Though what white knight wor. Big white shark! Not 30 : 1, its 37 : 1.
Now the ex ceo francis is being used to sue supplier. Since when can restructuring can complete with all legal suit pending? His 20million maybank scam will kill RA even more. Someone use him to kill himself, so they benefit. If failed restructure they have nothing to loose. They must kill francis and ask him suicide is cheapest. If francis sold his shares and resigned, i think what je was promised not enough to pay for his legal fees and jail terms.
Toilet paper better hang on wall than agree to this scam.
2017-05-17 18:45 | Report Abuse
Though what white knight wor. Big white shark! Not 30 : 1, its 37 : 1.
Now the ex ceo francis is being used to sue supplier. Since when can restructuring can complete with all legal suit pending? His 20million maybank scam will kill RA even more. Someone use him to kill himself, so they benefit. If failed restructure they have nothing to loose. They must kill francis and ask him suicide is cheapest. If francis sold his shares and resigned, i think what je was promised not enough to pay for his legal fees and jail terms.
Toilet paper better hang on wall than agree to this scam.