
SamyFccukMrsJeffrey | Joined since 2024-09-27

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1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Just REPOST any of cafe worker or MPPJ long kang supervisor SAMY VELLOO talking about Mrs Jeffrey SIO KAN and KAM LAN*CHIO stories is enough to make @ Jeffrey khee siow...or even repost this..asking why @Jeffrey dare not go and fight bangla cafe worker in his ss3 office


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Please lah..all the enemies of @ Jeffrey....just REPOST bangla cafe worker or MPPJ longkang supervisorSamy Velloo SIO KAN and KAM LAN*CHIO stories with @ Jeffrey wife and MOTHER is ENOUGH to make him run like a mad dog.
@ Jeffrey is now fight for cafe worker who attacked him kaw kaw / naked always talking about SIO KAN with
@ Jeffrey MOTHER AND WIFE...
If Jeffrey got balls sure come to INTERNET CAFE AND PUNCHED bangla liow lah for scolding his MOTHER...


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

i will repost mother to teach Jeffrey manners in future...the mother never teach manners but teach son to SIO KAN with her..what type of mother leh...binatang ah..only dogs mother will siokan with the son
Shameless FAMILY lah @ Jeffrey


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

i will repost mother to teach Jeffrey manners in future...the mother never teach manners but teach son to SIO KAN with her..what type of mother leh...binatang ah..only dogs mother will siokan with the son
Shameless FAMILY lah @ Jeffrey


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

i will repost mother to teach Jeffrey manners in future...the mother never teach manners but teach son to SIO KAN with her..what type of mother leh...binatang ah..only dogs mother will siokan with the son
Shameless FAMILY lah @ Jeffrey


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Zhughe_Liang what you post about @ Jeffrey is wrong liow...@Jeffrey MOTHER SIO KAN with his ow son when @ Jeffrey was 15 years old..the father BOH KA SEE in hokkien

A good person will not behave so low class like Jeffrey.
A shameless liar will erase and repost lies in this forum.
Jeffrey is a barbarian and a coward as described above.
Shame on you !! Jeffrey.
No mother to teach you manner. and SIO KAN with own son
Jeffrey will forever be a poor man and a failed person in this world.
Not worth to let so many people cursed him.


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

@...BlackDiamond...likes to SIO KAN with Jeffrey mother..go YTLP forum to find out more...Soon Mrs Black Diamond also SIO KAN with Indian Samy Velloo from MPPJ


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Zhughe_Liang what you post about @ Jeffrey is wrong liow...@Jeffrey MOTHER SIO KAN with his ow son when @ Jeffrey was 15 years old..the father BOH KA SEE in hokkien

A good person will not behave so low class like Jeffrey.
A shameless liar will erase and repost lies in this forum.
Jeffrey is a barbarian and a coward as described above.
Shame on you !! Jeffrey.
No mother to teach you manner. and SIO KAN with own son
Jeffrey will forever be a poor man and a failed person in this world.
Not worth to let so many people cursed him.


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Zhughe_Liang what you post about @ Jeffrey is wrong liow...@Jeffrey MOTHER SIO KAN with his ow son when @ Jeffrey was 15 years old..the father BOH KA SEE in hokkien

A good person will not behave so low class like Jeffrey.
A shameless liar will erase and repost lies in this forum.
Jeffrey is a barbarian and a coward as described above.
Shame on you !! Jeffrey.
No mother to teach you manner. and SIO KAN with own son
Jeffrey will forever be a poor man and a failed person in this world.
Not worth to let so many people cursed him.


1 hour ago | Report Abuse that you wrong liow lah...@ks55 and Felix888999 aka @ Jeffrey followed sifu and lost their pants in JAKS many years ago...Never tell why they never sell and now used their anger against their ex sifu loh


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

@Jeffrey...why you hide for so many days...whether you hide or no hide...Samy Vello the MPPJ longkang supervisor will clean your mother LONGKANG or CEE BAI by jee lat...The indian also want to SIO KAN a fair chinese housewife...
Samy said he wants to drink Mrs @Jeffrey urine also..if can dapat sio kan


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

@ edwing9981 is @ Jeffrey....he is asking BANGLA to SIO KAN with his 45 years old wife...He is now in TOP G arguing with mr H
@jjohnchew...come lah to YTLP and attack your enemies
BANGLA want to SIO KAN with your @jjohnchew mother


1 hour ago | Report Abuse

@ edwing9981 is @ Jeffrey....he is asking BANGLA to SIO KAN with his 45 years old wife...He is now in TOP G arguing with mr H
p/s Please go and flAG @ edwing9981 aka Felix aka Jeffrey in TOPG


2 hours ago | Report Abuse

@ edwing9981 is @ Jeffrey....he is asking BANGLA to SIO KAN with his 45 years old wife...He is now in TOP G arguing with mr H


2 hours ago | Report Abuse

That coward @ Jeffrey has deleted all his postings after kena YELLOW FLAGS..remember sifus and macais ..your job is to FLAG @ Jeffrey in his every postings..@ Jeffrey worried that this IDS will be suspended so he used @ Vincenzo999 in Jaks..BUT padan muka lah..why nobody FLAG him and let him have a free ride...
Anyway with CAFE SUPERVISOR around....@ Jeffrey will hide..or DELETE AND REPOST..\
like david tan said he is no match for cafe supervisor


2 hours ago | Report Abuse

@ sifu and macais.....@ks55 @ Jeffrey and @ jjohnchew are your 110 % enemies..even you cannot fight with this eediots..remember to FLAG them..this is the only way to kill all their IDS.
Unless you want them to continue to be SHAMELESS LIARS.
bangla like to SIO KAN with @ Jeffrey wife..even chiak her cee bai


2 hours ago | Report Abuse

@ Enemies of @ Jeffrey just FLAG HIM..he wants to delete and repost that is his problem.
Bangla problem is to SIO KAN with @ Jeffrey wife and mother
When bangla is out..@ Jeffrey will HIDE


2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Sometimes kesian SOFT HEARTED sifus and macais padan muka kena attack by MrFelixTan aka @ Jeffrey aka @ Vincent8864.
Don,t be soft hearted with this type of people...FLAGG FLAGG them when ever they post.Today @ Jeffrey had a FREE RUN using @ Vincenzo999 in JAKS.
When cafe worker and SAMY VELLOO from MPPJ SIO KAN and with THE WIFE of @ Jeffrey all the enemies plse remember to FLAG him.
The only person @ Jeffrey is SCARED is ther cafe supervisor who will SIO KAN with @Jeffrey wife and mother.
Remember .....flag him in any forum
If not when he got the chance he will attack sifu and macais
Attack is the best form of defence..
Dont be a gentlement with Felix
Be like SAMY VELLOO who JEE LAT the wife of @ Jeffrey when her cee bai got blood.