
ngks1967 | Joined since 2020-10-07 08:57:24

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2021-09-21 15:59 | Report Abuse

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that COVID cases are plummeting in India thanks to new rules that promote Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to its massive population. The 33 districts in Uttar Pradesh, India have now become free from COVID-19 government informed on Friday. The recovery rate has increased up to 98.7% proving the effectiveness of IVERMECTIN as part of the “Uttar Pradesh Covid Control Model.” Of course, the media won’t mention that Ivermectin is being used for the treatment of COVID-19.
This state has an estimated population of 241 million people in 2021 and has the highest population in India. This is almost two-thirds of the United States population in 2021 and yet it is now a COVID-19 free nation.

So what could the United States be doing wrong? Let’s ask Dr. Fauci....... full articles in the link below.....

News & Blogs

2021-09-21 15:41 | Report Abuse

Advocate Dipali Ojha of the Indian bar association and a team of young indian lawyers have issued a legal notice to the world health organization over their blatant campaign against any alternative treatments. Her legal action against WHO comes after the tweet from Soumya Swaminathan, WHO chief scientist, who issued tweet against Iver-mectin backing it with a link, that was declaration from a private company. The team of indian lawyers seeks to make available all possible affordable options to the masses and hold the highest authorities accountable for their directives , and suspected submission to big pharma lobbying.

Rumble :
Odysee :

Timestamp :

00:00 Intro
01:14 Interview Start
02:03 Dipali Ojha background
03:58 Why did Indian Bar association sue WHO ?
11:08 WHO Scientist Twitter statement against treatments
13:04 History of Iver-mectin & Big Pharma profit motive
16:30 Can 8 billion people get vaccine ? options for poor countries
20:19 Dipali Ohja explains indian Protocol & Lawsuit
23:44 Media blackout on Iver-mectin
24:20 role of fact checkers
25:20 AI bias in social media
26:40 Where was the lawsuit filed?
27:10 Dipahli ojha explains cause of 2nd legal notice
32:38 Effects of legal notice
34:50 Many solutions to the crisis
37:14 Diplai ojha explains the Public Interest Litigation
38:52 Rajiv explains the two lawsuits in one
40:54 Challenging Compulsory Vaccine & civil rights
42:28 Role of Gates Foundation , Fauci & Wuhan lab funding
46:50 Dipali Ohja explains WHO's compromised investigations
48:40 Vaccine and complementary treatments
50:24 Role of AI in information bias
51:19 Closing statement of Diplai Ojha

News & Blogs

2021-09-21 15:38 | Report Abuse

Presentations by : Dr Jessica Rose, Retsef Levi and Dr Joseph Fraiman

Excerpt from FDA's "Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee" – 9/17/2021

Source and Full Video:

News & Blogs

2021-09-21 15:37 | Report Abuse

Presentations by : Steve Kirsch and Dr John Wiseman
Excerpt from FDA's "Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee" – 9/17/2021


2021-05-04 22:13 | Report Abuse

yitian12, if you have Public Bank (or I heard Affin Bank) account you can subscribe via internet banking or ATM, very convenient. Bursa Anyway APP's 'E-Right' still WIP before final rollout.