
i6969 | Joined since 2015-03-25

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2015-04-10 21:12 | Report Abuse

so far the only things I hear captain and simu said are

29% set the tone
only for those with deep pockets
what needs done has to be done
he he

aiyo keep in peti sejuk
already gathering cobwebs
no eye see
not going to subscribe and just keep my 1 mil lots

you know why they can say that
because they are holding (if they are holding) at the privilege price of around 20C
so why do they care

if you're holding at a high price it is crucial you need to decide to sell before ex date or subscribe because if you don't subscribe the risk of dilution is very heavy on you.. how long do you think you will recover considering that everyone expect the price to plunge thereafter . 7B shares my dear lord.

everyone is hoping for a spike prior to ex. will it happen? only god (and HS and gang) knows.
now we're just groping in the dark until nearer to the ex date. so talk cock talk is cheap.

but have faith and confidence if you're still holding if not dump it and save yourself the misery. can always buy back after ex mah. weigh the consequences between temptation greed and fear

night @dragon.. ai yo every time I talk to you I very long winded lah ai yo yo


2015-04-10 20:55 | Report Abuse


how come at such crucial crossoroad that low sai captain and your beloved simu stayed far far away and no one ask them anything?


2015-04-10 20:53 | Report Abuse

How do you think extremist can brainwash innocent men women and children to carry bomb and kill themselves to smitteren it seem so stupid and yet so effective? But I'm digressing here no relation whatsoever


2015-04-10 20:52 | Report Abuse


I see how it's played out
cabut also can
keep and subscribe also can
I have a few strategy mapped out liao
ha ha

I still have this faith and confidence that HS will make it work unless he has been feeding us some positive vibes with the intent to deceive because we keep thinking something is going to happen and it's too big to fail when in fact the big fat elephant was dead and rotting and we couldn't smell it right in front of us


2015-04-10 20:42 | Report Abuse

Am I not a good story teller , an amusing character y'all reckon?? *wink* he he


2015-04-10 20:40 | Report Abuse

worst-est case scenarios

massive panic last minute dumping by investors who waited till last minute hoping for a reprieve that never came share price languished at current level.

hold for ex-date and massive dumping by investors of their mother share to cash out/reduce exposure for purpose of using the funds to subscribe

subscribe for rights and realise that you're amongst the worst off because the was little or no oil or difficulty to pump oil or this or that obstacles that render it uneconomical to proceed to drill. Company start to report mediocre and or negative earnings and share collapsed and go back into PN17

All these scenarios played out to the tune of Celine Dion belting out My Heart Will Go On (theme from Titanic y'all know it so well don't cha) while the CAPTAIN of the ship was the first one to bail out on a sampan.

Moral of story

According to a well-known expression, Rome's emperor at the time, the decadent and unpopular Nero, “fiddled while Rome burned.” The expression has a double meaning: Not only did Nero play music while his people suffered, but he was an ineffectual leader in a time of crisis.


2015-04-10 09:51 | Report Abuse


Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman


2015-04-10 09:49 | Report Abuse

it is a pre requisite to have underwriters in place for the rights issue


2015-04-10 09:48 | Report Abuse

HS would have underwriters in place to take up any portion of rights under subscribed that is a huge task for any underwriters to undertake based on current scenario to take on that kind of risk


2015-04-10 09:33 | Report Abuse

If ex AG/Chairman give face to attend the EGM you can have some assurance it's not going to die. At this age he ain't going to be involved in any share scam to smear his reputation dude.


2015-04-09 20:24 | Report Abuse

Sumatec 101

scenario A

price languishing at current level or drop further
Ex-date Apr 22
massive dumping by investors who have no intention/no money to subscribe nearer to or prior to ex-date

scenario B
ex-date price languishing at current level or drop further
massive dumping by investors to reduce exposure to cash out and use the funds to subscribe to the RI

scenario C
price drop to below 21C
some bargain hunting by punters hoping for a quick gain of 00.5-1C rebound (well pickers can't be cho0sers ya'll)

scenario D
price surge to between 23-31C
massive dumping by short term long term investors who can't wait to cash out cuz fool me oncefears that are very dear to their heart (we all know the pain right ya'll)

scenario E
HS and gang has to de-skin de-bone fry their own chicken and eat it too.

scenario F
HS being a maverick corporate strategist and expert share manipulator has an ace up his sleeve that will be revealed in the correct timing. Quote unquote No worry. We want to share with loyal investors. HA!


2015-04-09 16:41 | Report Abuse


Looiks is not a funny guy bro. You and so called sifus have much to learn from him in the ways of skilful effective manipulation that he can misled the masses and yet still welcomed in this forum by some with open arms.


2015-04-09 15:24 | Report Abuse


@dragon summarised in layman's language liao he he..


2015-04-09 15:23 | Report Abuse


PR talk mah ai yo yo


2015-04-09 15:17 | Report Abuse

RI gets a bad rap because of the misused and abused of the funds by mis management and dubious 'assets acquisitions'. It is a cheap and fast way for companies with growth potential to fund good assets identified by giving shareholders a chance to participate in the growth. it all depends on the quality of the assets to be acquire the integrity of the management and internal governance.

Bank borrowings would be highly difficult in this case because of the humongous amount and that the assets is in a foreign country and banks are constraints by so many factors esp Malaysian banks it would take a long time to arrange a syndication to finance it and would be very costly too. The interest servicing would be a strain on the company esp in the initial stage plus Sumatec is not in a current position to justify the interest servicing capability so it's a catch 22 situation also.


2015-04-09 15:09 | Report Abuse

today got high tea @dragon


2015-04-09 11:32 | Report Abuse

righto :)


2015-04-09 11:23 | Report Abuse

bro St

looks like a dumping in progress was 195 , 19 , now 185, next batch 18

what do you think?


2015-04-09 10:40 | Report Abuse

Hey Looiks

no need to gloat and sound so pleased with ye self la dude

no one is interested about to look so far ahead everyone is on near sighted vision

and concern that whatever said is not reflected in the price and some more have to cough up 20C at a ratio of 6 Rights for every 5 shares held.

don't insult people here that talk is cheap you are the biggest cock talker here lah dude I am amazed you can still get away with being the 'good guy' while others who see call you out get condemnation.


2015-04-08 21:14 | Report Abuse

may how la..

have a nightcap go to sleep

good night folks


2015-04-08 21:01 | Report Abuse

i think nothing significant will happen until the 1Q15 results which might be out just before the RI ex date. We waited since upliftment of PN17 then it was 4Q14 results then it was RI approvals then it was EGM the last hurdle of approvals and now its next qtr results. when will it ever end??


2015-04-08 20:59 | Report Abuse

possible typo error. proof reader got problem


2015-04-08 20:55 | Report Abuse


what are you trying to say?


next phase is in the 30s phase? ha ha


2015-04-08 20:54 | Report Abuse

ahem bro @noman why are you 'warning' @6868 and @strategisst about nova and systech?
anyway I don't have systech but am interested in nova. You reckon is con consolidation and will be downward facing dog position and stuck a while?


2015-04-08 16:56 | Report Abuse

maybe they sending out clues indirectly he he


2015-04-08 16:49 | Report Abuse


so much for the hype of RI , EGM

I wonder what hero Looiks has to say next. I think he dah clear his stocks waiting to trade in and out only. ha ha


2015-04-08 16:42 | Report Abuse

ex date is April 22? that doesn't leave much time to decide to hold or to dump
have a good evening folks


2015-04-08 16:36 | Report Abuse

they got free parking mah
free parking in mega mall in cititell is a big deal mah
ai yo yo


2015-04-08 16:31 | Report Abuse

nothing exciting that would get anyone all excited about..


2015-04-08 16:24 | Report Abuse

now even a mini hi tea show


2015-04-08 16:23 | Report Abuse

well the EGM came and went with nary a whimper and capt has been very quiet and YKJohn11 and Ring are still in shell shock.


2015-04-08 16:11 | Report Abuse


you didn't know ka? you simply bought in for what then?


2015-04-08 16:08 | Report Abuse

these few days all the investors who have no intention or money to pick up will be dumping the shares so I reckon it's futile for HS to support will just let it drift


2015-04-08 15:41 | Report Abuse

I think HS is not giving you much of any option, subscribe or cut loss


2015-04-08 15:40 | Report Abuse

no in good taste lah to serve curry chicken when price is not performing well. they telling you they are also trimming expenses la


2015-04-08 15:39 | Report Abuse

some of them will cite you know ah my neighbour he kept his dialog never sell for so many years now millionaire lorrr


2015-04-08 15:37 | Report Abuse

generally the aunties and uncles will subscribe if they can afford it because they have the patience because at that age if you can have the patience to play BINGO you can wait for your investment to reap. They generally don't cut loss wan..


2015-04-08 15:32 | Report Abuse


I betcha back in 2013 many people were laughing at those 's*ckers who subscribed to the rights issue at 175C when Sumatec was still a PN17


2015-04-08 15:28 | Report Abuse


maybe in few months time you will be saying the same lorrr

whoever subscribed the 5:6 Rights Issue at RM0.20C with 2:1 free Wc in May 2015 oredi laughed all the way to the bank....


2015-04-08 15:21 | Report Abuse


in aggregate the parking tixs are more expensive than the share lah he he


2015-04-08 15:20 | Report Abuse

@ah don

komnas already briefed all resolutions approved lah dude


2015-04-08 15:15 | Report Abuse

bad times like this have to see humour in everything he he


2015-04-08 15:12 | Report Abuse

that is good it means they are not frivolous to simply spend company's/shareholders' money


2015-04-08 15:11 | Report Abuse

got take selfie with them or not?


2015-04-08 15:08 | Report Abuse


even worst. birthday cake also not baked cuz mother forgot it's your birthday


2015-04-08 15:07 | Report Abuse

no food? at least bottle of water ka? kopi?


2015-04-08 15:06 | Report Abuse


The mood is like you waited months for your birthday party and no body turned up


2015-04-08 15:02 | Report Abuse

it's hard to convince investors to pump in more money on a view that they foresee being able to meet the RM1B target in 2016 - 2018. People have shortsighted view of going through this Friday T3 T4 liao he he