
newnewbie | Joined since 2017-03-17 19:44:55

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2021-04-02 19:53 | Report Abuse

Hope not scam too, set cut loss tp... good luck and nice weekend all..


2021-04-02 17:53 | Report Abuse

Ya man,,,, anyways already prepared it may go to 33-35 before strong support come in..


2021-04-02 12:02 | Report Abuse

Anyways will know towards end of this month whether the director was just talking and promising rubbish....


2021-04-02 11:59 | Report Abuse

Of course everyone has the right to sell but why prolong the agony.... sell one shot lah then stop... so that people who want to buy can start buying cheap...


2021-04-02 11:57 | Report Abuse

Exactly... and people see big shareholder selling everyday what kind of message are you sending out.... even people want to buy also don’t dare....


2021-03-31 07:38 | Report Abuse

Everyday he selling 0.03%..... why can’t he transact off market with new shareholder directly so faster and won’t suppress price?? Sien....


2021-03-29 17:03 | Report Abuse

No interest to buy when major shareholders are selling..


2020-08-31 10:28 | Report Abuse

Hi all sifu, anyone can share your views to below:

How many companies will distribute the yet to come vaccines? How many more will join to distribute? How much is the profit per dose? Can they distribute overseas? Other countries don’t have their own distributors? How many doses can be produced in a year? And how many can be allocated to Malaysia? How much have the related counters gone up in prices? Have the Pharma counters factored in the “expected” profits? This counter has gone up from 9.5 cents to 68 cents (600% up) in 4 weeks. So how much more do we expect from this counter? So how much profit is required to justify this increase and further increase?


2020-08-30 19:16 | Report Abuse

Hi all sifus, I know vaccines could be coming so I would love to invest on the next big thing too but still have much I don’t know. Anyone can share answers to below:

How many companies will distribute the yet to come vaccines? How many more will join to distribute? How much is the profit per dose? Can they distribute overseas? Other countries don’t have their own distributors? How many doses can be produced in a year? And how many can be allocated to Malaysia? How much have the related counters gone up in prices? Have the Pharma counters factored in the “expected” profits? This counter has gone up from 9.5 cents to 68 cents (600% up) in 4 weeks. So how much more do we expect from this counter? So how much profit is required to justify this increase and further increase?


2020-08-30 13:18 | Report Abuse

How many companies will distribute the yet to come vaccines? How many more will join to distribute? How much is the profit per dose? Can they distribute overseas? Other countries don’t have their own distributors? How many doses can be produced in a year? And how many can be allocated to Malaysia? How much have the related counters gone up in prices? Have the Pharma counters factored in the “expected” profits?


2020-08-30 13:17 | Report Abuse

How many companies will distribute the yet to come vaccines? How many more will join to distribute? How much is the profit per dose? Can they distribute overseas? Other countries don’t have their own distributors? How many doses can be produced in a year? And how many can be allocated to Malaysia? How much have the related counters gone up in prices? Have the Pharma counters factored in the “expected” profits?

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2020-08-23 12:47 | Report Abuse

Tq Sifus for sharing

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2020-08-23 12:44 | Report Abuse

Tq Sifu Purebull, Sifu Freetospeak

News & Blogs

2020-08-18 13:47 | Report Abuse

Wow tq for the info again

News & Blogs

2020-08-18 10:59 | Report Abuse

Tqvm for the updates. Pls keep them coming.


2020-08-06 17:44 | Report Abuse

Hi all, has been a silent reader, just want to say tq to all the guys with constructive sharing of information to all like invester39, mh87 and many more.. you guys rockkk!!!


2020-04-22 17:17 | Report Abuse

The vaccine development is true. It was reported in CNN. BAT has sent some samples to FDA/CDC for approval so not sure whether it will go thru... even if it’s approved it has nothing to do with BAT Malaysia unless it can become the distributor. For now let’s focus on its core business.


2020-04-17 17:57 | Report Abuse

That depends on whether the sharks collect enuf at 0.07 hehe..


2020-04-17 11:32 | Report Abuse

Oh I also waiting at 0.065 and 0.06 hehe...


2020-04-17 10:38 | Report Abuse

Now give chance sharks to collect first......


2020-04-17 10:35 | Report Abuse

That’s before the contract lah... now all medical equipment stocks all hot hehe...


2020-04-10 13:36 | Report Abuse

Never seen or heard anyone cannot get cigarettes if that’s what you are worried about


2020-04-10 10:24 | Report Abuse

Just like Kelvin_ik4u said...... all the smokers I know have been smoking a lot more during MCO....


2020-04-10 10:19 | Report Abuse

Buy now before dividend announcement next month


2020-04-10 09:51 | Report Abuse

Collected more tq


2017-03-22 18:13 | Report Abuse

Tq Sifu YiStock


2017-03-17 20:33 | Report Abuse

Hi all, have been a silent reader for so long. First of all tq all sifu here give many useful comments. Now cannot tahan and just 1 2 confirm because it sound so good. Today close 4.53-1.50=3.03
3.03-2.96=0.07 negative premium? With more than 2 years to expiry? Too good to be true??? Anyway bought some son today too.