
innang | Joined since 2012-11-07 19:59:35

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2013-08-19 18:47 | Report Abuse

orva concept of nurbugring, vroomy and elegant

News & Blogs

2013-05-04 23:06 | Report Abuse

bad sign for PR to Husam in Putrajaya. God may tell him take care
your own place rather occupy another seat.May Allah bless your mother
in peace. Anyway, PR audiences is not watching RTM but BN voters do.

News & Blogs

2013-05-04 22:37 | Report Abuse

the voters in Selangor no more overweight on PR because they sideline
PAS influence. The Indian community are not satisfied too. What PR
do now is try to make the election outcome tomorrow not valid and
illegal if they lose.

News & Blogs

2013-05-04 22:00 | Report Abuse

if BN win, all the current transformation program will continue
smoothly. if PR win, changes exactly will take place on ETP. The
populist PR manifesto look like good but actually will make the
government more burden and less income. So the economy will stagnant
and more damages will come to the country.


2013-05-04 16:53 | Report Abuse

PR is lokek dengan pengundinya. No goodies and still blame EC for
electoral fraud, scare if lose. Low IQ leaders and just pandai cari
salah orang lain. Maklumlah masih budak mentah kot!

News & Blogs

2013-05-04 16:25 | Report Abuse

inikalilah negara will collapse if PR win.

News & Blogs

2013-05-04 16:20 | Report Abuse

tomorrow Hadi Awang will still lead opposition in Parliament. DAP and
PKR will out of stem because banyak undi sudah pecah.

News & Blogs

2013-05-04 15:55 | Report Abuse

when Rafizi left Petronas, saham Petronas tambah naik. PR not have
ability to manage and run the country. I predict they will win
just only 29 maximum of parliament tomorrow. So much excuse they
want to provoke now on electoral rule. Not confident to win. Blame
it on EC, tidak bersyukur dgn.SPR pada 2008. Bikin malu negara!


2013-03-19 21:52 | Report Abuse

why this counter have strong uptick price recently?


2013-01-11 21:55 | Report Abuse

KFima is a coin and RM denominated printer for BNM(visit the website).
Like US Treasury,it can print the money or coin when inflation is low.
So its have a strong footprint on fiscal policy side to balance the
economy. Thats why market juggernaut watch it closely.Its sister
company is Fimacor.

News & Blogs

2013-01-11 21:12 | Report Abuse

yes, the palm oil cartel producer should be fully support. Like OPEC and
rubber exporter country. Beside of that, western investor has continues
pressure on cpo price to go downward. It is for their own profit, both
on trading purposes and underlying commodity price uptick. For example,
investor in CME use complicated derivative trading strategy. Sometime
they short soft commodity and buy hard commodity or between same group
of commodity. It is done also on Liffe, ICE or other exchanges. For CPO
trading, they short it and long mini soyoil or other. They use option
or extreme futures to ruin the palm oil price. In short, they do not
want cpo price to go up and keep discount with other grain and oilseed
price as large as possible. So palm oil exporter should keep stock as
like crude oil, release when price overheating. Use cpo for domestic
consumption like biofuel etc. Why UK And European listed plantation stock operates in Kalimantan still have bull run price? Because their
shareholder know how potential on cpo use are.


2013-01-10 08:59 | Report Abuse

banking sector is favourite by fund managers as moodys lift up malaysia
credit ceiling cap, so domestic loan growth will blow up including
maybank and others bank too.


2013-01-10 08:24 | Report Abuse

maybank is a largest holding company by Blackrock (BLK) Fund (>9.10%).
It is defensive stock but have a five star rating by morningstar. Anyway
today stock call is Genting counter on tie-up agreement with Apollo and
NCL(Nasdaq) bound IPO.Stock junkie must look at Genting Plantation as a
leading proxy.On sector basis still overweight on healthcare or property
as malaysia is third best in the world by living for
foreigner to retired here. Currency on hot move is CHF/JPY.


2013-01-07 21:30 | Report Abuse

take a position on Faber group or Tebrau Teguh (proxy to UEM Land) if
the counter hit bottom line. Don't forget see the volume and order book.


2013-01-07 18:23 | Report Abuse

don't be surprise. malaysia was choosed by retirement foreigner as Asian
no.1 and world third best for expatriat to feel safe haven. the survey on last year put malaysia in fourth place in world ranking and top in Asia.
It is a good testimony for our economy. Fat money and balooning wallet
keen to test how much malaysia is a "perfect desire" place to live. For
stock junkie, pick healthcare sector, property, banking, telcos or IPC
as accumulated share portfolio.

News & Blogs

2013-01-02 17:31 | Report Abuse

it is some sign of precautious measure ahead for market volatility
around the world (vix gjr-garch) >20% and have hook-up formation by
technical. the hot money was show his hand.the fund flow may be go
to park in another safe haven.


2013-01-02 14:23 | Report Abuse

malaysia msci etf is top ranking in term of consistently positif total
return for 10 years (covered by QVM LLC)among 15 country. For example,
it is still listed in Cincinatti Stock Exchanges (NSE), the oldest one
in US at 15.12 notion value. It reflect our market is stable and
resilient to global uncertainty. Strong domestic economy are the most
last bastion for us.Our blue chip company grabbed by many risk takers
not for gamble but for long term roe/roi etc.Just look at the plantation
stock, where the direction they are. Buy R.E.A Holding PLC, UK plantation
company in Kalimantan, not just palm oil but coal mining seekers.

News & Blogs

2013-01-02 07:41 | Report Abuse

ocx malaysia msci value at 15.14, vix 17.05%, stock in focus is
Plantation des Terres Rouges, IJM plnt. or TH (small cap.fair value), stock to watch is and CBIP

News & Blogs

2012-12-26 09:04 | Report Abuse

one chicago malaysia msci value 14.94, put option july next year
at 16(-0.10),buy asian plantation limited stock, sop or tws plnt,
look out ice canola price for direction

News & Blogs

2012-12-24 09:00 | Report Abuse

malaysia msci jan. 2013 call option at 15(+016), offshore currency in
focus chf/usd, plantation stock pick anglo-oriental plantation, stock
on the zoom is axiata (airtime sukuk asset value), penny stock is the
counter which have warrant stock (WA high swing volume with mother
share),long term buy still kulim or fgv

News & Blogs

2012-12-20 22:21 | Report Abuse

minus one or rock n roll.who is tuning the music? by the way, stock
in arbirage is axiata. stock in leverege is pchem. think where the
two counter is link. petronas is malaysian global viceroy not
in just triple digit trillion dollar industry but its
championing the human and social responsibility.dont believe
on any biased allegation. they just make useless provocation.
for the clue by sector, pick sapura kencana (midcap) or perisai
petroleum (fav. of hedgefund on oil and gas betting). remember
the world most highest benchmarking index price is still on
our offshore oil field.

News & Blogs

2012-12-12 13:18 | Report Abuse

foreign investor have poitive on malaysian economy. dont make more
trouble. stock market still up and down. its just money game by
market wizard. most important is how foreign investor rating our
economic management. it reflect our true wealth creation. the US
stock is still climb even downgraded by rating agency since obama
in oval office. why? he manage us economy on right way. dont believe seeking alpha advice. long one country and short other
country. just remember, keep out troublemaker from from this country.

News & Blogs

2012-12-11 08:38 | Report Abuse

vix index 6.87%(-18) vs 16.25% asian equity index, darkpool msci notion value 14.82, currency in focus hkd/sgd, buy credit suisse share portfolio
in case eur appreciate futher, long petronas counter on progress energy
price uptick, double long plantation stock on demand uptrend future for
cpo price(sarawak and sabah plantation stock)

News & Blogs

2012-12-09 22:41 | Report Abuse

the index vix is 6.64%(-0.20) vs 16% of asian equity index, darkpool msci value at 14.69, there is hook pattern by tecnical,
buy aberdeen asset mgmt share portfolio, long term stock call is
kulim, plantation stock is umcca, bousted or klk, remember by the
economy and not also the company, don't believe on easy money.


2012-12-05 21:38 | Report Abuse

go to pulau sipadan and have a nice holiday.

News & Blogs

2012-12-03 21:40 | Report Abuse

goldman sach just give underweight call to our its short sell
certain counter even at the lower price.they will tired because off shore
currency rule will not shelter their money anymore in safe place.


2012-11-07 21:07 | Report Abuse

look out for blk share portfolio and so-called 'obama basket stock'.
it can ruin the market on both side or maybe by darkpool hedged fd.