
jakeT | Joined since 2016-02-02

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4 days ago | Report Abuse

should i continue hold or sell? hold 2 months but look like going up soon


1 month ago | Report Abuse

hahaha typical retailers, lose money = management crooks. win money = goreng goreng


2 months ago | Report Abuse

sanction your head la. repek je tau


2 months ago | Report Abuse

this stock macam can go further upside. bought abit today cuba cuba


2024-08-28 14:30 | Report Abuse

always remember, when people ask u to sell, think why are they being so good-hearted to ask u sell.

Most of these guys are cybertroopers.

If u think the company is good, buy. Simple as that.


2024-07-10 17:15 | Report Abuse

I have never seen anyone in the market who would purposely and actively come out and "warn" people out of good fate if he/she has nothing to gain. Especially, creating a new account to comment for that specific counter.

The udang belakang itu batu banyak besar...


2024-05-30 10:19 | Report Abuse

anyone attended their agm today?


2023-10-11 18:20 | Report Abuse

announcement said Ramssol would be able to cross sell ERP solutions. So maybe previously Ramssol was unable to sell ERP, but with Gosaas, Ramssol can sell these products.
Overall should be good news for the company


2023-10-02 13:54 | Report Abuse

Coming soon, think this week will rocket


2023-09-20 20:00 | Report Abuse

something related to anti-corruption... should be good as it aligns with the government's direction to combat corruption


2023-08-07 09:53 | Report Abuse

early morning, coconut and OKU come work in forum to make people sell MST for them to collect


2023-07-24 14:35 | Report Abuse

the company has all the tailwind at its back.

Utility - tariff up = profit up
O&G - oil price back to healthy level = more O&G activities
RE - government pushing RE initiative. More RE projects to come


2023-07-21 10:39 | Report Abuse

hahaha OKU another on9 fella, all IPO also sunset industry for him


2023-07-13 10:56 | Report Abuse

they dont produce golf equipment...


2022-01-05 11:41 | Report Abuse

I agree their coming quarter should be significantly higher. Previous commodities pricing were at peak level and should be reflected in this coming q result


2021-12-31 17:08 | Report Abuse

RHB technical wise says ok? time to rocket?


2021-12-08 14:05 | Report Abuse


as the market recovers, Impiana potentially benefits from its hospitality side. Combining with the latest collaboration with a HRM company, there could be some synergy at play


2021-11-23 20:06 | Report Abuse


Have been monitoring this company for awhile now. A very interesting niche company indeed.

FYI to all that isn't aware, they are a reseller for Zoom and Feets (something similar to Zoom but better). Combo with covid issue, people would definitely opt for virtual meetings/classes. And I was right, results were up. I expect next quarter would be the same


2021-11-22 22:52 | Report Abuse

"The new 15,000 sq ft mega store features a new experiential concept, which includes a stroller test track, babywearing zone, baby gear cleaning services, and nursery advisors, promising shoppers a visual and tactile experience that will help them make better purchasing decisions.

Incorporating real-life elements allows shoppers to test out products before purchasing them properly, inspirational nursery room sets let parents envision how the new additions to their nests may look."

I believe the MD is mimicking the same strategy he pulled in Singapore


2021-11-14 22:49 | Report Abuse


Another good read about the travel industry, kinda encored what I shared earlier in my article


2021-11-11 22:27 | Report Abuse

the announcement said they are not going to classify as PN17, please read and dont spread rumours


2021-08-15 17:33 | Report Abuse

Is PN16 because it doesnt have a business model now.. doesn't mean straight kaput. the company sudah PN16 lama sudah laaa..Probably the CF team didn't submit sufficient info to regulatory for approval
if price tmr continue to drop then lari, but if is continue to stable, means shark sudah makan ur ticket


2021-07-12 14:18 | Report Abuse

apa cooking sini? sedap lauk coming or sudah hangus??


2021-07-12 14:12 | Report Abuse

haha how can be same like serba... cypark is selling energy back to TNB. So u saying TNB is non-existent ke?


2021-06-22 23:58 | Report Abuse

told u guys oledi, u really think kpmg is really good mehh, SHOPLOT AUDITOR ONLY AR


2021-06-21 18:27 | Report Abuse

dont worry, usually when company announce private placement, share price sure float within that range for price fixing. Once fix liao, then BOOOOM BOOOOM.

Those believe in solar then stay put, those don't believe, then byebye. dont talk so much cock and say 50c


2021-06-02 17:41 | Report Abuse

HAHAHAHAHAH, u are officially my new favorite idol hahahahahah. BERPANTUN PULAKKK

Here's are some statistics:

Mabel Energy : 75 % of Mabel Battleships & Super tankers closed Green today
Mabel Plantation: 75% of Mabel Plantation closed Green Today
Mabel Healthcare: 91% of Mabel Healthcare closed Green Today
Mabel Technology: 60% of Mabel Technology closed Green Today.

Summing up:

Serba only retrace one sen with another fantastic volume while Brent has already breaches USD 70..

Serba Dinamik saham berkualiti,
Tak payah tengok forum Hari Hari,
Issues KPMG bagi ruang untuk tambah lagi
Kalau tak berani jangan jadi Amoi di sini..

For those who decided to run, please run and take shelter at the Plantation. Come and join us at the plantation. Weather is beautiful and CPO is doing great. It's a great opportunity to feed 8 billion people across the planet. As long as CPO is trading above RM 3,000 we can expect windfall profits for the coming quarter.. Currently CPO prices is at its best..


2021-06-01 21:52 | Report Abuse

waaa sifu, teach me how can ?

If the buaya can fake a 3b sales, you think it's hard to fake stock transactions too?


2021-06-01 21:05 | Report Abuse

Holy crap. today's volume is crazy. definitely shark has enter. Those that bought, congrats. I believe the top 10 shareholders all sudah pakat. Dont dump your tickets now!!


2021-06-01 17:37 | Report Abuse

The drama continues!!! So tomorrow, up or down my fellow guru guru? I also want to get into some action!


2021-06-01 16:59 | Report Abuse

Agree. the company is in the retail industry and although under such dire situation, the company is still paying dividend. Respect!!!

Imagine if u hold longer term, the dividend payment increase in tandem. Better than FD and comparable to EPF dividend


2021-05-31 23:21 | Report Abuse

for the love of christ/Allah/guanyima, to all shareholders please just sell to these sharks la... without them, the share price wont move upwards also...


2021-05-31 23:20 | Report Abuse

waaaa, the drama continues hahah shareholders vs non-shareholders!!!!


2021-05-30 22:11 | Report Abuse

@emsvsi hahahaah this guy also wan kepoh and promote here hahhahaah


2021-05-30 14:07 | Report Abuse

aiyaaa this stockraider alrdy famous for talk cock sing song since early alrdy 1. those that really follow him will 80% of the time end up in Holland.

Those who want travel to Europe, can follow stockraider laaaa, can bring u go Holland.. good good ar, can still travel even MCO hahahahaha


2021-05-29 23:34 | Report Abuse

*still eating my popcorn*

so many experts and sin kaa here. But what happen to Chef Karim? still cooking roti canai ke?


2021-05-29 23:34 | Report Abuse

I don't know why the argument still persists. obviously the one that thinks serba is right are shareholders while those feeding negative news and asking ppl sell are ikan jerung wan collect at lower price. if not they stay here chui suiii mehh!!!

But dont mind me, I just love drama. MCO now ntg to do.


2021-05-29 21:25 | Report Abuse

Personally, i think is a goood buy if it limits down on Monday. is a damn good bet

Unless kpmg comes out with more info then story might change


2021-05-29 16:55 | Report Abuse

from the leaks and print screen in telegram, in summary, it seems like the auditors macam slow in their duties and not serba trying to hide.

Who else got more info??


2021-05-29 15:37 | Report Abuse

ChefKarim, mali, i nak tengok how u do roti canai


2021-05-29 13:45 | Report Abuse

i enjoy reading all the comments posted here. So imaginative and assuming they have all the information.

let me get more popcorn first


2021-05-29 12:37 | Report Abuse

LOL, this is so BS. i can say the same where u can talk negatively to encourage more weak holders to sell for u to collect.

This is like TopGlove all over again. Those that attacked the auditor and say Serba is a good company probably have lots of money invested in Serba. They just hope to get out without losing too much.

Just like TopGlove's supporters attacking vaccine and shares those conspiracy theories. Now Serbian attack the auditor and whatnot.

Have you learn your lesson from TopGlove? The lesson is market sentiments matter more than anything. When a stock is down-trending, dont swim against the tide. Cutting losses is better than losing everything. The trend is not your friend now.


2021-05-29 12:28 | Report Abuse

waaaahhh stockraider here liao. confirm limit up liao Monday


2021-05-29 11:40 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker no, my point is how credible is Truecaller to verify one's identity? is it even a NORM for an audit firm to conduct their verification using this 3rd party app?


2021-05-29 11:11 | Report Abuse


" (C) Further information relating to customer and supplier in Bahrain

Office address cannot be located on physical site for the supplier and customer

KPMG has noted fax contact number of the customer as indicated in the official website is registered under one of the group’s employee but using ‘Truecaller’ application.

Serba Dinamik’s reply:

KPMG has sighted the wrong address and accordingly management had on May 6, 2021 provided KPMG with the right address.

Management had provided KPMG with the official telecommunication bill from the provider."

Who the hell uses truecaller to do their audit??? and if u went to the wrong address, get the correct address and go verify again laa. my 6 years old also know what to do laaa


2021-05-29 10:49 | Report Abuse

hahaha so many trollers and sin kaaa lann here