Bursa is crazy as you know...

Warrant conversion means more profit if the price stay high.
Just to be very detailed: Say price stay at 30sen, and bought warrant at 2sen, then profit is 30-(2+23.5)=4.5sen/share, 18% profit. If you sell the warrant at 2.5 sen, you get profit 0.5sen/warrant, 20% profit. But we invest more if we convert, so the absolute profit is more.

In the remarks in the Bursa Announcement dated 27 July of Ptrans Special Dividend:
Remarks :
Holders of Warrant [PTRANS -WA (Stock Code: 0186WA)] are advised to lodge with the Company's Registrar, Tricor Investor & Issuing House Services Sdn Bhd of Unit 32-01, Level 32, Tower A, Vertical Business Suite, Avenue 3, Bangsar South, No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan their subscription forms and subscription monies for subscription of new PTRANS shares by 5.00 pm on 18 August 2020. This is to enable the new PTRANS shares arising from such exercise to be allotted to the respective holders in order to qualify for the dividend entitlement.


2020-08-06 14:37 | Report Abuse

Now 5mil share at 295, value only 1.5mil, will be cleared and reach 300. This 300 block is 2.7mil RM, can be cleared also, today i guess.


2020-08-06 14:25 | Report Abuse

Hey, i decide now to buy mini bus at 200 and convert to big bus asap.
Hope right decision. The reasoning is simple minded one: cost 200+2350=2550.
Price now 2950, and 400 seems a good buffer margin.....


2020-08-04 00:52 | Report Abuse

Darius, hehe, hope you manyak untung hor!


2020-08-04 00:36 | Report Abuse

sold 3/4 of minibus @200, 1/4 @250 quite happy....and as promised no sell big bus ticket!!
But tomolo busy....can't trade.


2020-08-03 12:41 | Report Abuse

tksw sifu, thanks for reminding about mini bus, just pocketed....just went out came back, sold, 33% only, not so lucky as tksw 300%, but Peace can eat kan-lo-mee, yin-ton-mee liao :) :) :)


2020-08-03 11:39 | Report Abuse

Total 10mil shares at 280 and 285, so value about 2.8mil, will be sold soon, looking at the buying interest.


2020-08-03 11:03 | Report Abuse

The block at 275 is about 2mil shares, only half a mil in value, think will be cleared soon, 280 lai liao :)


2020-08-03 08:58 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the nice summary! Deleted my Q below 310, now waiting at 310, 330, 350 :) Don't need
to sell quickly, next year also don't mind....mining coming anyway :)


2020-08-02 17:26 | Report Abuse

ok ok no I wish I'm so power one! lol


2020-08-02 00:04 | Report Abuse

vvliang, thank you for the update! As Ptrans investors, we sure are proud of their strict implementation of the regulations. They are walking the talk! Can aspire to become model integrated bus terminals of Malaysia! Share price will up some more!!

Banana, darius, George, Manyak terima kasih for the observations. That means we smaller investors must not quickly sell our tickets, think i will just hold since can still problem even just eat maggie mee for the time being, don't want the sharks to earn so much out of my tickets, hahaha


2020-08-01 11:24 | Report Abuse

Asia poly up, United Plantations -oil plam- up, so after the whole RI exercise is over, can expect Dolphin to dip first then going back up again....

@whpang, agree with your comment about palm oil price.


2020-08-01 10:53 | Report Abuse

kllady, ya, i'm asking my public bank remisier to subscribe for me for this time. Will have to learn to do by myself someday!


2020-08-01 10:04 | Report Abuse

The rest i just keep first....waiting for UTAR re-open....and other good news to work out.


2020-08-01 09:51 | Report Abuse

Joining the Q between 270-350, and wait patiently.


2020-08-01 09:46 | Report Abuse

For mini bus to hit 2 sen, when price the big bus need to hit?


2020-08-01 09:37 | Report Abuse

tksw sifu, Going by your % return argument, 1.5/(1.5+23.5)=1.5/25=6%, but 1.5/(5+23.5)=1.5/28.5=5.3%, less than the 6%, so unlikely mini-bus will go 5sen if big bus hit 30. But mini-bus go to 4.5 is possible since we will have 2/(4.5+23.5)=2/28=7.1%, more than the 6%.


2020-07-30 23:31 | Report Abuse

New Chairman's name in Chinese 开路A值万 sounds very prosperous!


2020-07-30 23:19 | Report Abuse

Darius, Mondrian, i count myself optimistic compared to tksw sifu, but pale in comparison to you lor....really can go 0.35 ah??


2020-07-30 11:57 | Report Abuse

From what I can see, once ppl finish selling at 270, ticket will be 275, not gostan to 265....


2020-07-30 11:50 | Report Abuse

Broke into 275, but still got some ppl willing to sell at 270....
Mini bus should be at 20 now :)


2020-07-30 11:40 | Report Abuse

tksw sifu, driver mabuk, brake rosak, no gostan balik, kakaka


2020-07-30 11:37 | Report Abuse

Trading value ~10mil now, the 275 block is ~2.7mil, can very likely be cleared, and go to 280! Beware!!


2020-07-30 11:32 | Report Abuse

75 sen to 78 sen in one hour, 3sen rise per hour!!


2020-07-30 11:07 | Report Abuse

The buying interest is so value ~12.5mil, the 8500lots @0.765 and 17000lots@0.77 only worth ~2mil, think will be cleared easily, reaching to 0.78-0.8 region soon?