
SAWONG | Joined since 2014-03-01

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2023-12-13 16:10 | Report Abuse

chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.midf.com.my/sites/corporate/files/2023-11/sunview-cu-prospects_to_improve_from_fy25_onwards-midf-291123.pdf - MIDF Research latest coverage on Sunview . Maintain BUY target price Rm 1.13


2023-11-13 16:35 | Report Abuse

report purposely do it like that to scare you off!


2023-09-13 17:10 | Report Abuse

rumour says big gun collecting.


2023-11-13 18:02 | Report Abuse

quickly buy back!


2023-02-13 20:33 | Report Abuse

Dear YB Anthony Loke, please help me to clear my doubts! 4 days ago, NST news quoted Immigration director-general Datuk Khairul Dzaimee Daud said the department was moving to directly handle all immigration transactions, including those currently being handled by outside parties, via the national integrated immigration system (NIISe). But on 10/2/2023, IRIS wholly owned subsidiary IITS who had won the RM1.12 billion worth NIISE project in 2018 (which mentioned by Prime Minister as "sick project" with little progress since), announced on Bursa that IITS had sold it's 80% equity shares to a sdn bhd company for Rm70 million??? I don't understand how this can be done? have our Unity government taken any action to deal with this??? How can a listed company won contract from our government, do nothing, and now sell it away for cash, then how and who is going to deliver the job???? wow, many questions make me feel mad??? Is our government still functioning?? Is our property safe in Malaysia?? is our investment safe???...........please help answer my questions! Thank you in advance!


2023-02-12 16:42 | Report Abuse

IF Letter of Acceptance for NIISE been revoked, null and void, MYEG share price should limit up, right?


2023-02-12 16:39 | Report Abuse

I know many of short-sellers made their big bucks here, good for you! I just sound out as a small retail investor here and hope good deed prevails!!!


2023-02-14 23:48 | Report Abuse

myeg and consortium lost in their bid for 2016 Rm3.5B SKIN project (lost to Awan Biru (formerly known as Prestariang) - open tender, fair enough!!! but this NIISE, why MYEG not given a chance to tender the project???? Is MYEG not one of the leading Tech player in Malaysia?? Fishy enough, IRIS wholly owned IITS won NIISE Rm1.33B, by right should be a flagship project for them and profitable one, but why on 10/2/2023 sold 80% equity to a nobody sdn bhd company at only Rm70M???? who can answer this?


2023-02-12 16:18 | Report Abuse

Dear YB Anthony Loke, as a minister, you are part of unity government team to be responsible for public investors' interest. Do you agree that your department or JPJ should have the curtesy to invite talk or discussion with MYEG management (who serviced malaysian government for the past 12 years)!!! This sudden flux of info completely kept MYEG in the dark, worse still, it caused MYEG share price a heavy wipe out of Rm23B in value! Is it the consequencest an investor should suffer by owning shares of a company who served the countryman well all these years? why gave shorters such big chance to short sell MYEG shares???? Is this how public investors' interest are protected in Malaysia??


2021-09-21 18:21 | Report Abuse

Berita terkini : Harap Operator dan Pelabur-pelabur yang pegang kuat-kuat syer SERBADK seronok dengan Episod 1 - "HIDUP SERBADK", Jumpalah semua esok pukul 9 pagi, kita sama-sama menikmati Episod 2.


2021-08-27 11:19 | Report Abuse

Yes! YB KHAIRY the minister of health! No more spanish fly, It's someone in place to work with all parties, we all have hope to counter covid19 now. Hoot ahhhhhhh.......


2021-08-11 23:38 | Report Abuse

Sign memorandum of understanding (MOU) first, then only sign job contract.


2021-06-29 09:39 | Report Abuse

delisting lah, pn17 lah, bankcrupt lah, apa mau cerita lagi haa? biadab! kurang ajar!


2021-06-29 09:38 | Report Abuse

golongan sial masih mau cerita turun turun turun lagi ke?....hahahahaha...cepat beli balik you short punya, kalau tak, mampus lu!


2021-06-19 17:34 | Report Abuse

semua EPF, KWAP. PUBLIC BANK, HONG LEONG BANK masuk balik beli SErbadk....yeah!!!


2021-06-28 23:21 | Report Abuse

Job is done! Mission completed! Drama is over! Back to normal! Bye bye!


2021-09-20 18:35 | Report Abuse

62.5 at 9am tomorrow. 92.5 at 9am the day after tomorrow. 1.22 at 9am the day after day after tomorrow...then you can start chasing at 1.23...hehehe...


2021-06-24 11:22 | Report Abuse

Thank you.....now Sell 0.56.....


2021-06-24 11:21 | Report Abuse

Ah.. like that mah....Sell all the 0.565 now....can help...


2021-06-24 10:38 | Report Abuse

20 sen coming soon....runnnnnnnnnnnnnowwwwwwww


2021-06-24 10:08 | Report Abuse

Who the fxxk que buy so much at 0.55??? Block my road!?


2021-06-24 14:58 | Report Abuse

Come on....0.54......guve it to me....I want....hehehe...


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Serbadk IPO price = Rm1.50, now at Rm0.595, If you still can't see this as an opportunity to buy, I wonder how you could survive or make money in the share market!?!?....hehehe...


2021-06-23 22:58 | Report Abuse

why from all the serbadk related videos i watched, I did not see anybody mentioned that all previous 5 years audited report that was lawfully conducted and accepted by auditor, SC, Public investors and so on and so fall clearly mean "company was all along doing very well" and this is a one time hiccup which need to be addressed!? why overturned everything completely??? make sense???


2021-06-23 22:51 | Report Abuse

how much more do you think serbadk price can be shorted further downwards? I can still see lots of effort in words trying to push it down....mmm..I think I should wait for 0.54 to enter given a lot of gunman still working very hard with their bullet!...hehehehe....


2021-06-27 19:15 | Report Abuse

who wants to side bet with me, serbadk price will reach at least RM1.40 in 3 months time doesn't matter what will happen from now on till then!


2021-05-01 07:45 | Report Abuse

What's Shortist next strategy!? Continue to scare people via their appointed gunman in this forum , via their appointed media to spread negative "MAKE-UP" news!~ they are still working hard , not throwing towel yet, but not succeeded so far, and will not succeed if all Malaysian are wise enough to protect and support our World No.1 Company just like we support LEE CHONG WEI as Workd No.1. As a Malaysi an, we should not be the cahoot to destroy our country best! ~ It's very much an act of a betrayer, even though no laws govern us in that sense!


2021-05-01 07:45 | Report Abuse

Why Shortist want to short TOPGLOV stock? It's because...1) this company has bright future ..2) they have failed to collect enough depth of base volume at early stage..missed the boat! ...3) market consensus in the fact that this us the No 1 Glove company in the world! ~ only objection is JP Morgan.. IF YOU HAVE UNDERSTOOD THE ABOVE 3 POINTS, WITH DIVIDEND YIELD REACHING AN UNBEATABLE 10%+ (4 TIMES OF BANK INTEREST), WITH COVID19 WILL PROLONGED UNTIL AT LEAST 2023! You should know better what to do with your TOPGLOV share on hand!


2021-05-01 07:33 | Report Abuse

Why EPF recently disposed almost 1% of It's holding? Because these 1% shares were additional purchased to bring up share price from Rm4.45 to Rm6.06, It's only normal to offload any additional purchase at any % of profit once price stay at planned level which is Rm1+ above Rm4.45, EPF PROFIT TAKING ON ADDITONAL VOLUME IS ALMOST DONE! Prepare yourself for the next wave up to Rm8.06 very soon...happy trading!


2020-09-10 09:56 | Report Abuse

TSUNAMI is coming....Runnnnnnnnnnnnnnn and never look back!!!!!


2020-07-23 19:17 | Report Abuse

Vaccine related stocks all over the world had soared from 500%-1000% already and still climbing, Malaysia pharma & dpharma only started with 100+%, just kicking off and more upwards follow suit!!


2020-07-23 19:16 | Report Abuse

Vaccine related stocks all over the world had soared from 500%-1000% already and still climbing, Malaysia pharma & dpharma only started with 100+%, just kicking off and more upwards follow suit!!


2020-07-23 19:07 | Report Abuse

Now Rm4.03? What are you waiting for?????


2020-07-23 19:07 | Report Abuse

Now Rm2.85? What are you waiting for?????


2020-07-23 19:06 | Report Abuse

Vaccine business is huge business, 33 million people in Malaysia with each jab make Rm20 profit , it s Rm660 million net profit to be shared between pharma & dpharma. So, it's a Rm35 shares in 1 year time!


2020-07-23 19:04 | Report Abuse

Vaccine business is huge business, 33 million people in Malaysia with each jab make Rm20 profit , it s Rm660 million net profit to be shared between pharma & dpharma. So, it's a Rm50 shares in 1 year time!


2020-07-09 09:39 | Report Abuse

Up down up down only trader control movement, contra players all die standing!!!


2020-07-09 09:38 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...everybody start regreting now!!!


2020-07-09 09:16 | Report Abuse

I only like to blow water here f.o.c. No money to buy how to sell?


2020-07-09 09:15 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.. .many of you are happy now because price down 3 sen! Slowly wait until 0.41. Ok?


2020-07-09 07:59 | Report Abuse

No need talk so much lar! Price will go up above 0.78 at opening 30 minutes today!


2020-07-08 20:07 | Report Abuse

Share price reflects stock future, good news out, share price drop, vice versa, bads news out, share price up for airasia, today's news was the worst, cannot be any worst and 18% price dropped was worst too! Going forward from tomorrow morning 9am, we will have good news ahead...1) bank loans obtained, collaborationd, private placements and etc....2) reopening country borders among 25 countries...3) Vaccine final stage trial result by end july 2020. Once there's news release, share price will definitely reflecting it...it's only up up up from tomorrow onwards!!


2020-05-29 18:25 | Report Abuse

Ok I leave this forum.!


2020-02-29 12:50 | Report Abuse

Monday 0.10! Yeah!


2020-02-14 01:34 | Report Abuse

Haha...my cost at 0.7525 for 100,000 shares ...strong hand fellows, can i manage to sell at 10% profit margin? I'd like to que sell at 0.84 Can be done by today? Please advise. Thanks!


2020-02-12 08:45 | Report Abuse

Like that better sell it lor! Which stock is good to keep at the moment? Can give tips?