
metalmonk | Joined since 2011-09-26 17:26:59

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2016-09-30 17:24 | Report Abuse

common.. after going up... profit taking.. or opportunity to accumulate..


2016-04-01 11:12 | Report Abuse

Think it will be end of year when results shows outstanding when all the expansion are completed..


2016-03-21 11:37 | Report Abuse

bonus issue?


2016-01-22 11:00 | Report Abuse

yup, long term holders dont have to worry. with the newly finished factory expansion, and future quarter results, it will be another profitable years ahead


2015-12-18 16:14 | Report Abuse

play for short term. unless they can show consistent performance when usd and ringgit went back to normal rates. Even profit jump are not so high if you look quarter to quarter.


2015-11-25 16:42 | Report Abuse

even daibochi went quite a bit.. seems that overall plastic industry is getting hot.. so dont be surprise scientex will be going higher..


2015-08-13 09:35 | Report Abuse

It's back to 7.00, so those that not fearful would earn when you buy yesterday... :)


2015-08-12 16:23 | Report Abuse

can't blame as its almost all stock counters are down... panic selling.. as warren buffet said, “Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful”


2015-04-01 16:26 | Report Abuse

this counter, no hope.. no catalyst and seems unlikely to get any contract on towers. if its going to get it, it would happen 2 years ago


2014-11-28 16:30 | Report Abuse

don't think its oversold yet. it will stabilize and trade sideways, then when another news of oil price drop, then it will follow again.. it's still searching for a bottom.


2014-11-28 15:45 | Report Abuse

immediate company that profit from low oil price is big consumers of oil to do manufacturing or provide service..

Plastic company and Airline..


2014-11-28 15:29 | Report Abuse

Its better to sell and buy back when the global oil outlook are improving. It's very clear now OPEC are not caring about profit now and want to get market share and destroy shale oil companies so that they can be in control again on the petrol price. As its keep on bottomming, no benefit holding out.


2014-11-13 10:21 | Report Abuse

was there news major shareholder increased their stakes?


2014-10-17 15:06 | Report Abuse

if they dont recover today, then it will be very bad sentiments, so it will move sideways, up and down.. unless there momentum to push it higher


2014-10-16 11:14 | Report Abuse

retail and foreign selling but then someone buying.. notice there 1000 lot bought.. for 324,000.. those buying will laugh at the end..


2014-10-15 18:05 | Report Abuse

accumulate slowly as we wont know when it will be lowest, deechan. GEnerally, this is driven by few factors, oil price dropped to 80per barrel, end of QE3 in october, rise of us dollar, this cause whole global outlook bad.. oil price will not recover so fast as demand is falling but there so much oil in stock.. libya oil supply threat is non existing now, so their supply is restored, the thread of supply stop in iraq due to civil unrest didnt happen, so price will continue drop. US is producing oil and is forecast to exceed saudi arab.. but in US, they produce from the gulf and shale which is expensive to produce (estimate cost is 70 to 80 usd per barrel to produce).. but if price keep dropping US will stop as there is no incentive to produce at a lost.. that why the OPEC announce they are happy if price oil stay within 80 for longer period.. is to destroy the US companies and then they restrict supply again and then price will shoot up again.. Oil price will not maintain forever at this level unless its crash of the economies from US, China, which are the top oil consumers..

Sk petro are earning based on service contracts, and this are signed contracts aand thus wont impact the price of their services, vessels and etc.. only those not on long term contract will be impacted but this should be managable, most ppl are selling because of panic and not really understanding the reason and impact of it..


2014-10-14 17:26 | Report Abuse

im not promise, im just stating the risks and reason why it dropped.. i'm not recomended it.. i recomend growth stocks like kossan that has CAGR of over 20% like scientex..


2014-10-14 10:27 | Report Abuse

and good news, is there is already guarantee profit from neeta.
Neata-Vivocom group have provided a profit guarantee to Instacom of an aggregate of not less than RM34 million for the two financial years ending 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2016, being RM17 million per year respectively.


2014-10-14 10:26 | Report Abuse

and for existing shareholders, u will get bonus warrant, so it a good move to acquire another business with consistent profit to compensate tower construction that are seasonal business..


2014-10-14 10:23 | Report Abuse

dropped because they acquired neeta by issuing 309.47 million new shares at 19 sen to Neeta owners..

so share will be diluted and can't stay at .22 cents...

until we see the new towers, this share will be sleeping.. but once towers contracts are given out, then it will shoot up.


2014-08-25 14:34 | Report Abuse

its because the CPO price will highly impact the profit and its price will recover only when the CPO price goes up again. Same for all plantations.


2014-07-18 11:01 | Report Abuse

Kian leong, other airline like lufthansa also fly over the ukraine airspace.. they are not flying over the civil war area, cremea.. it was just not MAS luck as due to this incident, only FAA now declare the airspace over all ukraine are declare not safe and no fly zone.. even emirates now has suspended their flights (not even using detour around ukraine) Only american airlines gave instructions not fly thru ukraine when civil war started.

Lets just pray and give condolences to the victims.. No use bashing as other airlines too fly over there..


2014-06-23 15:51 | Report Abuse

EX date is where you need to still hold the shares to be eligible for the dividend. there is another seperate Payment date, which is when you get the payment.

so for this round, you need to have the shares as of ex date: 2nd July 2014

and you will get payment on 21st July 2014.


2014-06-20 15:49 | Report Abuse

every company has a risk, no stock can rise so much everyday.. moving sideways, are ways big player clear out contra players and etc.. put urself in their position, you want to buy 100,000 at 4.52 or at 4.45...?

investments are long term, and don't spam the forum... if you dont like this stock, then you can just move away and comment at other stocks that you have picked..


2014-06-20 11:07 | Report Abuse

better buy now as the price will go higher.. it drop to 3.97 as traders used the chance of skpetro not being syariah compliant to bring down the price.. (skpetro debt ratio higher than 33% that needed by syariah).. now it will slowly go up again to challenge previous high.. )

price now is consider cheap..


2014-06-20 10:20 | Report Abuse

redbean, its good that they don't give high dividend, because they have so much investment in their books, i would rather they use the + free cash flow to be used for these investments and reduce their loans, which means better profit for years to come.


2014-06-20 10:18 | Report Abuse

last high was 4.96, wait and you will be rewarded..


2014-06-19 15:31 | Report Abuse

first, you need to check the amount of shares that they buy and amount that they sell. They own majority of the shares, and sometimes they sell back to market some of the shares.. on May, 45,200 units disposed, on 30 april, disposed 100,000 unit, but buy 80,000 units, this are small numbers.. notice also some of the proice sold and buy, are same price.. so he lose money in brokerage and etc.. confidence of owner still there because they have actually inrease their overall shares ownership.


2014-06-11 10:47 | Report Abuse

long term will shoot to 5 or 6.. with this new profit.. wont jump so fast immediately now, the area is 40% own by skpetro from newfield accquistion.. 30% own petronas, 30% shell..


2014-06-11 10:46 | Report Abuse

4 new gas field found.. that can last almost 20 years.. total about 1.5 to 3.0 trilion cubic feet.. of gas..


2014-04-25 16:56 | Report Abuse

In Jan 2014, Lim family has 103,003,967 shares (46.57%) and on 14 April 2014, they have 121,093,969 shares (54.75%).. they bought 17 mil shares on 9 april 2014..

List of funds owning scientex:

DFA Emerging Markets Small Cap -> 301,271 (31 Jan 14)
DFA Emerging Markets Core Equity I-> 172,764 (31 Jan 14)
JHancock Emerging Markets 69,500 (02/28/2014)
DFA Emerging Markets Value I 43,337 (01/31/2014)
Glenmede Philadelphia Intl Emg Mkts IV 38,000 (01/31/2014)
DFA Emerging Markets Social Core Eq 21,500 (01/31/2014)
Cornerstone Advisors Glbl Public Eq Inst 17,300 (02/28/2014)
CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Mgt Sdn Bhd 2,915,500
CIMB Principal Asset Management Berhad 2,630,500
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP 545,452
Kenanga Investors Bhd 471,100


2014-04-21 16:38 | Report Abuse

let's see till end of day and how is it tomorrow...


2014-04-21 11:14 | Report Abuse

If you are trader, then look towards the 1.67.. it has happened that if it fails to challenge 1.67 it will usually fall back to 1.30 to 1.40 range.. look at the charts. why it's not 2.00 because simply their underwater business are having zero income since begin of this FY..

if you look at long term, then you can see that their management are doing something about their underwater business, that is buying new vessels that specialize in this area and doing JV with someone that are more renown for this area.

If you are long term, then hold it as they will surely get better after this.


2014-04-21 10:17 | Report Abuse

yes, 1.67 challenged...


2014-04-21 10:13 | Report Abuse

critical point if it can challenge and stay above 1.67.


2014-04-20 01:18 | Report Abuse

EPF bought 531,000 shares on 15th April..


2014-04-18 11:58 | Report Abuse

There must be something brewing.. some upcoming changes or net buy from foreign.. let's see if it can challenge previous high at 1.67


2014-04-18 10:44 | Report Abuse

Alam has already secured contracts for future. What determines the share price is then about future growth..

What are Alam drawbacks:
Offshore installation and construction (OIC) business and their underwater divisions (no income at all)
their growths on vessels business with 90% utilization rates is their strengths currently.

so if they can secure OIC and underwater contract, surely it can easily reach the FV target of 2.00 because alam is consider laggard compared to other Oil n Gas counter..

another new development just before the share price going up and the increase activity is that they are investing in new US$80mil (RM262mil) modern diving support ship (DSS), which will be operated together with a joint-venture partner as part of Alam’s strategy to secure more underwater inspection, repair and maintenance (IRM) jobs. This vessel will be deployed together with the group’s fleet of remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).As its a joint venture, i foresee they will get contracts soon and improve the no income in underwater divisions..

My 2 cents


2014-04-18 10:00 | Report Abuse

the management couldn't manage the increase in cost in labour (min wage) and new electricity tariffs.. and we can expect tariffs to increase in future due to reduce subsidy..unless management can pass the cost down but with single big customers like dyson, then its not so easy. Another issues is the shares are not diliuted and this will not attract fund managers to buy as well. Hopefully the management can really improve here


2014-04-17 09:50 | Report Abuse

Money156, ur comments are strange... 24 march u say dont buy, sell..


2014-04-14 15:04 | Report Abuse

There still potential as Dato gan bought 10 mil shares and now with new land, you can expect growth in sales.. else he wont need to buy land.. do monitor and see..


2014-04-10 14:14 | Report Abuse

There is a lot of potential in this company. Profit for next 2 quarters should be higher based on historical. We have seen the impact of new min salary, resin price and electric tariff hike impacted the margin for manufacturing but what encouraging is that productivity is up with sales... +57% increased in revenue in manufacturing.. which will means profit is not so much impacted but not big growth in profit in upcoming quarter, until their new nano machine which is more OEE effective is used.

Property segment still have good future as they still have the newly acquired last last year in kulai which will have gdv value of around 1.7billion ringgit.


2014-04-04 11:08 | Report Abuse

Note they currently hold 46.88% of the company.. you can trace from 2011 till now, they always hold in between 45% to 55% of the company...


2014-04-04 11:04 | Report Abuse

yup, major shareholders, you can see in the announcements..

or you can see in your etrading platform.. i'm using mplus and after select the stock, just right click and select technical analysis..

RSI - 48%, MACD (26,12) 0.023

There is still a lot of value in this company and dont worry of the sudden downtrend... if you look at it, they are slowly increasing their shares that they owned, so there is confidence that the company have a bright future.. one thing that can create a bull here, if there are keycornerstone investors beside the Lim family.. that will spark interest from more funds and etc..

Another thing to note, interesting trade by Lim's family recently..

Disposed 31/03/2014
1,840,000 at RM 5.500

Acquired 31/03/2014
1,840,000 at RM 5.500

Disposed 01/04/2014
1,846,214 at RM 5.500

Acquired 01/04/2014
1,846,214 at RM 5.500

strange in sense that they are not selling at higher price and then buying at lower price.. so seems they make a loss in brokerage rates and etc.. But there must be a strategy here why they are doing it.. seems like really want to remove contra players and short term players...


2014-04-01 13:30 | Report Abuse

this will clean out the contra buyers as well..


2014-04-01 13:30 | Report Abuse

seems the owners are selling their shares at the high price and rebought at lower prices.. no prices reported in the Bursa annoucements.. so it will trade sideways for a while.. but buying back by owners shows the confidence that there still a big future for Scientex..

Disposed 26/03/2014

Acquired 26/03/2014

Disposed 27/03/2014

Acquired 27/03/2014

Disposed 28/03/2014

Acquired 28/03/2014


2014-03-28 10:48 | Report Abuse

it's not only the news profit or anything.. selling by Mr. Ngu.. 6.8 mil shares in March will cause instacom to remain stagnant.. and curb interest in the shares...


2014-03-20 20:05 | Report Abuse

it will improved further, the malacca new condo beside MMU are 80% sold out.. they have so many projects, and their effort to consolidate their manufacturing has show improvement in profit.. once they replace the old machines in SEACERA POLYFILMS, then cost will be lower and more profit in upcoming quarters..

Good long term investment.


2014-03-07 17:11 | Report Abuse

if we look closely, last quarter also impacted by 2 lawsuits, 1, by inland revenue, pay witholding tax approximate of RM7.7 million inclusive penalty. 2. Lawsuit due to disputes on the termination of another third-party charter which cost aroun drm7 mil..

so next quarter, profit will bounced back.. overall, still good as the Full financial year profit increased from 60 mil to 79.967 million.. (if without lawsuit, then around 95 mil profit.. )

Most important is securing contracts so that future profits are secured..
Alam and Swiber Offshore has won a subcontract for offshore installation work on Petronas’ Block SK 316 gas development off Sarawak. We understand that the installation contract - The Alam-Swiber joint venture is understood to have been subcontracted by Technip and Malaysia Marine Heavy Engineering (MMHE) to install the central processing platform and the bridge from mid-2015 to the third quarter of 2015.