
Samtang | Joined since 2021-04-30

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2021-06-16 22:54 | Report Abuse

Yes, one day rebound, then someone daughter will happy lo.


2021-06-16 22:34 | Report Abuse

Siaokar,yes, one day his daughter is just like as he said.


2021-06-05 16:03 | Report Abuse

KHCHouse said on 3/6 will rise to 2.5, then on 4/6 say will go to 1.3


2021-06-05 14:01 | Report Abuse

KHChouse, for your reference.

already take 2 times vaccine also can get covid again, sure glove will rise to rm2.5 again

03/06/2021 8:58 AM

tomorrow expected bursa 800 counter will red, stay away from tech stock and focus buy health and glove stock like careplus, pharma, or adventa for safety

31/05/2021 10:55 PM


2021-05-27 21:06 | Report Abuse

You are a stubborn person, but is it good for both parties? This company must have offended you. You have come to expose others' business strategy. I have already left. Thank you anyway. You must know how to buy and sell in the stock market. No absolute in share market.


2021-05-25 23:35 | Report Abuse

Then you are like what women often say: your money is my money, and my money is mine.
Women: if you don't know how to interpret it, then there is something wrong with your mind......thats your problem,not mine.
*Strong words are unreasonable, and you have to defend yourself when you speak vulgar words.Distort the right and talk speciously


2021-05-25 20:59 | Report Abuse

Joyvest, your broaden horizon is wrote " fxcker, dick etc kah?


2021-05-25 20:07 | Report Abuse

I respect you, but will you express your different opinions in a tone like his "in the best of screwing people upside down and inside out like a fxcker? Or
in the best of making from climax to climax with your dick" ? If so, I have nothing to say, only bless you.


2021-05-25 19:46 | Report Abuse

Joyvest, I no share on hand now, if your shocking news really come next, I will see..


2021-05-25 19:28 | Report Abuse

Joyvest, your freedom of speech are talk bad things here.luck to u.


2021-05-25 19:23 | Report Abuse

Joyvest, today how much u earn? Or u earn what?


2021-05-25 19:06 | Report Abuse

Joyvest, I finished it today and made some money, what about you? So busy body here, what do you get?
Thinking you are just a sour grape person, after reading what you wrote(word of cock, fxcker, dick etc...)
In fact, you it's just that you can only speak bad things, you are a person of no quality and no self cultivation and no support.
How do you become a blessing person? How will your luck come ne?
Anyway luck to u. Enjoy your holiday.

In the best of what?
in the best of screwing people upside down and inside out like a fxcker? Or
in the best of making from climax to climax with your dick ?
Or in the best of antagonising people like a nuisance?
You'd better to be in the best of making money out of ucrest or else you are in the best of nothing......

25/05/2021 6:30 PM


2021-05-24 23:03 | Report Abuse

Joyvest, People here make money on the books today and wait for tomorrow to be release, and some are sold to make money already, what are you talking about cocks and hens, I only know that now you can’t get any chickens there, hshahaha


2021-05-24 18:05 | Report Abuse

Joyvest, You are a double faced person
I thought that's the shocking thing you guys want? What do you expect again?

24/05/2021 5:44 PM


2021-05-24 17:13 | Report Abuse

Joyvest sherlockHilme, hisehatu, They know that this stock will go up soon, so before it, they specifically talk about bad news and ask them to let themselves go,they bought a lot of stocks early.


2021-05-24 11:46 | Report Abuse

I happy because I win some money, u earn anything?
I tot sherlockHolmes is Joyvest, Joyvest is SherlockHolmes. Hahahaha.

You happy, i happy.
My bro Joyvest still need some time to furnish the fishy report, the more he discovered the more fishy the report is. Stay tuned.

24/05/2021 11:25 AM


2021-05-24 11:11 | Report Abuse

SherlockHolmes, ok I listen to your advice,I sold at 0.365, last week my price 0.325.r u happy now?

Run, MC death cross to the max, take profit or cut loss before regret.

24/05/2021 10:19 AM


2021-05-24 10:51 | Report Abuse

SherlockHolmr where your bro joyvest?miss him ler.


2021-05-24 10:25 | Report Abuse

Thanks for your hardworking everyday, luck to u


2021-05-24 10:24 | Report Abuse

SherlockHolme Thanks Our Savior


2021-05-24 09:52 | Report Abuse

Joyvest bro come out already, savior


2021-05-24 00:20 | Report Abuse

Dia tak ada hold share ucrest, tapi advice orang, analysis for u, give orang inform link. helping orang dun lose money in this share.hahahaha


2021-05-23 23:05 | Report Abuse

Dun worry they also buy tomorrow haha, then will talk more again in this forum haha.


2021-05-23 14:49 | Report Abuse

'Everyone is drunk, I am alone' = admire
'Everyone is disgusted, but I am self-reliant noble' =


2021-05-23 13:19 | Report Abuse

Haha, now he 'be patient' awhile, when there is any relevant news out, he will take advantage of the emptiness and make a big fuss, or if the stock price drops something he will start come out again


2021-05-23 01:04 | Report Abuse

So you are very cultivated now,btw isn’t it what you want to have a big impact on the stock price?It’s just what you do right.


2021-05-22 22:03 | Report Abuse

Now u only said board of director still waiting, then where you news from yesterday and announced it very scocking?


2021-05-22 22:01 | Report Abuse

Since u already said very shocking yesterday,u much got the news before board of director.


2021-05-22 21:47 | Report Abuse

Mr. Joyvest, when will reveal?

News from Russia......very shocking. ..
May 21, 2021 11:32 PM | Report Abuse


2021-05-22 20:04 | Report Abuse

Another a self-proclaimed savior appeared


2021-05-22 17:17 | Report Abuse

Yaya..The fox plays as a golden sheep. hahahaha


2021-05-22 16:42 | Report Abuse

No no no, awak salah faham, we thanks your hard efforts on this ucrest counter only. your bros sherlockHolmes said u still very busy hardworking to do research on it,wait for your update. Thanks a lot oh


2021-05-22 16:02 | Report Abuse

Lagi nak tunggu buat research? Bukan sudah ada news meh?

SherlockHolmes No worry just be patient, eat, sleep and rest well. Research will be updated soon by bro Joyvest.

22/05/2021 3:56 PM


2021-05-22 15:59 | Report Abuse

Your sshcking new still mahu simpan di bawah pilot ar


2021-05-22 15:57 | Report Abuse

Where u shocking new wor?


2021-05-22 14:48 | Report Abuse

Joyvest n SherlockHolmes n gang gang 看到这样多人讲你们我就放心了 luck to u all.


2021-05-22 11:52 | Report Abuse

Yalo, Iast night I can not sleep whole night because waiting your shocking news come out.Joyvest n SherlockHolmes pls reveal now, if no tonight I insomnia lagi. U pls become a good man, pls pls pls...........


2021-05-22 11:29 | Report Abuse

Himhim, u should go ask Jovest, SherlockHolme,1565 ma, how I know? I also want to know, jovest pls reveals now.

22/05/2021 11:25 AM


2021-05-22 10:03 | Report Abuse



2021-05-22 01:56 | Report Abuse

I'm so shocking still can't sleep now.


2021-05-22 01:55 | Report Abuse

Dun u realize he already come out 156563


2021-05-22 00:01 | Report Abuse

I very shocking now, tonight can't sleep liow


2021-05-22 00:00 | Report Abuse



2021-05-21 22:57 | Report Abuse

then reveal lo, still wait what? haha


2021-05-21 17:22 | Report Abuse

SherlockHolmes What you purpose & intention behind?

SherlockHolmes Brother joyvest, we need more powerful reports and explanation to stop buyers to buy the shares and let people understand why they should leave this counter immediately.

***Your ignorance to joyvest is greater than your lost

21/05/2021 4:41 PM


2021-05-21 14:15 | Report Abuse

So u claim u as a savior,help sini punya orang( tapi u hanya berani berkata benar share ucrest only, bursa ada lagi +-1000 counter tak nampak u pegi tolong mereka?) hahahaha...
* orang nama Mr. Eg, u panggi orang botak.


2021-05-21 13:15 | Report Abuse

Kita as a orang manusia, kita selalu harap orang baik,cakap baik, kita harap orang selalu baik, kita pun baik ada luck, beli share pun naik, hanya orang yang hantu hati selalu harap orang jadi tak baik,tapi sendiri baik, harap share turun kuat kuat hari hari.


2021-05-21 12:47 | Report Abuse

Lagi satu gang hantu keluar hahahaha