
cktay | Joined since 2014-05-04

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4 hours ago | Report Abuse

An estimated total of between RM700mil and RM1bil is needed to resolve Internet issues in public universities nationwide, says Datuk Seri Zambry Abd Kadir. [despite having Unifi fibro-optics today]
Today's paper Star
"There are 92 universities in the country"
But if "Malaysia has 7,723 primary schools" and "around 2,296 secondary schools"
some in the deep jungles of Sarawak and Sabah.
How much money needed ten years ago before Unifi was available?
Whole damn thing is so silly!


1 week ago | Report Abuse

It is great news that our Agong is in the picture.
I hope he personally will put equity into the HSR project (to demonstrate confidence in the project)
Also it is in the interest of the China to make it a showcase of their road and belt initiative.
What more as KL-S'pore route is one of the busiest in the world.
Where will Japan be now if they had not built the Shinkansen?
Also see the rapid development taking place in China.
Our economists & analysts all had a narrow mind and only count the dollar and sens and not look at the wider implications of the HSR project.
Our Agong is more visionary.
Hopefully one day we have a HSR stretching from Penang to S'pore, then we have a 'Silicon Peninsula'


1 week ago | Report Abuse

For period Sep13 to Sep23 [Source HLIB]
Foreign funds sold net 105m of YTL and 42m of YTLPower
Local institutions bought net 93m of YTL and 33m of YTLPower
Hopefully the foreign funds who had bought cheap will be exhausting their selling.
Some of the local institutions in the know may be buying
if they know some development taking place.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Also despite the heavy sell last Friday, on the whole, Foreign funds still bought a net 61m on Bursa,
Have to watch all this closely. and also the trend of the Ringgit
As long as foreign funds keep net buy ....
.... effect is redistribution/trickling to other counters
One big question is the effect of Wall Street?
I expect the US market will pivot this year.
Will it be eventually good or bad, I don't know.
For a long time, a uptrend US market had been bad for many small markets like Bursa
So will the contrary be expected? Your guess as good as mine. Tq


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Yes, agree with Dragon.
Contrary to expectations, foreign funds bought 47m of YTL and 23m of YTLPower
It was some local funds that unloaded 69m of YTL and 45m of YTLPower
(Probably their cost were very low, so they want to lock in their profit)
Last Friday was significant because of the huge volume, top volume counters on Bursa.
Whatever ironically it may be good as the average price will no longer be 50s-60s
so future profit taking will be minimized.
Local retailers bought 14m YTL and 12m YTLPower
but who are local retailers?
They may not be small timers who buy or sell a few lots, but millionaires in the know
playing with their own money.
Up to you to decide to buy, sell or hold. Your choice!


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

1Bestarinet project was parked under the Comm segment (2011-2019)
To equip all 10,000 primary and secondary national schools across the country with internet (building base stations, communication towers, fiberoptic lines, computers, routers, etc + manpower cost)
Just imagine setting up in rural schools in the middle of nowhere borneo!


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

I believe the most prominent investment failure of the YTL group of companies is the Communication /Telekom segment. I was curious so I checked up (since many people are insinuating that YTL made a lot of money from 1BestariNet)
YTL Comm for year ended Jun xxxx
2024 (223m) [Only last Q was in the black]
2023 (268m)
2022 (196m)
2021 (191m)
2020 (264m)
2019 (18m)
2018 (91m)
2017 (93m)
2016 (277m)
2015 (239m)
2014 (193m)
2013 (277m)
2012 (307m)
2011 (280m)
2010 (10m)
2019 (Zero m)


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Bursa Malaysia's Foreign Shareholdings
So you see foreign funds are actually under invested in YTL and YTLPower, two component stock


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

The Forward PE for Magnificent7 stocks are Apple 26.5, Microsoft 25.7, Nvidia 24.1, Amazon 25.4, Alphabet 16.6, Meta 19.2, Tesla 55.4
PE for YTL and YTLPower are 7 and 8. Up to you to believe there is value.
A few days ago I said don’t try to catch a falling knife and let them exhaust their selling.
When to buy, your guess is as good as mine!
But for long term investors, it may be worth holding especially if you bought cheap. Always fall back to fundamentals.
Politically, I think YTL do not like to play politics although they were once labelled as Mahathir crony but incidentally it was Dr M who cancelled the HSR.
We are lucky to have Dragon to help guide us as his research is of much higher quality compared to the usual bank analyst.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Yesterday was a bad day indeed.
Top 5 foreign net sell was MISC 28m, Sime 26m, YTL 26m, YTLPower 19m and PMetal 17m
Top 5 foreign net buy was CIMB 122m, IHH 64m, RHBBank 43m, AmBank 43m and PBB 36m
Overall foreign funds still bought RM200m net yesterday.
Last month, August alone , foreign funds sold 231m shares of YTLPower and 190m shares of YTL
Dragon believes that foreign funds' holding in YTLP has reduced by 90% since Jan 2024
My rough estimate is that foreign fund hold less than 1% of YTLPower.
For YTL, my rough estimate is that foreign funds sold from a high of 7% to below 5% to now maybe 2%.
I guess the profits are just too much for some of the foreign funds not to take considering the price they paid last year.
But an equilibrium will reach when the earlier foreign investors sell out while the new ones come in.
Thanks to Dragon for his forwarding the research papers from Maybank to me.
I also use the daily ones from HLIB.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Just received the dividends.
Tq Gamuda, . keep up the good work!


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Yesterday, local institutions bought 7m YTL and 6m YTLPower.
Retailers sold 4m YTLPower and 2m YTL
Foreign funds not mentioned because not in top 10 buy/sell positions.
Foreign funds still busy buying Tenaga, PBB, CIMB etc
Overall they bought net 286m of stocks on Bursa yesterday
It will be interesting tomorrow to see what they do today


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Hi Dragon. Yes I am interested to have a look at the interesting data you have.
But how do I pm you? Sorry I am not that tech savvy.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Hi Dragon,
“Foreign funds' holdings in YTL Power dropped to a low of about 30 million shares last week, a big drop from the peak holdings of close to 400 million shares in Jan-Feb 2024”,
This again is eye-popping for me.
Dragon, where did you get these figures?
As I know, companies only release their foreign ownership data periodically, in compliance to the foreign share ownership rules, the work of their company secretary.
But tracking foreign ownership on a daily basis is something else.
I guess CDS have all the data, but someone has to total all the foreign CDS accounts everyday.
Taking these figures as correct, foreign funds holding of only 30 million shares only means they are extremely severely under-invested in YTL / YTLPower, both which are component stock on Bursa.
“… local institutional funds have collected over 300 million shares of YTL Power in past 2-3 months, and the average price is likely to be around RM4.00”
This is indeed good news!
Means that nearly the foreign “stale bulls” are nearly exhausted!
And the new benchmark is RM4
But to me, it also means the “local institutions” does not include the EPF as EPF have yet to notify of changes in their shareholdings.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Yesterday Foreign funds sold net 11m of YTL and 9m of YTLPower
Local retailers sold net 3m of YTL and 10m of YTLPower
But local institutions bought 14m of YTL and 21m of YTLPower
Guess there are different clients in the foreign funds group.
Recall when UBS took over Credit Suisse, their total holding of YTL for their various clients went above 5%.
So some clients who bought cheap may want to lock in their profits
while some are only starting to accumulate.
Whatever, rotation of stocks are going on;
Local institutions sold a massive 44m of PBB and 43m of MBB yesterday
and Foreign funds sold 23m of CIMB
But overall, Foreign funds still bought a net of 57m yesterday


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Also note the co-relation FDI / Bursa and the RINGGIT uptrend.
We pray for a bull-run never seen by many (the lost decades)


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

For monthly Net trades, Foreign funds bought/(sold)
Jan 2024 679
Feb 2024 1,322
Mar 2024 (2.875)
Apr 2024 (1,376)
May2024 1,484
June 2024 (62)
July 2024 1,319
Aug 2024 2.552
Year to date (RMm) 3,043


4 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Regarding what Dragon said, I checked with my remissier. They only provide data of foreign net fund flows (individual stocks) for the top 10 counter only.
Last Thursday, foreign funds bought net YTL 21m and net YTLPower 16m.
On Friday, they bought net YTLPower 20m.
Looks like they are reversing what they have been doing the past few weeks.
I believe the stock prices may co-relate with whether foreign funds are buying (or not and what they are rotating into or out)
We have to continue monitor them closely.
I also wonder how bursa determines who have the privilege of seeing the daily raw data of transactions.
Isn’t it great to know what Warren Buffet is buying or selling in advance of announcements.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Yes shorties play a part in messing up the market, but I think their volume is still quite small, compared to the real transactions.
These investment banks make money when they advise foreign clients to buy, They also make money when they get the order to sell.
Market up or down, whatever still they make money.
What better way then the churn their client's portfolio?
Good that YTL decided to publish their results early.
We should now play by fundamentals, especially if you hold yours stocks from the lows of 2023


1 month ago | Report Abuse

So far there has been no announcement of any new substantial shareholder selling.
So I assume the culprit must still be UBS.
After their last announcement on Jun 5th, when they sold from a high of 6.5% to below 5%, UBS still held about 500m shares.
These foreign funds can very ruthless when their objectives have been met and when they want to monetarize their profits. Initially they sell slowly and as quiet as possible, but often towards the end of their selling, they like to really trash down the price like crazy. Who knows they may even go for a second bite after their accounts squared off.
There may be further drop before they finish selling.
My take is that until it stabilize, don’t try to catch a falling knife. Just let it drop until they exhaust!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

First a thank you to Dragon for his analysis of the recent announced results.
Dragon, can you please comment on ….
“The newly secured RM947m Sabah PoP project”
“Sabah PoP project is expected to be rolled out over the next 3 years”
“3-year MYR950m fibre laying contract secured in Sabah”
I can’t find any official announcements on the above.
I wish the YTL management provide timely disclosures and give more guidance to all their major projects to avoid unnecessary deceitful speculations/volatility on the stock market.
A RM947m project is no small amount!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

But I will get very worried if I see Yeoh Tiong Lay & Sons selling😀


1 month ago | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR (June 5): Swiss investment bank UBS Group AG has ceased to be a substantial shareholder of YTL Corp Bhd (KL:YTL) after a series of share disposals since February, which eventually led to its shareholding in the company going below the 5% threshold.
UBS emerged as a substantial shareholder of the utilities-to-resorts conglomerate (YTL) with a 5.46% stake in June last year, after its merger with Credit Suisse Group AG following Credit Suisse’s collapse.
The bank’s shareholding in YTL had peaked in January this year, with 713.84 million shares or a 6.51% stake.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

UBS held 713m shares (peak) in Jan 2024
UBS started selling in Feb 2024
YTL peak price was on May 23rd at RM3.88 (closing price), despite UBS’ selling
On Jun 5th “Swiss banking group UBS ceases to be substantial shareholder of YTL Corp” [Edge Jun 6th]
The price on this date was RM3.59.
UBS still had 5%, a whopping 553m shares.
After this date, we get no more notification as the shareholding falls below 5%
Also since the peak in May, the price has gone sideways and never went above its previous high
I presume UBS had been selling all this while.
After the heavy selling on black Mon 2 weeks ago and yesterday, I wonder how many shares they still hold. But one thing for sure, its good riddance!
These foreign funds are never your long-term friend, they sell whenever their objectives are met.
Current price now RM3.08. Your guess as good as mine, at what price is the bottom?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

CCCC to share ECRL's operational risks with MRL
KUALA LUMPUR (July 2): The main contractor of the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL), China Communications Construction Company Ltd (CCCC), is going to bear the operational risks of the rail together with its asset owner, Malaysia Rail Link Sdn Bhd (MRL).
RM50 billion rail that connects Kota Bharu in Kelantan to Port Klang in Selangor …. based on a renegotiated contract aimed at sharing the risks of the project to reduce the financial exposure of the Malaysian government, according to Transport Minister Anthony Loke on Wednesday.

Hopeful the political ruling of no govt funding can be met for the KL-S’pore HSR.
YTL, Berjaya and the Chinese consortiums should be able to privately fund it …. if you are noticing the indirect support coming from the Govt.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

In March, regional news platform The Edge reported that separate proposals led by YTL Corp, Berjaya Land Bhd, and China Railway Construction Corporation had been shortlisted for the project.
However, it is believed that only the Chinese consortium led by state-owned China Railway Construction has the financial muscle to undertake the project via private funding [Edge Mar 25, 2024]
All these China companies, CRRC, CRCC, CCCC are mainly state owned companies
For MRT3, YTL-SIPP already is already partnering China Railway Construction Co Ltd (CRCC)
CRRC Corporation Limited (known as CRRC) is a Chinese state-owned and publicly traded rolling stock manufacturer. It is the world's largest rolling stock manufacturer in terms of revenue, eclipsing its major competitors of Alstom and Siemens.
China Communications Construction Company, Ltd. (CCCC) is a Chinese majority state-owned, publicly traded, multinational engineering and construction company primarily engaged in the design, construction, and operation of infrastructure assets, including highways, skyways, bridges, tunnels, railways (especially high-speed rail), subways, airports, oil platforms, and marine ports. CCCC has been a contractor for numerous Belt and Road Initiative projects
China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (abbreviated CRCC) is a listed construction enterprise based in Beijing, China, that was the second largest construction and engineering company in the world by revenue in 2014. [Wiki]


1 month ago | Report Abuse

KTMB to acquire 62 train sets through RM10.7bil Malaysia-China leasing deal … NST August 14, 2024
So what is the importance of this piece of news?
RM10.7 billion (that’s a lot of money! … first phase from 2024 to 2027).
Almost 90 per cent of passenger trains in KTMB's service network are manufactured by China Railway and Rolling Stock Corporations (CRRC). CRRC has a rolling stock centre in Batu Gajah, Perak


1 month ago | Report Abuse

From above … 365MW = $6b investment = $700m annual revenue
In December, YTL Power announced a 20 billion ringgit ($4.29 billion) collaboration with Nvidia to build an AI data center and it is expected to be “operational by the middle of 2024” using Nvidia technology and software to streamline production of AI and data. [Nikkei Asia article dated Mar 19 2024]
[The word operational should be taken as starting to operate, but probably delayed by at least 3 months or until early 2025 because of Blackwell delay]
$4.3b = 262 MW = $500m annual revenue = RM2.2b annual revenue.
Just trying to estimate the potential annual revenue.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

According to Synergy Research, in the retail colocation market Equinix is the clear market leader. It has a 21% share of the worldwide market and is almost four times the size of the next biggest player. Hyperscale operators are the biggest customer grouping for Equinix and so it is clearly the biggest retail colocation provider to hyperscale operators.
Equinix has opened its first two data centers in Malaysia … in Johor (JH1) and Kuala Lumpur (KL1) [JH1 cost $40m]
The interesting paragraph is ….
“This brings our total global xScale leasing to 365 MW, representing nearly $6 billion of total contract value and more than $700 million of annualized revenue once these assets are fully ramped,” Equinix CFO Keith Taylor said.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

GDS is among the … Top 10: Data Centre Companies in the World 2024
SINGAPORE, April 27, 2022
GDS Holdings Limited (“GDS”), a leading developer and operator of high-performance data centers in China, today signed a partnership to co-develop *168MW* of data center capacity, across 8 individual data center facilities, at the upcoming YTL Green Data Center Park in Johor, Malaysia. The first phase of the co-development will enter service in 2024.
As they are coming on-stream in 2024, they are already planning to double that investment!
So 168 X 2 = 336MW (More than half of the intended 500MW)


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Did you all miss this Aug 7th 2024 article?
“Some of them have met me, like GDS IDC Services (M) Sdn Bhd, and they said they are going to *double* their investment in Malaysia … Deputy Communications Minister Teo Nie Ching
Who is GDS?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

A strong US market and a strong USD has been bad for the world!!! As it sucks your weak currency to chase expensive US stocks.
But will the opposite, contrary, be good I wonder?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The US stock market had been on a bull run since 2009, but did it benefit the rest of the world (Malaysia in particular)?
Dow 7000 in 2009, now 39,700 (More than 5X). For Nasdaq it is around 10X
FTSE Bursa 850 in 2009, now only 1600. (Really bad! when inflation included)
I believe we ought to decouple from the US market and follow more the Chinese market.
Right now the Chinese market had caught a cold, if not pneumonia. It is down a lot. How much more can it go down?
Of course finally it comes to the fundamentals of your individual stock portfolio.
Maybe OTB and Dragon share some of their thoughts. Tq


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Sit tight! … Warning Light Flashing …. Turbulence ahead.
“When the U.S. Sneezes the World Catches A Cold (worse … Pneumonia)”
The US market does not look good at all.
When JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon warned of a recession 1-2 years ago, but nobody cared.
The yield curve had been inverted since July 2022 (A recession indicator)
But things really starts getting interesting when that yield curve starts to UN-invert …. A sign that signals the onset of a recession!
Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang Sold $296 Million of His Company's Stock in July.
And now Berkshire’ Warren Buffet Cuts Apple Stake by Almost Half in Selling Spree (US$75.5 billion worth)
For those who invested in US stocks … beware! But have you even woken up?
Can you sell faster than Warren Buffet?
As EPF overseas investments (mainly stocks) account for 38% of the total assets….
Are EPF’s analysts that smart, fast and nimble as Warren Buffet?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Yesterday was another down day for Bursa.
Foreign funds bought net RM121m while
Local institutions sold RM141m. Why???
On another note, I did a check on the Kulai Green Data Centre Park to reassure myself it is not a phantom development.
Altho' I could not go beyond the checkpoint, I can see several building almost near completion.
The surrounding area is still rather rural as it is an off road from the main road, but I can see a lot of activities, lots of lorries moving around. I think the Govt will be in the process of upgrading the infrastructure of the surrounding area.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

@dragon328 That link is for the overall net buy sell for whole of bursa.
Bursa has the individual data but they do not want to publish the data for individual stocks.
My point was that the heavy selling yesterday on bursa was not done by foreign funds.
On the other hand, I don't know what the local funds are up to.
Reminds me the time last year when EPF off-loaded YTLPower at 60s


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Agree with Dragon>
Tallies with Bursa Daily Trading Participation (yesterday) which showed Foreign funds bought a net RM27m while Local institutions sold a net RM65m of securities


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Hi Dragon, taking into account of the current stance by Ofwat, don’t you think that it is better off for Wessex to be disposed/monetarized (after investing in it for 20 years) and the money better spent on say developing the water industry in Johore/Malaysia (nearer home)?
Also the worst may be over for the ringgit and if it is pivoting, isn’t it the best time now to bring the money home?
I also worry about geopolitics in the western world where they can suddenly nationalize your assets.
What is your estimate of how much Wessex is worth, net, after all the loans are paid off?


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Did you all miss this article?
CCCC to share ECRL's operational risks with MRL
The main contractor of the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL), China Communications Construction Company Ltd (CCCC), is going to bear the operational risks of the rail together with its asset owner, Malaysia Rail Link Sdn Bhd (MRL).
MRL and CCCC will each bear 50% of the risk in this joint venture company or operating company (OpCo) if the rail operates at a loss. If the operation proves profitable, MRL will receive 80% of the earnings while CCCC will get the remaining 20%.
If they can do it with ECRL, there is no reason why they cannot do it with the HSR.
Probably they are still ironing out the deal.
Hope they will announce something soonest. Taking too long already!


2024-06-16 20:51 | Report Abuse
Barron's Nvidia Is the Pricey AI Play. These 7 Stocks Are Real Bargains!
Company / Ticker Recent Price Market Value (billion) 2025E P/E
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing / TSM $175.16 $747.7 23.3
Samsung Electronics / 005930.Korea KRW76,500 331.9 10.3
SK Hynix / 000660.Korea 215,000 113.7 6.9
YTL Power International / YTLP.Malaysia MYR5.03 8.7 12.6
Asia Vital Components / 3017.Taiwan TWD688.00 8.1 24.0
HD Hyundai Electric / 267260.Korea KRW263,500 6.9 19.4
Alchip Technologies / 3661.Taiwan TWD2,740 6.7 26.8


2024-06-03 06:56 | Report Abuse

Timeline (recap from my posting earlier this year) - The proposed HSR line is 350 km long and is expected to reduce travel time between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore to 90 minutes. It would start from Bandar Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur and connect to other cities such as Malacca and Seremban along the west coast en route to Jurong East in Singapore
Late 1990s - A high-speed rail link between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore was proposed in the late 1990s but due to high costs, the proposal was shelved
2006 - YTL Corporation, operator of the Express Rail Link revived the proposal, with a projected speed of 250 km/h (155 mph). This was expected to trim travel time between the two cities to 99 minutes
2008 - the Malaysian government halted the project citing high-costs of over RM8 billion
September 2010 - It was first proposed by then Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak .
19 February 2013 - The Prime Ministers of Malaysia and Singapore agreed to proceed with the HSR project, proposal would be finalised by end of 2014 with a targeted completion date of 2020
6 February 2015 - Singapore had announced Jurong East as the final location for the high-speed rail terminus
2015 - the Malaysian government established MyHSR Corp to facilitate developing and implementing high-speed rail projects
19 July 2016 - Singapore and Malaysia signed a Memorandum of Understanding
Details including a 25-metre-high bridge link near the Malaysia–Singapore Second Link
The Government of Singapore required Raffles Country Club to vacate its plot as the site offers the "most suitable location" to run the HSR tracks after the bridge crossing and to place the tunnel portal leading to the tunnels that would take the HSR to the Jurong East terminus
17 October 2017 - the Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak announced that the land acquisition process has begun in Malaysia for the project and also the station designs
5 April 2018 - MyHSR Corp announced the results of the selection process for the design and construction for the Malaysian portion of the project:
A consortium of Malaysian Resources and Gamuda would build the northern part,
A consortium of Syarikat Pembenaan Yeoh Tiong Lay and TH Properties the southern part.
The tender process for the Singapore tunnel sections was started in April 2018 with the start of construction expected in 2019
May 2018 - Mahathir confirmed that Malaysia would scrap the project, citing its high construction costs
5 September 2018 - postpone until end-May 2020
31 May - Singapore had agreed to the suspension until 31 December 2020
1 January 2021 - the prime ministers of Malaysia and Singapore announced to terminate the HSR project
At the point of termination, Singapore had incurred a cost of at least S$270 million.
29 March 2021 - Malaysia compensated Singapore S$102.8 million (US$75.36 million), with the settlement representing the complete termination of the project and bilateral agreement
Following Pakatan Harapan chairman Anwar Ibrahim's appointment as prime minister of Malaysia after the 2022 general elections, Singaporeans have again reportedly called for the Anwar administration to revive the project
11 July 2023 - MyHSR Corp called for proposals from the private sector and firms to be submitted for the development of the HSR project. The project was expected to cost 100 billion ringgit ($21 billion)
15 January 2024 - MyHSR Corp received seven proposals from private bidding groups. Bid selection and further negotiations with the Singapore government were expected to be undertaken in the second half of 2024
Source - Wikipedia
Let’s discuss Cost consideration
2006 - YTL Corporation … speed of 250 km/h (155 mph) … travel time 99 minutes
2008 - the Malaysian government halted the project citing high-costs of over *RM8 billion*
In retrospect, why did the Govt disallow it when it was only RM8 billion?
Subsequently estimate cost went up tom RM72 billion (US$17.4 billion)
In 2023 July - MyHSR Corp says the project was expected to cost RM100 billion ($21 billion)
That means (RM100b - RM8b = RM92b) div by RM8b, div by 15 years = 76%
It means the cost inflated a whopping 76% every year for 15 years since the govt halted it in 2008, when the average inflation rate was 3.57% per year”
KUALA LUMPUR: The Kuala Lumpur-Singapore high-speed rail (KL-SG HSR) project might tally up to about RM70 billion, a notable decrease of around 30 to 35 percent from the previously reported RM110 billion, according to market insiders. "No definitive cost estimate has ever been provided for the HSR project.18 Apr 2024


2024-06-02 22:41 | Report Abuse

Not sure how the HSR project will pan out, but this is the typical characteristics of how the govt of the day function. With minimal info from the Transport minister and not a squeak from MyHSRCorp.
“Evaluation of KL-Singapore HSR concept proposals to take two months, Parliament told” That was 3 months ago (4th Mar) and now it is already June. As usual “Still waiting for cabinet approval!”
While in Indonesia they already planning Jakarta-Bandung HSR extension to Surabaya.
And “China urges faster progress in billion-dollar railway link to Thailand (Jan 29th)
On another aspect, I still have a hunch that there may be a reversal of proposal with YTL taking the northern portion because they may build an elevated track over the existing ERL to cut land acquisition cost near the city. Hence the HSR is now expected to cost only RM70b. Also YTL’s ERL gets 30-year concession extension till 2059 (Jan 26th)
And Berjaya to get the southern portion cutting across Forest City in Johore
Perhaps they intend to keep you in the dark until suddenly one day a surprise announcement, to avoid unnecessary politicking.


2024-05-23 23:37 | Report Abuse

Just a couple of comments from me.
I would like to point out that it is misleading to compare Q3 with the preceding Q2. Some are too quick to say that the results are not good because Q3 is lower than Q2.
I must point out that Q2 is for the Jan-Mar period when there is a long Chinese New Year break when businesses are closed for 1-2 weeks, so they are not comparable!
Secondly the dividends …
2022 … 2.0s +2.5s
2023 … 2.5s + 3.0s
2024 … 3.0s + ?
3.0s is just the 1st interim dividend. But you can see the dividend trend it upwards. (I am not unhappy)
On the whole, I feel the results are good.
I am however still disappointed with Wessex. My take is that it (over) ripe to be monetarized off (just like ElectraNet) to reap in extraordinary profits RMbillions (after holding for 21 years, bought cheap from Enron). More so when the MYR is so low.
The money can then be put to better use. Example if buy land like in Kulai estate, the price may have already appreciated by double and needless say, multinationals are hunting spree in Johore.
Thanks to Dragon for his research paper on “The Best Performing Stocks May Again Double Up in AI Driven Rally” I sincerely hope it will come true!
My take here is don’t laugh. I also believe it is better to stay with the winners. The not yet winners will take time before they really move up because their respective stale bulls need to liquidated first.
In a Super Bull-run, the tide will rise all ships, but I believe this ship will rise even higher because it is the leader of the pack!


2024-05-23 17:00 | Report Abuse

Glad I bought Tenaga.some time back.
Bearing fruits now. Just beyond my expectations


2024-05-23 16:31 | Report Abuse

A beautiful stock to hold!
After holding for 2 years now, prospective PE still below 10


2024-05-23 15:17 | Report Abuse

Hi Dragon. I am happy you are now seriously analysing Genting & GENM. Thank you.
I also have Genting & GENM in my portfolio (for around two years now). But its share price really sulks!
I obviously would have done better if that allocation had been placed instead in the YTL/YTLPower as you already know in our YTLPower forum. But I kept the rule on not “putting all your eggs in one basket”
My displeasure with Genting is that I feel the management should prioritise their shareholders more than themselves and not do anything that is perceived to selfishly benefit its main shareholders.
One example is two AGMs ago, the CEO passed the microphone to his COO who explained in great detail how much TauRx will potentially bring in, but he failed to tell shareholders that it may be years down the road.
And while the share price spiked up, the CEO was quietly selling millions of share! I clearly remembered feeling let down and disgusted!
The other needless example is the injection of tons of money into once privately owned US Empire Resort into GENM over many years now. Anyway I hope you are right! Hopefully Empire may start contributing profits.
Hoping a better future share price of GENM and Genting.


2024-05-17 12:48 | Report Abuse

You will know you are in a real bull run when even your taxi driver (now Grab driver) be telling you which stock to buy.
And all the restaurants in town are fully booked. YamSeng!