
Rocket77 | Joined since 2020-04-23

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2020-06-17 19:19 | Report Abuse

Dear buddies, just share my thoughts here why I still stay with XDL.

We invest in XDL not because the price is cheap or undervalue, but we think that the company have good potential to grow in the future by venture into rewashable face mask and PPE cloths business which is crazy highly demand in the season of Covid19..

Of cause the 1st Qtr result may not as good as normal, but we are looking at the future, not look at the past. Furthermore, XDL have strong cash and low debt to overcome this problem, and no worry will goto bankruptcy or PN17 due just poor revenue in 1st Qtr. If like that, most of the 50% of counters also have the same risk of 1st Qtr of bloody result, then all cabut together...?

Example, many still love to collect Genting even though the bad quarter result, because people believe and look at the future potential of this company.

Look at SEACERA share price was increased 13% today, is it due to people start to believe the potential of SEACERA after became the distributor of XDL's PPE products in Malaysia?

Be patient my friends, stay tune, XDL's turn will come....the production will started by August20....and don't ask why now can not find PPE products from XDL in the market now, is it a fake news?

Jika takut takut, cepat cepat cabut....still many want to collect at 0.055-0.060, help them to become more rich, as you are so kind to sell out your ticket to them.

No risk no still lucky as can collect this share at such low price because people not yet see the PPE products coming out yet, once you see it, you already miss the boat, Rocket won't wait for you....


2020-06-16 18:41 | Report Abuse

America perlukan byk lagi PPE sebab 2nd wave covid sudah jadi, akan beli dgn China sebab harga berpatutan......China sendiri kena 2nd wave covid, pasaran di China bukan main main lor.....belum jln production, order sudah masuk penuh.....Sesiapa yang takut boleh cabut cepat cepat, esok 0.06 sempat cabut lagi....jgn simpan ticket ini jika takut jatuh sampai 0.02 nanti sebab tak percaya XDL....konek punya....


2020-06-16 09:57 | Report Abuse

Ya, tak goreng tak sedap....bagus untuk goreng dulu


2020-06-15 22:40 | Report Abuse

Semua jangan takut, masih sempat cabut 0.055 skrg, nanti keluar news Batu duduk Holland pegang saham 0.020 sudah terlambat....


2020-06-15 22:06 | Report Abuse



2020-06-15 21:44 | Report Abuse

Buddies, no need goto Holland liao, no worry, sell at 0.055, lots of lorries is standby to sapu your Holland tickets....


2020-06-15 21:40 | Report Abuse

News published by SinChew

喜得狼授权东南‧分销防护衣产品 |


2020-06-15 21:25 | Report Abuse

Buddies, if BURSA found out fake audit report, this is illegal crime case and not simply just terminate the auditors and recruit new auditors and close the case without any declaration. If fake or misconduct did happen, there will be announcement and penalty by BURSA. We can not just guess the reason behind without evidence or solid proof. My opinion is people lack of confidence against company from China, but still willing to buy in 0.055, sell at 0.060 in big volume and gain 9.01% of profits with just a click and blow some rumours to make you worry and sell cheap at 0.055.

You may check how many Q to buy at 0.055, are they possible want to win fast money and sold out 0.06, then will wait for another round of collection.

Dear, 0.005 profit already 9.09% profits, that's why you need to hold tight and do not easily believe here or there...why lots of lorries is waiting to sapu 0.055? If you don't sell, they won't get it and surely will push up the price...

XDL no need to venture into PPE business, no need to waste money to setup new production, no need to waste lots of effort if XDL really just a blank company and just need to hire some new auditors to beautify it's fundamental report.

All investment got risks, is up to you to decide, cheers!


2020-06-15 09:53 | Report Abuse

Thanks for good elaboration from Kopimilo.

15/06/2020 8:22 AM

Kopimilo What I can think of non-medical ppe will be in the hair saloon industry world wide, especially the barber/hairstylist, maybe customers too if they feel better self-security. Anywhere, workplaces, etc, while the social distances less practical to be enforced amidst the Covid-19 still rampant ppe is the best way to reduce propagation of the virus. Now the airlines industry going to resume without social distances enforced, just minimum face mask and gloves, so the passengers with very extra conscious may have non-medical ppe for peaceful mind all along the flight time.
15/06/2020 8:32 AM


2020-06-14 20:26 | Report Abuse

Targeted customer is public (global market, not limited in RPC) , included you and me, who ever need to wear the face mask when go out from home.


2020-06-13 17:46 | Report Abuse

Should be investment If keep for medium or long term (if the company got good potential for further growth in the future), if play contra then can be gambling also depended to the behaviour of the investor himself.
13/06/2020 5:44 PM


2020-06-13 17:30 | Report Abuse

Is potential golden penny stock.... Hehehhee.....


2020-06-13 17:14 | Report Abuse

Covid19 only can totally resolved after effective vaccines created, meanwhile, only can waer proper PPE, social distance and personal hygience control to minimize the spreading. Sorry but not say impossible that 2nd wave of Covid 19 will come after re open economic if not follow to SOP as educated due to poor self disciplin and lack of awareness. So, wearing PPE became a norm now, benefits to all related companies related to this industry, almost all covid related products' counter share price had been increased to very high PE, even some with negative income and weak in findamental history..... BUT, XDL is one of the cheapest counter with STRONG financial fundamental you can find in market now.....So, what to worry about, much much far cheaper than the fair value it should be.... XDL deserved better than this....


2020-06-13 12:55 | Report Abuse

We shall feel more confidence as XDL really seriously invest big money into setup proper machineries and facilities to produce good quality of PPE, not just play play masak-masak, so that it's quality can be approved to supply to US and Europe countries besides China and Hong Kong. If US-China trade war, then will do production within Malaysia, then supply to US from Malaysia.


2020-06-13 12:44 | Report Abuse

Now you buy in at 0.06, considered very cheap and offer price already, if price surged to 0.10 (considered lowest margin, lowest target price), give you 66% gain in profit, is it nice?


2020-06-13 12:39 | Report Abuse

We should be worried IF the company's fundamental is not healthy, low cash flow, lots of debts, but XDL is so healthy and will has a great profitable business very soon, so just need a little bit patience, the rewards soonly will come, buddies, stay tune, let's huat together, cheers!


2020-06-13 12:11 | Report Abuse

Alll countries in global started to reopen economy, fears on a 2nd wave Covid19 infections, demand of PPE is surging....logical thinking, will XDL has potential to receive big order and has a great profits?


2020-06-13 11:46 | Report Abuse

Announcement from XDL on 5/6/20:

XDL estimated to invest approximately RMB5 million to modify the existing production
facilities and upgrading machinery components to cater the requirement for producing
the protective clothing products and it is expected to be completed by July 2020. Upon
completion, XDL would commence the production by August 2020.


2020-06-12 12:48 | Report Abuse

More and more good news benefits to XDL will come....stay tune...Omaha, we will miss you here...


2020-06-12 09:47 | Report Abuse

Others share counter dropped like hell...XDL is still strongly maintained at 0.06.....good sign!


2020-06-12 09:44 | Report Abuse

XDL dpt lagi untung jika keperluan PPE lagi meningkat....XDL plan jalan production di Malaysia jika ada msl direct jual PPE ke US


2020-06-12 07:45 | Report Abuse

US market slumped due to worry on 2nd COVID virus outbreak...more PPE needed, XDL can contribute to fulfill the demand of PPE...


2020-06-12 07:19 | Report Abuse

Demand on PPE will be increased.

Mohdalim Cov 19 di amerika Makin teruk
12/06/2020 1:01 AM


2020-06-11 20:34 | Report Abuse

More and more good news coming....stay tune!


2020-06-11 20:33 | Report Abuse

China already on recovery path to drive growth — RHB Asset Management |


2020-06-10 13:03 | Report Abuse

Those not confidence with XDL pls cabut that big boss can collect sufficient tickets for good of the rest, thanks for yours contribution...


2020-06-10 12:54 | Report Abuse

Roger, Omaha.
From trend can see obviously that big boss is pressing down the price to collect more tickets before startup the booster engine....


2020-06-09 20:42 | Report Abuse


We refer to the announcement by the Company dated 3 June 2020 (“Announcement”) and
the query by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) dated 4 June 2020 in
relation to the Agreement.
Unless otherwise stated, defined terms used in this reply shall have the same meanings as
those used in the Announcement.
The Company wishes to provide the following additional information pursuant to the
abovementioned query:

3. Given that Seacera Group Berhad ("Seacera") is principally engaged in tiles,
construction and property business segments and have no prior experience in
dealing with the protective clothing products, please provide further justification
for XDL to appoint Seacera as the exclusive distributor with the exclusive right to
resell and distribute XDL’s protective clothing products (non-medical purpose) in
all states of Malaysia.
Seacera, through its subsidiary, has obtained the licence from the Malaysian local
authority to store, supply and do business in the prevention protective products. Where
applicable and upon request by its customers or relevant authority, Seacera will use the
best endeavours to obtain any other necessary approval and licence for distribution and
marketing of the protective clothing products.
In addition to that, Seacera possess extensive experience in trading and more
importantly, has amassed a sizable pool of customers and business contacts both in
Malaysia and neighbouring countries. These markets present promising prospects and
demands for the protective clothing products.
To expedite the market penetration while keeping the risk exposure of the Group within
acceptable level, the Group is of the opinion that the exclusive distributorship
arrangement with Seacera is mutually beneficial and complementary.

4. Further clarification on whether the distribution of protective clothing products
requires Malaysia’s regulatory approval prior to it being sold to the public.
As provided in the Exclusive Distribution Agreement, the Group is responsible for the
supply of protective clothing products to Seacera for resale purposes.
As far as the Group was aware, Seacera, through its subsidiary, has obtained the licence
from the Malaysian local authority to store, supply and do business in the prevention
protective products. Where applicable and upon request by its customers or relevant
authority, Seacera will use the best endeavours to obtain any other necessary approval
and licence for distribution and marketing of the protective clothing products.

5. Investment risks for venturing into production of protective clothing products
upon taking into consideration the business prospects in Malaysia.
The primary investment risk faced by the Group will be inadequate market awareness
and acceptance of the protective clothing products in Malaysia’s market.
Nonetheless, the Group is of the opinion that the investment risk is kept within an
acceptance level given that there is no substantial new capital investment involved other
than the RMB5 million (equivalent to approximately RM3 million) required to modify the
existing production facilities and upgrade the machinery components. The marketing risk
for the protective clothing products is shared with Seacera, where it has extensive
trading experience and business network in the Malaysia market albeit not previously
involved in dealing with protective clothing products.

This announcement is dated 9 June 2020.


2020-06-09 18:09 | Report Abuse

SEACERA announcement:



2020-06-09 17:46 | Report Abuse

Sellers give chance for others to collect more,
already happy and enough with profitt around 0.005 to 0.010, very kind of them:)


2020-06-09 11:45 | Report Abuse

XDL go go go....


2020-06-09 06:00 | Report Abuse

Congratulation to all share holder XDL....hold tight or regret soon....XDL is going to fly....!


2020-06-08 20:45 | Report Abuse

“My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.” Give up or choose to believe......


2020-06-08 17:03 | Report Abuse

Game gain 0.005 cents hit and run is not worth now, all realize that buy in 0.055, sold out at 0.060 is impossible to buy in again at 0.055 at this moment, you have to pay higher price to buy back the unit been sold out.

Hold tight, don't be regret soon, you can see the trend, higher rewards is coming very close, why want to give up at last minutes since had come so close now.... let's hold tight and you will deserved better rewards, no more 0.005 cents or 0.01 cents gains, let's ride the rocket together, cheers:)


2020-06-08 11:28 | Report Abuse

It is good to clear all the doubts and lifts up the confidence level of investors, cheers!


2020-06-08 11:26 | Report Abuse

The reply statement as below:

We refer to the announcement by the Company dated 3 June 2020 (“Announcement”) and
the query by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) dated 4 June 2020 in
relation to the Agreement.
Unless otherwise stated, defined terms used in this reply shall have the same meanings as
those used in the Announcement.
The Company wishes to provide the following additional information pursuant to the
abovementioned query:
1. Notwithstanding that the business operation of XDL is principally involved in the
design, manufacturing and marketing of sports shoes as well as design and
marketing of sports apparel, accessories and equipment, it is noted that XDL
intends to manufacture the protective clothing products by using its existing
production facilities.
In this regard, please provide the following additional information:-
(i) location and size of the production facilities that will be used to produce
protective clothing products; and
(ii) total cost/capital expenditure required, expected timelines (commencement
and completion date) to modify the existing production facilities and to
commercialise the production.
The production facilities which will be used to produce the protective clothing products
will be located at the XDL’s existing Head Office & Production Centre at XiDeLang
Industrial Park, Neikeng Town, Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, People’s Republic of China
and it will occupy an area of approximately 500 square meter.
XDL estimated to invest approximately RMB5 million to modify the existing production
facilities and upgrading machinery components to cater the requirement for producing
the protective clothing products and it is expected to be completed by July 2020. Upon
completion, XDL would commence the production by August 2020.
2. Note that the protective clothing products is for non-medical purposes, please
provide greater details on the types and usage of protective clothing and specify
the target market segment.
The main material to produce the protective clothing products would be Polypropylene
Spunbond (PP + PE) Fabrics. The protective clothing products which comprise of whole
protective suit will be mainly wore by personnel who are working at high population
density areas such as airports, ports/docks, stations, subways, schools, office buildings
and other kind of public areas.
3. Given that Seacera Group Berhad ("Seacera") is principally engaged in tiles,
construction and property business segments and have no prior experience in
dealing with the protective clothing products, please provide further justification
for XDL to appoint Seacera as the exclusive distributor with the exclusive right to
resell and distribute XDL’s protective clothing products (non-medical purpose) in
all states of Malaysia.
The Company would provide the reply by 9 June 2020 due to the required information is
subject to the input from Seacera Group Berhad.
4. Further clarification on whether the distribution of protective clothing products
requires Malaysia’s regulatory approval prior to it being sold to the public.
The Company would provide the reply by 9 June 2020 due to the required information is
subject to the input from Seacera Group Berhad.
5. Investment risks for venturing into production of protective clothing products
upon taking into consideration the business prospects in Malaysia.
The Company would provide the reply by 9 June 2020 due to the required information is
subject to the input from Seacera Group Berhad.
This announcement is dated 5 June 2020.


2020-06-08 08:34 | Report Abuse

Yes Omaha, XDL is selling market hottest products ie MASKS AND PROTECTIVE GEARS, better than gloves.
On the others word, this business is making crazy profits!

That's why XDL is worth to hold now. The PE value is still much more lower compared with glove counters, will attracts more and more investors...


2020-06-07 22:04 | Report Abuse

After the good news published, all the doubts were cleared, believe that majority of share holders will hold tightly their share.

Many had realized that it is no worth anymore to play gain 0.005 cents hit and run, but willing to waiting for bigger rewards.

Your patience worth for it, Rome was not builded in one day, don't give up at last minute, you have come so close to the peak, NOW is the moment for XDL...

For those who had been sold out at lower price previously had start to buy back the share as current price still considered very cheap, undervalued, plenty of room to surge XDL deserved for better, you knew it!


2020-06-07 18:24 | Report Abuse

Brother, be steady and calm down, relax dear...

The corporation with Seacera to distribute PPE is not a fairly tale story, not a rumours or dongeng story, the news was black and white published in BURSA, don't easily listen here and there, can study by the facts and data...don't simply believe in me or anybody, think wisely and survey by yourself is it just a goreng story, fade news....XDL today is not XDL yesterday anymore...


2020-06-07 15:01 | Report Abuse

After CAREPLS, next will be XDL???


2020-06-07 14:58 | Report Abuse

My dear buddies,

Demand of PPE clothing was increased from USD 88 Billion to USD119 Billion (frm 2019 to 2024). Annual increment foresee about 6.3%.

Due to demand is higher than supply and risk of shortage of supply, had cause price of PPE clothing keep on increasing.

Manufacturer required to increase 40% of productivity to fulfill the demand of the PPE clothing globally.

Start production line in Malaysia is next step to sell PPE clothing to US.


2020-06-07 11:57 | Report Abuse

XDL potential to be next CAREPLS?


2020-06-07 11:51 | Report Abuse

“我们的防护衣产品被归类为防护装备行业的个人防护用品 ,以及全球防护衣的总值估计将由2019年的88亿美元增加至2024年的119亿美元,复合年增长率达到6.3%,这是一个庞大的市场。”

“世界卫生组织 (“WHO”)已经发出警告,全球个人防护设备的供应受到严重干扰,主要是受到需求增加丶抢购丶囤积和滥用等因素的影响,这使得人们的生命受到新冠肺炎和其他传染疾病的危胁。我们响应世界卫生组织的呼吁,那就是业者和政府将这产品的产量提升40%,以应付全球市场的需求。





2020-06-06 20:05 | Report Abuse

I target 0.20, how about you....


2020-06-06 20:03 | Report Abuse

Thanks Omaha and Kedsheong for sharing this precious analytical information, very straight forward logic, very simple to understand, very true fact that XDL is not a common penny stock, but XDL is a hen that will lay GOLDEN EGGS.

Again would like to stress here, XDL has a very strong financial fundamental, strong cash flow, and very low debt.....

let's HUAT together buddies, the season for XDL is NOW, don't simply dump or sell cheap, it deserved much more higher price, you can see it how potential XDL today

Buddies, XDL had change now, business nature had been UPGRADED....dream big is not impossible here, XDL today is not XDL yesterday anymore!

So, grab this opportunity, it is NOW, don't miss the boat, hold tight and enjoy the coming beautiful show...!


2020-06-06 14:56 | Report Abuse

0.08-0.10 is just warm up deserved much more better very soon, .hold tight and enjoy the show:)))


2020-06-05 18:26 | Report Abuse

Yup....finally XDL.....wake up already, its show time!


2020-06-05 15:50 | Report Abuse

Well say, DChosen2, give you a big LIKE:)


2020-06-05 15:02 | Report Abuse

As I told before, really don't why at this moment still got people want to dump cheap, at this surging moment....rugi byk lar...


2020-06-05 11:20 | Report Abuse

Yes, Omaha, XDL can go further....
Hold tight, and watch the show....NOW, it's time for XDL to rebound...