
dragonslayer | Joined since 2013-10-25

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2015-08-24 17:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Leo.....dun say until like that leh....it drop cos everyone also selling mah.....it got nothing to do with Suma fundamental hor.....aiyoyo.....even without oil production....Suma still can in black lor.....you believe or not.....as long as Tan Sri still not broke lah......aiyoyo.....5cts still not coming yet leh....aiyoyo...I m still waiting lah....aiyoyo....can help to push down boh....aiyoyo....if can I will thank you forever lah.....ha ha ha


2015-08-24 16:42 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.....Suma depends on oil price veli much lor....aiyoyo...if low price Suma maintain current production 1000bpd nia nia...not going to korek more oil lor....korek more also losing money nia nia lor...why want to korek more leh...aiyoyo.....lucky still got Tan Sri punya kuli job lor.....the term and conditions still not bad lor....everything spent under Tan Sri acct lor....so got net income from Tan Sri kuli job almost same as gross income lor.....hopefully still kerja as kuli at the moment cos contract not yet finish lor.....only scare is Tan Sri also broke liao and cannot afford to pay Suma only lor......aiyoyo....that's why I bet this week QR report still can in black lor....then of course the company is still ok lor.....aiyoyo.....but hor.....no one know where is the oil price direction lor....if USD15 or USD20.....mati kudasai lor .....no need korek oil liao lor......aiyoyo.....Saudi Oil Minister said only The Mighty God know the oil price lor...(I cannot use the word A---h lah cos I m not muslim lah).....aiyoyo.....ini macam cakap macam tarak cakap lor......who know what is the God preferred oil price leh.......aiyoyo....lately I ready Reuter report in July Saudi cost only few USD nia nia wo.....ai si lor.....why God so unfair unfair one lor.....gave Saudi so much cheap oil rerserves lor.....aiyoyo......who can fight with the Mighty OnG Taiko leh......aiyoyo......oil price take years to see the real movement wo.....not months wo.....aiyoyo.....can you wait for years or not....aiyoyo....supply is abundant lor....how can the oil price up leh....aiyoyo....only way is keep waiting something to happen lor.....only the The Mighty God know what lor......ha ha ha


2015-08-24 15:36 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.....wa no longer hold old shares veli long liao lah.....aiyoyo....now one all new daughter lah....aiyoyo....ini kali veli cham if market continue so bearish lah.....need to keep bullets for final averaging if mum at 5cts lah.....aiyoyo.....the lowest TP among all in the forummers lah is the safest lah.....aiyoyo....dunno can get or not hor.....if cannot get.....never mind lah......ha ha ha


2015-08-24 15:30 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ozzie....wa boh hor leh.....aiyoyo...Tan Sri boh hor KFC wa makan leh....now have to belanja him makan KFC leh....aiyoyo...he very poor liao lor.....cannot afford to belanja wa KFC now....aiyoyo...hope his luck not over liao lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-24 15:07 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick....10cts how to issue RI.....aiyoyo......very simple lah.....renegotiate with seller to reduce price lagi lor....or.....kasi terminate the S & P contract lor.....aiyoyo.....later anything unsettled one can settle in court lor.......aiyoyo......that one dunno how many years later baru settle pun tak tau lor......aiyoyo......remember Bursa is Bolehland lah......anything is possible lah.......aiyoyo....must think out of box lor.......why RI must go ahead meh....aiyoyo......cannot cancel one meh.....ha ha ha


2015-08-24 15:02 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.....I m holding daughter only lah average @7cts lah....aiyoyo......WA - son mah......WB is daughter lor.......aiyoyo........you cannot remember liao ha......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-08-24 14:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH.....if compare must compare per capita mah....aiyoyo......like that baru fare mah....too many ppl also no so good lor.......Gormen veli stressful mau jaga lor......aiyoyo.....mau kasi BR1M tangan pun menggigil lor........aiyoyo.......Msia at least still better than Asean Average lah by 2.7x......bersyukur liao lor.......not the poorest country in Asean lor.....wa still can drink kopi O at RM1.30 lor......but dunno how long can stay at that price lor......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-08-24 14:18 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH....why compare like that one... nominal GDP ...big country compare to small country ...not accurate leh...like compare apple with orange ini macam....not the same lah....the real one SG is 5x more than Msia in term of nominal GDP per capita lah...Indonesia 14x...Thailand 9x....at least Bruinei better lah only 1.2x .....aiyoyo......how to catch up like that....2050 dunno can catch up or not pun tak tau lah....aiyoyo.....by that time we all too old to argue it liao lah.....wa maybe jadi full time gardener liao lah...hali hali petik buah n sayur from the garden lah makan nia nia lah.....now SGD oredy RM3 liao lor.....kesiannya mau minum satu glass kopi O in SG kopi shop mau RM3 liao lor...wa punya Kampong Jawa RM1.30 still can get lah....ha ha ha


2015-08-24 13:19 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Lord of the Rings...pariah ctr you also want to buy meh....aiyoyo....wanna buy at 1ct ha...aiyoyo...you not scare after got it at 1ct company going pn17 meh....aiyoyo....
you want 1ct.....dunno Datin allow or not hor....aiyoyo....this time dunno how long need to stay back in polarland hor......see penguins n polar bears nia nia while waiting Datin to visit us again hor.. ......ha ha ha


2015-08-24 12:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo fash......boh chow not neccesary aeh si lah......wait for next cycle nia nia lah....aiyoyo....5 cts coming ...I will buy lah......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-24 11:37 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick.....my one.... aiyoyo..... 7cts for the daughter nia nia lah......aiyoyo.....waiting for mum at 5 cts to ave lah.....aiyoyo......no more buying at the moment lah....too bearish liao lah......ha ha ha


2015-08-24 11:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy....so susah out from PN17......then......go back PN17 again.....like that Tan Sri really boh luck lor.......aiyoyo......we all also bad luck follow him lor.....then why want to buy at 6cts leh....3cts is safer liao lor.....loss only 3 cts if PN17 again mah....better than 6cts wo.......aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-08-24 10:41 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy.......if like that why you want to buy at 6cts......buy at 5cts better sikit lor......loss also kurang sikit mah.....correct or not......maybe 4cts also can get......then loss more more lor.......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-24 09:34 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy.........not yet 5cts leh....10ct pun belum lagi......help help to push leh if possible lah.......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-24 08:47 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy.....dun forget my 5cts hor....after you get yr 6cts hor....I m waiting too....ha ha ha


2015-08-23 17:11 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy....800bil where can go bankrupt....aiyoyo...later Ah Jib kor go ask abang Lee pinjam lor....SGD chg RM ...abang Lee say sap sap sui lui lor....aiyoyo...water also can ask more more from johor state liao....ask lui shld be no problem lor....belapa billion mau....sign IOU only mah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-23 17:02 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...5cts where can go bankrupt...aiyoyo....still can rebound back one mah....aiyoyo...Tan Sri can con you or not...someone here always say that mah...now he also hilang lia cos he kena conned by Tan Sri one time only loss kaw kaw liao mah.....aiyoyo....40cts conned one time....20cts conned 2nd time....10cts con 3rd tine...then 5cts con 4th time lor.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-23 16:09 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....if v shape recovery....all will be veli happy lor......aiyoyo......hope so nia nia lah......5cts is coming or not....I still waiting patiently leh......aiyoyo....if buy 10cts one ha.....if can get at 5cts means 50% loss liao lor......aiyoyo.....must think twice lor......aiyoyo....if buy 6 cts one ha....at 5cts also means at loss wo.....need to think thrice lor......the best still get at 5cts lah...no loss no gain lah if the bottom price is at 5cts lah.....0505......veli good 4d no lor.......today magnum kuda or toto dunno got chance to get top prize or not hor.....aiyoyo.....hantam 4d kaw kaw lah........ha ha ha


2015-08-22 12:30 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy....nowaday produce petrol from crude oil is higher cost than last time mah......everything also increase price mah.....lagi....last time gormen subsidised petrol mah....how much loss in supporting the artificial low price you know or not....aiyoyo.....I read reporter said it can save rm20 bil yearly hor.....then what is RM2.6bil leh......aiyoyo.....corporate titans CEO earning also 1% or 2% of company net income is normal mah.....aiyoyo......no subsidy shld be the correct way to cut down fiscal deficit mah......aiyoyo.....later you will say donation punya celita lah......aiyoyo.......boh pian lah......got so many ppl below need to take care also mah.....aiyoyo....you sit there then you will know lor.....no money no talk lor......mau like SG susah sikit lah......ministers pay the highest in the world mah....thumbs up for LKY lah......dun talk abt unofficial pay in other countries punya ministers lah......this one wa tak tau lah.......their pay is even higher than Obama pay lor.....apa lagi mau.....kerja whole heartedly for the ppl lor......... ha ha ha


2015-08-22 11:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ......Boss cakap lowest 1400 mah....still some more to go lor.........aiyoyo......mau bottom fishing pun scare scare lor....set lower price baru boleh lor......mau cari ctrs can survive one pun susah lor......aiyoyo......only income in USD can cc66 nia nia......ha ha ha


2015-08-22 10:50 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy.......Tun MM time got subdidised mah...now boh liao lor....aiyoyo.....last time so long oredy....many years liao.....~12yrs liao no more in office liao lor.....higher cost for value added petrol mah.....you use crude oil to run yr car meh........must count inflation also mah.....salary increased also mah....and donation leh.....RM depreciate also lor......aiyoyo.....last time buy gula gula can get a few gula gula at 10cts mah......now how much oredy.......if want count like that......last time rm1.20....money very big wo....now value shld be lower alot lor....so current petrol price is cheap liao lor......thats why yr SG car pump petrol in Msia lor........ha ha ha


2015-08-21 20:07 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Tan Sri....who dare to buy when oil price at usd35......aiyoyo....by then yr loss will be 95% liao boh.....aiyoyo.......then I will wait lah....oil at usd35 Suma still profitable bah...cos' brent oil will be at usd40 mah.....plus kuli job from Tan Sri.....still can be in black bah.......aiyoyo.....5cts coming I will buy again lah....cos I dare mah.........ha ha ha


2015-08-21 12:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyo errick.......if dun wait for GE.......it will be very messy one wo......all the wolfs will be fighting for the no 1 post wo......aiyoyo......you think .....winter to spring happen immediately one meh.........also need to wait 3 mths mah......aiyoyo......apa tu arab spring lah....europe spring lah......aiyoyo........got better meh.......aiyoyo.......lagi luan lor ......then RM5 pun mau datang lor........ha ha ha


2015-08-21 11:43 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.....SKPetro.....aiyoyo......masuk longkang besar liao wo.....aiyoyo.....~ RM5 --> RM1.6.......apa wave pun sudah habis liao lor....aiyoyo...how ha...aeh sai pick up boh....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-21 09:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Derrick....dun press Ah Jib kor some more leh.....aiyoyo.....cannot wait for next GE to settle it meh....democratic way to settle the unhapiness mah.....aiyoyo....the more you press him the more it become a police state then how....aiyoyo......lagi susah leh ini macam......maybe also cannot go out at nite liao lor....b4 dawn all must go home and close the doors liao lor......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-21 09:41 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy....dun like that leh.....you said 6cts enuf for you makan liao wo.....I just waiting another 1ct only leh......like that not difficult to get also mah.....aiyoyo.....I'll only by at 5cts lah......USD15 oil price is coming leh.......like that Suma can stop oil production and ask all contractors and workers to go home earlier to celebrate Christmas lor......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-08-21 09:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo leo.....5 cts coming lah....what is 12 cts.....aiyoyo...you believe or not....someone in forum said uSD15 oil price lah...then waiting at 5cts is the safest lah.......ha ha ha


2015-08-20 17:15 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......lucky lor result better than last Qtr......else.......price red red lor....aiyoyo....Datin bila mau datang visit Polarland again.........wa baru mau start tunggu lagi lor........aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-20 17:02 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.....65cts....can buy boh...aiyoyo.....wa pun tak tau leh.....aiyoyo......can meh......ha ha ha


2015-08-20 17:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Tan Sri....if result in red....then 5cts is coming lah....if result still black...then hopefully price also black lah....no more red lah....aiyoyo....nowadays result black price also red leh....aiyoyo....Suma will be the same or not....later end mth will know lor...aiyoyo....Suma always last few days baru keluar result lah.....aiyoyo....why so hurry leh.....slow and steady lah.....pun pi pi lah....ha ha ha


2015-08-20 09:11 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468.......minutes cakap approaching wo......some want some dun want.......aiyoyo.......everytime also said approching .... inflation 2% belum hit....but unemployment rate oredy below 6%......aiyoyo......Auntie Yellen pening kepala lor.....aiyoyo......next mth dunno got news or not lor.......aiyoyo......bila mau naik ini macam......delay lagi kah until Dec .......ha ha ha

The latest inflation rate for the United States is 0.2% through the 12 months ended July 2015 as published by the US government on August 19, 2015. The next update is scheduled for release on September 16, 2015 at 8:30 a.m. ET. It will offer the rate of inflation over the 12 months ended August 2015.

Unemployment Rate in the United States remained unchanged at 5.30 percent in July from 5.30 percent in June of 2015


2015-08-20 09:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo afata.........you not scare after you get it at 9cts.......it drop to 5cts meh....aiyoyo....later Tan Sri con you how.......aiyoyo.....5cts safer a lot wo.......ha ha ha


2015-08-19 21:39 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468.....ya lor very stressful leh....bursa direction not clear lor.....aiyoyo.....lagi mau see tonite Fed report....,.any indication or not lor....aiyoyo.....maybe next mth also no news leh....aiyoyo....lu sudah hantam front oredy ha....aiyoyo....wa mau leh but boss cakap tak boleh touch leh...so boh touch lor....aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-08-19 21:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo leo.....what is the fair value for Suma....aiyoyo...wa pun tak tau lah...maybe 5cts only lah.....let say later if RI undersubscribe lah.....any possibility Tan Sri and gang sapu all the bal RI boh ha.......aiyoyo......like that can happen boh ha.......wa pun tak tau lah......if lah Tan Sri mau increase beyond 25% holding lah...or using proxy to buy lah....no one know mah.....and maybe he think 20cts is fair value to him leh.......pay 20cts also not bad for him mah....got free wc mah......at least lower than his previous purchased price @20.5cts mah.....somemore without free wc wo......aiyoyo......can Tan Sri con us like this boh ha.....wa pun tak tau lah.....aiyoyo.....too bad 8cts not happen yet lah.....hope you can get it lah....then help help me push to 5cts for me to pick up lah......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-19 16:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ah Leong/Boss......ini macam very stressful leh....aiyoyo.....mau follow BB punya action......aiyoyo.......wa give up liao lah.....aiyoyo.......too many patterns mau tangkap......kepala pening lor.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-19 15:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.....wa see macam beh gam leh.....just now long queue seller also kena makan up.....then turun balik.....aiyoyo.....really dun understand the logic leh.......aiyoyo.....wa pening kepala see it leh......wa see so far pun tak faham BB punya action.......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-19 15:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss....Takaso macam mau reverse down si boh......many sellers in the queue leh.....aiyoyo......something amiss leh.......normally the other way round leh......buyer buildup leh......aiyoyo.......must jaga jaga sikit leh.....dunno what BB want to do leh......ha ha ha


2015-08-19 14:43 | Report Abuse

Aiyo........got sifu said 6cts baru bottom wo......but I say 5cts lah cos I want to buy at 5ct mah.......aiyoyo.......then my one will be the bottom lor......aiyoyo.......can get or not......aiyoyo...who know lor......aiyoyo....only the BB know nia nia lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-19 14:41 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Tan Sri.....who dare to buy now....aiyoyo......got lah....else......boh vol liao lor.....aiyoyo....got seller then got buyer baru boleh match the deal mah.....else ...vol left zero lor.......aiyoyo.......like that means no ppl dare to buy lor.......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-19 14:38 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Kopipeng....boh kangtao lah....aiyoyo....hope beh lao sai until beh jin chu lah.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-19 11:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH........what.........STI dropped more than KLCI last 12mths........aiyoyo.......cannot be leh......STI drop 10%......KLCI drop 18% leh.....aiyoyo.......you got see wrongly or not......aiyoyo.......I just checked leh......aiyoyo.....SG foreign reserve 2.5x more than Msia......currency 2.8x stronger than Msia.......aiyoyo.....one plate wantan mee cos RM10 in SG......it cost RM4.00 in my Kampong Jawa leh....SG 2.5x more expensive lah......that is true lah.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-08-19 10:44 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ozzie.....fang pi no need to pay lah....Msia gas need to pay lah.....aiyoyo.....reporters geh report sometime outdated lah......must see who report lor......if Datuk Tong from The Edge I will believe it lor.....aiyoyo.....kena suspended for 3 mths....bo lang cheng kong.....aiyoyo.....appeal also tak boleh........ha ha ha


2015-08-19 10:06 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......wow......I wonder who is telling the truth leh...is M'sia net oil and petroleum products exporter or importer.....aiyoyo......if not wrong ever heard we are net importer leh...only net gas exporter leh.....aiyoyo....dunno who is right and who is wrong hor....aiyoyo...reporter can make mistake or not hor....or...not updated hor.....or ..just cut and paste report only hor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha




2015-08-19 09:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss.....takaso wu lang direct transaction 24.1mil @0.55 on 14/8 and 5.44mil @0.55 on 17/8 leh......more than 14% of company share leh......aiyoyo........mau tenguk sikit lor.......aiyoyo......dunno why like that one leh.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-08-19 08:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo leo.......5cts company lah.....not 10cts company lah......aiyoyo.......better wait at 5cts lor......aiyoyo....later it drop 50% again then you cry apah cry amah again then how.....then for sure you will swear and curse at Tan Sri or Angmoh CEO again lor........aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-08-19 08:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy....you sure you really can get 6cts or not......aiyoyo....you so confident wo......then help me to push another 1ct lor.........aiyoyo.......not much diffferent mah.......aiyoyo......I am waiting at 5cts leh.....aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-08-18 22:45 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....Tukang Tilik oxfort harvest.....cannot like this leh....got money but no heart not suitable to open pets shop leh.....I scare your workers also dun have heart....aiyoyo....like that the animals will suffer kaw kaw lor like index drop to 800pts lor.........aiyoyo....better dun open lor...for goodness sake lor.......ha ha ha


2015-08-18 22:20 | Report Abuse

Aiyo SingaporeAndy.....5cts will be better leh.....less than 10%....safer sikit leh...in case BB overshorting mah....aiyoyo......you can help make it happen or not....aiyoyo......I am waiting at 5cts leh.....paiseh...wa kiasu n kiasi like you leh....aiyoyo.....typical Singaporean style mah.....ha ha ha


2015-08-18 22:07 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...why another one only want at 6cts leh......can make it 5 cts or not...else I cannot buy leh....aiyoyo.....tolong sikit leh...push to 5 cts asap leh.....I am waiting to collect again leh....aiyoyo...you can help or not.....aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-08-18 20:40 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Boss....noted....aiyoyo....look like the ATM m/c dun have much lui left to dispense liao lor....aiyoyo...hope can withdraw last time b4 it dry up like Greece Bank.....aiyoyo....neef to pray hard Datin still sayang me lor......ha ha ha