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2021-08-30 18:03 | Report Abuse

SOLVING the Epicurean Paradox.

How do we solve this paradox? We need to OPEN OUR HORIZON AND WAY OF THINKING!

If we LOOK DEEPER, there is SOMETHING MISSING! The conception and nature of God – all-loving and all-powerful is in fact, true but it is still INCOMPLETE, BEING PARTIAL AND INCOMPREHENSIVE!

REMEMBER THIS: Apart from giving us love, among the greatest gift God has given to us (humans) is our FREEDOM AND FREE WILL. We have the freedom to do things we like – either doing good or bad things. As presented before, God respects our full freedom (free will) as we are created free. We use our given free choice to make decisions in our life – either doing good or bad things.

So, how should we see and interpret God?

THE WAY WE SHOULD SEE GOD: ONE, we need to understand God in the broader context. God is BOTH all-loving and all-powerful, but there is MORE – God also gives us our FULL FREEDOM! We are not created like robots. God doesn’t control us like robots – like switching a remote control, and we act out (either good or evil things) according to God’s direct dictation or full control (If God really controls us like robots, we have NO freedom or free will. Only then, we can ask why God does allow evils things to happen since God can control us like switches – to do whatever he wants). But that is NOT the case. God gives us freedom and he doesn’t control us directly. So, it is entirely our own responsibility and freedom to act out how we live our life. We can do good and evil things. So, God respects our freedom as to how we live our life. And because of this, there are both good and evil things in this world (caused by human free will). We need to add-in FREEDOM to the equation.

TWO, since we add-in FREEDOM into the equation, we need to relook at how we understand these 2 characters of God – all-powerful and all-loving. Since God respects our freedom, good and evil things happen as the result of our free choice. This doesn’t mean that God is NO longer all-powerful or all-loving. God is STILL all-powerful and all-loving, but at the same time, we need to see these 2 characters in the context of God RESPECTIING OUR FREEDOM to do good or bad things (despite of his ability and willingness). We have to see the bigger picture. Freedom is the greatest gift given to us by God.

THREE, although we understand God and his character (as revealed to us), there is still a part of God which we don’t truly comprehend or understand. Which is why we said, “God is still a mystery to us.” We know something about God, but we don’t know everything. Sufferings, sicknesses and evil things are still a part of mystery in our human journey in this world. Yes, we might try to explain the meanings behind this all these, but we need to realize that our intellect is still ‘limited’ to understand everything. However, we still trust in God. Our mind has limitations when it comes to fully comprehending God. Since God is God, we cannot put a limit on him. God is beyond our full understanding.

To sum up, God can be understood as illustrated below.


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2021-08-30 18:02 | Report Abuse

ANALYZING the Epicurean Paradox.

The Epicurean Paradox has its own flaws and defects.

It is a technical mechanism to disprove God’s nature. It ‘appears’ to present something logically, however it is actually ‘incomplete and fallacious.’ Furthermore, it also doesn’t properly define what is meant by ‘willing’ and ‘able.’ Without this understanding, it presents a ‘simplistic’ picture of what God is, or should be. This needs further elaboration.

God is ‘willing’ (to prevent evil) is also termed as ‘all-loving.’
God is ‘able’ (to prevent evil) is also termed as ‘all-powerful.’
So, we have this conception and nature of God in religion:

God is BOTH (1) all-loving (willing), AND (2) all-powerful (able).

In Epicurean Paradox, it raises this question – God is not all-loving and all-powerful. If God is BOTH all-loving AND all-powerful, then why does God allow evil things, sufferings, sorrows, sicknesses, disasters, etc. to happen? Since God is all-loving and all-powerful, he is definitely “able to PREVENT” these evils (since he is all-powerful), and he is also “willing to PREVENT” these evils (since he is all-loving). Then, there are NO more evils. But, why do evil things still happen everyday? According to this paradox, maybe God is NOT BOTH all-loving and all-powerful. So, if God is NOT BOTH all-loving and all-powerful, then God is EITHER ONE. What do we have then? This is how this paradox reasons. See below:

Misconception 1: God is all-powerful but NOT all-loving! God has the power (ability) to overcome evil things, but since he is not loving (willing) to do it, evil things still happen. So, we use the term ‘malevolent.’

Misconception 2: God is all-loving but NOT all-powerful! God is loving (willing) to prevent evil things, but since he does not have the power (ability) to do it, evil things still happen. So, we use the term ‘not omnipotent.’

Misconception 3: God is NOT all-loving and all-powerful! God doesn’t have the power (ability) to overcome evil things, and he is also not loving (willing) to do it, evil things still happen. So, we say, ‘Why call him God?’

According to his paradox, either one of these situations represent God. But it is actually NOT true. As we can see above, these 3 misconceptions (process of argument) seem to be smooth-flowing and run well “only on the surface”, however there are NOT truly ‘critically’ logical at the deeper level – since they lack of broader perspective and viewpoint.

News & Blogs

2021-08-30 18:01 | Report Abuse

This is the response to the Epicurean Paradox.


Sslee Epicurean Paradox:

If God is willing to prevent evil, but is not able to

Then He is not omnipotent.

If He is able, but not willing

Then He is malevolent.

If He is both able and willing

Then whence cometh evil.

If He is neither able nor willing

Then why call Him God?
29/08/2021 9:02 PM


Refer to the messages below.

News & Blogs

2021-08-30 18:00 | Report Abuse

Hi Calvin.....

A lot of good songs you posted. Praise God!

News & Blogs

2021-08-30 12:31 | Report Abuse

Constantine didn’t canonize the Bible in 325 AD. as claimed. He did not throw out the Bible texts he didn’t like. Yes, he made it legal to practice Christianity. He called for Council of Nicaea (325 AD) to find a common ground, but he didn’t exercise full control over it. The Council was called due to the rise of Arianism (Arian heresy – founded by Arius, a priest of Alexandria in the early 300s). Arianism was rejected in this Council of Nicaea though the issue lasted much longer.

Constantine did not decide which books belonged to the Bible, and he did not leave the ones he did not favour. This is a misconception. The Council Fathers discussed a lot of other issues during this Council, but they didn’t discuss which books belonged in the Bible. The idea that the Council of Nicaea (325 AD) decided the Canon of the Bible is based on a popular fiction/myth (by Dan Brown and Voltaire) - and not based on historical facts. There is no historical basis that the Council established the Canon of the scriptures.

It would be good if one can do a bit of extensive reading on the history of Christianity and the early Church.

News & Blogs

2021-08-30 12:27 | Report Abuse

What did Constantine do?

Constantine became the Emperor in 306-337 AD. In 325 AD, he called the Council of Nicea – which was the general conference of the Christian church. Constantine did not form a new Bible, and he did not omit any of the accepted books. He had virtually nothing to do with the forming of the canon, and it was not discussed at Nicea. But Constantine did finance the copying of the scriptures years later. Quite a number of books were used and acknowledged by Christians before Constantine.

The process of recognition and collection of the books in the Bible began much earlier (during the apostles’ time). From Paul, Peter, Clement of Rome (95 AD), Ignatius of Antioch (115 AD), Polycarp (108 AD), Irenaeus (185 AD) to Hippolytus (170 AD), there were a lot of efforts to recognize the books, though on different levels.

Then, there were the Muratorian Canon (170 AD), Council of Laodicea (363 AD), Council of Rome (382 AD), Council of Hippo (393 AD), Council of Carthage (397 AD), etc.

These efforts were not done to ‘change’ the content of the texts, or to suppress the truth, but to find a common ground what should be the common, official texts to be used – for the purpose of uniformity and unity. So that people can have a list of books that can be used in the public context. To unite the faithful (rather than changing the texts for personal gains) was the reason of the Councils. That is why the Councils were needed.

News & Blogs

2021-08-30 12:26 | Report Abuse


Did Constantine change the Bible for his own purpose? NO!

Constantine did not edit the Bible we knew today! The books in the Bible had been in circulation before his time (though not finalized). Even the earliest manuscript of the Gospels were dated much earlier before the time of Constantine. So, it is not true that Constantine rewrote the Bible or started the Church. The development of the faithful community already started during Jesus’ time, and was later advanced by the apostles and disciples of Jesus.

The Matthew gospel was written in 80-90 AD - mentioning the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The same thing is stated in the Didache (The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nation), which was dated from the 1st-2nd century.

These 2 documents were much earlier before Constantine. Read also the writings of the Church Fathers - like Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, or Irenaeus. The earliest Gospel manuscripts found were also dated much earlier before Constantine.

News & Blogs

2021-08-30 12:23 | Report Abuse

The scriptures were written on papyrus, parchment and there were later recopied. They were collected and formed together. Printing came much later.

We use the word ‘Bible’ to have an easier reference to the scriptures. In fact, the word ‘Bible’ comes from the Greek – it is a plural noun, ‘ta biblia’ - meaning ‘the books.’ When this word is taken over into Latin, it becomes singular - the Bible.

The books in the Bible had gone through redaction process, however they were inspired by God. The redaction process is ‘different’ from changing the text (messages) later (to suit one’s self purpose) as claimed by some. Matthew and Mark gospels narrated a particular same story, however, of course, the writing styles and some minor details could slightly differ. Nevertheless, they contain and present the ‘truth (messages)’ as intended by God. The Bible didn’t suddenly appear or pop out of nowhere. All the books were written by humans under God’s inspiration. Humans are God’s instrument to convey what God has intended to say.

Jesus loves all people regardless of their backgrounds or races. As I mentioned, he defended what was right with certain religious (Judaism) authorities for the truth. Again, there were still some religious leaders (in Judaism) who were upright and sincere. He loved both Jews and Gentiles.

Please do read the Bible for more understanding.....

News & Blogs

2021-08-30 12:20 | Report Abuse

Tobby, you need to get “things right” in the proper context.

Jesus’ name (as we know in English) is based on the original text. It went through the translation process - it is not that the name was invented. Jesus' name in Hebrew was “Yeshua.” ‘Jesus’ is a name derived from the name IESVS in classical Latin - Iēsous (Greek: Ἰησοῦς), the Greek form of the Hebrew and Aramaic name Yeshua or Y'shua (Hebrew: ישוע‎).

Do you know that the real word in the original sounding text is “YHWH?!” The whole Old Testament was written in Hebrew (there are just a few passages in Aramaic). These 2 languages were written with ‘consonants’ only. Due to this, the reader has to add the ‘vowels’ based on the way he comprehends the text. With this (like the Hebrew script), the letters in YHWH originally indicated consonants. It can be quite difficult to pronounce it based on its spelling, so the vowels are added. So, YHWH becomes YAHWEH!

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2021-08-29 23:47 | Report Abuse

The Bible talks about the end time, however it is only a part of it. NO ONE ON THIS EARTH KNOWS WHEN (THE TIME, THE DATE) THE END TIME WILL COME! ONLY GOD KNOWS. We should live our life with responsibility, knowing there will be end time, however this is NOT to say we spend time waiting, and waiting for the world to come to an end - living in fear.

The "mainstream Christian denominations or Churches" acknowledge there will be end time but how soon, WE DON'T REALLY KNOW! If we study the history of Christianity during Paul's time, many faithful also thought that the end time was coming soon. However, after a period of waiting, the world was still here, and Paul restructured the (faithful) community to a more organized one. And the faithful continued to live their ordinary life.

The whole New Testament is about the invitation to believing in God, living a good life, and understanding we will return to God one day (either personally or at the end of time). So, it is not everything (or fully occupied with) about the end time. It is a part of the journey in the Bible.

News & Blogs

2021-08-29 23:10 | Report Abuse

Jesus did not stir hatred towards Judaism. He just tried to correct or improve what was unnecessary, which put burdens on the Jews. Yes, he disagreed with a number of new laws which caused misery to the Jews. That is why Jesus "fought for justice" especially for the poor and the oppressed.

News & Blogs

2021-08-29 22:36 | Report Abuse

We need to have a proper understanding about the history of Jesus and Judaism 2000 years ago.

Jesus was NOT adamant to denounce Judaism. Jesus went to the synagogue to pray, preach - just like the Jews. He came to "fulfill and complete the law" - but not the many unnecessary new, human laws (which were later created that lost their true meanings). That is the reason why Jesus clashed with the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes etc.

Well, we need to look at the development of Judaism. Believing in Yahweh with heart and sincerity is what counts in religion. As Judaism progressed from the time of Moses to Jesus' time, a lot of new laws were created to protect the adherence of the basic "10 Commandments." The main purpose was to focus on living a good life - and worship of God with heart (internal/sincere intention). As time passed, these new laws (action-oriented) increased in number, and to many people, rather than focusing on worshipping God with heart, these laws EVENTUALLY became more like "law-by-law based" (obey this law strictly, rigidly without asking why, or else, the person is committing an offense).

Many new laws were unnecessarily created or unfair which caused burdens to the Jews. So, Jesus was imploring Jewish religious authorities to focus on worshipping God with their heart (rather than just following the laws without understanding or worshipping God with heart). To Jesus, intention or heart matters and it is not just lip-service. Realizing this, Jesus attempted to correct the situation by focusing on "real worship of God from the heart." Read this:

MATTHEW 15:7-18 (The New Jerusalem Bible):

7. "Hypocrites! How rightly Isaiah prophesied about you when he said:

8. This people honours me only with lip-service, while their hearts are far from me.

9. Their reverence of me is worthless; the lessons they teach are nothing but human commandments.'

10. He called the people to him and said, 'Listen, and understand.

11. What goes into the mouth does not make anyone unclean; it is what comes out of the mouth that makes someone unclean.'

12. Then the disciples came to him and said, 'Do you know that the Pharisees were shocked when they heard what you said?'"

13. He replied, 'Any plant my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.

14. Leave them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind; and if one blind person leads another, both will fall into a pit.'

15. At this, Peter said to him, 'Explain the parable for us.'

16. Jesus replied, 'Even you -- don't you yet understand?

17. Can't you see that whatever goes into the mouth passes through the stomach and is discharged into the sewer?

18. But whatever comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and it is this that makes someone unclean."

Here, it is very clear Jesus is reminding everyone to focus on real worship of God with heart and sincerity. If a person just follows a lot of new rigid laws (which were later created) but has no sincere intention, then it is meaningless. What makes a person good in the sight of God is a person who has sincerity and good intention. And not just following a lot of new rigid laws while the heart is far away from God. So, Jesus was trying to complete, fulfill the (basic) law of Judaism - the true meaning of worshipping God.

We need to have a deeper understanding of what is happening here. Jesus tried to improve what was not fitting in Judaism. Focus on worshipping God with heart and intention.

Please read the Bible (the Gospels) to have a more comprehensive understanding.

News & Blogs

2021-08-29 17:26 | Report Abuse

The world is surely filled with a lot of inequality and unfairness. While it is true that some people are more predisposed to do bad things like cheating, stealing, hurting people, etc. due to the environment, circumstance they are in, or even due to their genetic, it is therefore our human responsibility to lead everyone to the right pathway (as intended by God). But one might have asked, would they go to heaven or hell? How would God judge them? Well, we cannot really answer whether this or that person would be saved. All is required is to repent and believe in Jesus/God. Whether the person would be saved or not DEPENDS ON GOD! We can’t say for certainty – we are only humans. But one thing we need to remember, we should try to be a good person in this world!

Regardless of what is said above, though humans try to understand God, WE CANNOT KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT GOD! Yes, God did reveal to us all that is important to our salvation, but we cannot “ABSOLUTELY KNOW” EVERYTHING ABOUT GOD! We know something about God, but GOD IS STILL LARGELY A MYSTERY AND UNKNOWN TO US! We can understand something about God, trying our best, however OUR KNOWLEDGE IS STILL LIMITED!


News & Blogs

2021-08-29 17:22 | Report Abuse

Whether a person wants to believe in God, surely it is his own decision or choice. We need to differentiate between "belief in God's existence by a person" and "God's actual existence." DON'T MIX THEM UP!

IF you do not believe in the Almighty God, then the Almighty God does not exist FOR YOU ONLY, but this DOESN'T mean that the Almighty God really DOESN'T EXIST OUT THERE. For those who believe, the Almighty God does exist for them. Of course, what you wish to believe is what it makes REAL FOR YOU, BUT THIS DOESN'T MEAN IT IS REAL OUTSIDE THERE! Since there are some unjustified, unfair ideas presented here, it is justified to say something here.

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2021-08-29 17:07 | Report Abuse

This is a common and popular question! Why does God allow suffering and sorrows in this world? It needs a lengthy discussion, but I just make it short. If one looks at theology, everything good or bad happens under the watchful eyes of God. But we ask, "Why does God allow bad things to happen?” Well, we need to understand this. When God creates humans, God gives us freedom to live in this world. And since we have freedom or free will, we can do good or bad things. So, God allows things to happen by respecting our fully given freedom. This is different from saying that God causes all bad things to happen. God “allows humans to use their freedom as they are created free.” In doing so, humans might use freedom to do either good or bad deeds.

In saying so, suffering could be due to a lot of factors – divine purpose, one’s sin, weaknesses, upbringing, influences from others, genetic/natural tendencies, the dark power, other peoples’ action, circumstances/situations we are in, and/or mother nature/natural events (either due to purely natural consequences, or human actions which cause the nature, climate, world to change). Though we try to understand the meaning behind all these sufferings and/or evils, we can get some ideas. However, on another perspective, at times suffering is still "a part of the mystery." We might be able to EXPLAIN SOMETHING, but of course, we still CANNOT EXPLAIN EVERYTHING.

News & Blogs

2021-08-29 17:00 | Report Abuse

The Church maintains that faith and reason goes together. God’s existence is seen both in the supernatural and the natural. The Church doesn’t see science as going against religion, but sees it as something to explore more about this world which is not answered by religion. Science still cannot explain many things in religion since they are beyond human’s limited 5 senses.

The Church even encourages the progress of science to explore more about this world. Even in science and natural things (apart from religion), we can still explain the existence of God.
Christianity fades in the US and Europe. Churches which were previously fully filled are now slightly occupied during Sunday mass or service. But that doesn’t mean that God no longer exists.

News & Blogs

2021-08-29 16:50 | Report Abuse

Of course, at the same time, we should respect other religions as there are many people of other faith. For example, Christianity and Buddhism all teach good values and virtues - leading people to become better in their life and so can attain their intended afterlife. Christianity and Buddhism do have a lot of differences when it comes to certain beliefs, doctrines or teachings, but they present faithful with meaningful lessons. In this case, all religions need to be respected in the public arena.

Remember, it is true that there are religious institutions which are involved in immoral practices. Well, these are human weaknesses. No religion is perfect in this world. As long as there are humans, they are surely some problems. Yes, some (not all) new religious sects or cults are going after financial benefits rather than sincere preaching. But there are also a lot which are sincere. Some (not all) people who are involved in Vatican dealings have certain problems or issues while some are honest. The same goes to other religions. But this doesn't mean that the "core teaching" of religion is no good - since all religions teach the same "universal value" - love, care, charity. Religious institutions need financial support from the faithful, this applies to all. Definitely, we should be careful if a religious institution manipulates people financially, or misleads people with weird, funny teachings. In general, all religions teach good values. But not all faithful are good. Some are good, some are not. This is important to note.

News & Blogs

2021-08-29 16:39 | Report Abuse

Surely in this modern, scientific world, if a person claimed God appears to him and talks to him everyday, we would doubt whether it is true. These experiences could be due to real divine intervention, the dark power or psychological issues. Which is why we need to differentiate between "authentic and inauthentic experiences." When it comes to certain private revelations "which attain worldwide and public attraction – with the directive for the messages to be spread to the whole world (not in Calvin’s case), usually the Church would come out and do investigations (not in the case of "private revelations as experienced by many born-again faithful)." Private revelation, “intended only for the recipient”, is fine as long as it bears good fruit in certain aspect of life.

Many laypeople today misunderstand the claim/term, "God appears to me in his whole self, and talks to me face-to-face." This is our common human language Well, when God intends to communicate with a person, it is usually done through visions, apparitions, etc. (theological concepts dealing with revelations). These are the "channels" where the divine communicates with humans. But they are something RARE and not everyone will experience them.

GOD DOES NOT APPEAR TO A PERSON (IN THIS MODERN WORLD CONTEXT AND UNDERSTANDING) IN HIS WHOLE SELF, AND DOES NOT TALK TO HIM FACE-TO-FACE (like the way we meet up our friend and talk to him face-to-face). Instead, God uses visions, apparitions to communicate - these are NOT SEEING GOD FACE-TO-FACE. Since authentic visions or apparitions are RARE, some of these experiences could be caused by psychological factors or other forces that are not of divine origin. Nevertheless, what Calvin had experienced is something bearing fruit and should be respected. They are true and real to Calvin as his experiences brought something 'good unto him.’ We are all sinners, and we need to become better through the grace of God.

News & Blogs

2021-08-29 16:37 | Report Abuse

Well, I think we need to have a "balanced view" when taking about God.

One should go for courses on theology, philosophy (Philosophy of God/Religion, Cultural Anthropology, etc.) to get a fair conceptualization of God. To talk about God, a lot of things need to be clarified.

Remember this: Calvin's conversion experience should be respected as this is something that makes him a better person. Believe in Jesus Christ is the centerpiece of Christianity - we should live a good life, and at the same time, we realize we are only humans with many imperfections (as no one is perfect). Some people might experience what we term as "private revelations by divine interventions." Private revelations are MEANT for the "person who experienced them" as the messages received are intended for him alone - different from "public revelations" that are applied to everyone. Not everyone has the same experience as we are all unique in our own way. If a private revelation leads a person to be a better person, then it bears fruit and it is good. So, Calvin becomes a better person - so his story needs to be respected.

News & Blogs

2021-05-14 11:20 | Report Abuse

The way the data is understood - for example "the meaning of effectiveness or efficacy rate" could be different in different research interpretations. One needs to look up at the "more detailed reports of these figures."

The same vaccine could respond differently to different covid risks, environments, variants and human factors. It would be good if those who are involved in research can come out with a table showing "the different vaccine types BETTER OR BEST SUITING for a particular covid variant, environment, country and/or type (group) of people.

This would make vaccinations more effective, efficient and helpful. It would take some time to come to this position. We just hope everything will recover soon.....

News & Blogs

2021-05-14 11:10 | Report Abuse

A vaccine might work less in one country while it might work effectively in another country. One can read up the news online and see for himself. People just get vaccines that are available to them, however covid protection (awareness) must still be exercised. The previous clinical trials (the same could apply to other vaccines) only serve as a "surface, early, rough check or guideline" - and it is not something absolute or final (which is applicable to everyone). The initial number (data) doesn't lie, however the data is only applicable in its own limited setting (samples) and environment. The data can change (either up or down) in different situations when more vaccinated population (samples) are observed - this process is still on-going.

News & Blogs

2021-05-14 11:05 | Report Abuse

Well, at the present moment, we are "on the way" to better understand how these various vaccines work. TIME WILL TELL AND GIVE US A MORE ACCURATE PICTURE when vaccinations involve MORE SAMPLES (PEOPLE). So far, we can get quite a number of early success (effectiveness, efficiency) rates, however these rates are just "first-hand understanding" of the vaccines. For the wider population, the data is NOT FIXED or STATIC - and IT CAN CHANGE FROM TIME TO TIME. There are MANY FACTORS THAT NEED TO BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION WHEN COMPARING THE VACCINES. The various reports need to be properly "peer-reviewed" for confirmation. Though we can compare the results on the "surface level," it is not a straightforward or direct (apple-to-apple) comparison since various vaccines are used in different covid-19 situations - giving different levels of risks.


2021-05-05 18:56 | Report Abuse

Supermax just released its QR with net profit of RM1,022,327,000. The EPS is 38.83 cents. Just observe the price movement tomorrow.....


2021-05-05 18:46 | Report Abuse

LUXCHEM's price is at times, in tandem with prices of glove shares (though not all the time). With much better QR result (profits) and price increase of glove shares last week, it climbed to around 0.88-0.93++ range.

The high spike didn't occur immediately upon QR release (on 21 April noon time - only minor price increase), it only spiked after 2 days of QR release (on 23 April). Then, prices of glove shares took a dip (profit taking), however LUXCHEM's price was still intact at 0.90++ range, being highest at around 0.98 area.

Glove shares went up and down - and today they went down. LUXCHEM's price went down too - going from 0.94 (opening), then high at 0.95 and now down to 0.895 (closing price).


2021-05-04 15:32 | Report Abuse

Daily price change (on the chart) is subject to volatility...


2021-05-04 15:28 | Report Abuse

LUXCHEM is progressing. Those who bought at 0.80 are in good standing.


2021-04-22 18:03 | Report Abuse

It could be Bank Pembangunan which continues to sell off (like days, weeks ago) and this could be verified "if" announcement is made later. Usually the selling off is done in different, separate occasions. However, if it is not Bank Pembangunan, then it is most likely profit-taking activities done by some investors. Some people will take short-term profits within a short period of time. The price will see a quick decline. If a particular stock is still in the interest of many other people, price will then rebound and goes up after this short-term retracement or decline.


2021-04-06 11:53 | Report Abuse

Usually when the market starts trading in the "first" morning upon IPO, many people will sell their IPO shares to get immediate profits. The price might increase a little (not much), then decreases all the way. Or it might just decrease and decrease due to more selling. After reaching the bottom price, it will either rebound, stay static or decrease. So the timing is important if one wants to get fast profits. Have to observe the prices most of the time (at least for the first few days) since the price is very fast-changing upon IPO.

News & Blogs

2021-04-05 11:11 | Report Abuse

Some professions, by nature of work, responsibilities and duties alone, are more straightforward - particularly in the science stream. However, when taking into the account of "work environment" (wider scope than "work alone") - dealing with various institutions and people, then the way the work is carried out might change. This also depends on the policies, procedures and processes involved, which could vary from one to another.

Since we are humans - not robots, our level of critical thinking, background, upbringing, psychology, emotion, natural inclination and exposures (apart from educational level or profession we are in) play important roles in decision making.

Two professionals (e.g., engineers) might be given the same set of data, however when they interpret it, they might come to different conclusions or decisions (despite of the fact they have the same rules or procedures to follow).

Look at doctors - assume 2 doctors were trained in the same university and work in the same hospital - with the same rules to follow. However, when they are given a case study of a patient with particular symptoms, they might come to different decisions, opinions, views, solutions and recommendations (though they might also come to a same decision) despite following the same procedures.

Depending on the nature and situation a person is facing, a professional (engineer, doctor, accountant, marketing agent, chemist, etc.) might wish to stick to his own line of work, or might want to explore further by being more business minded. Even businessmen themselves- some are more business minded, some are less in that. Some are more straightforward, some are less. We are all different.....

News & Blogs

2021-04-02 20:06 | Report Abuse


Well, this is only my sharing. To see the UFO issue in the bigger context, taking into the account of both religion and science, a lot of things needs to be said. So far, yes, there is no physical, hard proof to conclude that UFO does exist - it is non-material or semi-material as one would call it.

But how do we look at the thousands of reports, archives, interviews with the subjects, phone calls, field study, etc. In fact, we have to look into the areas of psychology, parapsychology, supernatural, natural happenings - which are in both religion and science. There are many reasons for these UFO experiences and claims. I used to read up on these things.

Some of them were caused by human psychology (psychological issues/disorders - hallucinations, creative imaginations, emotional imbalances, hysterias, auto-suggestions, self-fulfilling fantasies, errors in human senses/interpretations, etc.). This can happen to an individual or a group of people.

Some cases (stories/photos) were purposely created in order to deceive other people - they were purely hoaxes, lies, fabrications, falsehoods and manipulations. They were done to make money or to become popular.

Some of them - particularly the sightings of strange objects in the sky could be due to natural objects, events or phenomena.

Some could be attributed to the evil ones whose purpose is to deviate and mislead people.

There are also cases which were caused by parapsychological or paranormal factors - which were caused by the psychic of a person or group of people - archetypal images from the inner being which were able to create independent forces in the environment. BUT HOW ABOUT CASES WHICH COULD NOT BE EXPLAINED BY USING THE REASONS ABOVE?

EVERYTHING IN THIS UNIVERSE IS MADE BY THE ALMIGHTY GOD! Of course, we are aware that there COULD be a number of UFO cases which are very difficult to be concluded "as not authentic" as they might not be caused by the reasons stated above. We need to be open about this. THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION - what would happen to the scientific and religious communities if UFO were real? HOW ABOUT "IF" UFO DOES EXIST? If we are open about it, it doesn't pose any problem. If we can accept the fact that everything comes from God, whether UFO exists (or not) is not an issue at all.

Surely when it comes to UFO, different people have different beliefs, views and perceptions. In both science and religion, there are many groups of people with different ideas and beliefs about UFO - each to its own. Some believe in UFO, some don't believe in UFO, while they are some who are silent on this matter. It all depends on what a person wants to believe, and which belief one wants to embrace. Whether UFO truly exists or not - is another different matter or issue. It is beyond us at this point in time. Only God knows the whole truth, we are merely humans with limited knowledge. The universe is so big and we are only living on this "small" planet earth. We cannot know everything.

At this point in time, no one can conclude whether it truly exists OR it truly doesn't exist. Science is still investigating whether it exists - it is still an unanswerable question (but so far at the moment, there is still no concrete, material proof though there is a lot of personal experiences or testimonials). I guess religion and science are open to it. This is an open question. After all, who can understand the "universe" beyond this earth? Who can know the things created by the Almighty God? If we believe God is great and everything comes from Him, it is no longer an issue whether UFO exists. If UFO doesn't exist, we can accept it. If UFO does exist, we can also accept it. God is God, and He created everything!

If we can see God in the wider, broader context, then "everything (either known or unknown to humans)" in this universe can be traced back to God! God saves and loves us! PRAISE GOD!!!


2021-03-30 11:06 | Report Abuse

Well, surely one will feel disappointed with the QR release. There might be some concerns in the company, however we need to look forward. The way I look at it, OTB has tried his best to analyze the company and also looked at the technical analysis (TA) - with strong buy at 0.70++. One needs to understand that TA only serves as a guideline (based on the past and current situation - already happened or is still happening at a particular moment in time), it can help to estimate the future price - BUT it is NOT "a guarantee or something definitive."

Things can change. Events and circumstances can change. There are many variables which are beyond our control. For now, we just look to what the future may behold. In the coming months, we hope the management would do better and also hope the PP in Vietnam would bear fruit. Sometimes, things might not be good before it turns out to be better. This needs time.

News & Blogs

2020-12-18 08:21 | Report Abuse

Just an extra view and thought.

When we were in secondary school, we were taught the "simple rule" of writing - yet some people forget this simple rule, and become so engrossed in their own narrow, rigid world when they grow up. The video you sent is not something new, and most of us know it. Well, writings can be in different forms - official letters, personal letters, speeches, reports, forums, interviews, stories, expressions, commentaries, etc. When we went to university, we were taught how to write an academic, research report - with its format. Do you still remember this - different writing styles for different platforms/situations?

In the real world outside there, there are various types of sharing, videos, blogs, testimonies, histories, etc. - each with its own presentation. Even when writing financial opinions/views/analysis in the context of "sharing," the style is up to the individual's/group's way of expressing his/their writing. There is no "right or wrong" style. Each person has his own way of expressing.

It seems that you only have "one-way" of reading or writing articles. Haven't you learnt this "simple rule" when it comes to writing?

We need to see things in wider, broader, various perspectives - don't just stay in one fixed, unchanged mentality. And one should not have "bossy" attitude when communicating with people. Mutual respect for each other is important, only then we can grow. Online platform is an avenue for sharing, we share and help one another. That's all.

News & Blogs

2020-12-17 12:02 | Report Abuse

Remember this, articles are to be read.

Different people have different styles of writing with different personalities. Each person has his own background. Some people just like to go straight to the points, no need elaboration. Some people like more details, with more elaboration. Each one of us is unique.

The calculation is based on commonly used formulas. Data are sometimes redundant since the same figure are used for various formulas - each with its own use. There are various types of readers, some prefer this, some prefer that.....

The writing style for equity report by fund houses are short and straight to the point - everyone knows it. The articles here are in different language presentation since they are not equity reports (by fund houses). You need to differentiate equity report written by fund houses and report written by individuals/groups in online platform. Textbook or not - this depends on the readers.

News & Blogs

2020-12-17 11:33 | Report Abuse

The points are already mentioned in the articles.

Final year university project? Each financial report has to present a company's background information from QR to let readers know the current company's standing. That is the "first-thing-first - the foundation" - since many people buy stocks without even looking at the fundamentals. You surely know this, and maybe you can try to help them by making them aware of stocks with "hype, fad, or craze" which are fried-up at the highest.

In fact, all those who produced research, financial reports come from various universities or colleges. Of course, there are various levels in presenting a report. Benjamin Graham reminded investors to look at the "fundamentals" first - to understand the company's stability, and many times people talk something "too far away" - and forget even the most fundamental things.

Maybe you can produce a much better article. And do let us know when you have one so that we can read it. Do share with us your new ideas, views and information. Learning is a continuous process.


News & Blogs

2020-12-17 10:48 | Report Abuse

Various companies offer ESOS, of course shareholders would not be happy in the short run. In the long run, prospect is more essential.

News & Blogs

2020-12-16 19:37 | Report Abuse

Hi tanflash1314,

You're welcome. LUXCHEM is a good company - it is a cash cow, cash rich. It makes profits all these 10 years' time, NEVER has losses - a stable, consistent company. One can check its QR for these 10 years' period online.

This is unlike some companies which make profits in 1 quarter while make losses in another quarter. LUXCHEM is also unlike - some companies which keep on making losses (quarter over quarter), but their share prices are "fried-up" without concrete, reliable fundamentals due to rumours - except if there is future potential of the companies.

Nitrile latex price is also expected to increase in the coming year, thus benefiting LUXCHEM. ASP price would therefore increase, as mentioned also by Calvin. All these give advantages to LUXCHEM.....

News & Blogs

2020-12-14 09:35 | Report Abuse


A person who tries to look deeper into the values of shares. This is done - observing the prices, scenarios and opportunities ahead.

Value investing - looking at the company's background, potentiality and financial position. All metrics used are based on sound accounting and financial terms. You can also check out the figures from the QR that is available. This is about valuing the company from the viewpoint of its financial statements.

News & Blogs

2020-12-11 12:09 | Report Abuse

Good afternoon Calvin.....

Thanks for your sharing about LUXCHEM. It is good you are able to trace LUXCHEM earlier. It has high potential to move up - very bright time ahead.

The same goes to palm oil stocks as well, the prices are still lingering.

Have a nice day!

Kind regards.....