When it is going up, everyone hope it would come down to buy lower. When it really come down, now too scare to buy. Buy a little at first, average up or down later. Company fundamental and management still there. External factor like currency and market demand will vary from time to time. If gtronic management is smart, they will counter the market effect after readjusting their strategy but this needs time. If you are a short term player, forget it.
2016-04-26 09:34 | Report Abuse
When it is going up, everyone hope it would come down to buy lower. When it really come down, now too scare to buy. Buy a little at first, average up or down later. Company fundamental and management still there. External factor like currency and market demand will vary from time to time. If gtronic management is smart, they will counter the market effect after readjusting their strategy but this needs time. If you are a short term player, forget it.