
kisord | Joined since 2021-12-17

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1 week ago | Report Abuse

once it breaks through 1.40, it will go all the way up to 2.00


1 week ago | Report Abuse

if it drops below RM1.00 tomorrow, it is not a good sign at all.😥so hopefully, it will stay above RM1.00


1 week ago | Report Abuse

holy cow, the results were terrible and there is no way you could buy at 0.5 sen to get your jackpot. do you know how long the 0.5 sen buy queue is. wake up.🤣


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

if it turns red at end of the day, it is definitely not a good sign for the rest of the week.😥


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

looks like it is heading downwards towards 60 sen😓


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

it doesn't look good presently. only an amicable settlement assisted by politics will help cmsb to minimise their losses. who knows when will they turn a profit at the phosphate plant. locals seem to take things for grant compared to outsider like Press Metal who somehow can make huge profits.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

we should have asked where are all the oil???


1 month ago | Report Abuse

will the rising ringgit affects or wipe off the profits of its sales to US based customers ?😣


1 month ago | Report Abuse

0.00 x millions or billions is still equals to 0.00. 😄in fact the company wastes money doing such an exercise as it costs money without any benefits at all. So the value goes down further. Better for them to focus on improving the operations of its businesses.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I am really surprised that the share has very heavy volume traded yet its price hardly changed at all. Quite abnormal behavior.🤔


2024-06-07 05:44 | Report Abuse

The shortage is in the east coast of Sabah. The new cement plant of CMSB is located in Sarawak which is too far from there. Borneo Oil Bhd has built a new cement plant there but it is still not fully operational yet.


2024-04-22 10:24 | Report Abuse

Haha. If it is a jackpot you are dreaming about, your return will not be 50 -300% , It will be more than 10x or 20x higher. But it will take a long time to happen. Can you wait for a decade or two or forever ?


2024-04-20 09:41 | Report Abuse

This company is losing money. Its future is bleak. Everyone invested in it has lost a lot of money and all its shareholders has lost much sum. If you think gold price is going up, it is safer to invest in Pohkong and Tomei instead since both these companies are making money from its gold business. So be very cautious and don’t be greedy.


2024-04-19 09:36 | Report Abuse

All punters have been killed now. Every one who bought this share suffers huge losses including the CEO himself. Just avoid this loss making company till they are profitable again.


2024-04-15 10:50 | Report Abuse

it will still be on the drawing board for a thousand years.


2024-04-03 10:09 | Report Abuse

still in hibernation mode. this creature doesn't know it is spring time now.


2024-03-27 22:07 | Report Abuse

they dug out only 0.5 gram of gold, so price dropped back to 0.5 sen at close.😂


2024-03-26 16:37 | Report Abuse

whether the price is 0.5 sen or 5 sen or even 50 sen, no one will ever notice it. It is just invisible to all.


2024-03-26 12:08 | Report Abuse

If a tree were to fall in an uninhabited island, would there be any sound ?.. So who will ever notice the noise created by this high volume ?. It is just a total waste of effort, just like digging for gold.


2024-03-24 13:34 | Report Abuse

My 100,00 shares are Still queueing.🥲


2024-03-22 09:31 | Report Abuse

Alchemists have been trying to turn metal into gold. So if this company can do reverse engineering to turn their piles of rock back into gold, they will become famous.😂


2024-03-22 09:28 | Report Abuse

Dreaming about gold at the beginning but now all Bury under a pile of rocks🥲


2024-03-21 21:49 | Report Abuse

I think everyone who had bought this stock before and hold onto it have lost money and their pants too. So is there any reason such shareholders will want to buy even at lelong price. Those who sold early are lucky to have recouped at least some of their investment. It is now so toxic that only a lunatic will buy it. anyone who buys now at 1 sen will suffer a 50% loss if he wants to sell it. There is just no interest in this counter at all. No gold, only rocks.


2024-03-21 16:59 | Report Abuse

Your method is too complicated, Alex. I think it is hard to buy at half sen unless you have queue for a long time. so i will just average down a bit at 1 sen when I have the cash to do so next month.


2024-03-21 09:50 | Report Abuse

those who have the foresight to queue to buy at half sen early is smart. Now the buy queue is so long that it is unlikely that i will get to buy them. It has to be some big funds that are lining up to buy at half sen. we can only average down at one sen. no more fund to average down my high holding cost of this stock. have to wait till next month to use my entertainment money to buy some more.


2024-03-20 15:03 | Report Abuse

i think there is still gold on the ground but they lost a ton of money trying to mine the gold as the cost is higher than its selling price. The more they tried to mine gold, the higher their losses. they should just focus on mining their limestone hills instead of the gold mine. The share has lost almost all its value from 10 sen 10 years ago to only 0,5 sen now. it was all fools' gold. what can minorities like us do other to just accept the losses and hope it can recover one day.😥


2024-03-20 09:34 | Report Abuse

If the cheerleader ceo himself also dares not buy now even at 1 sen, who in the right mind will want to buy now. Can’t do much now except to pray for rainmaker to come.🥲


2024-03-19 19:03 | Report Abuse

There is hardly any information about the company's affairs in their financial announcements. I hope they can be more transparent especially if they are issuing huge number of shares at low prices. Minorities have no powers nor rights to such information unless the management are willing to share with us. Hard to decide whether to average down or just take almost total losses on this gold digger. The name is a misnomer. There is no place called Borneo on new maps nor does the company has anything to do with oil at all. Why do they still called it Borneo Oil Bhd.😣 The company should be renamed to reflect its present status.


2024-03-19 17:13 | Report Abuse

maybe better wait for the ceo to lead the way before averaging down. tough decision.😥


2024-03-19 17:04 | Report Abuse

it is so low that it might make sense to just buy more and average down my high cost of holding them for so many years and hopefully just recoup more of my cost once it bounce back up again. 😥


2024-03-19 16:20 | Report Abuse

What is PN17? can it drop below half a sen ?😮


2024-03-18 20:30 | Report Abuse

With a huge loss of nearly RM87 million in the last quarter results, even the usual constant share support of the CEO has gone. Either he is out of funds or out of guts or possibly both. He has tried hard to give support but to no avail. The share just keep dropping like gravity. Hard to believe that it can go so low to only half a sen. wow, it is one of my worst investment ever.☹


2024-03-15 21:02 | Report Abuse

this is like checking into Hotel California.😢


2024-03-14 11:19 | Report Abuse

I never imagine it can go to only 0.5 sen if I want to get out. 😢 so what to do next ? Average down my cost by buying some more or just throw in the towel.😵


2024-03-13 10:26 | Report Abuse

Now can sell only for 0.5 sen only. what a huge loss.😢those who bought 10 years ago at 10 sen is suffering a huge loss. investing in gold mining is just a fool's game. Cut losses now or wait for another 10 years.


2024-03-01 10:12 | Report Abuse

does it make sense to cut loss at this low level ? Shouldn't one double up and average down the cost. It is unlikely to see a Sarawakian company to fail with so much monopolistic powers. It just need some decent management to get things right again.


2023-07-19 15:40 | Report Abuse

cmsb might soon have no monopoly on cement a few years from now but cmsb still is still very much undervalued at RM1. No need to panic, just have patience.


2022-07-15 14:51 | Report Abuse

All around me, People said every thing is going up in prices. I said not true. The ringgit is going down in prices and so are the stock market prices. So relax la.


2022-07-13 10:11 | Report Abuse

just hang in there, bro.


2022-07-13 10:10 | Report Abuse

collateral damage from SD ?


2022-06-11 16:29 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately I had entered the trap too earlier and now cannot escape from its vortex. Just a caution to fellow investors who don't have the lifespan of Aquaman.


2022-06-10 22:56 | Report Abuse

This is a gigantic cockroach trap. If you enter it, you will need Superman to drag you out. The bait is just too tempting. If you have the lifespan of Aquaman, maybe it is worth the wait.


2022-06-08 06:38 | Report Abuse

I guess all the warrants will most likely go to zero eventually as more rounds of new shares via private placement or ESOS cannot be ruled out. So it is prudent to just get back whatever money you can by selling all your warrants now and if you still have faith in the company's future , you should just buy the ordinary shares with the proceeds.


2022-03-24 10:51 | Report Abuse

The stock has been dropping for a while and I guess most of the investors are losing money now. Need more patience perhaps.


2022-03-24 10:48 | Report Abuse

interesting, May I know how you know about RSS and PDTs short selling in this counter ? What is the cumulative shorts now ? Thank you for your guidance.


2022-03-18 10:00 | Report Abuse

This has to be one of the most promising companies in the KLSE for the next few years. Most of the crude oil deposits in Malaysia are located in Sarawak and now that Sarawak has mostly taken back its mineral rights from Petronas, it could mean huge business potential for local Sarawakian oil servicing companies instead of West Malaysian Malay owned companies. The local Sarawakian people finally has their own opportunities to benefit from their local resources. No wonder the MD came back on board last year. I just don't understand why its share price has been dropping to this low level. Few believers yet, perhaps.


2022-03-07 16:40 | Report Abuse

At this valuation, is there any pride left ?.


2022-02-22 10:04 | Report Abuse

could it go back to RM1 again this year ?


2022-02-07 10:15 | Report Abuse

thanks for the explanation.


2022-02-06 14:27 | Report Abuse

Why on one propose a resolution at every agm to have the company wind up and distribute the proceeds so that the full value of the NAV is fully realized?. Any legal obstacles to propose such a shareholder resolution at agm ?