The different between massimo and gardenia..... gardenia is using unbleach flour, where as massimo is using FFM flour which is had undergoing through a chemical bleaching process which is unsafe for human being. The FFM flour had to go through the bleaching process, is because the flour is import cheaply from China.... in which these similiar flour is being use for pig consumption, so if you eat massimo... you are similiar to the pig as the pig in China eat the similliar flour taht you eat.... so,,,.. be remember... when ever you eat massimo you are similiar to the pig in China.... I got these source from the internal personnel in FFM factory....... for further detail... please call me..01116154207
Blog: [转帖]《郭鹤年三部曲》之三: MASSIMO VS GARDENIA:马来西亚的面包大战!
2013-05-28 16:35 | Report Abuse
The different between massimo and gardenia..... gardenia is using unbleach flour, where as massimo is using FFM flour which is had undergoing through a chemical bleaching process which is unsafe for human being. The FFM flour had to go through the bleaching process, is because the flour is import cheaply from China.... in which these similiar flour is being use for pig consumption, so if you eat massimo... you are similiar to the pig as the pig in China eat the similliar flour taht you eat.... so,,,.. be remember... when ever you eat massimo you are similiar to the pig in China.... I got these source from the internal personnel in FFM factory....... for further detail... please call me..01116154207