
Thomasleee | Joined since 2014-03-20

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2014-04-18 08:21 | Report Abuse

We used to be free from racial bias until Pakatan came

News & Blogs

2014-04-18 01:23 | Report Abuse

Hudud is PAS dream, umno promote multiracial harmony. Pakatan only bring chaos


2014-04-09 13:37 | Report Abuse

Where are all the Red Bean Army cybertroopers? Now that MH370 confirm ended in Indian Ocean. Latest news confirm that MH370 blackbox has been located. Anwar will face backlash for his lies.


2014-04-08 01:28 | Report Abuse

Kelantan has the lowest cost of living. Penang among the highest. Malays will support PAS and HUDUD, Malaysia become one Kelantan.


2014-04-08 01:22 | Report Abuse

I don't dare vote for Pakatan. I know PAS hold majority malays not PKR. UMNO have no choice but to follow. If UMNO say no, malays will back PAS next general election. DAP got it wrong, now Chineses will suffer under extreme Islamic law.


2014-04-07 00:54 | Report Abuse

Anwar fiasco on MH370 nothing more that display of incompetence and immaturity. So ashame how Anwar tried so hard to score a political mileage of this tragedy.


2014-04-06 15:20 | Report Abuse

The rightfull party in Selangor is PAS, so MB should be from PAS. The rightful PM from Pakatan should be from PAS.


2014-04-06 15:18 | Report Abuse

If Hudud is implemented, we chineses will be extremely sideline. BN is corrupted but moderate in Islam practices.


2014-04-06 14:11 | Report Abuse

Edmund, are you one of the hundreds red bean army getting RM3,000 a month?


2014-04-06 13:52 | Report Abuse

Even denggi cases has exploded in Selangor.


2014-04-06 13:51 | Report Abuse

Blue Wave hotel was making money during BN time, how come under Pakatan it goes under?


2014-04-06 13:36 | Report Abuse

Just look at Selangor, things are getting bad.


2014-04-06 13:35 | Report Abuse

If Anwar did become our PM succeeding Tun Mahathir, he will be the worst PM and laughing stock of the world. I don't get it, Anwar fond of making turn back, u turn, denial, extravagant claims of his own ability.


2014-03-30 21:44 | Report Abuse

Its a complex operation. Australia bringing experience dude to supervise military forces from several countries. Remember, the equipment they are using still very secret. China not only involve in SAR but spying US gears. Foes join forces to find MH370 but risk opening their secrets as well.


2014-03-26 16:13 | Report Abuse

Can the authority please filter the maintenance crews on ground? Few planes suffering problems is no longer coincidences! I suspect someone in maintenance is not fit for the job! Malindo plane caught fire, generator gone bad etc. MH370 may be related to maintenance gone wrong!


2014-03-25 00:19 | Report Abuse

Today our PM finally address the world that MH370 without doubt crashed into Indian Ocean, and for the past weeks how disappointed opposition use this tragedy for their own political gains. Anwar was more interested about the increase votes for Pakatan dan little concern about MH370 itself. How indifferent our opposition has been.


2014-03-22 18:20 | Report Abuse

And all you did is tarnish my good name. BN never once tarnish my good name


2014-03-22 18:18 | Report Abuse

MH370 now international efforts. World leaders giving their millions an hour SAR to help find MH370, its not cheap operation, they would love to find as soon as possible too. Dissapointed with whiners..


2014-03-22 18:13 | Report Abuse

Why cant i expressmy pride as malaysian anymore...:(. Must i be opposition?


2014-03-22 18:03 | Report Abuse

For over 50 years, never once BN threaten me, my parents harressed us to vote for BN. We appreciate the kindness and our rights to education, wealth etc. I am scare of you. What if i vote for Pakatan and thugs control me? Why harrass me? Please forgive me for my freedom to speak my opinion.


2014-03-22 17:39 | Report Abuse

BN never threat me to vote for them. But i dont have such privilege here, like pointing guns at my head to agree with you. Tarnish my good name at the same time. BN never once send their thugs to threaten me, never. Good luck to opposition, you need it.

News & Blogs

2014-03-22 17:22 | Report Abuse

Maybe you can reveal yourself to us? Love to know you super strong Pakatan. :D


2014-03-22 17:13 | Report Abuse

Dont you feel so proud that our little TLDM flood with world very best sea vessels and planes for this MH370 search and rescue? World very best you know...TLDM expose to world latest military weapons available...only us malaysians ever experience this level. :D


2014-03-22 17:07 | Report Abuse

US lend their most sophisticated Orion plane for SAR. This is world very best...somproud been malaysian now :D


2014-03-22 17:04 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha...hiding your real name? Who is coward? Hahahahaha


2014-03-22 17:01 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha....whiners constantly forcing us to believe white dove Anwar. Go ahead, keep flooding us with you complaining. Same person using so many nicks...hahahaha


2014-03-22 13:44 | Report Abuse

Dream, too many pakatan supporters are whiners now. Their whining and behaviour of their leaders reflect badly now.


2014-03-22 13:40 | Report Abuse

Seems Pakatan not fond of recycling those bankrupt story anymore. PM Najib did turnaround Malaysia economy and monetize mega projects like Felda, RAPID, Iskandar etc. Unfortunately his image is beyond repair.


2014-03-22 13:37 | Report Abuse

I remember stories of Anwar during his DPM times meeting popular male actors and personality for quick rendezvous in hotels, and don't be surprise these male personalities driving luxury car the next day....hahahaha


2014-03-22 13:32 | Report Abuse

Dream, what you say is absolute description of Anwar. He is master of portraying himself as white dove. His darker lifestyle is open secret lar. Those hotels rendezvous during his DPM times are legends. Just look at PKR now, why is he so afraid of his love boy Azmin, beside Khalid, the rest of PKR are dead wood.


2014-03-22 13:23 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha...just compile and read what Anwar say about Captain Zaharie. Spin left and right but backfire so much. First he said he don't know Captain Zaharie, then he said Captain Zaharie is good friend of his in laws, then spin again that govnment linking his to Captain Zaharie. Today, Anwar came with another statement, "Who gave Daily Mail information linking me and Captain Zaharie?" If leader like this very sicko, how to run a country.


2014-03-22 13:19 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo...Anwar cannot larr. Too dangerous.


2014-03-22 14:45 | Report Abuse

Dream, glaring that fanboys are just too rude and suffering personality disorder compare to pleasant and civil government supporters. I bet we 47% are the happiness people in Malaysia...hahahahaha


2014-03-22 13:14 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha....Dream, all can see you have been gave pleasant postings. Its 'they' whiners that gave impression of childish and downgrading behaviour...hahahaha


2014-03-22 13:08 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha...I cant help noticing growing number of government supporter here. As I mentioned, pakatan whiners better change their game play, whinning will push their base away. MH370 already proven that.


2014-07-01 22:43 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha....Anwar should not try to pin point blame to Zahid, Zahid has better and bigger influence to malay voters. Zahid already pin to be the next PM, with little dirt on Zahid, Anwar will only mess with the wrong guy.


2014-03-22 12:31 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha...Anwar trying to gain political mileage out of MH370 will only backfire. I see ruling government play the neutral game, not pinpoint it to Anwar at all. Beside, PM Najib already given final word to forcefully retire by elite umno.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Hahaahaha...I don't know who you talking to Saturn, but certainly not me, wait for Dreamhunter then. Bye


2014-03-21 21:54 | Report Abuse

Dream, Saturn is calling for you, you are ignoring him....hahahahaha


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Dream, if Zahid become PM, I think UMNO will win malay voters in huge margin. I heard he is never too busy to see anyone, his office is always open to rakyat, that's his strength.


2014-03-21 21:49 | Report Abuse

Completely agree with you Dream on Zahid. He is the right person to be PM.


2014-03-21 21:48 | Report Abuse

If Ku Li became PM, he will turnout to be the worst PM ever. He is one man show. He is royal blood and cant understand rakyat enough.


2014-03-21 21:47 | Report Abuse

Pakatan simple not democratic enough. If you really study them, their are dictators in their own parties. Stagnation of mindset is too obvious. I cant understand why some are so obsess with Pakatan other than spinning of issues.


2014-03-21 21:44 | Report Abuse

Dream, if PM Najib stay on till next GE, I don't think BN will win with slim majority. The problem with current government is image problem of PM Najib. Just too much unhappiness and dirt thrown into public eyes especially on extravagant spending and personal use of public funds and facilities and breaking the final straw of flip flop on election promises. Even Muhiyiddin will be better, there's little dirt on him. I still believe in BN as leaders come and go. Unlike opposition where the leaders overstayed and family oriented. And if you really look at it, there's no next generation leadership in Pakatan.


2014-03-21 18:39 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha...if only Anwar could just be a little patient and let the oldman retire, he could have been most racist PM ever...hahahaha


2014-03-21 18:16 | Report Abuse

PM Najib has been a disaster for ruling government to be honest. Destroy everything Tun Mahathir has built. I heard Mukriz or Khairy will be push forward to attract younger voters. I don't know, this is coffeeshop talk.


2014-03-21 18:13 | Report Abuse

Hahaahaha....PM Najib will be forced to retire soon. But I don't think Hishamuddin will replace him


2014-03-21 18:08 | Report Abuse

The way Hishamudin answers the reporters is quite excellent. Its the best way to deal in such situation.