
davelee18 | Joined since 2013-06-21

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2013-09-10 20:40 | Report Abuse

msuhaims69 .. may I ask what is your dollar average cost? if you are already in, then so be it be prepare to hold for the long term and don't trade in and out of it, if you buy when everyone is buying and sell when everyone is selling = will always guarantee you one thing that - you buy high sell low and sell low buy high. Most ppl lose money, you rarely ever see those who make money go online and praise the company. People make a quick buck think its their skill, but when lose money blame company management. If you want to play this game have to accept the inherent risk that you will often be wrong half the time, and really do your own homework, those who bought low at 11 and then subscribed would see easy money as mothershare might hit 14 tomorrow,

using the same example as above, if syndicate have 2.54 mil to push but wait for those small guys get shaken out and cut loss first, then syndicate only need 1.27m right? but if they commit 2.54m anyway, what will happen? they can push even further right? and take out (sapu) all the offers till 18,19,20.. this is what happened list time remember? just an example, not saying it will happen


2013-09-10 17:26 | Report Abuse

if you trade this way, it doesnt matter if you subscribed or not, and the same logic apply to all goreng stocks and all goreng counter. BUT if you subscribed, (you should only have subscribed when you were prepared to hold for 6 months, then don't waste time reading all this and just hold it). The worse you can do is try both (which is what a lot of people do), end up worst of both world and you will never know if your strategy was right or wrong.


2013-09-10 17:16 | Report Abuse

now imagine all of you cutting loses who have bought earlier in higher 20s, who wait for it to recover put in more orders to sell, at 13.5, or 14. This means syndicate have to sapu also if they want to push..., but if syndicate wait for all of you to sell at 11 which most of us did already, there is less for them to sapu at higher price, which means they PAY LESS for the push because everyone sold already, there is no resistance for them to push later. this is EXCACTLY what a syndicate wants.., the real definition of buy low sell high. Imagine the same senario but less stock on offer this time 5mil on offer @13.0, 2.5mil on offer@ 13.5, 1.5mil on offer @ 14.0, 0.5mil on offer @ 14.5, for them to push to 14.5, they will need (5milX13) + (2.5milX13.5) + (1.5milX14.0) + (0.5milX14.5) = 650k + 337.5k + 210k + 72.5k = RM 1.27 million, they only need to spend RM1.27 million to move this stock to the same level. So what do they do? they let it fall la, by most of them at 10 or 11, because those of you who bought at 22 see at fall to 15, don't sell, let it fall to 11, now you lose half your money quickly sell @ 11, they know now there is less order (resistance at 13.5,14,14.5,15,15.5, because who is gonna sell already sold


2013-09-10 17:05 | Report Abuse

msuhaims69 , entitlement was on 27 Aug, so yes depending on when you bought. If you held shares on 27, but sold on 28th, still entitled. This is what a lot of people do, sell mother share buy rights share for what should be an arbitrage position. Which will often see mothershare underwater. If mothershare is above water often reflects certain demand or maybe insiders want to show that and will backstop it and prevent it falling underwater. Eitherway, those who suscribed are by definition fundamental players so if you suscribed you should be willing to hold it 6 months minimum. If you suscribed but get shaken out then you are moving your own goal post and should not be playing this game. Let me give you an example of how see trade flows, you need to understand market depth and watch the bid order flow. Assuming this stock now is 12.5/13.0 that is the bid offer spread. if you buy you pay 13.0, if you sell you get 12.5, for simplicity assume there are 10mil on offer @13.0, 5mil on offer@ 13.5, 3mil on offer @ 14.0, 1mil on offer @ 14.5

in order for syndicate to push it to 14.5, they need to sapu all means they pay (10milX13 sen) + 5 milX13.5sen) + (3 milX14sen), (1 milX14.5sen) = RM1.3m + 675k + 420k + 145k = RM2.54 mil. In other words at this spli second moment in time, if they want to push it to 14.5, they buy all those orders up for RM 2.54 mil, (it is difficult to explain without graphical illustration of a price ladder and market depth)


2013-09-10 04:31 | Report Abuse

if you suscribed and then get shaken out by fear of loss, then dump your shares at slight loss only to see the share skyrocket few weeks later, I am sure we all done that. similarly, if you trade techincal then because you didn't suscribe you think (fundamentally) you are not supposed to buy because you did not get rights, then only see the share go up without you, you feel you miss the boat, again how many times we all did that? Point is if you commit to a trade and strategy, let it play out, either hit your target or your stop loss.


2013-09-10 02:22 | Report Abuse

watch the volume today 13.5 last 1 minute back to 12. be patient, buy the dips, you are either trading this by flow of funds/logic/technicals or by fundamentals. NEVER BOTH at same time. why? because if you traded fundamentals and bought in early and subscribed, then hold for longer period. If you are like me trading techical and playing poker, then don't let the fact you didn't suscribe stop you. Because that way you are moving the goal post and making it worse for yourself, you suscribed or not does not change the logic of insiders pushing right?


2013-09-05 19:37 | Report Abuse

You never want to be the last to get out but you can be the first to get in and wait when you know the push will come right? Wait how long? we Don't know, but if you only play with what you can afford to lose, you can be patient. don't put all your money in one stock. 10-20 stock good diversification. if this one don't move or go down even half, how much is that? compared to rest of your portfolio? If you have 100k and hold 10 stock each worth 10k. if this counter go down 50%, you lose 5 out of 100. Who knows 9 other stock do well? 5 out of 100 is nothing (and this counter have to drop 50% from where which is 'impossible') so wait la, wait for them to push,

If you only have 10k and want to play and put all in this counter, then you better spend that money else where,


2013-09-05 19:31 | Report Abuse

regardless of the delay, on live DOOH the company is cashflow positive with strong balance sheet.

Today explosion of volume, the insider is collecting for big push after the rights issue or maybe those in the know or realise this has start collecting. Put yourself in the position of the company insider. It's your company, you just have rights issue coming, you buy or not? of course you buy more to push and sell more later right? You want to join them or be against them? be against them means buy later when it is high or sell them when THEY buy. Of course they want to collect cheap also right? but what is cheap to them? we don't know. can be 12, can be 10 can be single digit.

you see the volume today and the price move..compared to yesterday. Like I always said, you cannot know when the move will come, but you can use logic and understand the dynamics of trading and try to see why the price move a certain way and always remember there are 2 sides to trading. Your view if you sell, someone has the opposite view because someone bought.

If you bought the same time as me, you will be sitting on 10% gain in 2 - 3 days. Don't try to catch the whole move, the first part and the last part of the move is the MOST expensive part. Don't be greedy

Agree with 文耀 s on not keeping for long term, but if you buy when the price moves when it is higher. Then think who is selling ? it is when insiders are selling to you? or some one who is less greedy exit first and take profit?

It's always reverse psychology


2013-09-04 17:40 | Report Abuse

Asupreme and sersol rights issues mother shares flying sky high. Do you really think those who subscribe let this drop back after they hold more shares to go for the push? when all of you dump already it makes it easier for them to push later


2013-08-30 05:31 | Report Abuse

文耀 For EVERY seller, there MUST be a buyer. Think about it, if everyone is selling WHO is buying? just remember whether you sell at 30 or 12 or 11 or 10, someone must have bought from you. When you sell high, you don't care who bought from you coz that time you make money. When you sell low, who do you think is buying at this price? If you see everyone selling, that is the time to buy because when we say everyone is selling, that also means one or 2 guys MUST be buying. A LOT of SELLING is the same thing as A LOT of BUYING, except the price is moving down. Think about it, who must be buying now? insiders or outsiders? The recent sell off is in part due to the broad sell of in Bursa. Look at Indonesia and Phillipinese stock market. Everyone takut already. But ALWAYS remember there is 2 sides to a trade, willing buyer willing seller. SOMEONE is buying, who is this someone and why is this someone buying I think we know. To accumulate stake. For the push after the rights issue. The insider will have even more stock to push.


2013-08-28 21:14 | Report Abuse

Now insiders are subscribing at cheap price. The market crash because Bursa also crash la. Think about it... now insider and syndicate all subscribe so cheap, when they push later to sell that time only you buy?
if it is cheap at 13.5, you buy, if it trades down at 11 then buy summore. Have conviction, buy low sell high, DONT BUY HIGH SELL LOW. Be patient, 3-6 months I guarantee you this stock will double and double again. this is the build up for another run la. Insiders sold at the peak, now need to regather their stake, they are the one buying low and selling high, if you sell now you will be selling low and bought high.

One thing I know about trading is, greed is one thing you can always be sure of. No matter how much they made, money you will never complain if too much. So this will be the start of a second round push like last time, why do you think they push stock down for rights issue? so can accumulate more at cheap price, then to do what? sell it cheaper? or sell it higher?


2013-08-15 23:31 | Report Abuse

See my earlier comments, this is the part where I say, told you guys so, wait for the volume, if you are like me and bought at that time then by now you are sitting on handsome profit. Wait for the volume to explode, it could be days it could be weeks. See it took weeks or months, because this part is not our control... you have to wait for insiders to move.. be patient... but now this stock is taking off. Mark my words it will fly soon, insiders already accumulated at .14-.15, now comes the push.. will easily hit 40-50 soon, just watch the volume.. there will be dips in between, just buy the dips.. if history is any indication just look at the chart your price target should be previous high at least! just watch :) in 3 weeks time it will be "I told you so"


2013-07-19 19:01 | Report Abuse

you have to think from an insider's perspective. The stock already push down, there has been no volume, now rights issue for insider to sapu everything first, then come earnings surprise, this will tell you goreng already started. Watch for explosion of volume, then buy summore if and only if volume increases. If not wait...


2013-07-19 18:49 | Report Abuse

this guy sold out higher last time, I think he is trying to buy low, I would expect another waveup.. mark my words.. it could be next week it could be next month, just be patient..


2013-07-19 18:48 | Report Abuse

My analysis is three fold:
First, is on the fundamentals of the company. Second, is on the technical and price action (a lot of people think technical analysis is chart reading, but technical analysis is really an extension of fundamentals with an understanding of what drives the movement of a security). Third, superior information which encompass (rationale, catalysts, psychology etc.)
Remember to trade with an edge, and never risk more than you can afford to lose. If you find yourself having to check the price of this counter every few hours, what your P&L is? it means your position is too big for you! Rule of thumb, never risk more than 5% of your capital on one trade, some of the largest hedge funds in the world never risk more than 2%. So if you have 100,000 to trade, the most you should put on is 5k worth (remember !this is trading NOT investing), if you are bold, you can put more, and use a money stop at 5k, i.e. if you lose 5k you are out no matter what! I am not a fan of using money stops, for 2 reasons, a) the market does not care how much you make or lose, and b) your money stops level is an arbitrary point which makes no logical sense.
First, AMEDIA has the following licenses from Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission Individual Network Facilities Provider (NFP-i), Individual Network Service Provider (NSP-i),Individual Content Application Service Provider (CASP-i) ,Class Application Service Provider (ASP),3 Blocks of “L” Band Spectrums, at 1452.960, 1454.672 & 1456.384 MHz respectively. I did a bit of research and found out that as part of the license agreement Asia Media can rent out its spectrum to other companies and with 3 blocks of spectrum, it has a lot of capacity and can broadcast upwards of more than 20 stations. I confirmed this by calling the MCMC. Secondly, the company is financing it entirely on its own, I think AMEDIA is building up for a big one. Read the article below, I heard AMEDIA was considering bidding for the 4G spectrum too. The difference is YTL is getting taxpayer to fund their roll out so will have arrangement with government.
Amedia is funding roll-out with the funds raised and will own their own towers. I think the company’s thinking is either go big, or go home.
Second, the technical part, you have to trade with the big boys, this is a zero sum game, every riggint you make someone else is losing. Agree? Wrong, in fact this is a minus sum game, because you pay for commission and make broker rich. So in order to succeed, the top 20% of traders make the money, the other 80% lose to sustain the top and brokers, because it is not zero sum (in theory), it is actually minus sum game in practice. We know there is plenty of support at this level, so set a tight stop loss and only play with money you can afford to lose. Limit your downside and let this stock run. You have to realise that when you trade on the side of big boys, you have to be patient, you don’t know when they gonna push, so there must always be a catalyst like the spark that ignites the fuel. This is the part that is out of your control. Trading involves uncertainty and things beyond your control. You manage your downside. Accept this part or do not trade.
Thirdly, superior information, do your own research, call up the company, call up the MCMC. This shrewed guy sold his stake and par down his ownership from over 40% to 37% and make money already. Now it seems like he wants to buy it back and will push the price back up with the rights issue. This rights issue is the catalyst! Be patient, do your own homework, don’t listen to anyone coz no one will make money for you. Don’t take small profit and let losses run hoping it will come back.
A smart guy once said you never go broke taking small profit, very true, but you’d never go rich either. I never set profit target because you never know how high a stock can go, as long as the reasons for you to enter the trade remains, then stick with it. Let the market action tell you what to do.
Think about it, now no volume right compared to when stock was riding high? Why? People make their money already, now coming back for second round, need catalyst, rights issue and goreng again,.. those of you who got hurt last time is because you bought late..


2013-06-21 22:41 | Report Abuse

The difference between pros and amateurs is that pro's sell on the way up, never on the way down. Don't be greedy. When the stock is on way up, take your profit. If you were unlucky enough to buy at the high, remember that when a stock halves, you may half your investment/bet, but the owner see his net worth halved theoretically. Who hurts more? So always be on the side of the big guy and insider. Do you think insiders are selling on the way down? they got holding power. Once little guys get shaken out, they start pushing. I think this attempted murder case is going to be very interesting. May or may not be related to the company. Like all the tycoons who survived assassination attempts. They all come back extremely stronger and make even more money... Hold Amedia for your retirement fund, I don’t think the CEO at 32 who survived attempt on his life is going to retire any time soon. Plus as some of you pro's will know once a company gets added to the main index, the longer term performance is usually positive. As tracker funds and those who track the index like iShares MSCI Malaysia Index Fund and other ETFs who mimick the Malaysian benchmark will have to rebalance their portfolio by buying AMEDIA.