
kanagaraj18 | Joined since 2016-11-05

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2017-02-24 15:07 | Report Abuse

Yes i agree.Must go with the flow and not against it. Let the big players dispose first. No point rushing now else the small timers will get cut.


2017-02-24 14:58 | Report Abuse

Falling knife? The price keep dropping.


2017-02-22 16:53 | Report Abuse

No cut loss today except those who bought at 0.55 but don't worry, the ship will continue to sail as long as the Sabah Oilfield deal becomes successful.


2017-02-22 16:30 | Report Abuse

traderman sometimes we need advice from all angle although we prefer to hear positive things. Let calvintaneng condemn Hibiscus. Hibiscus must perform to show otherwise.


2017-02-22 16:22 | Report Abuse

Thanks calvintaneng on the Mudajaya comment. If you can ascertain anything, please do comment in Mudajaya. Thanks.


2017-02-22 16:20 | Report Abuse

The big players are creating panic selling now to chase the small investors away. So all small investors, please run away if your heart is too weak. Then don't comeback here.


2017-02-22 15:49 | Report Abuse

IronShirt, it is Shell's portion. Shell indicated that there is abundant gas reserve below Sabah waters. If the deal can push through then this company will make solid profit. Now most people don't realize that Petronas has built a gas processing plant at Sabah which was completed in 2014 along with a 300MW gas fired power plant. Many people say that the oilfield is exhausted, if so why did Petronas invested at Sabah? Shell agreed to sell it but last year, around end November they mentioned that they might be interested to comeback. Now the only thing is, Hibiscus must somehow complete the acquisition to be a profitable company.


2017-02-22 15:24 | Report Abuse

Alfonso can you takeover the management? I will be your sidekick. Let's work together to revive the Indian project and close the deal. This company has good prospect but unfortunately no knowledge to run the business. Nowadays people with experience are useless because the whole world is only looking for experience and not knowledge.


2017-02-22 15:18 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng, what is your opinion about Mudajaya since you are watching construction sector? Can you please visit Mudajaya? Your noble intention is very much appreciated.


2017-02-22 15:16 | Report Abuse

John Lu, must have Yin and Yang. It is impossible to get everyone to support this counter. Let the Yin do its work and Yang perform and then there will be a balance.


2017-02-22 15:12 | Report Abuse

B4b4 like to run off at mouth without clear facts. I anticipated that it won't have as claimed by B4b4. Apparently, B4b4 sold all the shares and go hiding. Heck, no one even knows if B4b4 has any shares here. B4b4, where are you?


2017-02-22 14:58 | Report Abuse

The big players are getting the smaller players out today because it seems like Hibiscus is withholding some good news. So if you can't wait better exit now and don't comeback.


2017-02-22 14:45 | Report Abuse

People don't get excited. Today's trading is in danger zone. Anything can happen at this point but for long term investor, the grandest news will be Sabah Oilfield successful acquisition. Those who attack this stock has every right to attack it until the completion of acquisition. After the acquisition, i guess no one can come here to run their mouth. By the way, where is B4b4?


2017-02-20 10:58 | Report Abuse

thinkfirst, you are absolutely right. I have said it before, the previous profit was solely from taxation and exchange rate. I want to see what magic they are going to do now.


2017-02-20 10:17 | Report Abuse

BountyHunter, there is no bounty in this counter. Many said this counter is going to fly high or already flying high but fail to mention that they are flying kite.


2017-02-20 10:14 | Report Abuse

We need calvintaneng here to do some analysis.


2017-02-20 10:11 | Report Abuse

thinkfirst, two more hurdles to go. One is the quarterly report and the next is Sabah oilfield acquisition. They have to pass the quarterly report to stay at current price. I don't know what magic they are about to make this time. If the Sabah oilfield acquisition is not successful, then Hibiscus will spell disaster.


2017-02-20 09:59 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng mentioned before don't trust Hibiscus. What he said is taking effect. Sifu calvintaneng, what is your opinion about Mudajaya?


2017-01-20 17:07 | Report Abuse

yes, for sure will drop like what sifu calvintaneng said. Please don't take risk with this counter if you have no confidence. Calvintaneng has already warned.


2017-01-20 16:36 | Report Abuse

stockmanmy is very analytical until he can see the deals that Petronas is going to give UMWOG. Good, very experienced.


2017-01-20 13:48 | Report Abuse

No stocks can create warren buffet. That time has long gone. If warren buffet would start now, he would not be successful. People have changed, people are now more advanced than before which leaves you very little space to make money however if you are LUCKY then i guess it is possible to earn a bit but not to warren buffet extent.


2017-01-20 12:12 | Report Abuse

B4b4, very optimistic. See what stockmanmy said, UMWOG is anytime better because although they are now in bad shape, look at how their management strategize to sustain the company. This is called experienced management.


2017-01-20 11:53 | Report Abuse

stockmanmy is confident with UMWOG. I guess the Sabah Shell is either with Shell or sold to UMWOG or SKPetrol or better and stronger companies. Correct stockmanmy? No wonder operator in Hibiscus is cashing out because no confidence with the deal.


2017-01-20 10:57 | Report Abuse

Ha Ha Ha, just wait, Hibiscus can outperform other stocks to stay on number one for the highest volume traded.


2017-01-20 10:28 | Report Abuse

Sifu calvintaneng is here too. Guys sifu calvintaneng has warned about Hibiscus shares and it has been on the downtrend. Please listen to calvintaneng, he is the savior HOWEVER i will only take his advice for sell call not for buy call. Stay HAPPY and CHEERS!!


2017-01-20 10:21 | Report Abuse

oh crap i thought stockmanmy said UMW is a good stock, but today crashed. Holy crap!! Hibiscus, so what is going to happen to you? Sifu calvintaneng has warned all the investors.


2017-01-19 17:13 | Report Abuse

Your statement of stealing from oil giants is ambiguous because Hibiscus have to jointly operate with Petronas. Petronas has to endorse the deal before Hibiscus can mobilize to the field.


2017-01-19 17:11 | Report Abuse

stockmanmy, what is your take on Shell's statement about the abundant gas reserves below Sabah and Sarawak waters? This statement came out in newspaper. Also what about Petronas which is operating a 300MW gas power plant and has a gas processing plant at Kimanis, Sabah? Please advice.


2017-01-19 16:56 | Report Abuse

stockmanmy is right, next Petronas shares will crash because they have invested billions to built a gas processing plant and a power plant in Sabah thinking that they can extract gas out of the Sabah oilfield. Poor planning, no wonder Shell wants to sell its portion to Hibiscus BUT Shell recently said that there is abundant gas reserves in Sabah and Sarawak. Stockmanmy, can you please explain why did Shell made this reversal comment? I think there is a problem with the deal and there are chances Shell might want to retain their position. That can limit Hibiscus share price.


2017-01-19 15:48 | Report Abuse

This stock is simply being too sentimental. Like B4b4 said, oil price is above $50, what is the worry? Please don't say Trump and oil price. How can Reach and Bumi Armada prices are higher than Hibiscus? Doesn't oil price or Trump sentiment affect them? People are talking as if Hibiscus is the largest O&G player in the world and a little bit drop in oil price or Trump is going to shatter this company. Come on guys...


2017-01-19 15:42 | Report Abuse

Magneto, this game has been around for few months. Just that the price was slowly lifted up. If you observe in October/November 2016, there was a period where they played this game with a heavy volume.


2017-01-19 15:38 | Report Abuse

WHAT!?!? MrRoy, i thought you sold off your Hibiscus to buy AAX. Since when you conquer Hibiscus? By the way, have you found sweet potato at AAX? You want more sweet potato, you come here?


2017-01-19 14:07 | Report Abuse

B4b4 honestly tell me, do you think the share movement is due to the public? Do you think the public is going to determine the price of this share. Hibiscus keep disappointing me because what people like calvintaneng said is happening or at least that is the trend. Remember what i say months ago, if this company is dead serious about their business, their management would go all out and not float so many shares.


2017-01-19 11:41 | Report Abuse

nekosan, please tell me, who do you trust, Hibiscus operator or sifu calvintaneng? You have seen the share movement for the past few days? The operator is waiting to drop the bomb anytime soon and that is why calvintaneng is here as a savior. The sell down on last Friday and Monday was just a trailer by the operator and they have yet to release the main picture. By the way, i never buy stocks proposed by anyone. I go with my own feeling. Why should you buy on a buy call. It is your money to decide however when people are trying to save you from damage like calvintaneng is doing, it is better to sell. Moreover the pattern is showing a sell down and endorses what calvintaneng says. I am sure many here are quietly following what calvintaneng is saying by running away. Am i right?


2017-01-19 11:21 | Report Abuse

B4b4, giving false hope again. Did you see what calvintaneng said? This company has no value according to calvintaneng and that is why the operator is playing hide and seek. Continuously creating tremor.


2017-01-19 10:54 | Report Abuse

Thank you calvintaneng. Finally, you have spoken. Hibiscus management, if you are seeing this comment, please take note. Your operator show will not work anymore as the expert has put a value of ZERO to your company. PublicInvest Research, please learn from sifu calvintaneng. You have no idea about Hibiscus and yet you write article to give people hope. Calvintaneng, thank you again for your kind advise. I will take note of it.


2017-01-19 10:48 | Report Abuse

kakashi, doing good. Asking people to run so you can pick up at lower price?


2017-01-19 10:46 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng, you don't have a concrete reason to back up your points and you simply ask people to run. Forget about others, i trust you. If you can tell me the fair price then i will run. Don't give flimsy excuse by saying no time. If you have time to come here to ask people to run, i am sure you do have time to analyse and provide your expert opinion. Back to my question, WHAT IS THE FAIR PRICE FOR HIBISCUS?


2017-01-19 10:32 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng, do you understand what i am asking? Answer my question if you honestly want to save me from Hibiscus. WHAT IS THE FAIR PRICE OF HIBISCUS? I don't believe the article by Public Research. I want to hear from you.


2017-01-19 10:27 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng, answer my question. What is the fair price of hibiscus? I know you have a noble motive to save the investors. Please tell me.


2017-01-19 10:25 | Report Abuse

calvintaneng, honestly tell me how much this share is worth? RM0? The way you and comical MrRoy talk as if this company is worthless. Please enlighten everyone with fair share price before asking to run.


2017-01-17 16:45 | Report Abuse

kakashi solid man. I am holding Hibiscus for more than 2 years. I sold in between when it was trading at RM0.39, made profit and buy back at RM0.38. I am still holding, no panic as i am looking at long term investment. When i first buy the shares in 2014, it was only for one reason and I am still in because of that one reason. Nothing to do with oil or Trump although there are side effects from both.


2017-01-17 16:03 | Report Abuse

ezobear, please don't be a boogeyman. After you scare all the confident shareholders to create another sell down.


2017-01-17 15:44 | Report Abuse

thinkfirst, you just realize that? I am sorry for you man. I have said before, B4b4 sometimes bantai the facts. I am surprised with the statements made but i was impressed with level of confidence but unfortunately B4b4 sold off his significant shares in Hibiscus that caused a sell down last Friday and created a tremor or a chaos or rather a panic situation among the Hibiscus circle.


2017-01-17 15:33 | Report Abuse

B4b4 cashed out to repay loan. Now take new loan and re-enter because suddenly saw Hibiscus can be a good investment. Correct B4b4?


2017-01-17 15:17 | Report Abuse

No confidence, better sell. Trump's move cannot be judged by Friday. It will take sometime, maybe months.


2017-01-17 15:01 | Report Abuse

Get ready, the show is about to start soon. Let's see how Hibiscus can perform. Operator please begin your fabulous show.


2017-01-17 13:55 | Report Abuse

I heard the machine is already in operation. Why are they not releasing the good news? Is Mudajaya trying to sell the power plant and that's why don't want to release any news about the power plant?


2017-01-17 13:46 | Report Abuse

The real show will start at 4pm. Don't jump into the bandwagon yet. For those who panic and run or ask others to run, please don't take risk to re-enter. It is not just worth it like what many ELITE stock traders say.


2017-01-17 12:04 | Report Abuse

Guys no offence, but i think the stock price will saturate here. If there is a sudden uptrend, then must watch out, don't get trapped. Especially when many are mentioning about ang pow for Chinese New Year.