
nokchin | Joined since 2020-07-13

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2020-07-31 21:32 | Report Abuse

Thank you for supporting me.
Yes, you are right. I just checked ANZO quarterly result/report just now,
and indeed ANZO reports a huge revenue increase in the recent Q1
(compared to previous few quarters). Also, I observed there is no loss
being reported for Q1 (I look at the EPS, "Earning per share" data).
I guess if ANZO can keep up with this momentum, then there is no harm
for me to hold/keep ANZO shares.
Share market is a very realistic place ... if a company performs well
financially, then its share price will surely go up accordingly.
Hopefully next quarter result will be even better. I will continue to hold/
keep ANZO shares, even though the glove deal is terminated now.


2020-07-29 16:55 | Report Abuse

Hi JohnFook,
I want to read the news.
Can you provide the webpage link ?


2020-07-29 16:46 | Report Abuse

You mention: CHAPTER 10 of listing req....pls read...big player or good sharks buying up....

Can you provide the webpage link ?


2020-07-29 10:17 | Report Abuse

ANZO very high volume, since the past few days ...
Today even higher volume !!


2020-07-29 10:10 | Report Abuse

If ANZO is indeed in the copper scrap and Glove business (like
what they have been announcing previously), then I see good
long term future in ANZO. That is why I plan to keep ANZO, for
mid to long term.
Copper price (and Gold price) is now quite high.


2020-07-29 10:04 | Report Abuse

even RHB Retail Research stock analyst is bullish about ANZO


2020-07-28 15:57 | Report Abuse

ANZO now RM0.165 !


2020-07-28 15:54 | Report Abuse

I am keeping the hope alive ....


2020-07-28 15:53 | Report Abuse

ANZO now is RM0.16 .
Going up steady.


2020-07-27 12:38 | Report Abuse

ANZO is selling copper scrap to South Korea.
ANZO is in copper business. So copper price
will affect ANZO share price, either directly or


2020-07-27 12:29 | Report Abuse

Gold price hit record high today !!
Two companies / counters that are related to gold are doing very
well today. They are: BORNOIL and POHKONG.
BORNOIL is doing gold mining. BORNOIL has a few gold mines
in Malaysia. Check out BORNOIL website below for their gold
mining operation:

POHKONG is selling gold jewelry.
Copper price is going up together with gold price also today.
I guess that is why ANZO is going up today, also.


2020-07-27 11:46 | Report Abuse

copper price go up a little bit today. So I guess this help to push up
ANZO share price today.


2020-07-24 14:44 | Report Abuse

ANZO starts moving already, now RM0.14


2020-07-24 13:48 | Report Abuse

In fact, I still remember just a few days ago, ANZO share price
surge from RM0.11 to RM0.14 in a single trading day.
I suspect it was because of copper price surge.


2020-07-24 12:22 | Report Abuse

I still remember you mentioned earlier that you have been holding on
and keeping ANZO for two years already !!
I have studied ANZO chart, and from the chart, I think you bought ANZO
at around RM0.05 . At ANZO price of RM0.13 now, you must have
made quite a lot of profits already.


2020-07-24 12:16 | Report Abuse

If you want to know anything about copper price, just go to Google
and search. For example, type in "copper price news" at the Google
search box to read the latest news about copper price.


2020-07-24 12:12 | Report Abuse

I am just like you, has been holding on to Anzo and waiting, waiting, ....
since I last purchased it.
I am keeping the hope alive. Wait till 30-July and see how.
In fact, another reason why I still believe ANZO will fly is because of
copper price.
You see, ANZO is now in the copper scrap business, supplying copper
scrap to South Korea (and I read some news even saying supplying
copper scrap to India too !!).
Recently, copper price has shoot up and go up a lot, because of demand
from China, and also because the South America (like Chile, Peru)
copper mines are not producing so much copper, because of Covid-19
virus spreading in Chile & Peru.
So if copper price keeps on going up, this will be good news for ANZO.

Due to above few reasons (copper price and Glove business), I am just
like you, still holding on to ANZO. I am planning to keep ANZO for mid to
long term. I am sure long term wise, ANZO will sure fly.


2020-07-15 09:36 | Report Abuse

I want to follow your foot-steps.
I plan to hold mid to long term.


2020-07-15 09:31 | Report Abuse

You are a good long term investor, and your
patience really pays off (reward you well).


2020-07-15 09:30 | Report Abuse

You said you have been holding for 2 years ?!!
I study ANZO chart, which means you start buying
at around RM0.05 , and hold until today ?!!
If this is the case, you must be making X3 or X4
of profits!! Really respect you.


2020-07-14 18:57 | Report Abuse

I have bought some ANZO, and plan to keep for mid to long term.
I will not bother about the short term price fluctuation.
There is one stock broker/analyst says like this:-
Currently in Bursa, among all the (so many) glove makers,
ANZO (and also AT Systemization) has the lowest trading price.
Well I actually agree with that stock broker/analyst.
Just compare the price of Careplus, Supermax, Hartalega
and all other glove makers against ANZO (and AT), and you
will see what I mean. Even HLT is trading now at RM0.73 .


2020-07-14 18:46 | Report Abuse

The news above said the signing of the Sales & Purchase agreement between
ANZO and Wintrade (the glove maker) will happen within this week, or earliest by
this Thursday (16-July).

There are other news related to ANZO purchase of Wintrade glove maker, like below ...

Some broker (stock analysts) recommend to hold ANZO for long term, saying
it will rocket up like Supermax, Top Glove, Hartalega, Careplus.


2020-07-13 20:05 | Report Abuse

Hi maxprofit2020,
Thank you for the info provided.
I will read through the info myself, hopefully can learn
one or two things on my own.
As I have said above, I hope I could have known you
earlier, or could have read your alerts & sharing earlier
last week. But I only know you today. I only read your
post/comments only today. I only register myself this
account today, and post my comments only today.
You are right. Newbies like me rush in last Friday to
buy at RM0.055 . If I had read your alerts last week,
I will definitely wait until today to buy at the cheaper
price of RM0.04 . Anyway, I plan to play/hold this
counter for long term. I am sure after Sept/Oct (the
new 50MWatt project bidding announcement),
VSOLAR will fly.
Since you are also a keen investor of VSOLAR (as
you mentioned above that today you start collecting
& buying at RM0.04 AGAIN), so this make both you
and me together in the same boat... we are both keen
investor & supporter of VSOLAR!!
I plan to hold/invest in VSOLAR for mid to long term,
until I make some good profit. As such, I would
appreciate if you can continue to post alerts/info/
updates/news sharing about VSOLAR here, so that
in future, I won't miss any wise words/advice/alerts
from you. For example, if you foresee any huge
price movement and would like to advice buy or sell,
please comment here so that I can read. Your wise
words/advice mean a lot to me.



2020-07-13 18:13 | Report Abuse

Thanks Jack Sparrow.
So Mother share will go down after the above.
I am new to all these. So, I don't really know what is
"Right Shares"? what is "Warrant"?
Why Mother share go down after the above?
Can someone explain? I wish to learn.


2020-07-13 18:06 | Report Abuse

But maxprofit2020 seems knowledgeable enough to
know what he is talking about ...


2020-07-13 17:57 | Report Abuse

Hi maxprofit2020,
You said .....
last week sold all at 0.075 - 0.08.
today collected back double volume at 0.04, hope able to collect below 0.04.

Your prediction is very good. That is why I want to learn
from you. Hope you will be generous enough to guide
a new person like me.
If I had known you earlier, I will wait until this morning (the
gap down) to buy at RM0.04.
I bought some last Friday at RM0.055 .

I plan to buy more. Looks like RM0.04 is a good price to go in,
and hold for long term? (hold until Oct-2020)?


2020-07-13 17:43 | Report Abuse

Hi maxprofit2020,
Actually I bought some VSOLAR shares at RM0.055
last Friday (10-July). If I know VSOLAR will gap down
today, I will definitely wait until today to buy at even
cheaper price (like RM0.04).
I want to learn from you. Hope you can teach/give me
some good advice about this VSOLAR counter. I am
willing to hold on to this counter for long term, if there
is good prospect of it to shoot up to the moon.


2020-07-13 17:38 | Report Abuse

Hi maxprofit2020,
My name is Goh. I want to learn from you.
Hope you can teach me some good stuff below...
I am new to all these "Mother share", "child share",
wb (warrant??) conversion stuff.
This is what you wrote above ....
warrant conversion 0.03.
mother 0.04 equivalent to wb 0.01
mother 0.045 equivalent to wb 0.015

How does all these works? What is the purpose of
the conversion above? Why owner wants to do
the conversion? Any advantage for the owner?
How do you predict that the mother share will gap
down today? Why mother share go gap down after
the conversion mentioned by you above?

By the way, what is warrant (wb)? How does
warrant (wb) differs from "Mother share"?

I know I ask a lot of basic questions. But I am really
new to all these stuff, and I want to learn.