
franceong | Joined since 2014-11-27

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2014-12-20 15:11 | Report Abuse

read my comment, did I say MBSB is a bank? Did PM Najib ever say he wants this mega bank? His brother want this mega bank not PM Najib. All options on the table? Reason why many friends selling OSK.


2014-12-20 14:16 | Report Abuse

Confirm Aabar not agreeable with mega bank.


2014-12-20 13:45 | Report Abuse

Some problem with asset evaluations between MBSB and the 2 banks. Many told me to sell OSK shares. Monday i will sell all OSK, not good punya share


2014-12-19 14:13 | Report Abuse

fear 1MDB also same fate like fgv.


2014-11-27 15:29 | Report Abuse

Most of investor always thinking buy when it really lowest, when major correction 40% drop almost from highest 4.96 to recent rm 3.15 to rm 3.2, then they will think rm 3, maybe rm 2.5. But what they aim? Buy rm 2.5 sell rm 2.7 with 50 lot earn 10k a day..? If u play like this, i need to admit u arw lucky guy..but the true is this type of people always miss the boat. If u think reasoable of this counter are rm 4 to rm 5 when crude oil are above 80usd barrel.. is golden chance to grab now.. it is samething happen on inari counter, when drop to rm 2.1 , other investor will said it will break rm 1.8 or below rm 1.5, but the true is rebound rm 1 to rm 3 within 3 days when it hit lowest


2014-11-27 15:24 | Report Abuse

i buy more on mathematic theories, when i buy inari at rm2.2 also 50 lot, i calculate almost 40% major correction discount from rm 3.3 , last month market slump due to fear on euro economic and usa ecomomic outlook.. but i see this counter fundamental is good n the price on below rm2.2 below is temporary, some lucky man are maybe buy at the lowest price rm2.04...but i will not wait to buy lowest..maybe it will drop further, but not so much , so decide buy at rm2.2 50 lot , lucky within 3 days sold around rm2.7..

now i think for skpetro almost same, it drop due to worry of crude price slump recently that why reflect its price on most oil n gas counter. this counter profit n turnover increased every year, but again impact on crude oil slump cause this counter drop from rm4.96 to below rm 3.1 almost 50% discount on major correction. The reason of crude oil slump had many reason, i don want explain so much such as conflict between russia n usa, new technology of usa which cause the crude oil capacity increase, world economic slow. i more concern things is even we had alternative energy replace, but i don think they will use it because crude oil is a big cake to any country to control their people n involve quite complicated economic

So this impact just temporary, maybe this counter will drop rm3, but future will still break rm5...every 50% major correction price drop , i will not miss, buy rm3.17 last two days 50 lot..n will hold above rm4 n see...the reason i buy is the future of oil n gas will not change still play very important role in our life.. this is not same with zhulian, zhulian drop rm5 to rm2.1 something recently , but the future of zhulian unpredicted due to unstable of thailand politic, domestic sale drop due to competitive direct selling, higher expenses to invest due to new investment on myamar..we must know how to different it.. good luck everybody...


2014-11-27 15:24 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-27 15:23 | Report Abuse

In share market, never believe anyone said . There is no one can predict the future include major shareholder itself, up n down is normal. The most important is your own emotion. U will simply sold or cut off loss when u afraid lose more. Be steady n peaceful mind, don all in otherwise u will lose ur own judgement unless u r very confidence. This counter will be back to rm 4.5 above or below rm 2.5, hope most people are guessing right.


2014-11-27 15:19 | Report Abuse

If u cannot accumulated when ppl n market fear, make sure u throw.otherwise u will angry urself why don buy more. Samething, when drop further,u will angry urself waste bullet. Believe own judgement..if market had timetable for this counter rm3, rm 2.8 n rm 2, i had prepare my own menu. Currently 50 lot at rm 3.17, will accumulated another 50 lot at rm 2.9 n another 50 lot at rm 2.5...if urself cannot believe own judgement, no excuse believe other n lose money..calm n peace ..


2014-11-27 15:17 | Report Abuse

For those who are not interest on buy or not holding this counter, u had freedom to share ur opinion, but keep predict future target, are u wasting ur time n life. U had no other meaning things to do, what a pity guy. Go to buy ur interest counter, don acted as mad dog just shouting ur existence, no ppl will bother u. Same thing, if u don like the girl or break up with ur girlfriend, don just critics how bad of the girl , sleep with many guy. What u need to do, just left quietly if not suitable for u n choose ur favourite counter. Johnmasimo, be mature in share market n ur life..


2014-11-27 15:15 | Report Abuse

is any evidence proof crude oil slump related to the oil n gas counter acted like free fall?
if really crude oil fall around 50-60 dollar per barrel within next three months, do any investor will feel skpetro will be drop to rm2 also not suprised? i not believe predict n guessing, just find out the hints n tips..
First , we had the history n data how the crude oil jump in 2007 which usd140/barrel, reason is unstable of politic in middle east which investor worry shortage of supply will boost the oil price jump.
But current situation, all the news from various source confirm we are in oversupply condition, somesaid is politic issue wanna collapse russia economic.

So the key point is OVERSUPPLY cause slump price which will cause oil n gas counter sink continuously? that is what mostly investor emotion or mindset and reflect its price , to investor any crude oil drop will drag oil n gas counter as well, IS THIS MOSTLY INVESTOR THINKING?

So, i find the past 15 years record for investor to analyse yourself as below,
2000-2004= approx usd30/barrel stable
2005- mid 2009= started climb to usd 100/barrel , highest usd140/barrel for short period
mid 2009 to 2010- drop back to usd 70/ barrel
Recent three year average approx usd 100/barrel,

Then i find Local oil n gas counter to analyse to compare the crude oil price fluctuate toward it performance result, see any related with them, so i choose Petronas counter , more people know, their result recent ten year as below, pls find urself if for accuracy,
YEAR 2002 TO 2014
turnover from 1.95billion , 2.23billion, 2.3billion,2.8billion,2.83b,2.98b,3.1b,3.4b,3.2b,3.52b,3.57b,3.89b
Profit from 487million, 656mil,641mil,823mil,971mil,1.24bil,1bil,928mil,940mil...1.6bil,1.27bil
From above , i conclude 2 point,
1) demand always keep increasing even world economy weak in year 2007-2008 , year 2011-2013..
if you traced from past 30 years , it also show same things, demand always keep increasing n non related with the crude oil price.
2) with higher crude oil pricing will help oil n industry make more money/profit.overall they still able gain huge profit no matter crude oil in usd50, usd80, or above usd100/barrel.

So i now realise why the opec country, usa, oil producer country are reluctant to reduce supply. first world crude oil consuming are still increasing n not related with the economy weak cause we can seem crude oil demand is more related with our current population. Second, even crude oil drop will let them earn less, but they can increased their production to cover price drop to maintain the profit..

since skpetro had few year record history, this counter turnover n profit are not so good for reference,
but from history turnover increased from 8billion to current 10billion per year since 2012.
so skpetro counter background is explore , construct which more follow on oil n gas demand.
if demand more, their job also more n turnover also increased, their profit also non related with crude oil price factor but more on it own management, operating, etc.

Am i all so over fear/worry about the crude oil slump? actually in fact usd60-70 barrel is just back to the market normal price . in fact with lower crude oil price also will not make skpetro earn less in their profit n turnover since they are not produce oil , they are explore , engineering, contruct, commission background..

This is just my penny analysis, hope u all had more picture on the counter u invest, if my analysis is mistake , pls amend me..Good luck everybody,,,


2014-11-27 15:14 | Report Abuse

Shale oil technology had been started use by usa since 4 yrs ago which increased their capacity output. It is not special news to me and i know it few years ago. Actually i m in oil n gas industry approx 10 years n know most of their company background. Actually their risk not on price of crude oil, they are more on currency, secure job on hand,management.. shale oil help oil n gas industry make more money not cause the price down in fact. Don just listen all what cnn, Bloomberg ,etc, .. News always share the certain expert "opinion or mind" not the fact or truth. This will be last time leave comment, otherwise no ending reply or laugh by people..haha..good luck everybody. Will be appear again if this counter break rm 4 , otherwise just shut up my mouth..


2014-11-27 15:13 | Report Abuse

In share market, never believe anyone said . There is no one can predict the future include major shareholder itself, up n down is normal. The most important is your own emotion. U will simply sold or cut off loss when u afraid lose more. Be steady n peaceful mind, don all in otherwise u will lose ur own judgement unless u r very confidence. This counter will be back to rm 4.5 above or below rm 2.5, hope most people are guessing right.


2014-11-27 15:08 | Report Abuse

The current scenario confuses me. Crude oil plunges due to not only concern on over supply but also strengthening USD. If you convert the crude oil to MYR, before the free fall, in 1/9/2014, oil was MYY301, now, oil is around MYR258, a discount of 14% only. But how to interpret this? What does it means to O&G company? Can some one shed some light?


2014-11-27 15:07 | Report Abuse

They have disclaimer, even though the price can't meet their target price, they just revise down the target price, no big deal. Lol


2014-11-27 15:06 | Report Abuse

inggit vs USD drop is good for SKP because most of the overseas ccustomer are using USD to settle their bill. When convert to Malaysia ringgit, it will incur currency exchange gain.


2014-11-27 15:05 | Report Abuse

Risk, u still here?


2014-11-27 15:03 | Report Abuse

I also know the received payment is in progress, but also same to expenses. According to Financial reporting standards, they are using the matching concept , the USD expenses also need to recorded based on the progress so USD revenue should be high than USD expenses unless this stock is a loss making company. Another you have to know that nowadays, in accounting concept, their revenue and expenses is accrual basis instead of cash basis. The revenue is still a revenue once the service is rendered even though they don't receive in full. One more thing, I didn't said the price drop is due to USD strengthen, I just reply one of the comment regarding the USD stregthen yesterday. I just clarify what is the impact of USD strengthen.


2014-11-27 15:02 | Report Abuse

If u r fundamental investor, never follow those big fund, just focus on the profitability of company and their growth. SKP is O&G service provider, not selling crude oil. Most of their revenue was secured by huge order book due to long term contract awarded. Unless the crude oil keep dropping for few years, and O&G company like PETRONAS and Petrobras slow down their production, if not, SKP still can get the contract awarded from these two main customers. If I'm not wrong, SKP is the biggest O&G service provider in Asia.


2014-11-27 15:01 | Report Abuse

Well, different experts have their own expectation. Who you can really depend on? This expert said $50 is coming soon but what if the expectation does not come true? Will he going to suicide? LOL. Did any 'expert' expect the oil price will drop from US1xx to US7x this year? All expert only jump up and talk rubbish after the crude oil heavily drop. For me, economy is a cycle, when the oil price drop, it will stimulate the recovery of economic because it can reduce cost, when the economic become better, then the demand of oil will increase, if demand more than supply, oil price will definitely goes up again. I really don't believe the OPEC and US shale oil company can last if the price drop to US50, if so definitely they will bankrupt because it is burning their reserve even though they have a lot reserve(oil money). You think they will still producing the oil to meet your need just for their social obligation even they are loss making? LOL


2014-11-27 14:57 | Report Abuse

Risk, this is called share market. The share market is influenced by company financial result, prospective and also emotional trading. If everyone is fundamental investor and the market is always show rational, how the big fund like CPF take money from US.


2014-11-27 14:56 | Report Abuse

That's why their price is dropping right? recently they started up a project (new wells) but now the demand had been the project will drag them down?


2014-11-27 14:53 | Report Abuse

Can buy or not?