
ivchoong | Joined since 2013-08-29 10:32:46

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2013-12-11 12:20 | Report Abuse

Very obvious psychological play on by sharks. Post negative so called sharings to apply pressure & instigate defence rebuttal to acquire & ascertain cash payout info. :-D If not keen & hv no confidence in PMC why the continued persistent presence in this forum? Good sign for
all PMC faithfuls. :-)))


2013-12-02 12:31 | Report Abuse

It's a fantastic change this mornin to be able to read majority of postings are on PMC. No need to browse & search! Calvin, good to hear good news is round the corner. I joined Tudor ship when u were giving yr all to recruiting its crew & am till today still old faithful. Getting excited in anticipation of receiving Christmas present from KKP/PMC.
Ayamtua-how r you?


2013-11-25 13:30 | Report Abuse

Calvintaneng-I went to Tesco to replenish my Tudor dark choc (my 1st choice of choc-rich choc flavour & real creamy) & am sad to report. Only the Tudor dark chocs were placed on an easily to be sighted shelf. All others Tango etc were placed at the bottom shelf & were totally not noticeable. I understand that a certain fee has to be paid or better view shelves. Thus this area must be looked into urgently to warrant a good increase in the sales volume. Recommend weekend choc tasting promotions in supermarkets to create awareness.


2013-11-20 09:47 | Report Abuse

Calviintaneng-I concur with Tsurukame. PMCorp/NFI should consider cocoa power for a new product. I was a Milo consumer since childhood but hv switched to Vico cos Milo's choc content is very low - no choc taste, all sugar. If PM come out with a high quality choc powder, Will definitely be able to penetrate the market.


2013-11-19 17:31 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua....good to hv YOU back on board....ALL TUDORIANS ...I mean.


2013-11-19 17:29 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua-good to hv back on board. Hv been watching PMCorp blockbuster drama on the sideline. What great excitement & excruciating grinding of teeth at times! With Calvin manning the helm of our TUDOR GOLD ship, you Ayamtua & all loyal old & new Tudorians on board, let's all sail into calm & golden waters. Despite all the negative postings, I've been holding on to all my PMCorp shares & hv not sold a single share. HAVE FAITH & REMAIN LOYAL, ALL TUTORIALS. UNITED WE STAND & WE'LL CONQUER ALL!


2013-11-14 20:03 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua - ha ha ha u too excited lah! OR is it the Tudor Gold chocs u ate 2 days ago has worn out its positive effects & yr mind & vision blur blur hee hee hee. Anyway good to know u still hv positive sentiments on Tudor Gold u:-))


2013-11-14 11:09 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua-No captainship pls. Only small fish here trying to make some small profit for my golden yrs & to buy some Tudor chocs & crispys for tea breaks. Happy if all fellow Tudorians can make some profit too. One for all & all for one! Good luck to yr new additional vessels!


2013-11-14 10:15 | Report Abuse

What goes up must come down. Correction healthy. No straight line going up non stop. Similarly no straight downtrend too. Profit takers will come in for the kill when price is up. Similarly hopefuls will come in to buy at low bargain prices to make some gain. We r mist happy if all in this forum can make profit.


2013-11-14 09:58 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua-no need to feel bad! The money is yours & u hv the right to manage it. None should condemn. Of course we r affected by all the comments in this forum but final decision is still ours. At the end of it all, like in a movie, we will know who the real heros (sifus) are. Good luck to all loyal Tudorians!


2013-11-14 09:43 | Report Abuse

Limited shares in the market! With the massive turnover of profit takers flashed out these last 2 days, it should be a steady uptrend for Tudor Gold. Don't be panicked by all the negative remarks trying to push the price down for their pick up to make another round of profit. Long term investors should not hv to worry too much. Hold on. If you want to invest in any counter, hv faith in it!


2013-11-13 11:20 | Report Abuse

Just read Calvin's blog. His hp available from 12noon when he is in Iskandar Johor.


2013-11-13 10:35 | Report Abuse

Messi-if not directors who is buying?


2013-11-13 02:43 | Report Abuse

Healthy correction. Hopefully the profit takers hv been flushed out today. Then Tudor Gold can take off again tmrw.
Sifu Calvin-Great to hear from you.
Capital Ayamtua-Good for you! Strong, steadfast & faithful. I'm abroad TUDOR GOLD all the way with you.


2013-11-12 13:49 | Report Abuse

Invest118-u r hilarious! Tks for making me shake with laughter. Laughter is good for the soul esp during correction time when the seas get a little rough & many of our crew get sea sick. No worry! Our Doc Invest118 is eveready with his prescription of medicine-LAUGHTER! So u see Tudorians, no need to worry. We got specialists of all trades abroad. Smooth journey all the way to 1.00 Ayamtua Station....but with a
brief stop at 0.55 station for me to recoup my capital & some gain. Then my free shares all the way long term with you Ayamtua!


2013-11-12 12:51 | Report Abuse

Wise words from wise man! That's you, Sir Ayamtua! You deserve yr knighthood! What u say is true. You & all the other Sifus are here to guide & give us valid info, not as guarantors. We use
our own intuition & decision. Anyway, yr presence & all the other sifus will definitely give us assurance cos all of u can steer our Tudor Gold ship better & know the course well! Ayamtu, u pilot our ship, we will send you Tudor Gold, Tango & Crisp chocs everyday. Please let us know where yr yum yum tree is....we will come avisiting :-))


2013-11-12 12:05 | Report Abuse

Hee hee hee....hv to make some money to buy Tudor Gold chocs for daily consumption. Tudor Gold shares r for long term keep. Correct Sir Ayamtua ?


2013-11-12 11:56 | Report Abuse

If so definitely choc favoured ha ha ha! Sir Ayamtua make money from karex & buy more Tumor Gold?


2013-11-12 11:49 | Report Abuse

Could be having a nap under his fave yum yum tree. Needs some rejuvenation after all the daily excitement. Since mrkt correct, time for a breather & to prepare for recharge tmrw.


2013-11-12 11:31 | Report Abuse

Hello- Good for you! To all others who missed the earlier boats, now's the time to join in since it's market correction. If u don't, don't mourn when you see TUDOR GOLD uptrend tmrw.


2013-11-12 11:11 | Report Abuse

Sir Ayamtua, I'm behind you! My tp before I recoup my capital is 0.55. GO GO GO TUDOR GOLD ! UP UP UP TUDOR GOLD!


2013-11-12 09:51 | Report Abuse

Have faith in our TUDOR GOLD, Tudorian brothers & sisters. Have
confidence in Big Sifu Calvin, Sir Ayamtua & Capital mikekong55 who are keeping watch & guiding us all the way. With so much indepth research & studies been done on Tudor Gold, our faith should now be solid rock strong. Keep optimistic & all our united faith will ddefinitely push our TUDOR GOLD counter steadily up up up. A little red now &
then is healthy. In the absence of Big Sifu Calvin, follow the footsteps
of Kapitan mikekong55 & Sir Ayamtua; not forgetting we hv other much valued & experienced contributors in our TUDOR GOLDEN SHIP.


2013-11-11 13:27 | Report Abuse

Invest118-Yes Sir Ayamtua, mikekong55, mktwatch hv ndeed been fantastic guiding beacons & continue to contribute their invaluable
info & guidance. Thank you brothers!


2013-11-11 11:23 | Report Abuse

Calvin, you must come back to this forum. We still need you to steer our 5 STAR ship 'TUDOR GOLD' to TUDOR GOLD Paradise. All OUR OTHER SIFUS hv done a fantastic job, in yr absence, keeping & uplifting our confidence but yr 'TUDOR GOLD family want to celebrate & soar 'up up up' with you. Come on Tudor Gold brothers & sisters, let's roll out the red carpet to welcome KING CALVIN back!
To all OUR OTHER SIFUS - A BIG BIG THANK YOU to all if you fir being there with us with yr steely support!!


2013-11-08 13:36 | Report Abuse

Wah AyamTua! U already paper gain jadi
very very kaya. Can bcom Santa Claus & give Tudor Gold choc. :-))


2013-11-08 09:50 | Report Abuse

LIM- I queue @ .335 also cannot get yet! 0.33 Will be very hard to get.


2013-11-07 13:02 | Report Abuse

....& of cos to you Sir AyamTua ...UP UP UP TUDOR GOLD!


2013-11-07 12:59 | Report Abuse

AyamTua- Wah, can get knighted so fast yah? Not worthy of the title lah! Small fry only! The knighthood should go to heroes like Sifus CalvinTan, Mikekong55, OoiTeikBee etc. ....steady up up up Tumor Gold


2013-11-07 12:14 | Report Abuse

Have confidence in all our sifus. Hv added more 'Tudor Gold' to my collection @ .335 this morning. Come together one & all; together we make a formidable team. From now it's - Wake up Tudor Gold; Breakfast Tudor Gold; Lunch Tudor Gold; Dinner Tudor Gold; Sleep Tudor Gold; Dream Tudor Gold. No worry abt diabetes - herbal tea. + Tudor dark choc = good health :-)


2013-11-07 05:09 | Report Abuse

andychucky28/loki - basing on what fundamentals both yr comments? Appreciate feedback.


2013-11-06 12:13 | Report Abuse

Come on baby! Don't stop the uptrend! Stay green & up up slow & steady. I hv been waiting for you to fly for a lo....oo...ng lo...oo...ng time.


2013-11-06 11:59 | Report Abuse

To any Sifu for BJCorp - can pls give some latest info/prospect? Will price of BJCorp drop after listing of BJAuto?


2013-11-06 11:49 | Report Abuse

Ryan7642 & datuk - both gave favourable comments & support to BJCorp. Pls advice on present status & prospects for this share. Hv held this share for a long time & am on paper loss 100%. Very frustrated.


2013-11-05 08:57 | Report Abuse

Price drop from 0.455 & now stagnant. What's the near term outlook/potential like? Dying for some info. Some Scomi lovers pls feed me!


2013-11-05 08:50 | Report Abuse

What's the latest Langat 2/JAKS? Pls advice!


2013-11-01 13:48 | Report Abuse

We need Calvin! He is the zest & life of this forum. We r fully behind u, Calvin.


2013-11-01 09:29 | Report Abuse

Good morning to one & all! No latest updates. What's up???


2013-10-30 14:45 | Report Abuse

Yes! Yik fatt! Yik fatt up up sky high!


2013-10-29 13:21 | Report Abuse

Tq one & all for yr feedback. Looks like it's thumbs down for BJ Auto & BJ Corp from all of u. Won't bother abt the blue forms then.


2013-10-28 12:42 | Report Abuse

Would appreciate some advice. Given the option, is it more advisable to invest in the mother share BJ Corp as to applying for BJ Auto????


2013-10-22 10:02 | Report Abuse

Can anyone update on the reasons for the present up price & increase in volume transactions? Hv been holding this warrant for some time. Shall I hold on? Any upcoming good news? Tq


2013-10-07 14:05 | Report Abuse

Fortunebull-Good for u! Good health is already on yr side.


2013-10-07 13:44 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng- Kudos to u! I hv been a silent follower of this social forum. I'm amazed by yr info sharing generosity & talents - Wow! Not only r u a detailed analyst but a dietician as well!! U r right! Black/dark chocs r very good for the health esp the heart-confirmed by professional dieticians. Looking forward to this good health product though for all in this forum. Dark chocs + upside PM Corp price = LAUGHTER/HAPPINESS (Definitely good for the hearthealth & longevity) :-)


2013-10-07 11:30 | Report Abuse

leelc70- Tq for the info on BJAuto


2013-09-04 11:42 | Report Abuse

OBT, u not into KPS shares? What's yr opinion if buy in now at the current price?


2013-08-29 10:49 | Report Abuse

Whatever said & done both positively & negatively, I learnt much from u guys' sharings. Just sold all my khsb @ 0.835 which I hv been holding for umpteen yrs. What a relief! Tks OBT for yr constructive sharings. Wished I had discovered this blog earlier then could hv made some 'kuih muih' pocket money! Come on guys let's make this an educational blog with a common aim to make profits & not to turn it into a battlefield. For better or for worse, at the end of the day the final decision is yrs to make. Hi to everyone & lets make some bucks together!