
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

12noon ---sellers more than buyers. Yesterday bottom fishing, Caught nothing today, loss Baits too


1 month ago | Report Abuse

With 2 wars, any attack on passenger plane even 10,000 miles away will affect Travel industries


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Too many profit takings, Goreng up from 80sen


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Nasdaq tonite will decide where Notion price tomolo ( eventhough Qr results is Good )
I think Nasdaq PE is too high ( 27 ) Can plunge 1000 pts tonite


1 month ago | Report Abuse

With USA cutting Rate, Bank Negara cannot raise rate making BAT dividend yield King of the Road


1 month ago | Report Abuse

USA cutting Rate in Sept is Good for Car Industries in Malaysia---Bank Negara Cannot raise Rate any time soon


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Israel / Iran War is no longer "Maybe " ----it will definitely Happen ---just when


1 month ago | Report Abuse

none cash gain ( forex Gain ) will significant Bump-up Velesto Net profit for next 2 Qr ( 3Qr & 4Qr ) Given
Powell said Sept Rate Cut----Ringgit might Hit 4.2 and below 4.0 in 1Q25


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Gov project used to be very profitable.....Not bcos of actual Bid price ( got to reveal project cost ) But from Gov
support in price overrun ( sometimes as much 5--6 times to complete the project ) Cost accounting All Rubbish.
Nobody knows actual cost---leaking every Day into someone pocket


2 months ago | Report Abuse

No reason for lengthy delay in declaring winning bidder for NIISE----It was suppose to given to PKR maicai But public protest scared politicians.....Time is needed to cook-up another Deal....I think every Co in the bidding List
got equal chance ( 2 or 3 Co JV to take NIISE most likely )


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Bloody Petronas---only "Eat" Kampong Boys


2 months ago | Report Abuse

All jack-up Rigs Dumped by Saudi will be taken over by Kuwait New Offshore New Fields-----


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Latest award is a laughing joke by Petronas. What is small field Cluster?? More like throwaway Foods for beggar


2 months ago | Report Abuse

SAP is really a very complex Co.... On one hand it is PN17. But on the other, it is Designing Carbon Capturing
piping for Total & Shell.......EU talk daily about Carbon Capture ( nothing Done ) China sailang into Clean Air
( no carbon capture )---SAP is actually at the forefront of Clean Air but nobody talks about it


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I think there many people giving free "predictions" on when US economy is going to collapse. Generally I
look at China and Japan treasuries Holdings ( China as of today $ 800 Billion + Japan One Trillion ) Both
Countries should DUMP as of Today ( If they wait for Powell to reduce rate, they will suffer Cap. Loss )
Also people screaming about Brics replacing $US soon, real soon, I think these people had "sailang" their
GrandMother's FD on SerB.....China most profitable exports are to USA and EU....They sell EV bicycle and Broom
to Africa, India, etc----So China asks EU and America to pay in Brick Money??? Most likely get Middle finger


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Petronas Buying Exxon Operation speak quite Loud about Oil Demand


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I think as long there No HypeInflation and Dow Co are still making some profit---Washington will engineer a
controlled downtrend. After all Powell still has 5% to cut to Zero rates---I think USA will look like Japan 13 years
ago, slowly dying?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Petronas taking over Operation which means if Petronas has More orders they can extract more Oil but
Exxon Cannot demand more for their existing Clients ( under nego )----However if Petronas need "new oil wells"
they still have to Drill More Holes ( Velesto Job )---Old wells usually Dried up after 2--3 years


2 months ago | Report Abuse

You never know what "Hit" you when you are dealing with Fox & Con


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The chief that can give "OK" who gets NIISE Change with New Political Boss. But office staff "Never" change.
All Co details are Known regards who is the new Boss---They can award Contracts in 2 weeks---Now 52 weeks
Later we still donT know who gets what ?????? Very strange


2 months ago | Report Abuse

PNB agent will Tell all syndicate to stay out---Believe me everybody knows everybody in Bursa---It is always
Ikan Bilis gets EATEN


2 months ago | Report Abuse

if PNB follow standard reducing of stake ( 40% to 30% )But want to recoup losses---they will use agent to
strip layer by layer of resistance but also sell down to agents collecting----now agent has alot bullets to
push up and down----my believe there is news but kept shut to allow agent to remove All resistance up
to 30cents or more-------------just my 2 cents prediction


2 months ago | Report Abuse

PNB loss about 26mil after selling 100m shares at 4 cents ( Bought at 30cents )---Who would such a crazy thing?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

PNB has Broken Bursa's rules on "announcement of Selling within T+3 " ( Last selling is on MAY 03,07,08,09,
14,15,16,17, 20,23---05June ) How did it happen??? PNB used agent ( they didnT report to PNB )
So there is a PLAN and it is not well understand yet by agent


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Come Sept, foreign fund will flood Malaysia ( re-rated by JP Morgan )---Foreign Fund are no longer buying
Dow stocks Even Powell Drop interest Rate---2 reasons, One: USA, 35 Trillion Debt and BRICS New Currency


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I donT think syndicate----PNB's ma-chai---Constant collection in 4--3.5cents last 9months.
Maybe we are in the End of collection----PNB bought 30cents Sell 4 cents ( any sense or not----PNB runs by
standard One )


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Big # shares changing hands--PNB throws 100m--Who bought 100#???


2 months ago | Report Abuse

look like TBH bought around 2.20--2.40--2.58 ( given THB spending capacity And EPF releasing slowly---both
GLC are locking into Bauto Dividend ) For TBH to make Good money, they have to push price beyond 3.50
to "sell for Cap gain" ( atleast 30% cap gain )


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Tabung Haji silently bought 5%,

How TBH bought 5% of Bauto? 2021 Annual Report "No TBH holding"---AR 2023 "No TBH Holding"
So all 59mil shares are bought in 2024------How can TBH "made" management to hide shares holdings while
EPF holdings are all Listed in Annual Report????????????????????????????????????????????


2 months ago | Report Abuse

you might ask sure or not 50--60% of repair cost for Tesla is Battery problem---I am very sure bcos EV is One Giant Battery, 90% problem is Battery problem ( cannot be repaired )


2 months ago | Report Abuse

you never owned a Tesla so you donT know "Real EV Problem"---In China if a Tesla breaks down, Repair Cost
is most likely 50--60% Car cost----After 7years, No resell Value ( Myvi resell value after 7yrs is around 60% cost )


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Tabung Haji is one of the substantial shareholder since years ago now they are acquiring more shares in this counter...

Dont give "Uncheck Info"---2023 Annual Report ---Tabung Haji is NOT listed even in TOP 30 shareholders
the lowest Top of TOP 30 shareholders is 6.7mil shares----How many shares are TBH holding today ( 59.7mil )


2 months ago | Report Abuse

new proposal to bankers might works---Management are Oil Man, their proposal are not Bankers Cup of Tea.
New PNB CEO( former CIMB MD ) new proposal can please and calm Bankers ( they think and work on same
dimension )


2 months ago | Report Abuse

if theta wins, we are going back to UMNO era---RM 1 Co wins 10mil Project


2 months ago | Report Abuse

dnex NIISE bid is 30% more expensive bcoz dnex donT has hardware expertise so they sub-sub to others basically
same bidding party ----Other Bidding parties are also sub-sub to other parties depending on their Core Biz---
Can Theta ( nasi lemak Co ) be the winner??? If theta is winner, announcement should be announced after PKR
insider sold his shares---So i think "nasi lemak Co" Books are too small----PM scratching his Head


2 months ago | Report Abuse

most people doesnT understand Balance sheet well enough to made confusing comment---
SAP has more than RM10 billion project that need financing---Debt to Equity Ratio is very important for
borrowing money---If Share #(nosh) is too small, Any Right Issue is meaning less ( as remisier said "to pay
Director fee only" )---Small Share # means High RI price ---who want to Buy RI----If SAP Debt is easy to
solve, no need New Banker CEO


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Theta is for contra players.... u buy u better run fast fast...
DNEX is for genuine investors...u buy u better prepare to hold

Genuine bcoz you are stucked


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Last Qr average day rate is $107,000 per day----So increase Per rig is RM145,200 X 76day (per Qr assuming 85%
run-time )----Per Rig based on $140,000 is RM 11,107,800 Extra compare to last 1Q24
How many Rigs get $140,000 Day Rate?? Your Guess is as Good as mine----I say 3 out of 6 Rigs Or another
Rm33 mil revenue extra for 2Q24----As i say 2Q24 is Good---very Good


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Tabung Haji silently bought 5%,


2 months ago | Report Abuse

The person who wrote the blog is obviously a syndicate Owner. Hello- listed Co, how Tabung Haji pump
private fund into theta without proper channel??? Right Issue SURE but under Table money come-on---
Loan Money to theta contravene Tabung Haji status ( Money Lender meh ) Of Course can do like
FGV Director ( buy London Condo but MACC want to know )-----Right Issue only Option


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Not so long. If Cig smugglers got caught, they would get fined or be sentenced to imprisonment for not less

Judge's sentence is by Container---One container 5 years ( how about 10 containers got caught? )
But if you know the Right person---every container you under Table 1 million, even 10 containers you
get not more than 3 months after deduct Holidays ( I heard this type stories every month before Anwar
came-in ( Now i donT know )


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Management leaves Loan restructuring to PNB while they focus on "steering this bocor ship to stay afloat "
When comes to Loan restructuring you need Real Banker, so PNB appoints CIMB MD as PNB CEO ( coming in
this Month-July ) PNB new Ceo is really not new, he was in PNB till 2019---guess what he Bailed-Out SAP in


2 months ago | Report Abuse

oil will surely breached $90---Israel / Hezbollah war impeding and USA summer Driving


2 months ago | Report Abuse

China is moving Too Fast on Chip production---Going photonic Design ( beyond 1nm ) in 2 years---China "Can"
go photonic Chip bcos Chinese Talent from California just move back to Beijing to start new Co.....These Talent
are patent holder of photonic Chip Design---Last month i heard Director of Chinese IC design ask Chip
manufacturer to concentrate on 7nm. With photonic design, the number of transistor that can pack into
7nm design will be quadruple----Silterra 14nm design wafer is absolete in 2years ( Khazanah laughing in toilet)


2024-06-30 15:47 | Report Abuse

My expectation is Velesto should breached 50cents in 3rd Qr given 2Qr results will be surprising Good
Nothing Bad is announced as of today 30June. I think peak earning is in 2Q24


2024-06-29 11:47 | Report Abuse

Petronas will certainly move Upstream Director Adif Zulkifli out and replace with Mohd Jukris as Carigali
Director. For 5 year Adif didnT do anything to Help Umno Contractors stucked in SAP ( many has no job ).
I think it is a political move.


2024-06-27 19:27 | Report Abuse

Meanwhile, E&C’s wholly owned subsidiary Peritus International Ltd have also been awarded the
front-end engineering and design of a 200-kilometre trunkline as part of the Aramis project,
under a consortium led by Petrofac. The Aramis project, a collaboration between TotalEnergies,
Shell, Energie Beheer Nederland (“EBN”) and Gasunie, entails carbon capture and storage in the
North Sea.
This is very interesting.
I really donT care about the rest of the Qr report----SAP's Boys are designing a 200KM pipe to store Co2 is
actually way ahead of Petronas in Carbon dioxide Capture. And job is actually given by Total and Shell---The
design can now be Sold (later) to Petronas---Big Biz