Blog Posts
2019-03-14 19:49 | Report Abuse
Date: 26 May 2019
PAT for Q1FY19: RM250 mil or higher
Lagi apa mau cakap?
2019-03-13 08:15 | Report Abuse
In summary, Dayang is on solid ground, man. It is certainly no David Copperfield type illusion.
2019-03-13 08:12 | Report Abuse
Repeat Dayang qrtr net profit trend refresher for dummies:
Q2FY18 PAT 38.8 mil
Q3FY18 PAT 48.8 mil
Q4FY18 PAT 97.8 mil
You want my estimate? Well, the 3 most recent figures kind of indicate a somewhat exponential growth for current period. So, even if we double up from 97.8 for a somewhat conservative estimate, we already get 195.6 mil.
But then, if the exponential upward trend sustains, it should be much more. Possibly 250 mil, at the very least.
2019-03-12 10:56 | Report Abuse
18 sen up possible today. High Brent, KLCI up, DJ up. All the pre-requisite conditions are there.
2019-03-12 10:53 | Report Abuse
Volume does not necessarily decide price
2019-03-11 23:02 | Report Abuse
'wetter profits'= qrtr profits
2019-03-11 22:59 | Report Abuse
Personally, I do honestly believe that RM3 is not such an unrealistic target. In fact I consider it as a very, very reasonable target. Especially in the light of Dayang's fast burgeoning wetter profits, their timely & regular debt repayments, big jobs expected to come their way from Petronas (a strategic shareholder) who in turn are beginning to make their own global class full year net profits, which at RM55.3 bil (about US$13.2 bil) for 2018 almost matched French Total's US$13.6 bil.
2019-03-11 09:15 | Report Abuse
Gotta learn to see a bull whent it comes. Then gotta be bold, gung ho & decisive. Wield your investing blade with maximum effect & efficiency. Hesitation is only going to get you sidelined & left behind by the wayside.
2019-03-11 09:08 | Report Abuse
Late May RM3. Possibly also earlier. Late August RM4.
2019-03-07 03:49 | Report Abuse
Now, I have some honest, sincere, well meaning, comradely advice for all those forever dithering, hesitating, tentative, pussyfooting types amongst us.
You all need to learn the art of decisiveness. Big time.
Do it fast!!!
2019-03-05 14:28 | Report Abuse
Gotta be cracking your own head & try to figure it out yourself, fellas. I'm not going to do all your homework for you.
2019-03-05 13:44 | Report Abuse
Dayang net profit refresher for dummies:
Q2FY2018 PAT = RM38.853 mil; EPS = 4.03
Q3FY2018 PAT = RM48.754 mil; EPS = 5.05
Q4FY2018 PAT = RM97.724 mil; RPS = 10.13
Q1FY2019 (my very rough estimate): PAT = RM196 mil; EPS = 20.3
2019-03-05 13:25 | Report Abuse
When the weak holders are all taken out, then uptrend will continue, and shorters will then be wiped out.
2019-03-01 14:16 | Report Abuse
I am sticking with Perdana, tqvm.
2019-02-26 03:02 | Report Abuse
3.5 sen is a good rise for Perdana. Bravo.
2019-02-24 19:25 | Report Abuse
Looks like I'm gonna be really prosperous, by mid year. Or just a bit later.
2019-02-21 20:20 | Report Abuse
LOL. Even the devil in hell would cry like a little girl, if handed out that kind of punishment.
2019-02-15 16:48 | Report Abuse
Oil expected to still dominate for at least another several decades
2019-01-21 03:21 | Report Abuse
28 next week quite doable. Longer term gain could be much more.
2019-01-16 14:20 | Report Abuse
You are right, Maynot. Perdana is a rough diamond, just waiting to be discovered.
2019-01-07 09:55 | Report Abuse
Latest data indicating shale slowdown
2019-01-07 09:53 | Report Abuse
indication of shale slowdown
2019-01-07 09:51 | Report Abuse
New data suggests drastic shale slowdown
2019-01-04 19:04 | Report Abuse
If I were a Reach player with loads of cap to spare, I would plonk some in Perdana, just in case. Who knows, if it could turn out to be the next Carimin.
2019-01-04 18:21 | Report Abuse
Wow. Up 12.82% today. Not bad. Not bad at all, man.
2018-12-31 16:43 | Report Abuse
Those who panic sold cut loss 24.5 last week, today crying big.
Those who bought 24.5 & those still holding firm, today happy.
2018-12-31 16:35 | Report Abuse
Brent latest 54.51 (up 2.44%)
2018-12-31 16:33 | Report Abuse
Brent latest 54.51
UP 2.44‰
2018-12-25 21:55 | Report Abuse
Donald Trump now increasingly being seen as the cause of US market 0meltdown
2018-12-25 21:48 | Report Abuse
Analysts see higher oil prices in 2019
2018-12-25 21:47 | Report Abuse
typo, sorry.
'25' = 80; '45' = 105
2018-12-25 21:44 | Report Abuse
I am constantly amazed by the sheer number & frequency of statements proclaiming 25 as 'risky', while they themselves were visibly & busily getting on board at 45, previously.
2018-12-18 12:19 | Report Abuse
Hibby just returned a RM100 mil profit, man.
2018-12-18 11:47 | Report Abuse
2019 = OPEC-Russia production cuts
2018-12-18 11:38 | Report Abuse
Just ignore boullshiet anti-oil info from US. 2019 coming soon. Crude oversupply is going to be a complete non-issue.
2018-12-18 11:29 | Report Abuse
Crude oversupply fears will dissipate & disappear when OPEC-Russia production cuts start kicking in in 2019
2018-12-12 11:44 | Report Abuse
Reach should start seriously manning up, steadying up, shaping up & bucking up. Big time. Need to stop cringeing, cowering & over-reacting to every silly threat tweet from Donald Trump, and every little release of boullshiet US oil inventory data.
2018-12-10 15:12 | Report Abuse
That is why, you always need more than one horse for a long campaign. Becos horses get tired too. So, you need to keep shifting horses. Just like you need to keep shifting players if you're a football manager. The loyalty needs to be to the coach & the club, rather than to any particular player.
2018-12-10 15:03 | Report Abuse
Well, can't wait until Brent 73, can we?
2019-03-14 21:42 | Report Abuse
This princess is a candidate RM10ner, man.
When the O&G show is in full swing, and burning brightly with the radiant flames of red hot passion.
In 2021.