
TTD1990 | Joined since 2020-07-24

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2020-09-02 10:03 | Report Abuse

Yeah, i agree. Its all fundamentals. Hold strong, exit when the time is right


2020-09-02 08:01 | Report Abuse

Firas19, I understand ur frustrations. I do have them too. Gloves btw, not overpriced, not over bought, or over supply. In fact, its underpriced and continously in demand. But its being driven down by the vaccine sentiment. As usual most retailers with big money are uncle and aunties who dont understand fundamentals and simply follow rumours. Hence the press down in price. Share price is a reflection off the companies performance as well as market sentiment. It will correct itself and be rightfully at the top. Easily Rm7. Just need to be patient


2020-09-02 00:32 | Report Abuse

Time for the rest of us to buy in bulk from ozura. We become the substantial share holders. Dr warrant, what say u?


2020-09-01 16:42 | Report Abuse

He was probably raised like that. To laugh at the expense off others misery


2020-09-01 14:06 | Report Abuse

Newtothis, stay calm and cool bro. All these sour grapes here just wanna poke u abit hard so u fold and sell to them cheap. Simple as that. Dirty sohai tactics


2020-09-01 13:23 | Report Abuse

Why u peddling solution so hard la stockraider, haha. Feel sorry for u man


2020-09-01 11:36 | Report Abuse

Angelinvestor, so all the big gloves and small gloves companies expanding to increase production to meet the shortage in demand? What do u say about that?


2020-09-01 08:59 | Report Abuse

Level 2?, i dont think so mate. Glove rebound this month. Try ur scare tactics elsewhere


2020-08-31 12:11 | Report Abuse

Observers, by sharing all the relevant news on FB. I see FB is the best socmed medium. Remember the russian vaccine news? It was viewed by half the population within a day. So what we can do is, post and share on our walls. The more ppl do, the more it will spread


2020-08-30 12:16 | Report Abuse

Its very funny to see, commodity in clear demand with record profits, share price down. Commodity with no demand, just backed by rumours, is up. SEC should investigate this


2020-08-30 10:15 | Report Abuse

Drwarrant, we shud top up more for the vaccine rally due mid next year


2020-08-28 15:07 | Report Abuse

Angelinvestor, so sure?? Sources please


2020-08-28 12:13 | Report Abuse

Ada duit, top up saja, murah tu, later make good money


2020-08-27 22:41 | Report Abuse

Kory, thank you for the information my friend


2020-08-27 19:49 | Report Abuse

Stock go down abit, all the so called sifus with their analysis will come out the cave with doomsday prediction, so clear they just wanna collect cheap. Hold tight guys, believe in fundamentals. If it dips more, keep top up


2020-08-27 11:29 | Report Abuse

Haha, seriously n zai?? U no wear underwear?? Patutla, price keep go up


2020-08-27 11:18 | Report Abuse

Me?? Worthless?? I have saved plenty off lifes,limbs and covid pts, what about u? Going thru life doing the bare minimum?? Jumping from forum to forum just to be heard so that the desire to kill urself doesnt overhelm u?? Haha, say what u want about me bro, i have no problem. Just shows what kind off a dick u r.


2020-08-27 10:49 | Report Abuse

Haha, cool3, running away from an argument like the coward u r. Want to argue, be a man first. Then back ur claims up. Am open to an intellectual spare, but that means u need to have an IQ off above 70, which u dont.


2020-08-27 10:33 | Report Abuse

I feel for u la bro. U must be so lonely living in a world with no friends. So u come here, to pick a fight, which u cannot win, just to get some attention for urself. U bark and bark with no reference or resource, and u call me out for being stupid. Haha, i really pity u. U probably are one of those keyboard warriors whom runs and hides behind his grandma like the coward that he is. U wanna argue, argue with facts. Dont be a sohai cibai pukim*k. U dont hold any careplus shares, and yet barking here like a mad dog, for what?? If i ever meet u in real life, and u better pray i dont, i will beat u senseless


2020-08-27 09:51 | Report Abuse

Cool3, haha, welcome back piece of shit. Missed bashing u yesterday. When uptrend, u went hiding in ur cave, downtrend, out off cave like the cowardly dog u r. Hahahaha


2020-08-26 17:48 | Report Abuse

Come la, we all collect 100k, only rm6k. 3000 off us can purchase all the shares from ozura. Done. Ozura no more holding power


2020-08-26 17:08 | Report Abuse

Good closing, whr is cool3 who called me delusional this morning?? Eat crow u dirtbag


2020-08-26 16:30 | Report Abuse

N zai, why u listen to ppl bro?? I told u already, safest is gloves. Fundamentals. Yes its volatile, yes it reacts badly to vaccine news, but its the only counter turning profit after profit. Unlike other counters, belum apa2 sudah sky high the price, once all newbies trapped, kena sell down


2020-08-26 16:23 | Report Abuse

Yeah, itu la. Blindly go goreng2, no fundamentals whatsoever. Just rumours. Now trapped high. I pity them. They easy kena con


2020-08-26 16:19 | Report Abuse

Close green today, good enuf. Whoever bought in pharma, gg la.


2020-08-26 13:17 | Report Abuse

Yang blh pegang lama2, pegang. Yang xleh sabar, tolong jual pada kami. Kami sudi membeli. We are playing the long game, 6 months?? No way, maybe 2-3 years. We will wait, we will sow and we will reap the rewards. Yang2 lain dah jual awal2 nanti, duk menyesal, pastu jadi Nexgram basher, mcm sial. Hahaha


2020-08-26 10:15 | Report Abuse

Gnath77, thank u for responding my friend.


2020-08-26 09:42 | Report Abuse

Hye guys, small favor. Can come to Careplus forum and help me fight off some naysayers. Lots off pessimist in the forum trying to scare newbies to collect cheap. I fighting them off single handedly. Can use some help


2020-08-26 09:28 | Report Abuse

Cool3, looks like am living rent free in ur head ah, hahaha. No holding in Careplus, no need talk like a fool,fool,fool!!!


2020-08-26 09:19 | Report Abuse

Good opening, lets see if momentum can continue


2020-08-26 08:49 | Report Abuse

As soon as ppl realize, pharma is just cocktalk and no show and they get trapped at high, as usual, then they will start flooding back here.


2020-08-26 08:17 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately, there are so many dumb ppl compared to the smart ones.


2020-08-26 07:50 | Report Abuse

If u abstain, then no need so sibuk here come comment la my friend. Stay away from Nexgram forum. Simple as that


2020-08-25 22:00 | Report Abuse

Tp 7, not in near future, by end of the year


2020-08-25 19:32 | Report Abuse

Hold steady bro, if drop more, top up to average down. Good fundamentals punya company. Why worry


2020-08-25 18:53 | Report Abuse

Loneranger, me deranged?? Haha, am having a romantic lobster dinner with my wife, my friend. I invest in fundamentals, not khabar angin. My average buy is 1.60. I will be laughing to the bank later rather than sooner, while u enjoy ur reheated crow dinner with ur old lady, hahaha


2020-08-25 15:37 | Report Abuse

Told ya, gonna get burned at pharma counter. Xnak dengar ckp.haha


2020-08-25 12:50 | Report Abuse

Cool3, looks like u need to change ur name to fool3, haha. Limit up without fundamentals, so dumb ah u? Once market correct, down the drain


2020-08-25 12:05 | Report Abuse

Pharma counters kena goreng on the basis off sentiment, all uncle and aunties with newbie's gonna get trapped at high. Can never understand ppl stupidity. Invest in something that havent even happened, rather than invest in gloves that are sure fire bringing in record profits quarter after quarter. Oh well, they are the ones getting burned


2020-08-25 10:41 | Report Abuse

Because of the dumbfuck china vaccine


2020-08-25 10:11 | Report Abuse

Rezzare, u really seem to enjoy when other ppl are down. Some special kind of sadists ah u. Hahaha


2020-08-25 09:38 | Report Abuse

Angelinvestor, mind sharing ur inside news?


2020-08-24 13:52 | Report Abuse

A slight dip, and u can say, all the dumbfucks coming out the cave to shout and bark like the sohai they are. U guys really jobless la, hahaha, i really admire u guys tenacity. Despite being dumb, u guys still rally on


2020-08-24 09:11 | Report Abuse

Rewards will come for those who wait. This not a goreng2 counter for contra player. This is a long term stock for holding. U have holding power, keep it. Gt more capital?? Laddering somemore. 2-3 years down the line, boom, millionaire. Trust me


2020-08-24 05:01 | Report Abuse

Stockraider, u r possibly the stupidest mofo i have ever seen on this forum. U wanna peddle vaccine, go vaccine. Dont come here bark like mad dog. Dont make me find u and kick ur dumbf*ck ass. Posting stupid facts about vaccine without quoating the source, just shows ur only talent is copy pasting random shit u see. Ur a waste off space and oxygen.


2020-08-23 23:49 | Report Abuse

Stockraider, seriously, pls stop posting. If i find u, i will smack u. Ur stupidity knows no bounds.


2020-08-23 16:29 | Report Abuse

Mf, pls quote ur source. Type in paragraph like this, i also can do.hahaha


2020-08-23 12:53 | Report Abuse

Stockraider, clearly ur a vaccine stock peddler. Ur intentions are clear. U bought high, trapped and now trying to sell to others. Ur motives are very clear. This is glove forum. Not vaccine. And please, bloody hell read what u share. They administer the vaccine, wait for clinic trials data to come back, then no side effects, and efficacy achieved target, then and only then, they will roll out, that also for Indonesia, not for the whole world. In the meanwhile, while all these testing is going on, u think Covid infections just gonna stop like that?? Cases are continously on the rise, breaking records daily. The theme off the world right now is gloves. To date, no vaccine is approved by WHO. And KKM simply wont accept vaccine without data. So dont be a retard. The way u post, with the loh and lah, seriously if i meet u in person, i will punch ur face so hard, it will rearrange ur nose and mouth.


2020-08-22 16:53 | Report Abuse

Guys, we have been thru this before ryt?? Russia vaccine and some cock mouth naysayer with their doomsday prediction. U all noe what to do. Hold strong. Covid 19 aint going anywhere. Gloves demand will continue skyrocket


2020-08-22 11:04 | Report Abuse

DreamPredator, spot on bro. I have seen alot off assholes like this. Spread fear and try to scare ppl. So unethical